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!"# %" &'() ' *+,-./0%'12) 3/04 56/04 7/0().89+

:"'2; We will cieate a iing on TinkeiCAB as a way of familiaiizing
ouiselves with the website anu the coie featuies of SB Nouelling.

0nce you've cieateu youi uesign anu hau it appioveu by a teachei, we
can piint this iing on the SB Piintei!

<"= 6>"=2? '2.)'?@ (0"#;

I will assume you have gone thiough these shoit lessons at

Leaining the moves
Cameia contiols
Cieating holes
Scale, Copy & Paste


!"#$% '''()*+),-.$*(/#$

-'.% A , :)%%/04 3)'?@ %" B=/2?
1. 0sing uoogle Chiome, go to anu sign in with the button at the top-
iight of the page. If you uon't have an account click Sign 0p anu entei youi

2. Fiom youi Bashboaiu (home page), click Cieate New Besign.

S. By uefault, TinkeiCAB geneiates a name foi youi uesign. Let's stait by ienaming
ouis to something like 0" 1+2-3* 4+2-. To uo this, go to +)6/40 C -."D).%/)6
fiom the top menu baiE Check that the visibility is set to -./F'%). Click G'F)

4. We now see oui Woikplane. This is the SB space we use to cieate mouels.

As a quick ieminuei, heie aie the view (cameia) contiols
82/H( '0? +.'4 - iotates the woikplane to let us view fiom uiffeient
8%.2I82/H( '0? +.'4 - Pans (sliues) the woikplace siue to siue to move
the cameia's position 5!"#$% 67"8968+/: +* 7;. *)$. )* 4+-;7 68+/:<
GH."22 5DJ+"#0 - Zooms in anu out.

Bome Nenu Bai Shape Shoitcuts


-'.% K L 8.)'%/04 %>) 3/04 G>'0(
1. In the siuebai, scioll uown anu click on the 7=1) %>/0 shape. Biag it to the
miuule of youi woikplane.

2. 82/H( '0? ?.'4 the iotatoi aiiow on the top-iight coinei of the shape to iotate
the tube to a veitical position. To have the tube snap to exactly 9u-uegiees, >"2?

S. 0se a iulei to measuie the =+)$.7." of the fingei you want to weai youi iing on
(in units of mm). By uefault the tube is cieateu with an outei uiametei of 2u $$
anu thickness of 2$$> which gives it an innei uiametei of 16$$.

3"%'%) %>) %=1) so that you can easily giab one of the white sizing hanules.

!"2? G>/M% '0? ?.'4 %>/6 >'0?2) so that the innei uiametei matches the
7/D; Biu you make a mistake. You
can unuo with Ctil+Z, oi by using
the 0nuo button in the Nenu Bai.
7/D; Want to see the Bimensions.
Biag the Rulei tool fiom the
Siuebai into the woikplane.

Remove it latei by clicking the "x"
uiametei of youi fingei. (notice that the uimensions show the outei uiametei!!)

N"%); technically as we make the iing laigei, it also gets a little bit thickei but as
long as youi fingei uiametei is less than about 24mm we can ignoie this slight

4. Rotate the tube so you aie looking at it euge-on. To copy it, we'll >"2? 8%.2 '0?
+.'4 it siueways. Aftei you've staiteu uiagging (but befoie you let go) also holu
uown 6>/M%. This will keep the copieu tube uiiectly in line with the fiist one.

S. You can see that in the final uesign these tubes aien't paiallel with each othei.
Let's use the iotatois to angle them away fiom each othei by a few uegiees. I
chose to uo it by 6 uegiees but youis can be moie oi less if you like!

6. These still seem to have a gap between them. Select one of the iings anu eithei
?.'4 oi use the '.."# ()@6 to move them back togethei so that theii bases aie
aligneu with each othei.

7. Then, holu 6>/M% anu click them both so that both aie selecteu. Click the 12'H(
'.."# floating above oi below the shapes anu ?.'4 /% =D#'.?6 to tianslate
(move) the shapes veitically.

8. Finally, with both shapes still selecteu, H2/H( :."=D in the Nenu Bai to join the
shapes. They can be 0ngioupeu latei if you ueciue you want to change
something by using the 504."=D button.

Youi finisheu shank shoulu look something like the one below:

8"04.'%=2'%/"06O <"= >'F) 2)'.0)?;

! Bow to Cieate anu Rename a TinkeiCAB Besign
! Bow to Auu, Scale, Nove anu Rotate a shape in S Bimensions
! Bow to uioup anu 0ngioup shapes

-'.% P L 9??/04 %>) 82'#6E
1. The claws aie maue fiom shapes calleu Boxes. In the Siuebai on the iight, scioll
to ueometiic shapes anu ?.'4 ' 1"Q onto the Woikplane.
2. 0se the white hanules on the coineis of the box to .)6/R) /% so it has a #/?%> '0?
?)D%> "M P && anu a >)/4>% "M S && (oi whatevei you think looks goou).
S. !"2? TD%/"0 '0? +.'4 this box to make 4 copies of it.

4. We aie going to angle each of these claws away fiom the centei of the iing. Fiist
we'll tilt it to the siue (like we uiu with the shank tubes). I chose to tilt all of mine
by 6 uegiees to match the shank.

S. Then iotate the view so that you'ie looking at the shank face-on anu tilt the
claws outwaius in this uiiection too.

If you've uone it iight, youi claws shoulu all be tilteu outwaiu anu the oveiheau
view shoulu look something like this:


6. Now lets ?.'4 %>) H2'#6 to the location we want them to join the iing. Bon't
foiget: we can move them veitically using the aiiow that floats above them. You
may want to select them all anu move them veitically togethei so they stay in
line with each othei.

N"%); This pait can be pietty fiuuly so be
patient anu take youi time to get it iight.
If you want to move youi claws moie
piecisely, change the 60'D 4./? amount
(bottom-iight coinei). By uefault it is set to
1.u mm but you can make it as piecise as u.1


7. When you'ie happy with the locations, 6)2)H% '22 the shapes (you can H2/H(I?.'4
a selection iectangle acioss them all to uo this quickly) anu 4."=D them togethei.

-'.% * L 7>) +/'U"0?
Let's look at two ways to auu a uiamonu to youi iing. The fiist way is much easiei,
but the seconu way teaches you moie about combining shapes to cieate moie
complicateu shapes (anu its way moie fun!). Tiy both.

If you'ie feeling cieative use this as a staiting point to cieate a collection of jewels to
auu to youi iing.

*9 L 56/04 %>) B=/2%,V0 +/'U"0? G>'D)
1. Let's save a copy of the iing as it is now. In the menu bai, go to +)6/40 C

Wait foi the page to iefiesh. You shoulu see TinkeiCAB iebuilu ("ienuei") the
mouel anu the name of the uesign will change to something like "6#?@ #! Ni
King's Ring". 0nce it's uone this you'ie ieauy to caiiy on.

2. In the siuebai, scioll uown to the Symbols section, anu ?.'4 the pie-maue
+/'U"0? 6>'D) onto the woikplane.

S. 3)6/R) %>) ?/'U"0? to fit in the claws you maue, anu U"F) /% /0%" D"6/%/"0E
Remembei: holuing shift maintains the piopoitions as you iesize a shape.

VUD".%'0%; V0 ".?). M". %>) ./04 %" D./0% D."D).2@W '22 %>) D/)H)6
U=6% 'H%='22@ /0%).6)H% X%"=H>Y )'H> "%>).OO
7>/6 #"0% #".(O " 7>/6 #/22 #".(E #

4. :."=D the shapes togethei. You'ie uone the fiist methou!

*B L 8.)'%/04 ' 8=6%"U +/'U"0? G>'D)
1. Click the !"U) button to ietuin to youi uesigns. uo to the copy of the iing you
saveu in pait SA.

2. Stait by ?.'44/04 a -@.'U/? 6>'D) onto the Woikplane. Cieate a copy of this
pyiamiu anu iotate it 4S uegiees.

A( G)2)H% 1"%> of these pyiamius. In the menu bai, select 9?Z=6% C 92/40E Beie we
see S '2/40U)0% %'16 foi each of the S uimensions.

B( 82/H( the centei uots to H)0%).,'2/40 the pyiamius in both of the hoiizontal
uiiections. C#7.% D#E."+2- #E." 7;. =#7 '+88 *;#' @#F ) ?".E+.' #! 7;. )8+-2$.27(

G( :."=D %>)6) shapes, then TD%/"0I+.'4 to cieate a copy of the combineu shape.

H( [2/D "0) "M %>) D@.'U/?6 so it is upsiue-uown. Then U"F) the iight-siue-up
pyiamiu to be on top of the upsiue-uown one. If you'ie having tiouble lining it up,
use the alignment tool.

I( 0se the white hanule on the tip of the %"D D@.'U/? to ?)H.)'6) /%6 >)/4>% to
about 12mmW then :."=D %>) D@.'U/?6 into one shape.

J( Now we'll chop off the top of the pyiamiu so the uiamonu has a flat face.

+.'4 ' 0)# B"Q onto the woikplane. With the box selecteu, look at the
Inspectoi (top-iight of the woik space) anu H>'04) %>) 1"Q fiom a soliu (coloi)
%" ' >"2).

The box will tuin Tianspaient. This is now in D#8. moue, which means that it is
going to =.8.7. fiom any shape we combine it with.

7/D; D#8. $#=. can also be calleu
"negative space."
It iemoves whatevei is in it!
K( To make things easiei, lets make the box wiuei. Then U"F) %>) 1"Q so that it is
H=%%/04 "MM %>) %"D of the pyiamiu.

LM( Change the viewing angle to get a goou look at the pyiamiu. Nake suie the .27+".
!)/. is being cut off (that you uiun't miss any coineis). Also check that you aien't
acciuentally about to cut off pait of the shank oi claws you maue eailiei.

When you've got the box wheie you want it, 6)2)H% the box anu the combineu
pyiamius anu :."=D %>)U. You shoulu be left with something like this:

LL( Now .)6/R)W U"F)W '0? 4."=D this to fit with the shank anu claws like you uiu in
pait SA.

Beie's what I got as my final piouuct:

:.)'% #".(O <"=\F) 2)'.0)?;

! Bow to uuplicate uesigns
! Bow to combine anu cieate new custom shapes
! Bow to use holes to uelete paits of shapes.

Now time foi one last challenge.
-'.% ]; 9??/04 ' 8=6%"U G>'D) /0 7/0().89+

In this section, we will use Auobe Illustiatoi to cieate a custom shape that we can
impoit into TinkeiCAB. This opens the uooi to a woilu of possibilities!

KE Stait by going to uoogle anu finuing a shape you want to auu to youi iing. It must
be a veiy simple shape (since it will be so small on the iing).

Youi image must:
- be a 6"2/? H"2"=. oi outline only.
- have a #>/%) ". %.'06D'.)0% 1'H(4."=0?

I'll use this image of a maple leaf.

2. 0pen Auobe Illustiatoi anu click [/2) C N)#E
Nake youi file name 6%'.%6 #/%> @"=. 0'U).
Set the size of the aitboaiu to ^)%%).E
Bouble-check that the 0nits aie set to &/22/U)%).6E
VUD".%'0%; 0nuei 9?F'0H)?W set the Coloi Noue to 3:B.
Click T_.

S. +.'4 youi image on to the Aitboaiu. If it uoesn't fit, zoom out (option+scioll)
anu iesize the image to fit.

]E Select the image. If you have Illustiatoi veision CSS (most of you uo), you'll see a
button that says "Live Tiace." If you have veision CS6, this featuie has been
ienameu to "Image Tiace".

a. T0 8G`; Click the ^/F) 7.'H) button on the
top bai.

a. T0 8GS; Click the VU'4) 7.'H) button on the
top bai.

b. T0 8G` ". 8GS: Select the path you just
cieateu, anu click aQD'0?.

7/D; If you'ie happy with the way
the tiace tuineu out, you can move
on to the next step.
If not, =0?" the tiace with
8"UU'0?Ib, then use the ?."D,
?"#0 %./'042) besiue the button to
ieuo the tiace with ?/MM).)0%
D.)6)% styles.

If you change settings with the Live
Tiace winuow, make suie you
2)'F) %>) %.'H) U"?) '6 [/22E


S. You will likely enu up with two paths that have been gioupeu togethei. The fiist
is the D'%> '."=0? %>) 6>'D). This is what we want. The othei path goes
'."=0? %>) )?4) of the image. We uon't want this one!

3/4>% H2/H( on the paths anu click 504."=D.

6. 82/H( /0 )UD%@ 6D'H) "=%6/?) of the outei iectangle to uelesect the paths.

7. Then, H2/H( "0 %>) 6D'H) 1)%#))0 the path you want anu the path you uon't.
Piess the +)2)%) key.

You shoulu be left with only this innei path. That's the haiu pait uone!

8. uo to [/2) C G'F) 96. Change the foimat to .6F4, then click save.

+/44/04 +))D). /0%" V22=6%.'%".
Because we set the Image Tiace moue to
Fill, Illustiatoi actually sliceu the image
into two pieces. They aie still calleu
"paths" but they aie actually filleu in anu
fit togethei like puzzle pieces.
When we clickeu between the innei anu
outei lines, we aie actually clicking #2 the
path that iepiesents the white
backgiounu of the image.
Essentially, we ueleteu the backgiounu,
leaving the Naple Leaf shape we wanteu.
Then in the svg foimat uialog, check that the Piofile is set to Gc: KEA anu the
Type is set to Gc:. Click T_.

9. Now go back to TinkeiCAB, anu select VUD".% in the Siuebai. Click 8>""6) [/2),
then finu wheie you just saveu youi svg file anu click TD)0.

If you wish, you can set the Scale anu Beight (thickness) heie, oi you can uo it
aftei the file has been impoiteu.

Click VUD".%. The image becomes a SB shape anu is uioppeu in the miuule of
youi Woikplane.


1u. 3)6/R)W U"F)W '0? 4."=D this shape how you want it to appeai on the iing.

I woulu suggest making it as big as can ieasonably fit on the suiface, anu that it
sticks out fiom the face by at least 1-2 $$.

Remembei that the iesolution of youi computei anu TinkeiCAB is much moie
piecise than the SB Piintei. If you make youi uetails too tiny they won't come
out the way you expect.


<"=\.) +"0)O <"= ."H(E <"=\F) 2)'.0)?;

! Bow to 0se Live Tiace to cieate an image fill with Auobe Illustiatoi
! Bow to save the file as a 2B Path (.Svu)
! Bow to Impoit youi custom shape into TinkeiCAB

-./0%/04 <"=. 3/04
If you want to make this iing on the SB Piintei, simply go to Besign > Bownloau foi
SB Piinting in the Nenu Bai. This file is all we neeu!

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