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Definition: (in your own words) Primary sources are the sources of the information recorded at the time

an event occurred.

What are they used for: (list at least 3) To explain how major events related in to each other in time. To think critically, and distinguish between fact and opinion. To recognize point of view in print and visual materials.

Examples of: (list at least 3) Poetry Personal Interviews Photographs

Primary Source

Non-Examples: (list at least 3) Biographies Textbooks Reviews

Definition: (in your own words)

Secondary sources of information are derived from primary sources.

What are they used for: (list at least 3)

To give opinions on the event, like how they think it happened or how they interpreted the event. To form your own opinion. To save time by reading information collected from a number of different sources.

Secondary Source

Examples of: (list at least 3)

Textbooks Encyclopedias Dictionaries

Non-Examples: (list at least 3)

Photographs Government Documents Artifacts

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