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Think of current as the speed of the cars on a highway. Now think of the highway as the wires.

Now if I cut the wire in the middle (meaning, the highway collapsed somewhere ak a open circuit), how fast are the cars traveling? If there's no highway to trave l through, they aren't moving anywhere! Therefore current is 0 through a open ci rcuit. Now let's say I didn't cut the wire, but I made the highway extremely large like 10 lanes. How fast are the cars moving if there is no traffic? As fast as they want right? (There's no speed limits in wires) Therefore, the current through a "short circuit" is infinite. A short-circuit me ans that there is no resistance, or as I say, no traffic. But what about the voltage? Think of voltage as how badly do those people in the ir cars need to get to their destination. If you make the highway collapse, the people stranded in the cars will still need to get their destination right (mean ing, the starting location of where the people are traveling)? So when there's a n open circuit, the voltage is equal to the source. Now in a short circuit, the highway is as a big as possible, how badly do the pe ople need to get to their destination if they can go as fast as they want? Not r eally badly, therefore the voltage is 0.

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