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Fallen In Love Summary

Grade 10 English Summative By: Deanna Riche

In Fallen In Love by Lauren Kate, there are many little stories that all connect in someway, so for my summative I am going to write little summaries for each story, but one little thing is odd about this book, none of the main characters are mere mortals, they are angels. Some angels are good, some are bad, and those that are bad have golden wings and hold a marking on their neck, saying they belong to Lucifer, Lord of the Demons. Those that are good have silver wings and no marking, they belong to the Lord of Heaven, whose name is unknown. So lets Start off with

The Valentine of Shelby and Miles.

Shelby and Miles walk out of a dark, gloomy portal called an announcer, It helps them travel between the times from the past and present, but they dare not enter the future. They walk out laughing, they were relieved they were finally home, in the present tense. They walk on towards the shore line, where their comfy home sitting right off it, with their friends inside waiting for their return. After a bit of walking, they noticed something was odd, where was the house? Where was everything that laid right there infront of them before they left? Shelby and Miles were somewhere else, but where? Shelby was angry and started to argue with Miles, during the argument, miles hat flew off into a muddy pile, and just as Miles was about to go after his hat, a horse with a wagon and an old man came trotting towards them, they had to hide. As they hid they saw the man stop before the hat and he picked it up. He looked at it as if it were a jewel worth a million, to Shelby it was just a hat, but to Miles, it was his life and passion. It was his favorite hat. The man trotted off with the hat tight in his hand, and he went towards a village that was shadowed over by large castle walls to guard them from intruders. Miles and Shelby ran after the man, and he had eventually stopped to deal with a merchant to sell the hat. Shelby noticed that they would stick out like a sore thumb if they were to walk around a medieval village wearing Nike brands. Miles lifted the tarp that hung over the wagon behind the horse, and there lay boxes filled with filthy clothing. Miles and Shelby dug through the clothing and they changed quickly into there new, old clothing. Miles wore an old hat with a furry vest and torn pants, while Shelby wore an elegant dress and a bonnet that laid gently on her hair, but snug enough for it to not fall off. Miles face gushed red, she was gorgeous! He had not seen her in a dress before and wow she was beautiful! Miles knew he wasnt able to get his hat back so he and Shelby went on to find something to drink because they were exhausted and dehydrated. They found a well and a young lady was beside it, offering sips of water to the villagers. They joined the line and when they got there, they had wiped the ladle of any strangers sickness and took a sip, trying not to spill. They young lady was looking at Miles with lovey eyes with fluttering eyelashes, which

made Shelby feel enraged and jealous, but she had no right to be, she and Miles werent even a couple, just really close friends. As Shelby waited for Miles to finish drinking, she looked around and wandered around the well for a bit, then she noticed someone. It was her old friend Lucindia, but at the same time it WASNT her, it was present Luce, before she had met Miles or Shelby. Lucindia looked lost in her thought, but she never was. Not only that, but she also wasnt with Daniel, her true love. Maybe they hadnt been dating yet? Didnt Lucindia say she started to date daniel back in medieval times and they were in the Valentines Faire together? Shelby pulled Miles and walked towards Luce, she was sad and lonely and she was walking in circles. Shelby jumped in front of her, causing Luce to jump a little. Shelby, Miles and Luce all talked and Luce explained that she got heart broken because Daniel is a knight so she is not eligible to be his lover. Shelby promised her that she would bring Daniel to the Faire so they could dance and live happily ever after. Shelby and Miles continued on until they saw a knight riding on a horse. The knights fae was hidden so they did not know who it was. Excuse me! Were looking for Sir Daniel. Shelby rushed over to the knight, and he slowly lifted his visor. Then they saw him, Roland, one of their friends, but he wasnt his past self, it was his present self that came back in time in the announcer just like Miles and Shelby. He said he had seen Daniel just ahead of him, and that he would go get Daniel for Luce. After that, Miles and SHelby agreed to get something special for them for valentines day. Before they left, they set up a picnic and a tent, then they left to the market and split up to find gifts. As Shelby looked around, she noticed the old man from before that had Miles hat, she ran over and saw him auctioning it off. She offered her bonnet to him, hoping he wouldnt notice that it was his from before. The man took the trade and Shelby got Miles DOdgers hat back, and she ran back with the hat and a heart shaped doily for Luce. When Shelby and Miles met back at their little camping site, and then Shelby gave Miles his hat and he thanked her and then he sealed that thanks with a powerful, enchanting kiss. And thats the Valentine of Shelby and Miles. Up next is the mysterious knight that rode in on his horse. Sir Roland.

The Valentine of Roland.

Roland rode on a path with his horse. His horse was white and elegant but had a mud splatter on his nose. He was on a mission, and on his mission he was going to be passing by his past lovers tower. Rosaline. Rosaline and Roland broke up in the past, he blames it on his terrible poems he spoke to her and the fact that he couldnt kiss her no matter how many times he had tried. Now he does not know how she is, but he wished to stop by her tower as he rode by. Once he was at her tower, he waited outside and stared up at her window. He daydreamed about how she used to hang her hair over the ledge like rapunzel, and that was the sign saying Father isnt home. and Roland would climb up to see her and give her a warm loving hug. One day, 4 years after the break up, he stared up, and saw nothing. So he let out his wings and flew high up to see if she was in her room. There on the bed, he saw a girl with her back facing the window, and her long brown hair hung behind her. Then he heard footsteps coming towards her room, but who was it? The door opened and there he saw Rosaline enter the room. Rosaline?

Then who was on the bed? He heard the other girl talk, it was Rosalines sister. That made more sense, they looked a lot a like, but their personalities were completely opposite, and thats why Roland love Rosaline, for her unique personality. He was astonished, Rosaline had grown a lot since he had last seen her, but she was still just as gorgeous as before. He woke back from his trance and he heard singing. It was definitely Rosaline, but she wasnt singing to herself. Roland flew up and saw there had been a baby in her arms, nursing. She was singing to her child, which meant there was a father, also a husband. Roland felt furious and jealous. It burned him inside, for Rosaline was the only girl he had ever loved, and still loved. Rosaline put the child into a wooden crib, and she walked to the next room, and Roland followed to keep a good eye on her. There was her husband, sitting on the bed. Oh Alexander, dont go. Tears slowly strolled down Rosalines cheeks. It looked as if he was going out to war. He had his armor all set up and he was ready to go. Alex refused to stay behind, for he needed to fight for the village instead of care for his family. Roland found it confusing of why would a man ever want to leave his family to risk his life in the battle field. So as Alex was about to jump onto his horse, Roland, disguised as a soldier, told him that his orders were canceled and he were to take his place, but Alex seemed so insisted that he left. That made Roland frustrated that he would leave and let Rosaline feel hurt and abandoned, but it came to Roland, that he could just kill Alex right then and there, and take Rosaline for himself. No. He couldnt do that to her, she was in love with this man that she knows as her lover, her husband, and the father to her children. Roland called a duel to Alex, and if he won, Alex had to stay. Alex agreed and on the fight went. Swords clashed and Roland won, he was much more skilled than Alex was. So Alex stayed behind and Roland rode on, and he went off to find Daniel for Shelby and Miles, but as he rode, a stranger approached and stopped him asking where he was off to. Roland said he was off to the next village to battle, then the knight took off her helmet and her long hair fell out behind. This was no stranger, it was Arriane! Rolands old childhood friend. They hugged and Roland noticed a gushing wound on Arrianes neck. What happened?! Roland asked. Love sucks. Right then Roland knew what had happened, because an angels skin can only be torn by another angel or Demon. Roland was shocked, and scared. He held Arriane close and comforted her, then together they rode to find Daniel. Well thats it for Roland and Rosaline. Now whos next?... Hm. Ah! Arriane. What had happened to her neck? And what happened with her love?

The Valentine of Arriane.

Arriane was with her lover Tess. Now they werent the typical couple. Tess was a demon and Arriane was an angel, and that was forbidden love, but they hid it well, and they treated it like it was okay to be dating. They usually braided eachothers hair when they were in bed during dawn. While one braided, the other told a story. One issue they had though, was Tess was terrible at telling stories and lets just say, Arriane should never be a hair-dresser. So they usually kept it so Tess

would braid and Arriane would tell the story. Something was odd today though, when Arriane tried to tell a story, Tess would get angry. Arriane kept pushing it jokingly, and kept telling the story. Stop Arriane! Tess snapped. Then thats when everything started to go downhill. Arriane knew this day was coming, the day Tess would have to go see Lucifer and live in Hell for the rest of the life, but when the news came, she was still shocked. Tess grew tears in her eyes and she was frustrated and depressed. She didnt want to go, but she had no choice. How can we be lovers now, Tess? Arriane was hoping for the opposite answer that she got. We cant. Tess choked up and held all her tears and bawling for later on, when Arriane could not see her. Unless Tess continued, with a smirk crawling on her cheek. No Tess. I cant. Arriane knew that Tess wanted her to join her, and become a demon and be controlled by Lucifer just like Tess. Tess smirk turned into a scowling frown. She did not like this answer. She had thought that she and Arriane would be together, no matter the circumstance, but she guessed wrong. Tess walked towards Arriane. Arriane stepped back, knowing she was going to get hurt. Tess pushed Arriane down, and layed on top of her. Join me. Join us. Arriane fought back, she knew it was a trick, Lucifer didnt want Tess to bring me down so she could be happy, he just wanted Arrianes soul to be his. That wasnt a guess. It was a known fact. Arriane held Tess back, so she couldnt hurt her. Tess grew angry, and released her golden angel wings and spread them wide. That terrified Arriane, because they had sworn to never show their wings when their lover is near, thats when Arriane knew the love bond was broken. When Arriane broke free, she flew far, and she never looked back. Her eyes blurred with tears and she had to stop before she crashed. Arriane laid on a rock and sobbed, then remembered how her and Tess had first met. She was flying with her friends through cold air, then she heard more wings, more than just the three that had been by her side the whole time, Arriane looked up to see a mysterious angel flying by,Tess, with white pure wings like all angels started with. Tess joined the group but eventually had to move on. Goodbye! Tess said to Arriane, and she flew on. They had met again a few more times, but Arriane would always remember the day by the waterfall. The day after she had transformed her wings to silver, and took her role as an angel of heaven, but the next day, she saw ess, who had golden wings, which meant she was an angel of Hell. She was a Demon. Arriane woke from her trance and she then knew what had to be done. No matter if the love was broken between them, she cared for Tess, and she had to make sure she was alright. As Arriane flew back, she looked around and she couldnt see anyone. She looked around, and just a bit over, she saw a puddle of blood. Tess! She screamed. The blood trail had left the building and through a field. Arriane followed as fast as she could, then she looked ahead and noticed a storm in the same direction of the blood trail. No! Arriane knew that it would be hard to find Tess in a heavy storm like that, but she had to try. Arriane flew faster than ever and followed the bloody trail of her love, then just by a tree, she spotted Tess laying, weakened and crazily wounded. Arriane swore that she would hurt whoever had done this, but she took that swear back once she noticed that it wasnt anyone but Tess hurting herself. What did you do?! Arriane rushed over to stop her, but that caused Tess to hurt herself even more. If I cant have you, then this is to help me remember you by. Tess took a good stab to herself again. Her wings dripped bloody red everywhere, and the stream of blood and water mixed ran down in the grass. Arriane grabbed Tess hand and held her close. Stop! Tess

screamed. You know what I will do if you dont stop! But Arriane still held on tightly to Tess, and then Tess did it, she wounded poor Arrianes neck and she did not stop hurting her until Arriane finally gave up. Fine. Arriane said sternly. I will leave, but it doesnt mean I am not going to help you. I am going back to the village to find someone to come back here and heal you. So on she went and flew off to the village, heart broken, betrayed, and depressed. She had lost her love forever, and she was not to see her again. This was their final goodbye. I personally love that story. In the book it is a lot better. It is more intense and explained a lot better than I could have told it. Now last but not least, the one everyones been waiting for

The Valentine of Lucindia and Daniel.

Luce walked through the announcer, looking for her older brother Bill. Bill! She whispered. She had no idea what era she was in or if she even fit in with her large black princess ball gown. She continued walking, but stayed out of plain sight. Then she saw her past self, walking along a stone bridge towards a garden gate. She reached up and smelled the roses, then she heard a voice. There you are! Past Luce walked towards the voice and saw Daniel. You came back! Past Luce ran towards Daniel, and opened her arms to give a great big hug. Then he vanished?! He just disappeared in thin air. Luce heard laughing, it was her brother Bill. He had tricked the Past Lucindia by creating Daniel and breaking poor past Luces heart. Luce grew angry at her brother, it was rude for him to break her past selves heart like that. Luce ran over to past Luce and helped her up. Who is that devil? Past Luce said while pointing in Bills direction. Hes---- Dont worry about him Luce helped herself up and wiped off her dress. She could feel the pain that her past self felt. It was an aching heart ache that she hadnt felt since the time she thought she loved Daniel too much that she was about to split into two. Luce jumped into her past selves body and possessed her, and she now controlled her. She walked towards Bill frustrated and angry. Okay, okay Im sorry. Bill wrapped his arm around a gargoyle as if it were an old friend of his. Luce remained angry and frustrated with Bill. You go on and hang out with him tonight, okay? Its your only valentines day to be with him. Luce was confused, why was Bill being considerate? I know its shocking, but I once loved too. Bill dropped his head then lifted it back up and smiled and told Luce to go, and on went Luce to go change and find Daniel. Luce leaned against a window and daydreamed about Daniel riding by, but the dream got interrupted when her older sister Helen asked her to close the window because a draft was coming in. Helen was the oldest of the family, Laura was their younger neighbor, and Eleanor was Past Luces best friend.. The girls shoved masks in her face and asked which she had prefered. Luce couldnt decide, all she could do was think about Daniel. Why be so sad? Youre going to a party tonight! Eleanor did a little dance to make it seem to be a cheerful day. You dont understand Luce sighed. No, you dont understand, Lucindia. Eleanor snapped back. And thats why I put your name into cupids urn! Luce looked at her sternly. She didnt want her name to be drawn and given to some man she did not know of. Then in walked a womanly figure, Luce recognized her right away as Lucindias mother. She ran up to her and gave her a tight warm hug, Oh mother! She felt so warm inside and comforted. Luces mother handed her

a gift, she walked over to the window and opened it up ever so slowly. The gift was a heart shaped Doily. (Remember Shelby and Miles) and inside was a poem that said: Roses are Red Violets are Blue Sugar is sweet And so are you -Love Daniel Luce knew something was up, but the past self in her thought it was the sweetest newest poem she have read. Luce knew those werent Daniels words, but whose? Bill maybe? No matter though, Luce was happy that tonight she got to see and dance with her true love. Luce arrived at the dance, and she wandered around looking for Daniel, but it was trickier than expected. The men wore an animal mask that resembled the animals in the forest in the village but also complimented the girls floral masks. Luce had danced with many guys, tall, short, fat , skinny. She was tired of looking at every mans face under their mask, and none of them being daniels handsome chiseled face. Luce went over to the table that layed out food like a pot luck, and she admired the food. Then Eleanor walked by and swooped oatmeal under her nose, and gave it to her. Your favorite! The aroma of the food was wonderful and made Luces mouth water, and before she knew it, she at all of her dish up, and then revisited the dance floor the search for Daniel once again. The girls were excited for the names to be drawn from the urn soon, they had wondered who they would be partnered up with. As Luce waited, a man introduced himself to her, he had a leopard mask that was unique compared to the forest animals shes been looking at all day. The young gentleman had gorgeous green eyes that locked with hers so nicely. Sadly, it was Cam. At first Luce thought it was just Cam from the present time trying to ruin her day, but it wasnt. This was the cam that lived and breathed the medieval air. Cam left and went to Laura, and it made Luce a bit angry, he just left her hanging and there was a strange feel between them, then he disappeared. Luce was confused, she spun around and bumped into a guy. Hello. He said. H-Hello His skin was soft and tan, his blonde hair flowed gently, and as they touched, she knew who he was. Daniel. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her close, she reached up to go kiss him, but he pushed his fingers against her lips. Come with me. He said ever so gently. He picked up a lantern and together they walked into the forest. Luce grew cold and she found her way into Daniels arms and warmed herself up, but he let go. Close your eyes. She closed them, but she had an odd feeling that the lantern and Daniel were moving away. She grew the urge to open her eyes, but she kept them tightly closed. Then a familiar scent approached her nose. It was a Peonie, a very beautiful flower that present Daniel had once given her before. Open them. As she opened her eyes, he had a beautiful copper vase filled with tangled peonies that entwined around each other. He then took out his hand from around his back and laid a flow band on her head. Oh Daniel! Its Beautiful! She ran into his arms and hugged her, then they locked eyes with each other and Daniel slowly moved in for a kiss. As their lips pressed, Both past and present Lucindia melted at the soft touch of Daniels smooth lips pressed against theirs, and the feel of his fingers through their hair made the hairs of her arm stand up. It was the most

beautiful kiss she had ever had, and she hoped everyone tonight could have a kiss just as good as this. Happy Valentines Day Happy Valentines Day, and to many more. And they sealed it all with another enchanting kiss. The End.

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