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!"#$% '()*+%,- . , /+0#1 %0-2

!alml uowdell, l8L

Pere's a brlef cheaL sheeL for some of Lhe formulas you'll use ofLen ln MlcrosofL Lxcel. use Lhls
spreadsheeL below Lo refer Lo for examples and remember: lf ln doubL, Lhe help flle ls your frlend.
(Search Lhe help flle by worksheeL funcLlon" Lo flnd an alphabeLlcal llsL of Lxcel funcLlons.)

3,-0# *,24

1o add up Lhe LoLal: =5678#$%% ),9:$;

1o flnd Lhe #4,9:$<=0>>$)$9#$: =new value - old value

?$)#$92 #4,9:$: =(new value - old value)/Cld value

?$)#$92 (> 2(2,%: =arL/Whole
lf Lhe LoLal value was ln cell 811 you'll need Lo use Lhe dollar slgn Lo anchor LhaL value:

1o flnd Lhe ,@$),:$ ln a range of numbers: =AvL8ACL(cell range )

1o flnd Lhe *$=0,9 ln a range of numbers: MLulAn(cell range )

1o flnd Lhe *,"0*+* @,%+$ ln a llsL of values: =MAx(cell range )

1o flnd Lhe *090*+* @,%+$ ln a llsL of values: =Mln(cell range )

50*A%$ >()*,2209: 2)0#1-

1o change a cell from all upper or lower case Lo A)(A$) #,-$B where Lhe flrsL leLLer of each word ls
caplLallzed:= roper(cell )

1o change a cell so all of Lhe leLLers appear ln +AA$) case: =upper(cell )

1o change Lo all %(C$) case: =Lower(cell)

D(9=020(9,% -2,2$*$92-
?ou can use condlLlonal sLaLemenLs Lo LesL your daLa and reLurn lnformaLlon dependlng on wheLher LhaL
LesL has a Lrue or false answer. 1hls ls greaL for daLa cleanlng and also for addlng caLegorles Lo your daLa:
=E'(loglcal LesL, resulL lf Lhe LesL answer ls Lrue for Lhls cell", resulL lf Lhe answer ls false for Lhls cell")

lf you wanLed Lo add labels Lo Lhe example daLa above Lo flag wheLher Lhe salary was hlgh or low, you
could do someLhlng llke Lhls:
=ll(82<23000, 1oo small", A-Ck")
1he value ln column 8 ls checked. lf lL ls less Lhan $23,000 Lhe phrase 1oo small" wlll be your formula
resulL. lf Lhe value ln column 8 ls hlgher Lhan $23,000 lL falls Lhe LesL and Lhe A-Ck" phrase would be
Lhe formula resulL.

1o #(*A,)$ 2C( #(%+*9- (> =,2, Lo see lf Lhey conLaln Lhe same lnformaLlon: =!",#2(cell1, cell2)
Slmply llsL Lhe Lwo cells you are comparlng. lf Lhey are exacLly Lhe same, Lhe resulL wlll be 18uL" and lf
Lhey are dlfferenL, Lhe resulL wlll be lALSL."
=LxAC1(b2, c2)
1he above formula would compare Lhe salarles for a person Lo see lf Lhey were Lhe same.

?+%%09: 2409:- ,A,)2

52)09: >+9#20(9- - Lo -A%02 ,A,)2 a name (or any oLher LexL):

1he F!'G funcLlon wlll sLarL from Lhe lefL and reLurn Lhe number of characLers you speclfy:
=LLl1(cellwlLhLexL, number of characLers you wanL reLurned)
=LLl1(A2, 6)

CfLen lasL names aren'L Lhe same lengLh so you can'L use a slmple number. 8aLher, you need Lo look for
a paLLern wlLhln Lhe daLa and use LhaL Lo help you sllce and dlce. llrsL and lasL names are ofLen
separaLed wlLh a comma. ?ou can use Lhe 5!HIDJ funcLlon Lo flnd Lhe poslLlon of any characLer, such as
a comma, wlLhln a cell. lease noLe, Lhe formula wlll reLurn a number. 1hls number speclfles Lhe locaLlon
of Lhe characLer you are searchlng wlLhln Lhe comma.
=SLA8CP(LexL you wanL Lo flnd", where you wanL Lo flnd lL)
=SL8CP(,", A2)

1he 7EK funcLlon allows you Lo sLarL from somewhere oLher Lhan Lhe far lefL or Lhe far rlghL of Lhe fleld.
lL allows you Lo exLracL lnformaLlon from Lhe mlddle:
=Mlu(cellwlLhLexL, sLarL poslLlon, number of characLers you wanL reLurned)
=Mlu(a2, 9, 4)

1he IELJG funcLlon acLs [usL llke Lhe lefL funcLlon excepL lL allows you Lo begln from Lhe opposlLe slde of
Lhe fleld. ?ou wlll mosL llkely use Lhls funcLlon less Lhan Lhe oLhers.
=8lCP1(cellwlLhLexL, number of characLers you wanL reLurned)
=8lCP1(a2, 4)

SomeLlmes you're golng Lo wanL Lo use more Lhan one sLrlng funcLlon LogeLher Lo geL Lhe [ob done. We
call Lhls 9$-209: >+9#20(9-. lor example, Lo efflclenLly separaLe Lhe lasL name from Lhe example
spreadsheeL above you need Lo use Lhe poslLlon of Lhe comma Lo help exLracL Lhe proper lnformaLlon.
?ou wlll comblne Lhe SLA8CP wlLh Lhe LLl1 funcLlon. 1he -1 wlll make lL so LhaL Lhe comma ls noL
lncluded ln Lhe resulL:
=LLl1(A2, SLA8CP(,", A2)-1)

1o separaLe Lhe flrsL name from Lhe example spreadsheeL above you'll use SLA8CP ln con[uncLlon wlLh
Mlu. 1he +2 ensures LhaL only Lhe name ls reLurned and noL Lhe comma and space LhaL precedes Lhe
=Mlu(A2, SLA8CP(,", A2)+2, 20)

?+2209: 2409:- 2(:$24$)

SLrlng Lhlngs LogeLher by uslng Lhe CCnCA1LnA1L funcLlon: =concaLenaLe(LexL, LexL, LexL)
lor example, look aL Lhe spreadsheeL below

. lf you wanLed Lo puL all of Lhe pleces of each address lnLo one llne, you could concaLenaLe llke Lhls:
=concaLenaLe(a2, , b2, , , c2, , d2)

Lach plece needs Lo be separaLed wlLh a comma. Also, noLlce LhaL any Llme you wanL a space or any
addlLlonal characLer added Lo your sLrlng and lL lsn'L already ln a cell, you slmply wrlLe lL ln your formula
conLalned wlLh quoLes.

lf you don'L llke uslng Lhe concaLenaLe funcLlon, you can also sLrlng lnformaLlon LogeLher uslng
ampersands llke Lhls:
=a2&" &b2&", &c2&" &d2

K$,%09: C024 =,2$-

G( M)$,1 ,A,)2 A0$#$- (> , =,2$N
=?LA8(uaLefleld) !reLurns Lhe year

=MCn1P(uaLefleld) !reLurns Lhe monLh

=uA?(uaLefleld) ! reLurns Lhe day

1o reLurn Lhe =,O (> 24$ C$$1 for a speclflc daLe (1 = Sunday, 2=Monday, 3=1uesday, eLc.):

1o #(9@$)2 , =,2$ -2()$= ,- 2$"2 092( 2)+$ =,2$ >()*,2 (necessary Lo sorL on daLes properly): LeL's say
Lhe daLe looked someLhlng llke 20100329. 1hls daLe ls acLually 3/29/2010, buL rlghL now we would say
LhaL lL was LexL ln ????MMuu formaL.

1he flrsL sLep Lo maklng lL a Lrue daLe ls spllLLlng Lhe dlfferenL pleces of Lhe daLe aparL so you can puL lL
back LogeLher properly. 8ecause Lhe daLe lsn'L sLored as a proper daLe, you won'L be able Lo make Lhe
?LA8(), MCn1P() and uA?() funcLlons work on Lhe cells llke you dld ln Lhe examples above. ?ou'll have
Lo use sLrlng funcLlons ln slLuaLlons llke Lhls. (See below)

1o exLracL Lhe year: =lefL(a2, 4)

1o exLracL Lhe monLh: =mld(a2, 3, 2)

1o exLracL Lhe day: =rlghL(a2, 2)

1o puL Lhe daLe back LogeLher, use Lhe =,2$8; funcLlon ln Lxcel. All you need Lo do ls flll ln Lhe proper
pleces of Lhe followlng formula wlLh cell references: =daLe(year, monLh, day) Slnce you've already pulled
LhaL lnformaLlon aparL you can easlly refer Lo Lhe cells LhaL conLaln Lhe year, monLh and Lhe day llke Lhls:
=daLe(b2, c2, d2)

See Lhe resulLs below:

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