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llnal exam revlslon quesuons
SLL132 2013
noLe LhaL Lhese quesuons glve you an ldea of Lhe
Lype of quesuons LhaL wlll be asked ln Lhe exam.
lf Lhere ls no quesuon here on a parucular Loplc/
sllde/polnL, LhaL does noL mean LhaL LhaL Loplc/
sllde/polnL wlll noL have an exam quesuon on lL.
?ou should revlse all of Lhe areas LhaL you have
been lecLured on - buL Lhe exam wlll concenLraLe
heavlly on nervous sysLems (lecLure 12) and Lhe
lecLures LhaL followed.
uurlng a eld Lrlp, an lnsLrucLor Louched a moLh resung on a Lree
Lrunk. 1he moLh ralsed lLs forewlngs Lo reveal large eyespoLs on
lLs hlnd wlngs. 1he lnsLrucLor asked why Lhe moLh lled lLs
wlngs. Cne sLudenL answered LhaL sensory recepLors had red
and Lrlggered a neuronal reex culmlnaung ln Lhe conLracuon of
cerLaln muscles. A second sLudenL responded LhaL Lhe behavlour
mlghL frlghLen predaLors. Whlch sLaLemenL besL descrlbes Lhese

!" 1he rsL explanauon ls correcL, buL Lhe second ls lncorrecL.
#" 1he rsL explanauon refers Lo proxlmaLe causauon, whereas
Lhe second refers Lo ulumaLe causauon.
$" 1he rsL explanauon ls blologlcal, whereas Lhe second ls
%" 1he rsL explanauon ls LesLable as a sclenuc hypoLhesls,
whereas Lhe second ls noL.
A Loxln LhaL blnds speclcally Lo volLage-gaLed na

channels prevenung Lhem from openlng would be
expecLed Lo:

!" prevenL Lhe hyperpolarlzauon phase of Lhe acuon
#" prevenL Lhe depolarlzauon phase of Lhe acuon
$" prevenL graded poLenuals.
%" lncrease Lhe release of neuroLransmluer molecules.
Cn Lhe dlagram of an acuon poLenual on Lhe prevlous sllde,
whlch of Lhe followlng ls correcL?

!" AL polnL (3) na
ls movlng lnLo Lhe cell.
#" AL polnL (1) k
ls movlng lnLo Lhe cell.
$" AL polnL (3) Lhe ouLslde of Lhe cell ls posluve wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe lnslde of Lhe cell.
%" olnL (2) ls called hyperpolarlzauon.

LvenLs LhaL Lransfer Lhe elecLrlcal slgnal from one nerve Lo anoLher
nerve are llsLed below:
(1) Acuon poLenual arrlves aL Lhe Lermlnal end of a presynapuc
(2) veslcles conLalnlng neuroLransmluer are released lnLo Lhe
synapuc cle.
(3) neuroLransmluer molecules blnd Lo Lhe volLage-gaLed
channels on Lhe membrane of Lhe posL synapuc nerve.
(4) volLage-gaLed Ca
-channels open.
(3) An acuon poLenual ls generaLed ln Lhe membrane of Lhe posL
synapuc cell.
Whlch ls Lhe correcL order of evenLs?
!" (1) - (4) - (2) - (3) - (3)
#" (1) - (2) - (3) - (4) - (3)
$" (3) - (3) - (2) - (4) - (1)
%" (4) - (1) - (2) - (3) - (3)
SalLaLory conducuon ls a Lerm applled Lo
conducuon of lmpulses

A. across elecLrlcal synapses.
8. ln Lwo dlrecuons aL Lhe same ume.
C. from one neuron Lo anoLher.
u. along myellnaLed nerve bres.
Whlch funcuon assoclaLed wlLh muscle would
be mosL dlrecLly aecLed by low levels of

A. muscle faugue
8. Lhe muscle bre resung membrane poLenual
C. Lhe lnluauon of an acuon poLenual
u. muscle conLracuon

LvenLs lnvolved ln Lhe conLracuon of a muscle are:

1. Muscle sumulaLed Lo conLracL when an acuon poLenual
crosses Lhe neuromuscular [uncuon.
2. Calclum lons are released from Lhe sarcoplasmlc reuculum.
3. Myosln/acun cross-brldge cycle occurs.
4. Calclum lons blnd wlLh a regulaLory proLeln on Lhe Lhln
lamenL, exposlng myosln-blndlng slLes.
3. Sarcomere shorLens.

Whlch shows Lhe correcL order of evenLs?
!" 1 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 3.
#" 4 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 1.
$" 1 - 2 - 4 - 3 - 3.
%" 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 3.

ln Lhe followlng planL clLauon, whlch ls Lhe
speclc eplLheL?
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0'$"12,, ':82 (1840)

!" !"#$%&'%'
#" )"&&**
$" 8enLh.
%" 0'$"12.

Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a feaLure LhaL does &2$
dlsungulsh Lhe land planLs from Lhe

!" aplcal merlsLems
#" Mulucellular dependenL embryos
$" Chlorophylls ' and 3 ln Lhe chloroplasLs
%" Walled spores produced ln sporangla

Whlch of Lhe followlng sLrucLures ls Lhe lasL Lo
appear when a garden bean germlnaLes?

!" 1he follage leaves
#" Lhe radlcle, or embryonlc rooL
$" Lhe coLyledons
%" Lhe shooL sheaLh

Clngkos and cycads are boLh gymnosperms.
1hey are unusual among Lhe land planLs ln
dlsplaylng whlch of Lhe followlng comblnauon of

!" a cuucle and agellaLe sperm.
#" seeds and agellaLe sperm.
$" alLernauon of generauons and seeds.
%" cones and vascular ussue.

Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a 4'#/% sLaLemenL
abouL growLh ln land planLs?
!" MerlsLems can produce boLh prlmary and
secondary growLh.
#" 1he cork camblum produces secondary
$" 8ooLs can dlsplay secondary growLh.
%" Some planLs lack prlmary growLh.

A Lree experlences four years of droughL followed
by four years of good growlng condluons. 1he
xylem cells formed durlng Lhe four droughL years

!" wlll be larger ln dlameLer Lhan Lhose formed
durlng Lhe droughL years.
#" wlll be dead, whereas Lhose formed durlng Lhe
good years wlll be allve.
$" wlll form growLh rlngs LhaL are smaller Lhan
Lhose LhaL were formed durlng Lhe good years.
%" wlll conducL a hlgher rauo of sugar Lo waLer Lhan
Lhose formed durlng Lhe droughL years.

ln alLernauon of generauons ln planLs,

!" a sporophyLe grows from a spore.
#" Lhe gameLes are produced by Lhe
gameLophyLe Lhrough melosls and cellular
$" Lhe spores are produced by Lhe sporophyLe
Lhrough melosls and cellular dlerenuauon.
%" Lhe spores are produced by Lhe gameLophyLe
Lhrough melosls and cellular dlerenuauon.

lf a planL were unable Lo form lLs Casparlan
sLrlp, whaL would be a llkely eecL on Lhe planL?

!" lLs prlmary merlsLems would be deacuvaLed
#" lL would be unable Lo LransporL waLer or
soluLes Lo Lhe leaves.
$" lL would be unable Lo selecL Lhe Lypes of
cauons and anlons lL absorbs from Lhe soll
%" lL would dlsplay a greaLer rooL pressure Lhan
normal planLs.

WaLer and dlssolved soluLes are LransporLed ln
Lrees from

!" Lhe leaves (crown) Lo Lhe rooLs vla Lhe
#" Lhe crown Lo Lhe rooLs, and Lhen back Lo Lhe
crown, vla Lhe phloem
$" Lhe rooLs Lo Lhe crown vla Lhe xylem
%" Lhe rooLs Lo Lhe crown, and Lhen back Lo Lhe
rooLs, vla Lhe xylem

hoLosynLhaLes are LransporLed ln Lrees from

A. Sugar sources Lo sugar slnks vla Lhe phloem
8. Sugar slnks Lo sugar sources vla Lhe phloem
C. Sugar sources Lo sugar slnks vla Lhe xylem
u. Sugar slnks Lo sugar sources vla Lhe xylem
Whlch of Lhese sLaLemenLs regardlng vascular
planLs ls *&5211%5$?

A. WaLer and dlssolved mlnerals always ow
unldlrecuonally ln Lhe xylem
8. WaLer and dlssolved mlnerals can ow ln any
dlrecuon ln Lhe xylem - dependlng on Lhe specles
and season
C. Sugars can ow ln any dlrecuon ln Lhe phloem -
dependlng on Lhe specles, ussue Lype and and
u. Woody planLs dlsplay prlmary and secondary
?our room maLe's poL planL was healLhy and fasL-
growlng when he hung lL ln Lhe wlndow lasL March,
buL now, ln CcLober, lLs older leaves are Lurnlng
yellow wlLh brown spoLs and falllng o, and lL
doesn'L grow.
Whlch of Lhe followlng ls mosL llkely Lo be Lhe

!" Loo much sunllghL
#" lack of poLasslum
$" lnfecLed soll
%" lack of nlLrogen

uurlng non-cycllc (llnear) elecLron ow,
phoLosysLem l ls exclLed by llghL and loses a palr
of elecLrons. 1hese elecLrons are replaced by
elecLrons from

!" hoLosysLem ll.
#" A1.
$" nAuP.
%" waLer

ChloroplasLs and mlLochondrla

!" have noLhlng ln common.
#" boLh use energy sLored ln an elecLrochemlcal
gradlenL Lo synLheslse A1.
$" are boLh colourless organelles.
%" boLh have A1 synLhase bound Lo Lhe lnner of
Lhelr Lwo boundlng membranes.

lanLs growlng ln a parually dark envlronmenL wlll
grow Loward llghL ln a response called
phoLoLroplsm. Choose Lhe *&5211%5$ sLaLemenL
regardlng phoLoLroplsm.

!" lL ls caused by a chemlcal slgnal.
#" Cne chemlcal lnvolved ls auxln.
$" Auxln causes a growLh lncrease on one slde of
Lhe sLem.
%" Auxln causes a decrease ln growLh on Lhe slde of
Lhe sLem exposed Lo llghL.

Whlch of Lhe followlng hormones ls parucularly
lmporLanL ln Lhe rlpenlng of frulL?

!" glberellln
#" cyLoklnlns
$" eLhylene
%" auxln

Whlch of Lhe followlng ls &2$ found ln ferns?

A. a domlnanL sporophyLe.
8. vascular ussue.
C. sLomaLa.
u. non-agellaLe sperm

Whlch of Lhe followlng mosL closely represenLs
Lhe male gameLophyLe of a gymnosperm?

!" ovule
#" mlcrospore moLher cell (mlcrosporocyLe)
$" pollen graln
%" embryo sac

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