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Bethany Deibler CLA 3170, Dr.

Ewald Chronological Roman History November 15, 2009 63- Caesar prosecutes and judges Gaius Rabirius, Pompey conquers Phonecia, Coele-Syria, and

62- Pompey returns to the east and disbands army 61- Campus Martius triumph 60 First triumvirate created 59 - Caesars first consulship 58 - Clodius tribunate, Gallic War begins 57- Ciceros recall and the renewal of the triumvirate 56- Caesars campaigns in Gaul. 55- Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus are consuls 54- Caesar returns to England, Julia dies and consulship is broken up 53 - Marcus Valerius Messalla and Gnaeus Domitius Calvinus are consuls. 52- Death of Clodius and Pompey is consul alone, Pompey writes law requiring five-years

between holding office as praetor or consul.

51 Caesar asked to lay down command before becoming consul. 50 Caesar refused consulship unless he is present 49 - Caesar crosses the Rubicon, outbreak of civil war. 48 Caesars second consulship and victory at Pharsalus. Made dictator 47 - Ciceros governorship of Cilicia 46 Caesar consul again. Year had 445 days before settling into Julian calendar 45 Civil war campaigns, Caesar sole consul 44 Caesar consul, Caesar assassinated 43 - Aulus Hirtius and Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus are consuls, second triumvirate.

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