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Sub-Saharan Africa

 Africa’s Two Greatest Invaders

 Bananas
 Brought to Africa via sea trade from South East Asia
 Arrived in Africa in 1st millennium
 Easily grow in Africa’s Tropical climate
 Coincided with growth of iron production
 Allowed for the increase productivity & population of Africa
 Camels
 Sahara acted as barrier between Africa & Eurasia
 Arrived overland from Near East
 Very suitable for harsh Sahara climate
 Allowed for greater connection between Africa & Eurasia
 Exchange of goods & ideas between continents
 Bantu Migrations
 Bantu
 language group from west central Africa
 Live along banks of rivers; use canoes
 Cultivate yams and oil palms
 Live in clan-based villages
 Trade with hunting/gathering forest people
 Bantu Migrations
 Move south and west into the forest lands
 Move south to Congo River and east to Great Lakes region
 Absorb much of the population of hunter/gather/fisher
 By 1000 B.C.E. occupy most of Africa south of the equator
 Became proficient at iron production
 Societies in Sub-Sahara
 Spread of agriculture to most of sub-Saharan Africa by
1000 B.C.E.
 Mostly small communities led by chiefs with "age sets" and
initiation rites
 Religious differences by area
 Some worship single, impersonal divine force
representing good and bad
 Many individuals pray to ancestors and local gods for
 Much mixing and intermingling of cultures

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