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In the book The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin is about Sam Westing gets murdered ,but before he dies

he makes a game that sixteen people are in ,they (the sixteen people) have to find out who killed him. In the beginning fourteen people move into an apartment building (there are two others that work there but dont live there). Not so long after that Sam Westing dies. He made a game so they can find out who killed him. All most all of the sixteen people join the game. The narrator affects the readers understanding of the story because he give the feelings and thoughts of all of the characters. On page 37 it says,She may be odd, but she is smart, Angela thought. This evidence means that Angela thinks that Sydelle is odd, but smart. It is an important fact because it supports the claim by helping the readers understand how Angela feels about her partner. This evidence proves that by giving the thought and feelings of all the characters it helps the readers understand what they are reading, like in this evidence it helps you understand how Angela feels about Sydelle. On page 35 it says,What good luck, the hobbling Sydelle Pulaski thought. This evidence means that Sydelle is very happy that her partner is pretty Angela. It is an important fact because it also supports the claim by helping reader understand how Sydelle feels about having Angela as her partner. This evidence proves that by giving the feelings and thoughts of the characters it helps the readers understand what is happening in the story, like in this evidence it helps you understand how Sydelle feels about having Angela as her partner. In conclusion, because the narrator gives the feelings and thoughts of all of the characters it affects the readers understanding of the story.

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