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6 Weeks to Superhero Program

Use this program for six weeks, adding XX pounds Day Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Star Complex A Overhead Press Deadlift Squat Bench Press Star Complex B Squat Bench Press Overhead Press Deadlift

1. Perform the 5 exercises in Star Complex A as a circuit, resting 30 to 90 seconds between each exercise. 2. Complete 4 to 6 rounds of the complex, depending on your goals and capabilities. 3. Rest for as long as it takes you to set up Star Complex B. 4. Perform the 5 exercises in Star Complex B as a circuit, resting 30 to 90 seconds between each exercise. 5. Complete 4 to 6 rounds of the complex, depending on your goals and capabilities.

Peri-Workout Formula for Maximum Results

Supplement ANACONDA MAG-10 SURGE Workout Fuel Amount 3 scoops 2 scoops 1 scoop

Drink half of this mixture 15-20 minutes pre-workout, half at the mid-point. Thirty minutes after your workout have another scoop of MAG-10. Eat your regular meal 60 to 90 minutes after the workout.

Superhero Workout Complexes

Deadlift Star Complex

Exercises Top-half deadlift

Load Types


This first exercise is your heaviest, and the top-half movement will 1 allow you to use more than your limit strength in the standard Overload deadlift. Start with the bar just above the knees. Good for activation and building your traps and upper back. Deadlift from floor 2 Moving up a notch in the force-velocity curve, this is a heavy deadlift, but not super maximal. The speed of movement should be faster than the previous exercise. Power clean from hang or blocks Moving into the strength-speed portion of the curve. Focus on 3 explosion, not on the load used. If you start from blocks it's better Strength-Speed for starting explosive strength (e.g. sprint start) and if you start from the hang it's better for movements where you have to quickly switch from eccentric to concentric (e.g. running and jumping) Jump good morning 4 This exercise is a speed-strength movement, so it should be Speed-Strength loaded but light enough so that you can accelerate. A load of 20% of your max good morning is adequate. Broad jump series This is a reactive or plyometric movement. Each rep should be a 5 high quality jump and very explosive. Start off by doing each rep individually, and as you become better at it you can do them as a series with minimal transition between the jumps. Explosive Strength




8 - 10

8 - 10

Squat Star Complex

Exercises Top-half squat 1 This movement is both a great neural activator and a very effective quadriceps movement. The top-half of the squat is done mostly by the quads. Front squat 2 For this complex I prefer the front squat over the back variation because the posterior chain and lower back were already heavily hit by the deadlift complex. Power snatch from hang or blocks

Load Types






Doing this powerful movement from blocks focuses on explosive 3 starting strength, like that needed for a sprint start. In contrast, the Strength-Speed hang variation is more transferable to movements where you have to rapidly switch from eccentric to concentric, like in running. Jump squat with bar 4 Do this one with a minimal dip down, a quarter squat, no more. Keep the torso as upright as possible to focus on quad explosiveness. A load of 20% of your max squat is adequate. Vertical jump series 5 Do a short and quick dip then reverse the motion as fast as you Explosive Speed-Strength


8 - 10

8 - 10

can. The transition from dip to jump should be lightning fast Backward sprint with sled or Prowler 6 Keep a crouched position (knees bent at 90 degrees), and sprint backward for 30 meters. This will be hell on the quads, especially the vastus medialis. Work Capacity 1

Overhead Press Star Complex

Exercises Top-half seated overhead press

Load Types


1 Start just above the weak point of the movement so you can use a Overload lot of weight while still having enough of a range of motion to stimulate the pressing muscles. Standing military press 2 I prefer the standing variation over the seated because of its greater postural involvement. Make sure to squeeze the glutes hard during the whole pressing movement. Push press Make an effort to create a "shoulder shelf" to push from by resting 3 the bar on your deltoids at the beginning of the movement. Use a Strength-Speed slight leg drive to get the bar past the weak zone while driving hard with your arms. Medicine ball push-press throw overhead Strength




4 This is a very effective speed-strength exercise for the upper body. Focus on pushing equally with both arms, as most will tend to use only one arm. The motion is similar to a basketball pass, but overhead. Feet elevated plyo push-up 5 No need to drop your chest all the way down. Just as in jumping, we want a short and rapid dip and minimal transition time before the projection upward. Stop when you lose your "pop."


8 - 10


8 - 10

Bench Press Star Complex

Exercises Top-half bench press 1 This is a very effective activation movement for the rest of the complex, but it's also one of the most effective triceps exercises you can do! Bench press 2 Focus on keeping the traps shrugged up when doing this movement (for added safety, stability and raw performance). Speed bench press, as fast as possible with 60% of max Focus on two things here: 1) move as fast as possible 3 (accelerating throughout the movement) with 60% 1RM, and 2) perform a quick turnaround between the lowering and lifting phase.

Load Types







Medicine ball chest throw You can either perform this one standing and throw it in front of 4 you, or lying on your back and throw it straight up. If you do the latter, make sure to throw it straight up or have a partner catch it for you! Plyo push-up 5 No need to drop your chest all the way down. Just as in jumping, we want a short and rapid dip and minimal transition time before the projection upward. Stop when you lose your "pop." Explosive 5 - 10 Speed-Strength 8 - 10

Progression from Week to Week

Week 1
Load Types Overload Strength Strength-Speed Speed-Strength Explosive Work Capacity Loading Instructions Max weight you can lift without grinding on any rep Max weight you can accelerate on every rep Max weight you can perform explosive reps See the individual speed-strength exercise notes Bodyweight only Max weight you can move fast for 30 meters

Weeks 2 - 3
Load Types Overload Strength Strength-Speed Speed-Strength Explosive Work Capacity Loading Instructions Use the same weight, add 1 rep per week

Use the weight and reps

Week 4
Load Types Overload Strength Strength-Speed Speed-Strength Explosive Work Capacity Loading Instructions Drop 2 reps, add 10 - 20 pounds

Use the weight and reps

Weeks 5 - 6

Load Types Overload Strength Strength-Speed Speed-Strength Explosive Work Capacity

Loading Instructions Use the same weight, add 1 rep per week

Use the weight and reps

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