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Q.1. Discuss main characteristics of computer?

The characteristics of computers that have made them so powerful and universally useful are speed, accuracy, diligence, versatility and storage capacity. Let us discuss them briefly. Speed Computers work at an incredible speed. A powerful computer is capable of performing about 3-4 million simple instructions per second. Accuracy In addition to being fast, computers are also accurate. Errors that may occur can almost always be attributed to human error (inaccurate data, poorly designed system or faulty instructions/programs written by the programmer) Diligence Unlike human beings, computers are highly consistent. They do not suffer from human traits of boredom and tiredness resulting in lack of concentration. Computers, therefore, are better than human beings in performing voluminous and repetitive jobs. Versatility Computers are versatile machines and are capable of performing any task as long as it can be broken down into a series of logical steps. The presence of computers can be seen in almost every sphere Railway/Air reservation, Banks, Hotels, Weather forecasting and many more. Storage Capacity Todays computers can store large volumes of data. A piece of information once recorded (or stored) in the computer, can never be forgotten and can be retrieved almost instantaneously. Q.2 Convert following numbers into their decimal equivalent?

(a) 1110110101 = 1x29+1x28+1x27+0x26+1x25+1x24+0x23+1x22+0x21+1x20 =512+256+128+0+32+16+0+4+1= 949 (b) 111111111111=1x211+1x210+1x29+1x28+1x27+1x26+1x25+1x24+1x23+1x22+1x21+1x20 = 2048+1024+512+256+128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1=4095 (c) 110111= 1x25+1x24+0x23+1x22+1x21+1x20 =32+16+0+4+2+1=55 (d) 010101010101= 0x211+1x210+0x29+1x28+0x27+1x26+0x25+1x24+0x23+1x22+0x21+1x20 =1024+0+256+0+64+0+16+0+4+0+1=1365 Q.5 What is operating system? Explain its function.

An operating system is a group of computer programs that coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices. It is the first program loaded into the computer by a boot program and remains in memory at all times. Functions of an operating system 1. Booting the computer 2. Performs basic computer tasks 3. Provides a user interface

4. Handles system resources 5. Provides file management 1. Booting the computer The process of starting or restarting the computer is known as booting. A cold boot is when you turn on a computer that has been turned off completely. A warm boot is the process of using the operating system to restart the computer. 2. Performs basic computer tasks The operating system performs basic computer tasks, such as managing the various peripheral devices such as the mouse, keyboard and printers. For example, most operating systems now are plug and play which means a device such as a printer will automatically be detected and configured without any user intervention. 3. Provides a user interface A user interacts with software through the user interface. The two main types of user interfaces are: command line and a graphical user interface (GUI). With a command line interface, the user interacts with the operating system by typing commands to perform specific tasks. An example of a command line interface is DOS (disk operating system). With a graphical user interface, the user interacts with the operating system by using a mouse to access windows, icons, and menus. An example of a graphical user interface is Windows Vista or Windows 7. The operating system is responsible for providing a consistent application program interface (API) which is important as it allows a software developer to write an application on one computer and know that it will run on another computer of the same type even if the amount of memory or amount of storage is different on the two machines. 4. Handles system resources The operating system also handles system resources such as the computer's memory and sharing of the central processing unit (CPU) time by various applications or peripheral devices. Programs and input methods are constantly competing for the attention of the CPU and demand memory, storage and input/output bandwidth. The operating system ensures that each application gets the necessary resources it needs in order to maximise the functionality of the overall system. 5. Provides file management The operating system also handles the organisation and tracking of files and directories (folders) saved or retrieved from a computer disk. The file management system allows the user to perform such tasks as creating files and directories, renaming files, coping and moving files, and deleting files. The operating system keeps track of where files are located on the hard drive through the type of file system. The type two main types of file system are File Allocation table (FAT) or New Technology File system (NTFS).

Q.6 Write and explain advantages and disadvantages of fifth generation? The advantages of these computers are that they are more reliable and work faster than other computers. These computers are able to accept spoken word instructions (voice recognition) and imitate human reasoning. The ability to translate a foreign language is also moderately possible with fifth generation computers. Some expert systems assist doctors in making diagnoses by applying the problem-solving steps a doctor might use in assessing a patient's needs.They are quite portable. They could perform computations in milliseconds.These computers are available in different sizes, with different features, and different prices. They also have longer battery life

and better graphics.Advantages also include increased communication and networking on both a social level, and on business terms. They allow us to save information in a digital format, saving on the amount of paper that would be used otherwise. Information can be spread quicker, and some projects can be completed quicker. The disadvantages of these computers are that they get updated so often that in 3 months your brand new computer is "old or out of date". The major disadvantage of 5th generation is that are complex,sophisticated tools for better programming and they also need high level of language translator. Other disadvantages include the fact they dumb down humans in a sense. By making computers do calculations for us, we forget the basic principles of the underlying math of those calculations. While we gain rapid access to information on a social and business level. We also sacrifice a lot of personal privacy in the process. On an environmental level computers have many components that are very harmful to nature. These computers are expensive. The operator needs to understand the images provided by the computer. Q.8 Differentiate application program and system program. A system software is any computer software which manages and controls computer hardware so that application software can perform a task. Operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X or Linux, are prominent examples of system software. System software contrasts with application software, which are programs that enable the end-user to perform specific, productive tasks, such as word processing or image manipulation. System software performs tasks like transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display device. Specific kinds of system software include loading programs, operating systems, device drivers, programming tools, compilers, assemblers, linkers, and utility software. Software libraries that perform generic functions also tend to be regarded as system software, although the dividing line is fuzzy; while a C runtime library is generally agreed to be part of the system, an OpenGL or database library is less obviously so. If system software is stored on non-volatile memory such as integrated circuits, it is usually termed firmware while an application software is a subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly and thoroughly to a task that the user wishes to perform. This should be contrasted with system software which is involved in integrating a computer's various capabilities, but typically does not directly apply them in the performance of tasks that benefit the user. In this context the term application refers to both the application software and its implementation. A simple, if imperfect analogy in the world of hardware would be the relationship of an electric light bulb (an application) to an electric power generation plant (a system). The power plant merely generates electricity, not itself of any real use until harnessed to an application like the electric light that performs a service that benefits the user. Typical examples of software applications are word processors, spreadsheets, and media players.

Multiple applications bundled together as a package are sometimes referred to as an application suite. Microsoft Office and, which bundle together a word processor, a spreadsheet, and several other discrete applications, are typical examples. The separate applications in a suite usually have a user interface that has some commonality making it easier for the user to learn and use each application. And often they may have some capability to interact with each other in ways beneficial to the user. For example, a spreadsheet might be able to be embedded in a word processor document even though it had been created in the separate spreadsheet application. User-written software tailors systems to meet the user's specific needs. User-written software include spreadsheet templates, word processor macros, scientific simulations, graphics and animation scripts. Even email filters are a kind of user software. Users create this software themselves and often overlook how important it is. In some types of embedded systems, the application software and the operating system software may be indistinguishable to the user, as in the case of software used to control a VCR, DVD player or Microwave Oven. Q.10 Write note on input and output devices? Explain in details. The devices which are used to input the data and the programs in the computer are known as "Input Devices". or Input device can read data and convert them to a form that a computer can use. Output Device can produce the final product of machine processing into a form usable by humans. It provides man to machine communication. Some of the I/O devices are explained below: (1) Keyboard : Keyboard is used in the input phase of a computer-based information system. Keyboard is most common input device is used today. (2) Mouse : Its a pointing device. The mouse is rolled over the mouse pad, which in turn controls the movement of the cursor in the screen. (3) Scanner : Scanners are used to enter information directly in to the computers memory. This device works like a Xerox machine. (4) Track Ball : Track ball is similar to the upside- down design of the mouse. The user moves the ball directly, while the device itself remains stationary. (5) Light Pen : This is an input device which is used to draw lines or figures on a computer screen. Its touched to the CRT screen where it can detect raster on the screen as it passes. (6) Optical Character Rader : Its a device which detects alpha numeric characters printed or written on a paper. (7) Bar Code Reader : This device reads bar codes and coverts them into electric pulses to be processed by a computer. A bar code is nothing but data coded in form of light and dark bars.

(8) Voice Input Systems : This devices converts spoken words to M/C language form. A micro phone is used to convert human speech into electric signals then it is compared to a dictionary of patterns that have been previously placed in a storage unit of computer. When a close match is found, the word is recognized. (9) Plotter : Plotter is an O/P device that is used to produce graphical O/P on papers. It uses single color or multi color pens to draw pictures as blue print etc. (10) Printer : Printers are one of the most used peripherals on computers and are commonly used to print text, images, and photos. (11) Projector : An output device that can take the display of a computer screen and project a large version of it onto a flat surface. Projectors are often used in meetings and presentations to help make sure everyone in the room can view the presentation. (12) Speaker : A hardware device connected to a computer's sound card that outputs sounds generated by the computer. (13) Monitor : Alternatively referred to as a video display unit (VDU),a monitor is a video display screen and the hard shell that holds it. In its most common usage, monitor refers only to devices that contain no electronic equipment other than what is essentially needed to display and adjust the characteristics of an image.

Q. 11. Fill in the blanks (Each question carries 2 marks)

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) __RAM__ is a storage. Binary Number system used in a low level language. Power On Self Test stands for POST.

Multitasking means performing more than one task in terms of computing. 8 bit is a length of word.

Q.12 Multiple choice question. (Each question carries 2 marks)

(i) ___(c) Accumulator ______ is a fast register. (a) Base (c) Accumulator (ii) (b) Instruction pointer (d) None of these

__ RAM __________ is storage.

(a) RAM (c) ROM (iii)

(b) EPROM (d) None of these

___(b) Nibble _________ is a smallest unit of measuring memory (a) BIT (c) BYTE (b) Nibble (d) None of these


__(a) NOR & (b) NAND_____ is a universal gate. (a) NOR (c) NOT (b) NAND (d) None of these


(a) Complier

Q.13 True or false (Each question carries 1 marks)

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

CPU is a input device. False ROM is storage. False Register is a memory. True ALU is a logical unit. True
Not is a universal gate

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