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People blame population growth as a cause of poverty and environmental degradation.

Half of a woman's adult life is spent either carrying a baby in her womb or breastfeeding it.

Each successful birth in sub-Saharan Africa involves at least a year and half of pregnancy and breast feeding

Another indicator of the price that women pay is maternal mortality In some parts of sub-Saharan Africa as many as one woman dies for every 50 live births. Men wield more influence, even though women typically bear the greater cost. The analysis suggests that the way to reduce fertility is to break the destructive spiral. When a child becomes perceived as expensive, we may finally have a hope of dislodging the rapacious hold of high fertility rates.

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs The article informs about the relationship between poverty and population which is the main difference between developed and developing countries. Women in poor countries are likely to give birth and spend half their life time giving birth and taking care of a child. But it doesnt stop there, the influence of a society also have pressure on women giving birth. With all the causes being there the main problem is that developing countries are less open to resources and education. And because of that people in developing countries are less likely to know about the effect of population growth has. The author does a good job of explaining the problems that comes with it.

C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views The article informed me that poverty and lack of resources is the main problem why people are not able to change their views of the rapid population very past. In my opinion people are mostly seeing that giving more birth means that there will be more productive people who will help the country while it is really the other way around. And if they have more resources I believe that there would have been change in both the point of view and the population of the world. So What? It is important to be aware of the effects of more population in the world Says who? Partha S. Dasgupta. What if? The lack of resources kept going? There isnt going to be any positive change but rather negative ones will emerge more rapidly What does this remind me of? Reminds me of the population videos we watched in class

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