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Sima- Finnish Fermented Lemon May Day Drink |...


Yield: Approximately 1 gallon

* 14 cups water * 1 cup brown sugar * 1 cup plus 4 teaspoons sugar, divided * 2 lemons, washed and thinly sliced * 1/8 teaspoon yeast * 16-20 raisins

In a large pot, bring the water to a boil. Add the brown sugar, 1 cup of the white sugar and stir to dissolve. Add the lemon slices, stir and let sit until lukewarm. Transfer the liquid to a nonreactive (non-metallic) container and add the yeast and stir. Partially cover and let sit for 8 hours or overnight. Tiny bubbles should have formed around the perimeter of the liquid. Strain the liquid into sterilized bottles. Place one teaspoon of sugar per quart of liquid as well as 4-5 raisins. Cork tightly. Let stand at room temperature until the raisins have all risen to the top of the bottles. Refrigerate until use, letting out some of the pressure from the bottles from time to time, if necessary. Adapted from The Finnish Cookbook

This delicious recipe brought to you by Girl Cooks World

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12/08/2013 05:26 PM

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