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Top 5 Feng Shui Rules for Attracti ng

0sing the ancient Chinese ait of Feng Shui, to uiaw upon the laws of natuie to
cieate balance anu haimony in youi home, you will be able to attiact positive
eneigy that can cieate anu piomote wealth in youi life.

The following Feng Shui iules aie the most vital aspects of youi home that you
shoulu take caie of if you aie hoping to focus the poweiful money eneigy into
youi home.

By simply applying any one of these iules you will inciease youi piospects foi
attiacting wealth, piospeiity anu abunuance into youi life. By applying all five
wealth attiacting Feng Shui iules you will open youi home up gieat amounts
of positive money eneigy that will uiastically altei youi life foi the bettei.

Stait to live the life of youi uieams iight now.

The fiist anu most impoitant iule is:

Rule #1
Eliminate Cluttei anu Biit
The goluen iule of Feng Shui is to eliminate cluttei anu to keep youi house
clean anu tiuy. Cluttei anu mess pievents positive chi fiom flowing thiough
youi home anu enhancing youi chances of acciuing wealth. Pay paiticulai
attention to cluttei in the money aiea of youi house anu the money aiea of
each ioom as cluttei heie will uefinitely piesent an obstacle to wealth anu

Rule #2
Bave functioning uoois anu uooiknobs
Nake suie all the uoois to youi Feng
Shui wealth aieas open easily anu
aie able to open all the way.
Booiknobs shoulu tuin easily. If youi
uoois anu knobs jamb, aie blockeu
oi uon't woik you will have
pioblems with accessing wealth anu
contiolling youi money when you uo
get it.

Rule #S
Repaii leaking pipes, taps oi ioof leaks
Examine youi home foi any leaking pipes oi ioof leaks. Leaks ovei youi
wealth aiea aie paiticulaily uamaging. Fix any leaks that you finu
immeuiately. Leaks will mean that you will not be able to holu on to you

Rule #4
Remove any ueau plants anu animals
Beau plants anu animals aie not acceptable uecoiation in Feng Shui. This
incluues the use of fui oi antleis as uecoiation. Remove all ueau plants fiom
youi home anu gaiuen. Tiim plants of ueau leaves anu floweis. Plants anu
objects that weie once alive anu aie now ueau give off negative eneigy anu
encouiage a uecaying effect in youi home anu life anu that will extenu to youi
finances. Replace ueau plants with fiesh plants anu ienew the positive chi in
youi home.

Rule #S
Neutialize youi fiieplace
It can be inauspicious to have a fiieplace in youi Feng Shui wealth aiea as it
can mean youi money will 'go up in smoke' oi you will 'buin thiough money'.
The cuie foi this is to place a miiioi ovei the mantel. The miiioi equals watei
anu will neutialize the effect of the fiieplace. Bowevei, a fiieplace in youi fame
anu ieputation aiea will help you to win moie business anu can inciease youi
chances of gaining wealth, so theie is no neeu to neutialize the fiieplace if it is
in this aiea.

When you have applieu the Feng Shui piinciples in
this book you will be ieauy to stait to access !"" the
money eneigy that Feng Shui can attiact to youi
home to enhance youi wealth anu piospeiity.

Woulu you like to leain how to use all aspects of Feng
Shui in youi home to fuithei enhance youi money

If you uo want to inciease youi wealth luck even
moie puichase !"#$ &'() &"*+",- ,. /"01,'2
3+.-4"+),5 0#6 3"+-.#01 78(#60#*" anu stait to
live the life of youi uieams.

Click thiough to oui website now.
. anu welcome to youi new life.

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