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Timeline To Being a Physical Therapist

By: Kaylin Arps Hr.7

I loved to play with my toy doctor/nurse kit. I would use a stethoscope to pretend to listen to my parents hearts. I always thought it would be really fun to work in a hospital!

When I was little, I tripped and split my upper lip open and I had to get stitches. When I got older, hearing the story inspired me to find a job where I can help people.

I am still interested in being a physical therapist. I am currently taking classes to help me with my plans for going to college to be a physical therapist, like human anatomy & physiology, health careers, and AP chemistry.


Age 3

Age 5

Age 6

Age 13


When I was little I used to love to play with my little toy animals. This made me decide that I wanted to be a veterinarian.

My mom crashed on an ATV and broke her arm. I went with her a couple of time to the physical therapist, and I got to see what it was all about. I thought it was a really interesting job. I liked how they helped people, and they did a variety of hands-on things each day.

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