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When the final sunset comes, will I be able to walk away knowing I had completely achieved all my

aspirations in my life? I often find myself thinking and reflecting. However, at the end of it all, I realized
that my fear about the future is not having a future.

Many people of my age have already figured out what they want to achieve when they grow up. Some
of them want to be a doctor, lawyers, or engineers. For me, it is hard to think about my own personal
future when I don't have that many interests or hobbies in my actual self. There are many paths that I
could take but the problem is, I don't know what direction I will be heading.

One factor that pushed me to take the track STEM is my family. My family has been encouraging me to
become a doctor ever since I was young. I wasn't originally all that interested in becoming a doctor. But
after giving it some thought, I've concluded that I'd be a good doctor since I love to help those who are
feeling sick around me. Taking care of someone has a profound emotional effect on me since it gives you
a sense of consolation when you witness their recovery with your assistance. The decision to pursue the
track stem was also influenced by my grade 7 self because I still remember how exciting it is to do an

In simple words, in my future self, I want to be a doctor to help other people. Although I do not know
what tomorrow will bring. I hope that in the end, I will achieve all my desires in life and will not have any

One factor that pushed me to take the track STEM is my family. Since I was young my whole family keep
motivating me to be a doctor. At first, I don't really have an interest to be a doctor. But as I think about
it, I realized that being a doctor is quite suited for me because I really like to take care of someone
around me, who's sick. For me, taking care of someone has a really big impact in my heart because it
feels comforting when you see someone get well with your help. Also, my grade 7 self-added influence
of me taking the track stem because I remember the satisfying feeling if you have done to do an

Ashley Rose A. Mabborang grew up in one province in the Philippines, attended the local public schools,
and graduated from the University of the Philippines. She attended Harvard University with scholarship
and graduated with honors. She earned her Ph.D. in Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. She is a professor of Biology at New York University, where she teaches courses in general
biology and cell biology. She has published more than 50 research papers such as THE CELL, NATURE,
and many more. She decided to write a book and won the Royal Society award in 2048.

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