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World Lit: Things Fall Apart Objectives SWBAT understand the term imperialism as it is portrayed through British Christian

missionaries SWBAT identify aspects of imperialism and its affects of 3 different aspects of Ibo culture: religion, social structure, and law and order. SWBAT Rationale Students will be finishing their anthropological reports on different aspects of Ibo culture. There will be 2 short presentations on Monday on aspects of religion. Upon finishing we will fill in some aspects that may have been passed over in these presentations and move into talking about Part 2 of the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. My lesson will center around pulling those aspects of Ibo culture (religion, law and order, and social structure) into focus as we discuss the affects of British imperialism on that culture through Christian missionaries. We will work to identify specific instances in the text where we can see conflict between the two cultures as the missionaries compete for new converts. We will ask ourselves how do we see the church leaders influence the Ibo people and challenge the long held beliefs of both the Umoufia and Mbtana villages. Lesson Break Down (20 mins) Religion Presentations - Chrissy and Kevin will be presenting their parts on the religious part of Ibo culture. They will have time to present as well as time to answer questions from their classmates and will be graded according to our included rubric (20 mins) Religion fill in I will take up to this amount of time discussing those points that may have been missed by the groups in terms of the Ibo culture. 1) Obanje children (77-78) and iyi-uwa (80) Explain these concepts? Some people attach meaning to something we dont understand Crucible: why do some women have healthy children Religion helps to explain things Silk cotton tree (46) Medicine man: spiritual powers, bring people to market 2) Agbala Ani: earth goddess Also god of yams polytheistic, multiple gods Oknokwos personal gods 3) Stories: teach us something, message Tortoise (99): dont be greedy, respect others or it will come back to you Mosquito and Ear (75): respect each other, it will come back to bite you literally Men vs. Women and their stories

4) Evil Forest: shows both good and bad of Ibo culture Swelling of stomach (18) Twins: were freaky, didnt know how to explain them But always an advanced society (148)- kings and elders (10 mins) Introduce Proverb Project Students will be given a hand out on their culminating TFA assignment, which will be to create their own Book of Ibo including multiple examples of proverbs and similes used throughout the book. They will be asked to not only identify these but also give us the context in which they appear and what they mean for the Ibo culture and what they are trying to tell us or teach us (What is the message?). They will be shown examples of past Books of Ibo to stimulate creativity. On Elmo- 2 exampels of each proverb and simile- ask students to follow along These will be due on Monday (11/18). Have them WRITE this on their papers

(20 mins) Part 2 Imperialism Worksheet With any time left begin segway into Part 2 using the aspects of Ibo culture to center our focus on the differences between that culture and the new Christian missionaries. Define Cultural Imperialism: the practice of promoting a more powerful culture over a lesser known or less desirable culture. Usually the former belongs to a large, economically or militarily powerful nation and the latter belongs to a smaller, less powerful one. - First: what do you know about it? - Where have you heard it? What countries is it associated with? How does that relate to our story set in Nigeria? - Western culture o We started to look at the differences between our culture and the Ibo culture. What things did we find? o o 4:10-5:39 In Part 2 we really see Christianity and Western/British culture start to take over the Ibo culture in multiple ways. We see it mostly through a couple aspects of Ibo culture that we have studied: religion, law and order, and social structure. **Pass our worksheet** On this worksheet we will be tracking some of the influences of Western culture on Ibo culture and begin thinking about which ones win out in different scenes. For example: Social Structuregf - we see the missionaries take in some people that the Ibo people have usually caste out and ignored like the efulefu. - I have found this in the book and decided to use a quote and explain it.

Another example- who can find an example of any of the other categories? Homework: Fill out the rest of the worksheet NO READING UNLESS TO CATCH UP

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