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1-15 Evaluating a Website

Why Evaluate Websites? No one judges the quality or accuracy of information found on the World Wide Web before it is published, so you must evaluate what you find for yourself. Some sites are created by experts. However, the vast majority of World Wide Web sites are designed and authored by non experts. Instru tions Visit this website: Read the DHMO website and use both he #lists +1 and ', to determine if the DHMO website is a good source of information. Remember when you are doing research, the websites should be a legitimate! representing an educational, go"ernmental, institutional or corporate organi#ation. $aming sites, %aceboo&, M'( type sites are not acceptable. )fter filling out both forms don*t forget to sa"e. Don*t forget to pro"ide citations. Answer the questions below: 1. Is the DHMO website a good sour e o! in!or"ation? How do you #now? $es% DHMO website is a good sour e o! in!or"ation be ause there are so "any lin#s related to the to&i on the web&age and its user !riendly to everyone be ause you an translate the &age into the language you &re!er. '. (ear h !or "ore in!or"ation about DHMO. )se what you *ust learned to !ind a trusted sour e. What is DHMO +#ee& this to yoursel!,? Was the DHMO website a good sour e? DHMO is a the dihydrogen "ono-ide hoa- involves alling water by an un!a"iliar na"e% .dihydrogen "ono-ide.% !ollowed by a listing o! real e!!e ts o! this he"i al% o!ten &resented as an argu"ent that this substan e should be regulated% labeled as ha/ardous% or banned. 0o% it wasn1t a good sour e be ause it was not showing the orre t in!or"ation. 31, 2013- ikipedia

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