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Alexander, Harriet. "The women behind the throne in North Korea's 'empire of horror'." Telegraph. 14 Dec 2013: 1-1. Web. This article provided information about the executions in North Korea, notably the 30year-old Mr Kim, and who were the ones that were behind it. The executions determined who had the power behind Kin Jong-un's back. "Ryu Mi-yong -- Representative of Chongdogyo in North Korea ." Korea Times. 16 Aug 2000: 1-1. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. We learned about Ryu Mi-yong's life as the chief of the North Korean delegation to Seoul for family reunions and how she was a well- known South Korean defector. Branigan, Yanji. "Women in North Korea: 'Men can't earn enough money so it's our jobs now'." 11 Dec 2012: 1-1. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. In this article written in 2012 we learned about how North Korea's economic decline caused women to become the main breadwinner in their households. Lim, Louisa, and Louisa Lim. "Our of Desperation, North Korean Women Become Breadwinners." 28 Dec 2012: 1-1. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. We learned the fact that most women in North Korea became breadwinners because many men lost their jobs. The people of North Korea had to pay for the privilege of not working, so the women had to step it up. We also used this website for an image and for one of our quotes. Kim, Shinui. "Why are the majority of North Korean defectors female? Their role as breadwinner and the need to make money pushes N. Korean women towards China." 31 Jul 2013: 1-1. Web. 5 Jan. 2014. We learned that many women in North Korea became breadwinners to make money, but most women defected to the South. Park, Madison. "Report: North Korean Army Declares 1953 Armistice Agreement Invalid, Cuts Phone Links to South." North Korean Army Declares 1953 Armistice Agreement Invalid. UCN, 11 Mar. 2013. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. We used this website for one of the images in creating our website. Joohee Cho, . N.p.. Web. 1 December 2013. <>. We learned that North Korean society is being brought up as a whole different image since under Kim Jong Uns rule. Kim Jong Un is allowing women to wear pants, platform shoes, and earrings, giving them a lot more freedom to dress. Many more mobile phones are available to the North Koreans, and many previously banned foods

are being endorsed. "ONEKOREA." MOUonekorea, 20 august 2012. Web. 1 Dec 2013. <>. We learned that North Korea is very notorious for male dominance over the society. The North Korean society heavily relies on women to stay and stand in their place that has been a system ever since the leadership of Kim Il Sung. Although North Korean women have a larger part in the economy, they have been violated while they lived in North Korea and when they journeyed in search of food and work for their families. "North Korea The Role of Women." N.p.. Web. 1 Dec 2013. <>. We learned that before 1945, women had very few opportunities to participate in the social, economic, or political life in society. Their job was to give birth and assure the continuation of their family line. After 1945, however, North Korea started to strongly support equal sexuality. Women were expected to participate in labor just like everyone else. Piper, David. "Mystery Woman with North Korea's Leader Believed to Be His Wife, Former Cheerleader." Fox News. FOX News Network, 27 July 2012. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. We used this website for images in creating a slideshow. Kay, Seok. "" Human Rights Watch. The Korea Times, 17 Feb 2009. Web. 1 Dec 2013. <>. We learned that before the leadership of Kim Jong Un, women in North Korea were not allowed to wear any kind of pants in their country. Many North Korean women had to travel very far to work in markets, and their only means of transportation were bicycles, but it was very uncomfortable for women to ride so far on a bike with a skirt. Edwards,Anna. "" .North Korean women soldiers lead the way in huge parade to mark 60th anniversary of armistice. 27 Jul 2013 We used this website for images on our website. Inter-Parliamentary Union, . N.p.. Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. We used this website to input a graph of political seats taken by women in governments around the world. 66. Yonghap News Agency. 06 Aug. 2009. Newsletter. 15 Nov. 2013 We used this website to translate modern newspapers in North Korea for us to know

what the conditions are and what responsibilities Women currently have. "History of the South Korean Flag." History of the South Korean Flag. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2014. We used this website for the picture of the flag before the Korean War. In addition, we also used it for a little bit of background information on the chronological order of Korean history. Young-joon, Ahn. "Korea war Armistice's 60th anniversary." Washington post. The Washington Post, 28 July 2013. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. We used this website for one of the images in creating our website. Lee, Hyeonsoo. "Hyeonseo Lee: My Escape from North Korea." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. TED, 23 Mar. 2013. Web. 14 Jan. 2014. <>. We used this website to get more information on how it's like in North Korea. We also used a quote from her talk in our After Korean War section of the website. "North Korea's Secret Spectaculars: First Pictures of Pariah Country's Stunning Stage Shows Featuring 100,000 People." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 27 Nov. 2011. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <>. We used this website to add images to some pages. Grinker, Roy Richard. Korea and Its Futures: Unification and the Unfinished War. New York, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998. 1-315. Print. We used this book to learn about the viewpoints of some women in North Korea. Sang-hun, Choe. "That Mystery Woman in North Korea? Turns Out Shes the First Lady." That Mystery Woman in North Korea? Turns Out Shes the First Lady. N.p., 25 July 2012. Web. 15 Jan. 2014. We used this website for pictures on our website. Villarreal, Ryan. "Inside North Korea: Silk Mill Workers [PHOTOS]." International Business Times. N.p., 10 Apr. 2012. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. This website was used to help us learn more about North Korean Silk Mill Workers. We used the images from this article in the website as well.

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