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NLN Pharmacology Study Guide There is no official study guide for the NLN Pharmacology Exam.

This guide is not meant to be all-inclusive of the information you will need to know to successfully pass the NLN Pharmacology exam. You should utilize other resources as necessary to prepare for the exam. Please note that after taking the exam, NLN provides access to review resources on-line. The test is composed of 100 scored questions plus some trial questions (about 25). You will not know which are which. All are multiple choice questions, including calculations. Content is divided in three areas on the exam: calculations, principles of medication administration and medication effects. They are pretty evenly divided. The questions are very similar to the NCLEX questions. You should also use traditional NCLEX testtaking tips to prepare for this exam also. References: Pearson nursess drug guide. (2013). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Silvestri, L. A. (2011). Saunders comprehensive review for the NCLEX-RN examination. St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Adams, M. P. & Urban, C. Q. (2013). Pharmacology: Connections to nursing practice (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Calculations Please remember this is about 1/3 of the pharmacology exam. It may be beneficial for you to practice calculations and/or review a nursing math book to help prep. You may not have used all the calculation methods recently. Questions may include one or more type of calculation. Tips: 1. READ CAREFULLY. Always be sure you know what the end result should be (mg, pills, ml, etc.). This can help you select the correct formula and eliminate unnecessary information. 2. Double (and triple) check actual math. Did you clear the calculator correctly? 3. Does the answer make sense? 4. There are both adult and pediatric calculations. 5. Watch per dose, per day. 6. How you calculate the answer does not matter (desired over have, ratio : proportion, etc.); accuracy does.


2Common calculations include (but are not limited to): 1. Kg to mg to mcg conversion (any which way) L K H D M D C M mcg G liter (kilo hecto deca meter deci centi milli skip skip micro) gram 2. Dosage calculations a. Tablets b. mg. to tablets c. mg. to ml d. units to ml e. kg to ml f. Half-life calculation g. IV rate calculation (hourly infusion rate) AND adjustment h. IV rate dosage calculation (based on units per ml, etc.) i. Macro- vs. micro-drop tubing j. Calculating drops/minute (gtts/min) Examples: (abbreviated to type of question; exam will add extra information) 1. Have 5 mg tablets; ordered dose 2.5 mg. How many tablets will the nurse administer? 2. Have 2 mg/2 ml; order is 1 mg. How many milliliters will the nurse administer? 3. Prepare a 20 mEq dose of a medication. Available solution is 40 mEq/10 ml. How many ml will be administered? Note: calculation method is not different in examples 1 - 3, just the unit of measure (mg, units, mEq, etc.). BE SURE AVAILABLE AND HAVE ARE THE SAME UNIT OF MEASURE. 4. Half-life conversion: Half-life is known to be 2 hours. What percentage will be left in the body after six hours? 5. A person weighs 165 lbs. How many kg does the person weigh?


6. The available medication has been reconstituted to 250 mg/5 ml. The order is 5 mg/kg/daily in two evenly divided doses. Child weight 44 pounds. How many milliliters will be administered per dose? NOTE: More than one calculation method must be used to answer this question. 7. IV was ordered at 1000 ml over 8 hour period. After two hours, only 900 ml has infused. Calculate the new infusion rate for the medication to be administered within the original 8 hour period. 8. Order is for 3000 cc over a 24-hour period. What is the hourly flow rate? OR: What will the pump be set at per hour? 9. Order is for antibiotic to be mixed in 50 ml NS and administered over 45 minutes. What is the hourly flow rate? OR: What will the pump be set at per hour? 10. Volume is 1000 ml. Ordered infusion time is 8 hours. Have tubing of 15 drops/ml. How many drops need to be counted to deliver the identified milliliters per minute? 11. Available solution = 25,000 units in 250 ml NS. Order is to administer at 22 ml/hour. How many units will be given per hour? 12. Available solution = 25,000 units in 250 ml NS. Administer at 2000 units/hour. How many ml will be given be hour? OR: What will the pump be set at per hour? Principles of Pharmacology These include the basics! Review: 1. Routes of administration benefits and problems 2. Sizes of needles and syringes for injections 3. Six Rights of Medication Administration; Three Checks 4. Side effects; adverse effects; paradoxical reactions; toxicity; antagonists 5. Half-life calculation 6. Allergic or hypersensitivity reactions 7. Absorption, metabolism, distribution and excretion 8. There may be questions on lab values as relevant. 9. There are pediatric and adult questions. 10. Immunosuppression precautions (due to meds for cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc.)


Administration routes: some key points Sublingual administration absorbed in mucosa of oral cavities rapid onset of action Place tablet on floor of mouth, close mouth. Do not swallow, hold under tongue until dissolve. Use spray on floor of mouth under tongue and close mouth. Buccal place tablet between gum and cheek near back of mouth, close mouth and keep in place until dissolve slower to dissolve and absorb than sublingual Intramuscular injections Given in the vastus lateralis in children up to 3 Spread skin taught to bring muscle near surface of skin, with dart-like motion insert needle at 90 degrees Aspirate to determine if needle enter a blood vessel. If there is blood return discard the needle and meds and start procedure over. NGtube / Gtube NG usually temporary; G-tube for longer term Follow instructions re crushing, dissolving medication no sustained release meds Eye drop administration Clean exudates from eye; (2) tilt head toward side of affected eye; (3) pull lower eyelid down; (4) have pt. look up; (5) instill drops in conjunctival sac formed by lower lid (not onto the eye); (6) Apply gentle pressure for 30 sec to 1 min over inner cantus next to nose (this prevents absorption through the tear duct and drainage of the medication). Close eyes gently massage the eyes to distribute the meds. Slow absorption except in infants where they readily absorb EYE OINTMENT Same as eye drop except it is expressed directly into the conjunctival sac from the inner canthus to the outer canthus. Close eyes and gently massage to distribute the medication


Definitions: Agranulocytosis / Neutropenia / agranulocytopenia Definition: Acute decrease in the number of granulocytes/leukopenia (WBC) in peripheral blood Causes include: treatment with broad spectrum PCN, sulfonamides or cephalosporin (piperacillin, tazobactam, cetazidime, ticarcillin, gentamycin), bone marrow transplant, chemotherapy, radiation. Generally is impaired resulting from bone marrow depression by drugs and chemicals or replacement by a neoplasm(oral lesion, ulcer necrotic, gingivitis, buccal mucosa Lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis may be prevalent. Could lead to respiratory infection, ulceration of mouth colon, high fever, UTI. But may be asymptomatic Chelating agents A form of detoxification Chelating therapy involves an injection or oral administration of ethylene diamine Tetra acetic avide (a synthetic amino acid which attaches to toxic substance such as lead, cadmium, aluminum and other metal in the blood to facilitate their removal from the body.) May be used to treat hardening of the arteries, heart attack, stroke, arthritis and gangrene because of its ability to remove excess calcium from the body. EDTA: Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Use in children with lead level between 45&70 micron/dl. EDTA binds to lead in blood and excreted by the bowel and kidney. EDTA may be toxic to kidney. Monitor urine output. Give this by IV. Dose depends on weight of child, severity of the poison. Agent is given every 4 hours for 5 days. A second course may be needed if there is a rebound in the blood level. Give oral and IV fluid to enhance excretion Do not use EDTA with hypocalcemia or hypokalemia. OTHER AGENTS British antiLewisite (BAL) does not give with iron supplement and avoid in pt. with plant allergy. Give this by IM Succimer (Chemer) Chemet oral medication - Do not give in pt. with encephalopathy Epistaxis Nose bleed. Can be anterior or posterior. Posterior is more serious. due to rupture of blood vessels within richly perfuse nasal mucosa spontaneous or initiated by trauma blood can come up through the eye, can also flow down the stomach causing nausea, vomiting


Treat epistaxis cauterization with silver nitrate, calcium alginate mesh, nasal cavity packed with sterile dressing ribbon gauze, absorbent dressing or saline sprayed into the nose Ice pack to forehead or back of the neck pinch septum of nose for 5 minutes Do not pack nose with tissue or gauze Half-life The time it takes for a medication to lose half of its pharmacologic or physiologic effect To calculate half-life: There is a formula but the easiest way to decrease count. Example: half- life is 1 hour. Start 100% 1 hr. 50% 2 hrs. 25% 3 hrs. 12.5% 4 hrs. 6.25% Question Half-life of xyz medication is 1 hour. After 3 hours, what percentage of the medication will be left? A = 12.5% Osmotic agent - see entry under Mannitol Paradoxical reaction A response to a drug (or medical treatment) that is the opposite to the usual response, such as agitation produced in an individual patient by a drug which is ordered to sedate or calm a person. Sustained release / time released / extended release / controlled release Pills or capsule formulated to dissolve slowly and release drug over time. They can often be taken less frequently, keep steadier levels of the drug in the bloodstream Contain in a matrix of insoluble substance (e.g. Acrylics) the drug swells up to form a gel so that the drug has first to dissolve in matrix then exit through the outer surface. Cannot be crushed, dissolved or opened


Medication Effects There is a bit of an overlap here with Principles of Pharmacology. These questions tend to be medication (or classification) specific. There are many medications on the test and many could be. As applicable, both brand and generic names are used. We recognize the attached grid is very lengthy, but have included some of the key components as identified below. Most medications addressed are either high usage or high risk. Please note that auto-corrections will change generic names to starting with caps. In the grid, we have tried to list generic first, then brand names. Areas to know: 1. Use, dose, side effects, contraindications 2. Since there are a limited number of questions, not all medications are addressed. You may be asked to select which medication would be given for a particular diagnosis. When studying, focus on the classifications this may enable you to answer without knowing the actual medication. 3. Focus on what are the major side effects of a medication or class? What makes it high risk? Why might one particular med be used other than another? 4. Patient teaching is a major focus. What would you tell the patient about the medication? What would indicate understanding? What would indicate need for further teaching? Common classification of medications Note letters in medication name and look for those letters that identify a particular classification: Androgens: end with terone: testosterone (Testoderm) ACE Inhibitors: end with pril: enalapril (Vasotec) Antidiuretic hormones: end with pressin: desmopressin (DDAVP) Antilipidemic: end with statin: atorvastatin (Lipitor) Antiviral: contain -vir: ritonavir (Norvir)


Benzodiazepines: include alprazolam (Xanax), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), clorazepate (Tranxene), estazolam (ProSom), and triazolam (Halcion). Most others end with pam: diazepam (Valium)

Beta Blockers: end with lol: atenolol (Tenormin) CCB: end with pine: amlodipine (Norvasc); some exceptions include diltiazem (Cardizem), verapamil (Isoptin)

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: end with mide: acetazolamide (Diamox) Estrogens: contain est: conjugated estrogen (Premarin) Glucocorticoids and corticosteroids: end with sone: prednisone (Deltasone) Histamine H2 receptor antagonists: end with dine: cimetidine (Tagamet) Nitrates: contain nitr: nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) Pancreatic enzyme replacements: contain pancre: pancrelipase (Pancrease) Phenothiazines: end with zine: chlorpromazine (Thorazine) Proton Pump Inhibitors: end with zole: lansoprazole (Prevacid) Sulfonamides: include sulf: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) Thiazide diuretics: end with zide: hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL) Thrombolytics: end with -ase: alteplase (Activase) Thyroid hormones: contain thy: levothyroxine (Synthroid) Xanthine bronchodialators: end with line: theophylline


Specific Diseases or treatments: Aminoglycoside antibiotics - Treats serious life threatening gram negative (and some positive) infections All aminoglycoside ends Mycin but not all drugs that ends in Mycin are aminoglycosides such as (Erythromycin and azithromycin) Examples: Gentamycin Tobramycin Vancomycin Neomycin Generally IM or IV. Oral route is not recommended. It is only use for bowel prep prior to surgery (see Neomycin) Adverse effects/toxicity: Two most common MAJOR adverse effects: Nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. Also: Photosensitivity risk for superinfections Pseudomembranous colitis (c-diff): stop med and treat with PO Flagyl Peak level: Drawn 15-30 min after the infusion is completed. Peak concentration determines that toxic level does not occur. If peak is too high, may reduce dose. Trough level: Drawn immediately (within 30 minutes) before next IV dose Assures that therapeutic level of drug is maintained. Trough level is 1-2 g/ml between doses. Dose will be adjusted if level is not sustained

Blood administration Start blood transfusion slow 2 ml/min. Remain with pt. for the first 15-30 min. if there is no sign of side effect, increase rate to the desired rate Administer using largest gauge IV access as possible. Observe for acute reaction such as: allergic s/s rash, itching, localized edema; febrile (even low grade); septic; air embolism; circulatory overload. Observe for delayed reaction: Graft vs. host; hepatitis; hemolysis Crack abuse effect on newborns Crack crosses the placenta and enters the fetus. Common presentation: Infant may appear normal or develop neurological problem. Child may develop depression or excitability, they may be lethargy, have poor suck; weak cry and difficulty in arousing, hypotonicity, rigidity, irritability, inability to console and intolerance to change, small head, decreased birth length Late symptoms: Some infant showed late symptoms 2-8 wks. There may be growth retardation - head growth is one of the best indication Diabetes treatment in children Hypoglycemic reaction takes place most time before meals or when insulin effect is peaking. First teaching: (1) let child wear bracelet or tag; (2) Teach how to give injection. Inject at 90 degree angle. Teach only the essentials on the first few visits and intense later. Keep session for children to 14-20 min and adult may go up to 45-60 Have same meal as normal child time intake of food. Eat at the same time each day. Children can start learn to assume responsibility for self-management as soon as age 4-5. At age 9, they can start giving their own insulin with supervision. Exercise: do not restrict exercise. Have extra snack before and after exercise. Exercise very regularly as it decreases the need for insulin Carry a source of glucose at all times (hard candy, sugar cubes glucose tablets, insta glucose). The rapid releasing sugar is followed by complex CHO and protein such as slice of bread or cracker spread with peanut butter After glucagon injection, vomiting may occur. Place child on the side to prevent aspiration. Preferred way of treating ketoacidosis is by insulin IV of low dosing. Note. Run a mixture of insulin through the tubing before starting the drip because the insulin can chemically bind to plastic. Replace fluid over 24-48 hrs.

Diabetes Intravenous insulin administration Can only be done with regular insulin in management of DKA, HHNK. Premature discontinuation can cause prolongation of DKA. Begin SQ insulin therapy before stopping the infusion. If not, there might be prolonged hyperglycemia. Hepatitis see below HIV treatment antiretinoviral therapy Side effects: START therapy: Common meds: (1) all symptomatic HIV people Assess for opportunistic infection (presenting with a AIDS-defining illness) abacavir (ziagen) (cancer, neurological disease); HA, or fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stavudine (Zerit) abdominal discomfort, anemia, taste (2) with a CD4 count less than 350 mm3. zidovudine (AZT) (3) also start pregnant women (AZT is perversion, asthenia, circumoral used to prevent maternal transmission paresthesia with ritonivair, Antiviral protease inhibitor. End in AVIR of HIV) Adverse/toxicity Use prophylactically. STOP if severe rash or other Hepatoxicity, Hepatotoxicity: AST, Use in combination to decrease viral hypersensitivity reaction occurs. ALT, bilirubin; observe for nausea, load and increase CD4. Excluding reaction to medications vomiting jaundice upper right Reverse transcriptase inhibitors: Ends in and/or ineffectiveness of medication, abdominal quad enlargement and INE treatment will be long-term. tenderness. Reduce dose in liver Stop replication/growth. Reduces dysfunction. viral load. TEACH One major advantage is that they do Nephrotoxicity; creatinine, BUN, creatinine clearance, urinalysis, keep Use neutropenic precautions not affect adversely affect Eat small frequent meals with accurate I& O, monitor for SE of development of blood cells. complete or complementary proteins neutropenic, observe occult signs of Use in combination with other meds infection. (lower back, flank or because resistant strains may rapidly suprapubic pain, normal temp or low evolve if used as single agent grade fever related to UTI therapy. Inhibit cell protein synthesis that interfere with viral replication; block protease activity in HIV. Treat AIDS and AIDS-related complex to decrease viral load



Inotropic medications: Positive inotropic meds increase cardiac contractility examples: epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine Negative inotropic meds decrease cardiac contractility, lower BP: examples quinidine; betablockers (most end in olol) Sulfonamides Side effects: CAUTION: do not use: Rash common; most are urticaria and known allergies to sulfa drugs Anti-infective. maculopapular. In polyuria, advanced renal or hepatic Bacteriostatic which action on GI symptoms dysfunction bacteria results from interference Bone marrow depression with intestinal and urinary blockage, with the functioning of enzyme Headache, dizziness, vertigo, ataxia, asthma systems necessary for normal convulsion, depression metabolism, growth and Adverse effects/toxicity: Take adequate amount to fluid 3000multiplication Hepatotoxicity 4000ml/day to promote urinary Treat: UTI, Chlamydia causing output, at least 1500ml/d to prevent Nephrotoxicity blindness, pneumonia, brain abscess, Stevens Johnson syndrome (an crystalluria/stone formation ulcerative colitis, active Crohns May be taken after meals to prolong adverse reaction of skin that disease, rheumatoid arthritis time in intestine. resembles appearance of partial Examples: Collect C&S prior to beginning thickness burns) Bactrim therapy Thiazide diuretics: Side effects: Take early in the day to avoid Examples: Dizziness, vertigo, HA, weakness, nocturia chlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril), dehydration, orthostatic hypotension Take with food to avoid GI upset. hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ, Diuril) N/V, abdominal pain, diarrhea, Thiazide is ineffective if creatinine Name ends in ZIDE constipation, frequent urination clearance is < 30ml/min non-potassium sparing diuretic. dermatitis and rash Eat foods high in potassium, restrict Acts on distal tubes, blocks Electrolyte imbalance sodium, do not use salt substitute if reabsorption of sodium, chloride and impaired glucose tolerance taking potassium supplement water. Leads to increased loss of Adverse effects/toxicity: weigh self daily, report sudden Potassium. weight gains or losses Renal failure, Use for edema and mild to moderate aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, Avoid use with: hypertension Children thrombocytopenia will see effect of within 1-4 wks. anuria anaphylactic reaction

Tricyclic Antidepressants Initial mechanism of TCA takes 1-3 weeks to develop. Maximum response is achieved in 6-8 wks. Has long half-life. Most Tricyclics ends in INE nortriptyline (Pamelor) amitriptyline (Elavil) doxepin (sinequan) imipramine (tofranil)

Block the reuptake of norepinephrine or serotonins or both, leaving more available in the CNS. It intensifies the effect of norepinephrine and serotonin which can elevate mood, increase activity and alertness, decrease preoccupation with morbidity, improve appetite and regulate sleep pattern. It is used to treat insomnia, attention deficit/hyperactivity and panic disorder. Side effects: orthostatic hypotension, sedation and anticholinergic effects. Adverse effects/toxicity: Most serious adverse effect is cardiac toxicity; in the absence of overdose or preexisting cardiac impairment, serious cardiotoxicity is rare. URINARY RETENTION IS URGENT Overdose may cause convulsions

Take at nights, it causes sedation. Do not take with MAO it will cause hypertensive crisis from excessive adrenergic stimulation of the heart and blood vessels, monitor orthostatic BP of pt. in hospital

Use with caution: Glaucoma Elderly constipation, prostatic hyperplasia, as they are more sensitive to anticholinergic effect Avoid use with: hypersensitivity, MI, Cardiovascular disease

Vesicant Chemotherapy See precautions under Vincristine Hepatitis: inflammation of liver caused by virus, bacteria or exposure to meds or hepatotoxins Stages of viral hepatitis: (1) Pre-icteric precedes appearance of jaundice, may have flulike symptoms (2) Icteric appearance of jaundice, elevated bilirubin, dark or tea colored urine, clay-colored stools (3) Post-icteric convalescent stage; jaundice improves; color of urine and stool returns to normal



Hepatitis A (formerly infectious hepatitis) Cause: enterovirus At risk: Young children Institutionalized people Health care personnel Transmission: fecal-oral ingestion of food or liquids contaminated with the virus. person by person contact Incubation: 3-5 wks. Infectious: usually 2 wks. before the onset of jaundice and 1 wk. after onset of jaundice. s/s: May have no symptoms initially. Complications: Fulminant hepatitis

Hepatitis B. At risk: IV drug users People on Hemodialysis Health care personnel Transmission: blood and body fluids contaminated needles, parenteral sexual activity Incubation: 6-24 weeks s/s: progression of symptoms is more insidious and prolonged than Hep A virus. Initially may be asymptomatic. 1 week -2 months of Prodromal symptoms: fatigue, anorexia, transient fever, abdominal

Hepatitis C At risk: IV drug users People receiving frequent transfusions Healthcare personnel Transmission: Same as Hep B Blood and body fluids Incubation period: 5-10 weeks s/s: similar to HBV but often less severe. Complications: chronic liver disease Cirrhosis.

Hepatitis D Cause: Occurs only with Hepatitis B and only causes problems with an acute HepB infection. At risk: common in Middle east, south Africa and Mediterranean same as HepB Transmission: same as Hepatitis B. Incubation period: 7-8 weeks HepD along with HepB causes superinfection and worsening of condition and rapid progression of cirrhosis Complications: As per Hep B

Hepatitis E Cause: waterborne virus At risk: Travel to areas where sewage disposal is inadequate and/or people bathe in contaminated rivers At higher risk with higher mortality: women in third trimester of pregnancy Transmission: Same as HepA Incubation: 2-9 weeks Complications: Maternal and fetal demise




discomfort N/V, HA. Then expanding to: Hepatic S/S, photophobia, angioedema, rash, vasculitis, jaundice in Icteric phase Complication: Cirrhosis Fulminant hepatitis

A grid follows with a listing of medications that may be on the exam.



Drug Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) Non-narcotic analgesic Antipyretic Antiplatelets

Use and dosage Blocks pain impulse in peripheral and some CNS; antipyretic result; inhibit platelets aggregation

Activated charcoal (Actidose) Antidote Adsorbent

Side effect Increases coagulation times Reyes syndrome (encephalopathy and fatty liver), GI bleed, tinnitus, Treat TIA, Post MI, liver toxicity (dark Stroke, angina urine, clay stool, itching, yellowing sclera and skin), visual changes Treat poison and Vomiting with rapid overdose following administration oral ingestion. pulmonary Binds to poison and aspiration prevent its absorption by the GI tract and then eliminates in the feces. Administer within 60 minutes of ingestion. Give once or twice depending on the level of toxin. May come premixed with water 12.5-25 grams

Teaching and labs Monitor coagulation studies Take with full glass of water, milk for food to prevent stomach upset Do not crush enteric coated given daily (81-325 mg) for cardiac prophylaxis post MI, stents, strokes, etc. Binding is irreversible so cathartic such as sorbitol may be added as well. It allows certain drugs/toxins to be drawn out of the blood and bind to charcoal in the intestine a kind of gut dialysis Stools will be black Charcoal does not change the stomach PH.

contraindication Do not use with: children under 12 and/or children or teenagers with chicken pox or flu like symptoms (because of risk of Reyes syndrome); pregnancy in 3rd trimester; and vitamin K deficiency Do not administer with Ingestion of: caustic alkali agent, high viscosity petroleum products OR when: convulsions are occurring, cardiac dysrhythmias are present, or there is emesis of blood Implement antidote supportive care and prevent aspiration are if gastric lavage is not to be performed.



Drug Acyclovir (Zovirax) Antiviral - Herpes simplex virus HSV - Herpes zoster - varicella

Alteplase recombinant (Activase) Streptokinase is similar. Urokinase is given mostly in emergency situation. Thrombolytic agent Cath-flo Activase is for occluded catheters

Use and dosage Used for herpes simplex. Does not eradicate latent herpes. It reduces viral shedding and formation of new lesions and speeds healing time. (oral, IV and topical) To decrease symptoms with varicella zoster (chicken pox/ shingles). Dissolves or break down clots to reestablish perfusion. Indicated for clients at risk for developing thrombus with resultant ischemia such as MI, ischemic stroke, arterial thrombosis, DVT, PE occlusion of IV catheters.

Side effect Side effects: Headache, dizziness seizure nausea, vomiting, diarrhea acute renal failure thrombocytopenia purpura hemolytic uremia syndrome

Teaching and labs Even after HSV infection is controlled, latent virus can be activated by stress, trauma, fever exposure to sunlight, sexual intercourse. Refrain from sex if S/S of herpes. Adverse effects/toxicity: nephrotoxicity Hemorrhage, N/V, hypotension cardiac dysrhythmias. Watch for s/s bleeding; VS changes, s/s of impending shock If bleeding is occurring stop treatment and notify doctor. May start on FFP and PRBC. Aminocaprionic acid (Amicar) may be ordered for overdose or excessive bleeding.


Do not give with: pregnancy, active bleeding, recent Hx of CVA, Uncontrolled HTN, IM medication route is contraindicated when using thrombolytics. Do not take NSAIDs or Aspirin because of enhanced bleeding.

Dose related is the highest problem



Drug Aluminum hydroxide (Amphogel) Antacid

Use and dosage Neutralizes gastric acid, antflatulent to alleviate symptoms of gas and bloating

Ampicillin (Ampicin) IV, PO, IM. Antibiotic Aminopenicillin

Similar side effects, allergic reaction, etc. for all Penicillins (PCN)

Treat bacterial infection Commonly used with: Shigella, salmonella, Escherichia coli, haemophilus influenza, Neisseria gonorrhea, Neisseria meningitis, gram positive organism

Side effect Increases gastric pH, Decreases absorption of other drugs such as dig, antibiotic, iron supplement. Toxicity causes dementia, Hypercalcemia, metabolic alkalosis, worsening of HTN, heart failure from increased intake. allergic reaction: Skin rash, urticaria, swelling, pruritus, angioedema. Severe allergy: hives, wheezing, anaphylactic reaction. Medical emergency requires immediate tx or can lead to death. side effects: GI, N/V, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Pruritic rash like measles is not a true allergic reaction

Teaching and labs Given 2 hrs. apart from other drugs where interaction may occur. Observe for signs and symptoms of altered phosphate levels; anorexia, muscle weakness and malaise. Increase fluid, exercise and fiber to prevent constipation. Do not give with fruit juice, milk or carbonated beverages because of poor absorption. Watch for hypokalemia Take on empty stomach. May not be necessary to stop treatment if mild diarrhea develops. Give yogurt or buttermilk to restore normal flora (or probiotics)

contraindication Do not use: abdominal pain, N/V, diarrhea, severe renal dysfunction, fecal impaction, rectal bleeding, colostomy, ileostomy dehydration hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria Avoid with: Hypersensitivity to any penicillins; use cautiously if history of hypersensitivity to cephalosporins; Exfoliated dermatitis Loop diuretic may exacerbate hypokalemia and rash. Potassium-sparing diuretic may contribute to hyperkalemia



Drug Atropine Sulfate.

Use and dosage Use to increase heart rate (not Two different uses: necessarily first drug of choice). Anticholinergic Decreases (such as for involuntary Parkinsons disease) movement and For ophthalmic use rigidity in Parkinsons disease Pre-op to decrease secretions and prevent aspiration Systemic effect is more of secretions while pronounced in infant under anesthesia and children with blue eyes and blond hair. Use for Also increased risk of inflammation of the toxicity with Down iris and uveal tract. syndrome

Side effect Dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention or hesitancy headache, dizziness Adverse effects/toxicity: Paralytic ileus. Treat overdose (resp. depression and circulatory collapse) symptomatically. Adverse effect when used for the eye Transient stinging, increase IOP, photophobia,

Teaching and labs contraindication Monitor dosage of Increased meds carefully, even anticholinergic slight overdose can effect with lead to toxicity. phenothiazine, antidepressant, Assess for MAOs amantadine. constipation and urinary retention; increase fluids, bulk Contraindicated in and exercise, assess pt. with narrow bowel sound to rule angle glaucoma, out paralytic ileus, myasthenia gravis, or GI obstruction. Avoid driving or other hazardous activities, drowsiness may occur. For the Eye Acute glaucoma can be precipitated by papillary dilation; if not recognized and treat, acute glaucoma can result in blindness. Wear dark sunglass and avoid bright light for photophobia, Monitor intraocular pressure and vision



Drug Beclomethasone diproprionate (Beclovent) inhaled corticosteroid medication

Use and dosage Used in bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis

Side effect Side Effects: Pharyngeal irritation and sore throat, coughing, dry mouth, oral fungal infections, and sinusitis.

note: also nasal inhalant as Beconase

Teaching and labs Decrease dose if pt. is on systematic corticosteroid. Assess for impaired bone growth in children receiving inhaled Increased corticosteroid susceptibility to Considerations: infection, Monitor for dermatologic effects hyperglycemia and osteoporosis, Rinse mouth after diarrhea, N/V, HA, use for medication; fever, dizziness oropharyngeal angioedema rash candidiasis and/or urticaria and hoarseness can paradoxical occur. bronchospasm Use bronchodilator inhalant before Adverse effects/toxicity corticosteroid when Adrenocortical both are ordered. insufficiency Do not abruptly fluid and electrolyte stop meds taper disturbances, over 2 weeks. nervous system Be aware of steroids effects and symptoms - Moon endocrine effects if face, acne, edema, absorbed increased fat pads systemically. - notify doctor. Report weight gain

contraindication Do not use with: children under Clients with known allergy May require adjustment of antidiabetic agent as there is a potential for elevated blood glucose levels with corticosteroids are administered orally. Not use in bronchospasm or status asthmaticus.



Drug Benztropine mesylate (Cogentin) Anticholinergic (cholinergic receptor antagonist) Anti-Parkinson

Use and dosage Treat Parkinson symptoms: Suppresses tremors and rigidity, not tardive dyskinesia Decreases hypersalivation and irregular movement related to Parkinson disease. Reduces extrapyramidal side effects

Side effect Side effects: dry mouth, urinary retention/hesitancy, HA, dizziness.

Teaching and labs Monitor dose carefully; even slight overdose can lead to toxicity. Nursing considerations: Monitor I&Os,

contraindication Avoid use with: narrow-angle glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, GI obstruction

Buspirone (Buspar) anxiolytic

Anxiety Desired response 710 days; Make take 3-4 weeks for full effect

Adverse effects/toxicity: Education: paralytic ileus Avoid driving, or other hazardous activities; drowsiness may occur. Avoid cough OTC medication unless prescribed. Side effects: When switching to Dizziness Buspar, taper off benzodiazepines headache Less likely to have drowsiness cognitive impairment than other CNS meds Does not cause withdrawal s/s and thus does not need to be tapered off when stopping

Avoid use with: MAO Inhibitors Lactation Caution with: moderate to severe renal impairment



Drug Chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride (Librium) Anxiolytic Sedative-hypnotic benzodiazepine IM & tablet form Peak: 1-4 hours PO, 15-30 min IM. Half-life 5-30hr

Use and dosage To relieve tension and/or anxiety To manage alcohol withdrawal

Side effect Adverse effect: respiratory distress, drowsy, dizziness, lethargy, orthostatic hypotension photosensitivity Suicidal tendencies may be present and protective measures may be necessary. Monitor closely for paradoxical reactions excitement, stimulation, acute rage usually early in tx withhold drug and notify dr.

do not to stop taking drug abruptly will have withdrawal symptoms (usually in 5-7 days)

Teaching and labs Give with milk or food to prevent GI upset. Check BP and pulse early in tx. If BP falls delay medication and notify dr. Labs: Monitor CBC, renal and hepatic enzyme levels watch for dependency Education: Avoid alcohol no OTC meds unless prescribed Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until effects known.

contraindication Avoid use with: Narrow angle glaucoma, under 12 year old lactation Use cautiously with: impending depression, impaired hepatic or renal function, COPD



Drug Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin) Oral, injection, ophthalmic drops and ointment Anti-bacterial

Use and dosage severe infection for susceptible organisms when other anti-infective are ineffective. Sty, conjunctivitis, uveitis

Side effect Side effects: dermatitis, itching, stinging, swelling Adverse effects/toxicity (oral and injection) edema super infection, aplastic anemia. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Teaching and labs obtain culture specimen from eye before initiation of treatment remove exudates. Monitor for pain, drainage, redness, swelling. Monitor for bleeding or bruising Take early in the morning to avoid nocturia. Give with food, allow for 3-4 weeks for maximum effect, Will not be effective if creatinine clearance Is less than 30ml/min

contraindication Avoid use with: hypersensitivity

Chlorothiazide (Diuril) Thiazide diuretic, non-Potassium sparing Anti-hypertensive

Increases urinary excretion sodium and water by inhibiting sodium reabsorption. Use for edema and HTN, HF, cirrhosis, corticosteroid and estrogen therapy, diabetes insipidus,

Side effects: Dizziness, vertigo, frequent urination, electrolyte imbalance, impaired glucose tolerance, hyperuricemia, photosensitivity Adverse effects/toxicity: Renal failure, aplastic anemia, and anaphylaxis

Avoid use: Client with anuria. Use cautiously with impaired renal or hepatic function. If pregnant. Will increase serum lithium level



Drug Chlorpromazine hydrochloride (Thorazine)

Use and dosage Block dopamine receptor in CNS to Use: treat psychotic disorder phenothiazine (schizophrenia, Antipsychotic bipolar, and other medication mental illnesses); prevent acute Anti-emetic exacerbation and maintain highest possible level of function Give bromocripitine Use to control (Parlodel) and manic phase dantrolene (bipolar) (Dantrium) for intractable hiccups NMS. nausea/vomiting Low potency antipsychotic which can reduce the risk of EPSE (extrapyramidal side effects)

Side effect Side effects: Sedation, orthostatic hypotension, anticholinergic effect (dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, photophobia, constipation, tachycardia) liver damage, tremor are two major side effects. photosensitivity Adverse effects/toxicity: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), catatonia, rigidity, stupor, unstable blood pressure profuse sweating, dyspnea. Can be toxic effect and MAY last for 5-10 days after discontinuation of the med.

Teaching and labs get baseline ECG, thorough baseline evaluation lab tests before treatment. Give bromocripitine (Parlodel) and dantrolene (Dantrium) for NMS. Withdrawal of drug is necessary Take measures to protect eyes exposed to sunlight

contraindication Monitor diabetics closely for glucose intolerance



Drug Cimetidine (Tagamet) GI meds, H2 receptor antagonist

Use and dosage Works against histamine receptors, decreases gastric secretion. Use short term for duodenal ulcer, benign gastric ulcer, acute upper GI bleed Treat ovarian and testicular cancer by interfering with DNA replication

Cisplatin (Platinol) Half-life 20-30 minutes Antineoplastic medication Alkylating agent ** Major allergic reaction can occur within first 15 mins. of administration. Anaphylaxis may occur within minutes of drug initiation.

Side effect Side effects: Cardiac dysrhythmia, diarrhea, dry mouth, constipation Adverse effects/toxicity: Rare but may include agranulocytosis neutropenia , thrombocytopenia aplastic anemia, anaphylaxis Side effects: anorexia, uncontrolled N/V, fluid retention, weight gain Adverse effects/toxicity: Major toxicities occur in the blood, GI, and reproductive system. Watch urine output and specific gravitynephrotoxicity may occur within 2 wks. ototoxicity (tinnitus or difficulty hearing in the high frequency range)

Teaching and labs May be given with meals and at bedtime Avoid smoking which cause gastric stimulation Avoid antacid use within one hour of dose

contraindication Avoid use: hypersensitivity Use caution: impaired renal or hepatic function

maintain fluid at least 3000 ml in 24 hr. ; report reduced urine output Avoid food high in thiamine (beer, wine cheese, brewers yeast, chicken liver & banana) - may lead to hypertension & intracranial hemorrhage

Avoid use: Hx of sensitivity to platinum-containing compounds, impaired renal function and hearing, Hx of gout, renal stones. Incompatible with dextrose and Reglan, Vanco Lasix may increase otoxicity other nephrotoxic drugs may increase nephrotoxicity and renal failure.



Drug Codeine sulfate Opioid analgesic (agonist) Antitussive (cough suppressant) Rapid onset if IM or IV. Peak 1-2 hrs., Duration up to 7 hours.

Use and dosage To treat mild to severe pain most oral preparations combined with ASA or acetaminophen hyperactive cough

Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Half- life: 6 days

Vitamin B12 helps in the formation of red blood cells essential for the proper production of blood platelets and red and white blood cells and the nervous system Malabsorption syndrome Pernicious anemia water-soluble vitamin that is stored in the liver.

Side effect Side effects: Constipation, urinary retention, dizziness, lightheadedness. Adverse effects/toxicity: Respiratory depression, respiratory arrest, circulatory depression, ICP. Long term use may cause withdrawal symptoms when stopped Adverse effects/toxicity: Anaphylactic shock, sudden death, severe optic nerve atrophy (may develop after years of use or with Lebers disease)

Teaching and labs Assess for: respiration and usually hold <12 breaths per minute, CNS changes (LOC), allergic reaction TEACH: no alcohol no OTC pain meds unless ordered Avoid driving until drug response is known. Teach: Injection is once per month for life with pernicious anemia . Oral preps may be mixed with fruit juice but give immediately since ascorbic acid (Vit. C) affects stability of B12. Dietary B12: best are organ meats, egg yolk, clams, oysters, crabs, sardines, salmon

contraindication Do not use: Hypersensitivity Increased ICP, head injury Acute alcoholism labor

Do not use: Hypersensitivity Lactation



Drug Cyclosporine (Sandimmune) Immunosuppressant medication Metabolized in the liver. Peak 4-5hr, Duration 20-54 hrs. Half-life 19-27 hrs.

Use and dosage Inhibit T helper and T suppressor cells. Prevent rejection of kidney, liver and heart transplants. Treat chronic rejection in people who have received immunosuppressive agent, rheumatoid arthritis, recalcitrant plaque psoriasis

Side effect Side effects: Hypertension, increased risk of infection Tremor is an expected side effect

Teaching and labs Monitor labs: AST, ALT, BUN, creat, platelet count, K, TEACH: Take with food to reduce GI upset mix with milk, Adverse effects/toxicity: chocolate milk or orange juice but not Renal toxicity, with Grapefruit juice hepatotoxicity Mix in glass, not plastic Avoid use of live vaccine Prevention of infection and report signs of infections Immunosuppressed precautions

contraindication Do not use: Pregnant/lactating mom, Use cautiously in renal and hepatic impairment Antiepileptic medications decrease cyclosporine levels oral contraceptive increase levels



Drug Debrox drops Ear drops to dewax

Use and dosage used to soften and loosen ear wax, making it easier to remove.

Side effect Side effects: temporary decrease in hearing after using the ear drops mild feeling of fullness in the ear mild itching inside the ear. Adverse effects/toxicity: Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat

Teaching and labs Use: Tilt head with ear facing upward. Pull back on ear to open up the ear canal. Drop the correct number of ear drops into the ear. After using the ear drops, stay lying down or with your head tilted for at least 5 minutes. You may use a small piece of cotton ball to plug the ear and keep the medicine from draining out. A bubbling sound inside may be heard after putting in the drops. This is caused by the foaming action of carbamide peroxide, which helps break up the wax May come with bulb syringe.

contraindication Do not use: With a ruptured ear drum. any signs of ear infection or injury Do not use this medication in a child younger than 12 years old without the advice of a doctor. Do not use for longer than 4 days in a row.



Drug Diazepam (Valium) Benzodiazepine (have zep and zap in them) minor tranquilizers, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic Absorbed from GI, metabolize in liver Onset 30 min IM, 60 PO, 15 IV. Works quickly. Peak 1-2hr PO, Duration 15 min to 1hr IV; up to 3 hrs. PO. Half-life 20-50 min

Use and dosage Relieve pain and discomfort from musculoskeletal disorders, manage anxiety, Manage acute alcohol withdrawal Maximum effect will be seen in 1-2 weeks. Can take 2-4 wks. It has addictive effect.

Side effect Side effects: ABCD. Anticholinergic (dry mouth), Blurred vision, Constipation, & Drowsiness,

Teaching and labs Watch for CNS effect. Monitor CBC WBC with diff. notify dr. if drop in BP of 20 mm Hg Assess for allergic reaction including cardiovascular idiosyncratic collapse, reaction, laryngospasm, anaphylaxis, rash dizzy, weakness, fever resp distress nausea Adverse effects/toxicity: Teach Do not stop Erythema abruptly multiforme, withdrawal angioedema, symptoms will anaphylaxis, occur (insomnia, dysrhythmia nausea HA, seizure spasticity, tachycardia). No alcohol (will increase CNS depression) Suicide prevention precautions

contraindication Do not use: compromised pulmonary function, hepatic disease, impaired myocardial function, acute alcohol intoxication infant < 6 months narrow angle glaucoma, open angle glaucoma



Drug Digoxin (Lanoxin) Cardiac glycoside, antiarrhythmic drug. Therapeutic range: 0.5-2.0ng/ml Toxic level > 2 Antidote: digibind (digoxin immune fab)

Use and dosage Positive inotropic effect In heart failure it Increase contraction of the heart muscle. In atrial fib, it slows the heart rate

Side effect Side effects: Nausea, HA, loss of usual appetite. Adverse effects/toxicity: Toxicity may go unrecognized since it presents with same symptoms as flu (N/V, anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting visual disturbance). Blurred green or yellow vision or halo effect** In HF, early sign of toxicity includes dysrhythmias. Children rarely show signs of N/V, diarrhea, visual problem, anorexia (could become dig toxic without showing usual s/s)

Teaching and labs may give without regard for food IVP over 5 min, do not give IM, it will cause tissue irritation. Monitor apical pulse, if <60/min., usually hold meds and notify doctor. Monitor labs (K, calcium, magnesium, creatinine clearance), Monitor Dig level every 6 months. weigh daily and report weight greater than 2 lbs. per day

contraindication Avoid use with: hypersensitivity to dig Caution with kidney failure Interaction: IV calcium with dig may increase risk of cardiac dysrhythmias, erythromycin will increase dig level, quinidine, verapamil and amiodarone will increase dig levels and dig dose should be decreased by 50% Cyclophosphamide combined with dig cause dig toxicity



Drug Disulfiram (Antabuse) The only alcohol antagonist in use. Enzyme inhibitor Anti-alcohol agent.

Half-life 24-36 hour Onset up to 12 hrs. Duration up to 2 wks. Absorbed from the GI excreted in feces or in the breath as carbon disulfide

Use and dosage Adjunct treatment of patient with chronic alcoholism who sincerely wants to maintain sobriety. At least 12 hours should elapse from the time of last alcohol intake and the initial dose Use only in people with high physical health. Use for 1-2 wks.

Side effect Side effects: Rare in the absence of alcohol

Adverse effects/toxicity: ** Acetaldehyde syndrome hypotension to shock level arrhythmias, acute congestive failure, marked respiratory depression, INTENDED Reaction unconsciousness, with alcohol ingestion: convulsions flushing face, chest, sudden death arms pulsating HA Nausea violent vomiting thirst sweating marked uneasiness

Teaching and labs The effects of disulfiram may persist for 2 weeks after last dose is taken; alcohol must not be consumed until this interval is over. Give in the morning when the resolve not to drink is the strongest. Give at bedtime to minimize the effect of drug avoid alcohol of all forms include those found in sauces, cough mixture and after shave lotions, colognes and liniments

contraindication Do not use: In people who do not want to stop drinking. Severe cardiac disease, psychoses, pregnancy, multiple drug dependence.



Drug Epinephrine (Adrenalin) alpha and beta adrenergic agonist vasopressor bronchodilator If given IM, SQ result seen in 5 min & lasts up to 4 hrs., Also available eye drops and intranasal

Use and dosage Reverses anaphylactic reaction Restores cardiac rhythm in cardiac arrest Acute asthmatic attack

Teaching and labs Teach Report nervousness and sleeplessness dose should be reduced. Administer eye drops at bedtime. May experience headache and stinging but subside Also use in Adverse effects/toxicity: with continued use. ophthalmic Tachyarrhythmias, Report if continues. decongestant, chest pain, manage open angle restlessness, Monitor VS glaucoma agitation, especially HR and nervousness and BP because of insomnia. cardio effect. Nasal burning stinging, eye burning

Side effect Side effects: nervousness, tremors, increased HR, BP, insomnia, anorexia cardiac stimulation vascular HA.

contraindication If use with MOA inhibitors may lead to hypertensive crisis. Narrow angle glaucoma, hemorrhagic traumatic or cardiogenic shock, arrhythmias, organic heart or brain disease. CAUTION in: older adults, HTN TB, long standing bronchial asthma and emphysema children < 6 No breastfeeding

D/C if hypersensitivity develops (develops of lids, itching, discharge, crusting eyelid). Notify doctor



Drug Famotidine (Pepcid) Histamine H2 antagonist. Onset 1 hr. Peak 1-3hr Duration 10-12 hrs. Half-life 2.5-4hr

Fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac)

Common side effects: Orthostatic hypotension psych med. sedation Tricyclic Anticholinergic antidepressant. Hypomania Selective Serotonin Sexual dysfunction Reuptake inhibitors Adverse effects/toxicity: (SSRI) Cardiac toxicity Selective Serotonin Half-life 1-6 days. syndrome (early s/s: Onset 2-3 weeks to be diaphoresis, agitation, Such as rash. Wait 4-6 effective. weeks before switch to low grade temp.) Then Peak 4-8hrs. increase in BP, muscle MAO Inhibitor Metabolized in liver, rigidity, temp, resp, absorbed from GI tract, pulse. Mental status excreted in urine and changes, tremors, face. hyperthermia, sweating hypersalivation. Notify dr ASAP.

Use and dosage Decreases output of gastric acid Short term treatment in duodenal ulcer or benign gastric ulcer. Metabolized in liver, excreted in urine Major depressive disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder, bulimia, panic disorder obesity alcoholism chronic pain.

Side effect Teaching and labs Side effects: May be taken with diarrhea, food. constipation, dry pain relief may not mouth be experienced for Adverse effects/toxicity: several days thrombocytopenia

contraindication Use cautiously with impaired renal or hepatic function. Do not breastfeed avoid antacid use within 1 hour of dose MI, cerebrovascular disease. If suicide risk, should not have access to a large quantity. Do not take while pregnant ** The combination of TCA and MAOI can lead to hypertensive crisis from excessive adrenergic stimulation of the heart and blood vessels.

DO NOT stop abruptly. Give meds once a day at about noon because it causes insomnia. If prescribed 2 times daily give dose in the morning early and 12 noon to prevent insomnia Teach side effects of drugs Therapeutic response takes some weeks to be established.



Drug Fluphenazine (Prolixin)

Use and dosage Potent medication for treatment of phenothiazine; Ends antipsychotic with azine symptoms, including antipsychotic schizophrenia. Half-life > 24 hours Treatment is not Onset: 1 hr., curative. peak 0. 5 hr. meds Adjust dose to symptoms. effect can be seen 1-2 days but full effect Use injectable form several weeks for long term maintenance - the rate of relapse is usually reduced and is more favorable

Side effect Produces EPS which are reversible. ** Treat EPS with Cogentin, Artane, Benadryl, Symmetrel Side effects: ABCDE Anticholingergic (dry mouth), Blurred vision, Constipation, Drowsiness, EPS Photosensitivity may increase risk of agranulocytosis gynecomastia, amenorrhea weight gain Adverse effects/toxicity: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) a fatal side effect. Presents with catatonia, rigidity, stupor, unstable blood pressure, hyperthermia profuse sweating, dyspnea, incontinence. Stop drug. Tx with Dantrium and Parlodel. Condition lasts for 5-10 days after stopping med.

Teaching and labs Monitor LFTs TEACH Avoid alcohol use and other CNS depressants Do not alter dose or stop abruptly Avoid sun exposure With oral concentrate, avoid spills. Rinse skin with warm water immediately if there is contact Dilute liquid drug with fruit juice water, carbonated beverage, milk, soup avoid mixing with caffeine, tea, apple juice.

contraindication Avoid with: Caution with narrow angle glaucoma, hepatic or renal dysfunction and seizure disorder. Do not breastfeed Dose should be reduced in the elderly.



Drug Furosemide (Lasix)

Loop diuretics, Anti-hypertensive

Peak 60-70 min PO, 2060 min IV. Onset 30-60 min PO, 5 min IV, Duration 2 hrs., Half-life 30 min

Use and dosage Rapid acting loop diuretic Inhibits reabsorption of sodium and water (in Loop of Henle) Lowers BP by decreasing edema and intravascular fluid Treat acute pulmonary edema, edema, heart failure, chronic renal impairment, hypertension, hypercalcemia

Side effect Side effects: Ototoxicity headache Dizziness Orthostatic hypotension weakness

Teaching and labs TEACH change position slowly to avoid dizziness and orthostatic hypotension report ringing in the ear immediately Take with food or milk Adverse effects/toxicity: Give early in day to s/s hypokalemia avoid nocturia Hyponatremia, Replace potassium hypochloremia, (dietary or meds) hypomagnesaemia hypocalcemia Monitor labs, especially electrolytes. Also IV form: hgb, hct, platelet as Administer slowly; these increase d/t hearing loss can hemoconcentration occur if injected rapidly (ototoxicity). Monitor body Give over 1-2 weight and I&O. minutes to prevent hypotension.

contraindication Avoid with: anuria, electrolyte depletion, increasing oliguria, anuria hepatic coma, pregnancy, lactation Interaction with digitalis can increase arrhythmias. Interaction with aminoglycosides increases risk of ototoxicity.



Drug Gentamicin (Garamycin) Aminoglycosides. Antibiotic Peak level: Drawn 15-30 min after the infusion is completed. Peak concentration determines that toxic level does not occur. If peak is too high, may reduce dose. Trough level: Drawn immediately (within 30 minutes) before next IV dose Assures that therapeutic level of drug is maintained. Trough level is 1-2 g/ml between doses. Dose will be adjusted if level is not sustained Peak 30-90 min Half-life 2-4 hr.

Use and dosage Broad-spectrum antibiotic Parenteral use limited to severe infections, unresponsive to other antibiotics.

Side effect Side effects: HA, parenthesia, skin rash fever

Ophthalmic: treat superficial infection of the eye. Have pt. keep eyes closed for 1-2 min after instillation. Vision will be blurred initially

contraindication Avoid with: Maintain hydration Pre-existing renal to protect kidney disease damage. Fluid Use caution with Adverse effects/toxicity: intake should be pre-existing hearing 2,500-3000 ml/day Nephrotoxicity loss give high protein Ototoxicity. Pregnancy, foods This may cause lactation LABS irreversible auditory Increased risk with WBC to monitor the impairment and nephrotoxic drugs, vestibular damage effectiveness of prolonged Signs of ototoxicity therapy treatment with include HA, NV unsteady Watch kidney aminoglycosides, gait, tinnitus, vertigo, function tests (BUN, impaired renal high frequency, hearing Creat) closely due to function and other loss and dizziness toxicity risk ototoxic drug such Hypersensitivity as Lasix, Vanco. reactions Report sore throat, Superinfection: a watery stools secondary infection greater than 4-6 per caused by day, severe nausea eradication of or vomiting, normal flora: indicating possible Candidiasis, skin and super infection mucous membrane

Teaching and labs



Drug Glipizide (Glucotrol) oral antidiabetic Sulfonylurea duration: 12-24 hours Onset: 15-30 min Peak: 1-2hr Metabolized by the liver

Use and dosage Stimulates pancreatic beta cells to secrete insulin. Type 2 diabetes mellitus Give dose 1-3 time daily may use alone or in combination with insulin Emergency treatment of severe hypoglycemia in unconscious client or those unable to swallow Comes in powder form. Reconstitute with provided diluent. Give IV, IM or SQ immediately Give IV through D5W only, not NS

Side effect Side effects: GI distress dizziness drowsiness headache

Teaching and labs Monitor labs including glucose, Hgb A1C

Glucagon Anti-hypoglycemic Onset 5-20 min, Peak 30 min Duration 1-1.5 hr., Half-Life; 3-10 minutes

TEACH Take with first daily meal. Adverse effects/toxicity: Take any missed dose as soon as Severe skin rash, remembered. pruritus Report s/s of Hypoglycemia hypoglycemia if they occur Avoid alcohol Side effects: Should awaken Nausea/ vomiting within 5-20 min after giving. Adverse effects/toxicity: Give 50% glucose if Hypersensitivity no response to reaction, glucagon Teach hyperglycemia test blood sugar, Hypokalemia teach family how to administer SQ or IM

contraindication Avoid with: Pregnancy, lactation Allergy to sulfa or urea Diabetic ketoacidosis Caution with: impaired renal and hepatic function Adrenal or pituitary insufficiency. Incompatible with sodium chloride solution.

Metabolizes in liver, plasma and kidneys



Drug Glyburide (Micronase, DiaBeta) Oral antidiabetic, more potent drug Sulfonylurea Onset 15-60 min Peak 1-2 hrs. Duration up to 24 hrs. Half-life 10 hours Metabolized in the liver, excreted in urine and feces. Haloperidol (Haldol) High potency drug Antipsychotic Butyrophenone Antiemetic Onset: 30-45 min IM Effects can be seen in 12 days. Substantial improvement 2-4 wks. Full effect several months.

Use and dosage Lowers blood sugar concentration in diabetics and nondiabetics by sensitizing pancreatic beta cells to release insulin in the presence of serum glucose. Type 2 diabetes Use as adjunct to diet and exercise to lower blood sugar Psychotic disorders Long acting drug for maintenance to control symptoms Tourettes syndrome

Side effect Side effects: Hypoglycemia, epigastric fullness heartburn pruritus

Teaching and labs Give once in the morning with breakfast or with first main meal Monitor labs including glucose, HgbA1c Adverse effects/toxicity: Teach hypoglycemia Report reaction Loss of control of blood glucose level may be due to fever, surgery, trauma, stress, infection. Side effects: ABCDE: EPSE: usually first Anticholinergic (dry few days of tx, dose mouth) related, controlled by dose or anti Blurred vision Parkinsons drugs Constipation Oral: Give with milk Drowsiness or food. Extrapyramidal Taper dose slowly syndrome (such as when stopping. Parkinsons s/s) Injection: deep IM Photosensitivity risk for orthostatic Adverse effects/toxicity: hypotension Elderly patient may develop Neuroleptic no alcohol or driving until response Malignant known Syndrome (NLMS)

contraindication Avoid use with: diabetic ketoacidosis Type I diabetes Caution with: renal or hepatic insufficiency older adult malnourished pt. adrenal or pituitary insufficiency

Avoid with: Parkinsons disease seizure disorder severe mental depression Use caution: older adults, lithium therapy HTN Lactation



Drug Heparin Anticoagulant Antidote = Protamine sulfate (see separate listing)

Use and dosage As anticoagulant given IV or SQ Use as continuous IV infusion for DVT, Pulmonary embolus, angina, acute MI SQ for prevention

Side effect Side effects: Bleeding Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) may appear up to several weeks later.

Hydrochlorothiazide hydrochloride (Hydrodiuril, HCTZ) Electrolyte and water balance Thiazide diuretic Effects noted 3-4 days; max effect takes 3-4 weeks Most widely prescribed diuretic for HTN

Hep-lock (flush) is to maintain patency of IV catheters; not for anticoagulant therapy Side effects: Act on distal tubules of nephron Glucose intolerance, and increases hyperglycemia urinary excretion of Hypokalemia (low sodium, chloride, K+) potassium, water, bicarbonate Decreases edema and lowers blood pressure

Teaching and labs Does not dissolve clots prevents enlargement and development of new clots. Use bleeding precautions Monitor labs: aPTT Normal = 25-40 Coagulated = 1.5-2 times normal = 60-80 Adjust IV dose based on labs. Give with food or mild to reduce GI upset. Give dose(s) early in the day to avoid nocturia Limit Sodium intake Eat foods high in K+. replacement med usually not needed photosensitivity reaction occur 10-14 days after initial sun exposure

contraindication Avoid use with: Hemorrhage, active bleeding Do not give IM.

Avoid with: Anuria Hypersensitivity to thiazide Use caution: Bronchial asthma hepatic cirrhosis renal dysfunction history of gout diabetes SLE Lactation



Drug Hydroxyzine HCl (Atarax, Vistaril) Anti-emetics Anti-histamine (H1 receptor antagonist) antipruritic Onset 15-30 min PO Peak 4-6 hrs. Duration Absorbed form GI. Metabolized in the liver Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) Analgesic Non-steroidal antiinflammatory (NSAID) For high dose therapy: therapeutic effect may take up to one month

Use and dosage Treat N/V (use anticipatorily) Relieve anxiety Reduce narcotic requirement before and after surgery. Treat acute or chronic alcoholism with withdrawal symptom or DTs Pruritus Usually PO for maintenance Treat mild to moderate pain absorbed in GI; metabolized in liver

Side effect Side effects: CNS depression, Drowsiness Dizziness dry mouth, anticholinergic effect constipation visual changes photosensitivity

Teaching and labs IM: Administer deep IM, Z-track gluteus maximum or vastus lateralis in adults; vastus lateralis in children

Side effects: CNS, renal system, eyes Nephrotoxicity dysuria, hematuria, oliguria, azotemia, Blurred vision. Ototoxicity Children toxicity: Rash, StevensJohnson syndrome

contraindication Avoid with: CNS depression and coma. Other CNS meds Use caution with: glaucoma seizure intestinal monitor mouth daily obstruction no alcohol prostatic hard candy, ice hyperplasia chips or rinse mouth asthma with warm water cardiac, pulmonary frequently to relieve or hepatic disease dry mouth Increases toxicity of Avoid with: GI bleed anticoagulant, lithium Reaction to other NSAIDs Avoid alcohol, ASA, Children under 6 other NSAIDs months



Drug INSULINS quick acting: short acting intermediate acting long acting

Use and dosage Diabetes mellitus, type 1 or type 2 Could be made of: pork/beef, pork or human insulin type. Short acting and intermediate acting insulin may be given more than once per day.

Insulin is also available in a premixed form of Regular and NPH (example: 70/30 = 30% regular, 70% NPH).

Side effect Side effects: Hypoglycemia (anxiety, confusion, nervousness, hunger, diaphoresis, cool, clammy skin) Lipodystrophy (abnormal deposits of subcutaneous fat at injection sites), local allergic reaction Adverse effects/toxicity: Somogyi phenomenon: a rebound response with high blood sugar in response to low level at night. Coma Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS) Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

Teaching and labs obtain med alert bracelets Open vial can be stored at room temp for up to one month. Rotate sites Alcohol will increase blood sugar Requires long-term monitoring of blood sugar control and potential complications.

contraindication Do not use beef/pork insulin if sensitivity



Drug Insulin Regular (Humulin R) **THIS IS THE ONLY TYPE


IV. **

Isophane (NPH) insulin (Humulin N)

Use and dosage Side effect Short acting insulin hypoglycemia Given IV or SQ type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus and ketoacidosis. given before meals according to blood levels Intermediate If given before acting insulin breakfast, hypoglycemic Give 30 min before episode is most first meal of the likely to occur day. If necessary, a between midsecond smaller afternoon and dose may be dinner, when it prescribed 30 min peaks. Eat snack in before bedtime. midafternoon and carry sugar candy. Long acting insulin Type 1 children & adults; Type 2 adults SQ injection Usually given one per day at bedtime. May be given two times per day.

Teaching and labs Regular insulin is clear and colorless.


NPH Insulin is a cloudy suspension. Roll the bottle to mix; do not shake. NOTE: NPH may be mixed with Regular insulin injection without altering either solution.

Insulin Glargine (Lantus) ** LANTUS CANNOT BE


With Type 2 diabetes, may or may not be given concurrently with oral agents.



Drug Iron

Use and dosage Mineral replacement

Side effect Side effects: Nausea/vomiting Staining of teeth Constipation Black stools (normal)

Teaching and labs Taking on empty stomach preferred with full glass of water or citrus juice Calcium inhibits iron absorption do not take with milk. Vitamin C increases iron absorption Liquid form can stain teeth


Ipecac Syrup Emetic Antidote

Alternate: Activated Charcoal (see separate listing)

Adverse effects/toxicity: Use of this For overdose on Cardiotoxicity is certain drug or medication is not poison most serious if automatic verify vomiting does not appropriateness stimulates vomiting occur and the with Poison control within 20-30 min substance is center retained.

Do not use: With reduced level of consciousness or convulsions poison by Petroleum distillates, strong alkaline, acid or strychnine



Drug Lidocaine HCl (Xylocaine) Antiarrhythmic Topical Anesthetic Bolus dose may repeat then start continuous infusion stop when stable. Therapeutic level: 1.56mcg/ml

Use and dosage Treat VENTRICULAR arrhythmias, PVCs, V-Tach. Use for rapid control of ventricular dysrhythmias during acute MI or Cardiac cath Use microdrip tubing and infusion pump.

Side effect Side effects: Drowsiness, headache, dizziness, mild hypotension. Adverse effects/toxicity: convulsions, respiratory depression CV: hypotension, bradycardia, heart block CV collapse, and arrest

Teaching and labs LAB Monitor Lidocaine levels assess, therapeutic level is 1.5 -6mcg/ml Assess electrolyte, check baseline liver and renal blood studies. Report: lightheadedness, dizziness, confusion, numbness or Stop infusion with tingling of lips, EKG changes such as tongue or fingers prolonged PR, visual changes or widened QRS, heart ringing in ears block. Correct hypokalemia before giving Lidocaine

contraindication Avoid with: Sinus bradycardia Severe degrees of SA, AV and intraventricular heart block. Use caution: hepatic or renal disease CHF Hypovolemia shock hyperthermia elderly BETA BLOCKERS increase the effect of lidocaine



Drug Lithium carbonate (Eskalith) Mood stabilizer Antipsychotic Therapeutic level 0.8-1.5meq/L. Toxic level >2. Lithium has short half-life (about 1 day) and high toxicity.

Use and dosage Drug of choice to control manic episodes in bipolar disorder Anti manic effects are usually seen in 5-7 days after initial doses, but full effect does not occur for 2-3 wks. Lithium is a salt; exact action uncertain

Lorazepam (Ativan) Anxiolytic Sedative-hypnotic Benzodiazepines. Onset 1-5 min IV, 15-30 IM, Peak 60-90 min IM, 2 hrs. PO Duration 12-24 hrs.

Side effect This med does not cause sedation. Mild Side effects: fine tremor, nausea, thirst, polyuria, Adverse effects/toxicity: Vomiting, diarrhea, slurred speech, lack of coordination, drowsiness, muscle weakness, or twitching) withhold dose and notify provider but DO NOT stop abruptly. Side effects: anxiety disorder short term for relief Drowsiness sedation of symptoms of anxiety Mild medication Pre-anesthetic with limited toxic medication to potential produce sedation respiratory and reduce anxiety. depression is rate Status epilepticus Paradoxical reactions (nightmares, mania, etc.) may occur in children, psych patients and the elderly.

Teaching and labs Give with meals Hydration is essential dehydration will increase levels Watch for weight gain (fluid retention) Avoid NSAIDs and diuretics. Essential to monitor mood and behaviors Labs: Lithium level every 3 months initially, then every 6 months. Avoid alcohol Taper dose when stopping to avoid withdrawal symptoms Watch for suicidal risk

contraindication Do not use with: Dehydration, severe debilitating, severe cardiovascular. Use caution: elderly, pt. with cardiac, renal, thyroid or diabetes pregnancy

Do not use with: Acute narrow-angle glaucoma, Primary depression acute alcohol intoxication. Pregnancy and Lactation Use caution: renal or hepatic impairment myasthenia gravis suicidal tendencies



Drug Magnesium Sulfate iron(Epsom salt oral form)

Onset 1-2 hrs. PO; 1 hr. IM. Duration 30 min IV, 3-4 hr. PO Eliminated by kidneys Normal Magnesium level: 1.8-3 mEq/L

Use and dosage Oral: laxative (by osmotic retention of fluid which distend the colon, increase content of feces and cause bowel stimulation) Parenteral: CNS depressant; used in seizures of toxemia; for hypomagnesemia 4 gm. loading dose is give over 20-20 min via pump.

Side effect Side effects: Flushed warm feeling fluid and electrolyte imbalance hyponatremia N/V Adverse effects/toxicity: Early indication of magnesium toxicity Respiratory depression Cathartic effect profound thirst feeling of warmth sedation confusion depressed deep tendon reflexes muscle weakness can lead to cardiac arrest

Teaching and labs s/s hypomagnesemia: irritability tremors, tetany tachycardia hypertension psychotic behavior Monitor urinary output and hydrate adequately with parenteral administration.

contraindication Avoid with: MI, heart block, cardiac arrest except for certain arrhythmias. Use caution: impaired kidney function other cardiac glycosides Lactating moms and children



Drug Mannitol (Osmitrol)

Use and dosage Use in oliguria and acute renal failure. Electrolyte and Help to prevent water balance renal failure and agent reduce increased intracranial or osmotic diuretic intraocular pressure Onset 1-3 hr. diuresis; 30 to 60 It acts by increasing min IOP, 15 min. for ICP the osmolality of Duration plasma, glomerular 4-6 hr. IOP, filtrate, and tubular 3-8 hr. ICP fluid. This decreases the Serum osmolality is 275reabsorption of 300 mmol/kg. fluid and electrolytes, which increases excretion of water, chloride Give IV. and sodium and Usually give test dose slightly increase the which should result in excretion of Output of 30 to 50 Potassium. ml/hr. and is produced In intraocular (IOP) 2-3 hrs. after and CSF (ICP), it administration. pulls the fluid and sends it to the plasma and extravascular systems

Side effect Side effects: HA, confusion, syncope fluid and electrolyte imbalance, esp. hyponatremia pulmonary congestion, rhinitis Water intoxication

Teaching and labs Use filter needle and/or filter in infusion tubing because crystals may form in the solution. Mannitol is held if serum osmolality exceeds 310 -320. Daily weights Adverse effects/toxicity: Teach Non-narcotics such Seizure, as Tylenol if there is thrombophlebitis, headache CHF, Cardiovascular Therapy is based on collapse urine flow rate. Hyponatremia Reassure pt. that excessive thirst, Warning: There may be blurred vision, a rebound increase in rhinitis should ICP about 12 hours after subside when administration of med. Mannitol is Pt may complain of HA, discontinued or confusion.

contraindication Do not use: severely impaired renal function marked dehydration breast feeding hepatic failure, active ICP anuria Intracranial bleed shock Question the administration of mannitol if the patient has cor pulmonae (right sided heart failure) because Mannitol pulls fluid and it may lead to circulatory overload which the heart could not handle. This client would need loop diuretic to prevent serious complications



Drug Meperidine HCl (Demerol) Narcotic analgesic (opioid agonist) Give Narcan for toxicity - It is use to reverse respiratory depression induced by overdose Onset: 15 mins. PO, 10 mins. IM, 5 mins IV duration 2-4 hours Metoprolol tartrate (Lopressor, Toprol) Beta adrenergic antagonist (beta blocker) Antihypertensive Antianginal = same action as with propanolol

Use and dosage Given for moderate to severe pain. Potent, long acting

Side effect Side effects: N/V, Anorexia Sedation, dizziness elevated BP rash, urticaria tremors hyperventilation Adverse effects/toxicity: Resp depression, respiratory arrest, circulatory depression, increased intracranial pressure

Teaching and labs Assess: LOC rash, urticaria respiratory rate. If respirations < 12 per minute withhold meds.

contraindication Avoid use with: acute bronchial asthma, upper airway obstruction increased intracranial pressure convulsive disorder pancreatitis, acute ulcerative colitis severe liver or kidney insufficiency Caution with: children and elderly Avoid use with: Heart block greater than 1st degree Sinus brady, cardiogenic shock Use caution: hyperactive airway syndrome ( asthma or bronchospasm) Increases chance of both Dig and Lithium toxicity

Decreases heart rate and cardiac output Lowers BP

Side effects: Usually well tolerated Nausea, vomiting Weight gain Mild to severe HTN worsening CHF angina pectoris insomnia **Post - acute MI** Adverse effects/toxicity: profound Max effect may bradycardia take 1 week heart block acute CHF, bronchospasm laryngospasm

Give with or w/o food, but consistent Do not stop abruptly; may cause rebound effect. Gradually decrease over 1-2 wks. Hold meds if BP < 90 or pulse < 60 Watch for s/s heart failure Can lead to elevated BUN, creat. May mask hypoglycemia



Drug Morphine Sulfate (MS Contin = sustained release form) Narcotic analgesic (Opioid agonist)

Use and dosage Produces effect by binding to opioid receptors throughout the CNS. Schedule II drug, major drug abuse.

Give Narcan for toxicity.

Onset, Peak, Duration depend on route of medication. Onset: Immediate IV, rapid if given IM or oral, except MS Contin

Side effect Side effects: Nausea vomiting anorexia, GI, pruritus, light headedness constipation Adverse effects/toxicity: Classic triad of symptoms: For severe, chronic respiratory or acute pain. depression, coma, Most commonly pinpoint pupils. use in post Withdrawal begins operative setting. 6-8 hrs. After the mild bronchodilator last dose, reach to improve peak intensity within breathing 48-72 hrs. S/S include craving, MS Contin is chills, sweating sustained release; piloerection (goose it will not control flesh), abdominal break-through pain pain and cramps, because it is time diarrhea, runny release. nose, irritability. Morphine induced CNS stimulation paradoxical reaction common in women and older adults.

Teaching and labs

contraindication Avoid use with: Avoid alcohol use Hypersensitivity to opiates) Hold medication if acute bronchial respirations < 12/min asthma or upper airway obstruction, Hydrate adequately ICP to prevent convulsive constipation disorders pancreatitis, acute ulcerative colitis severe liver or kidney disease Do not give morphine to children



Drug Use and dosage Naloxone HCl (Narcan) Competes with opioids at the opiate receptor Opioid antagonist. sites, blocking the effects of the Onset opioids 1-2 min IV; Reverses effects of 2-5 mins. SQ or IM opiates, including respiratory Duration depression, 1 hr. IV; up to 4 hrs. IM sedation and but start to diminish hypotension. after 20 mins. May need given every few hours until the opioids has dropped to a nontoxic level Nedocromil (Tilade) asthma prophylaxis NOT for acute Inhaled nonasthma attacks steroidal up to a week for medication full effectiveness anti-inflammatory Must be taken and antiasthmatic. regularly to be effective (also available as optic form for ocular allergic conjunctivitis)

Side effect Side effects: Increased BP, HR, hyperpnea tremors, hyperventilation, drowsiness, nervousness N/V

contraindication Avoid use with: Known allergy Respiratory depression d/t nonopioids Substance abuse Titrate dose slowly (may lead to if too much is given withdrawal the client will swing symptoms) from a state of Adverse effects/toxicity: intoxication to one Hypotension, of withdrawal V-tach and V-fib convulsion, hepatitis pulmonary edema,

Teaching and labs Watch vital signs and respiratory function closely with administration of medication

Adverse effect: abnormal bitter taste N/V, HA, dizziness, sore throat.

Rinse mouth after taking medication to avoid dry mouth Do not use for acute attack Non-compliance is a concern due to bitter taste

Avoid use with: acute bronchospasm or status asthmaticus. Hypersensitivity Use with caution: hepatic or renal function



Drug Neomycin sulfate (Mycifradin) ORAL aminoglycoside antibiotic

Use and dosage Antibacterial ORAL GI tract Hepatic coma

Side effect Side effects: skin rash (esp. topical)

Teaching and labs Poorly tolerated GI so it is usually for bowel cleansing.


Adverse effects/toxicity: Main form is topical for Nephrotoxicity eye, ear and skin Ototoxicity. infection. NEOMYCIN IS NOT GIVEN IV angina mild to moderate HTN (sustained release form) Do not give 1-2 wks. after an acute MI. Do not give with grapefruit juice (could lead to toxicity) Dilates coronary Report gradual arteries and relaxes coronary spasm weight gain and evidence of edema; Increases cardiac may indicate onset output; decreases of CHF. peripheral vascular Adverse effects/toxicity: Do not stop resistance. Gingival hyperplasia suddenly (will have Blocks calcium ion rebound symptoms) flow into cells of Smoking decreases myocardial and arterial smooth efficacy of med muscle (cardiac and Monitor pulse rate peripheral blood report irregular or vessels) slower than normal Slows HR; rate. Hold for BP decreases O2 need below 90/60. Side effects: Usually well tolerated Headache fatigue Dizziness Postural hypotension peripheral edema

Nifedipine (Procardia) Calcium Channel Blocker Antianginal Antihypertensive Negative inotropic

Avoid use with: Known hypersensitivity Unstable angina Lactation



Drug Oxytocin (Pitocin) Oxytocic Labor and delivery. Onset is immediate. After stopping med, contractions should stop in 2-3 minutes Half-life 3-5 min

Use and dosage To initiate or improve uterine contractions at term Induce labor Management of incomplete or missed abortion (miscarriage) reduce postpartum bleeding

Side effect Teaching and labs Side effects: Careful monitoring subarachnoid bleed of uterine contraction pattern, fetal trauma fetal heart rate and seizure, coma maternal BP. Adverse effects/toxicity: Hypertensive crisis. Postpartum; monitor lochia and For fetal anoxia: BP. stop infusion, turn mom on left side, oxygen prn Stop infusion for: Contractions which occur more often than every 2 mins. or last over 90 sec. Do not increase dose after desired contraction pattern is achieved (contraction frequency of 2-3 min lasting 60 sec). Side effects: Take with or just Nausea, diarrhea, prior to eating and cramps Do not mix brand names; there is a Adverse effects/toxicity: variance in Hyperuricemia. concentration of Report joint or enzymes swelling pain (high Swallow tablet or uric acid level) capsule whole; do not crush or chew. Can mix powder or open capsule with food.

contraindication Avoid use with: Hypersensitivity Cepahalopelvic disproportion Obstetric emergencies

Pancrelipase (Creon, Pancrease) Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy

Help to breakdown fat, proteins and carbs for better absorption. cystic fibrosis chronic pancreatitis, post pancretectomy steatorrhea malabsorption syndrome

Drug interaction: Allergy to med or pork Do not give with magnesiumcontaining antacid. May be ordered with H2 blockers or with proton pump inhibitors. Iron will decrease effectiveness of med.



Drug Phenobartial (Phenobarbital Sodium = Luminal) this is the short-acting form. For status epilepticus: Administer slow IV Anticonvulsant Sedative-hypnotic

Use and dosage Long-term management of grand mal, partial seizure and status epilepticus. Sedative effect to decrease anxiety and tension. No analgesic effect

Side effect Side effects: Somnolence, hangover effect Adverse effects/toxicity: CNS depression, Stevens-Johnson Blood dyscrasias Paradoxical reactions may occur in children, older adults and debilitated people

Teaching and labs Okay to crush and mix with food or fluids Monitor IV infusion closely. Do not stop abruptly Avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants

contraindication Avoid use with: Hypersensitivity Resp or kidney failure Pregnancy and lactation

Pilocarpine hydrochloride (Pilocar) Eye preparation. Miotic (Antiglaucoma agent). Direct acting cholinergic agent for ophthalmic use. It is an antidote to Atropine

For acute or chronic Glaucoma decreases intraocular pressure Will reverse the effects of Atropine (and Atropine will reverse the effects of Pilocarpine).

Side effects: Apply gentle Visual blurring, pressure for 1-2 myopia, irritation, mins. to brow pain and HA. nasolacrimal (with ophthalmic) drainage area after administering eye Normal: Increased gtts pigmentation of iris Eye therapy will and eyelids; long eyelashes. continue long term Adverse effects/toxicity: Retinal detachment Ataxia Confusion seizure

Avoid use with: Asthma, COPD HTN Acute eye infections, retinal detachment, contact lens use



Drug Prazosin hydrochloride (Minipress) Antihypertensive Alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonist vasodilator Treat benign prosthetic hyperplasia (BPH) Optimal effects may take 4-6 weeks

Use and dosage Mild to moderate HTN mainly diastolic little effect on cardiac output and HR BPH (due to vasodilator effects)

Prochlorperazine (Compazine) Antiemetic Antipsychotic Phenothiazine

Side effect Side effects: Dizziness, drowsiness Fatigue, weakness. Priapism, impotence Orthostatic hypotension Adverse effects/toxicity: First-dose phenomenon: syncope within 30 min to 1 hr. Effect is transient, may diminish by giving at bedtime. Severe nausea and Side effects: drowsiness, vomiting dizziness, Management of EPSE psychotic disorders, Adverse effects/toxicity: excessive anxiety Persistent tardive and agitation dyskinesia Tremor, twitching Take 30-60 min Agranulocytosis, before any activity thrombocytopenia that causes nausea After 1-2 months: for best effect. Akathisia (inner restless, inability to Start doses low and sit still) may tx increase slowly with propranolol.

Teaching and labs monitor for decreased BP, especially with initial administration Monitor urine vol. change position slowly to prevent orthostatic hypotension stop smoking and avoid alcohol intake avoid driving and hazardous tasks until effect of med is known Avoid excessive sunlight may turn skin gray-blue Urine may turn reddish brown Use sugarless hard candy or ice chips to avoid dry mouth. Avoid skin contact with concentrate Do not crush or chew swallow whole Deep IM, not SQ injection

contraindication Avoid use with: Prior sensitivity hypotension Use caution with: impaired hepatic function older adults

Avoid use with: Hypersensitivity Blood dyscrasias Dementia related psychosis in elderly Young children Seizures Lactation



Drug Promethazine (Phenergan) Antiemetic Antihistamine Anti-vertigo

Use and dosage Long-acting med motion sickness nausea

Side effect Side effects: Resp depression, drowsiness, confusion IM route: Give deep agranulocytosis blurred vision IM; not SQ (can cause necrosis) dry mouth Avoid intra-arterial EPSE injection can cause necrosis. Antidote for Heparin overdose Given IV; maximum dose of 50 mg in 10 min time period; should be titrated according to the time and length of time the heparin was administered Reduce gastric secretion. Active duodenal ulcer, maintenance after healing GERD benign gastric ulcer (short-term) Side effect: Abrupt drop in BP if administered too rapidly.

Teaching and labs Decrease GI distress by giving oral dose with milk or food. May crush and mix with food. Avoid sunlight exposure Avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants Monitor vital signs and labs closely (aPTT)

contraindication Avoid use with: Acute MI, angina, atrial fib Use caution with: Narrow angle glaucoma peptic ulcer duodenal obstruction

Protamine sulfate Antidote for Heparin toxicity. Heparin antagonist Onset = 5 minutes Duration = 2 hours Longer half-life than heparin Ranitidine hydrochloride (Zantac) H2-receptor antagonist. Higher potency than cimetidine (Tagamet)

Avoid use with: Hemorrhage not induced by heparin overdose.

See listing for HEPARIN

Side effects: headache taste disorder, diarrhea, constipation dry mouth Adverse effects/toxicity: hepatotoxicity thrombocytopenia

Give without regard to meals Usually give 1 x day reduce dose in renal patient avoid smoking to avoid antacid within 1 hour of dose

Avoid use with: Hypersensitivity Use caution with: Impaired renal of hepatic function. May increase effects of alcohol, aspirin, Coumadin and sulfonylureas



Drug Rh0(D) immune globulin (RhoGAM) Biological response modifier Immunoglobulin (IgG) Peak 2 hour Half-life 25 days

Use and dosage Given to Rhnegative moms with RH positive babies. Provides passive immunity by suppressing active antibody response and formation of anti-RHo when (1) positive fetal RBC enters maternal circulation during the third stage of labor; (2) there is fetal maternal hemorrhage or other trauma during pregnancy; (3) termination of pregnancy or miscarriage; or (4) following a Rh+ transfusion.

Side effect Side effects: Injection site irritation slight fever myalgia lethargy

Teaching and labs contraindication Avoid use with: Send sample of newborn cord blood Known sensitivity to lab for cross to human match and typing immunoglobulins. immediately after delivery before administer RHo (D) Give to mom IM via deltoid. (Only a few forms can be given IV). Give immediately after reconstitution Recommended at 28 weeks gestation and then within 72 hours after delivery or 3 hrs. of termination of pregnancy or miscarriage. Keep epinephrine available; systemic allergic reactions sometimes occur. TEACH it will prevent hemolytic disease in a subsequent pregnancy



Drug Setraline hydrochloride (Zoloft) Antidepressant SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)

Use and dosage panic disorders Anxiety disorders OCD PTSD 2-3 wks. to be effective

Spironolactone (Aldactone) Fluid & electrolyte balance antihypertensive Potassium sparing diuretic

Increases sodium excretion; does not decrease potassium treatment of primary aldosteronism Use for edema and HTN associated with heart failure.

Side effect Side effects: Cause fewer disorders than other antidepressants fewer side effects on HR and HTN Sexual dysfunction Weight gain Major complication (Selective Serotonin Syndrome): Pt. can die from it. Elevated temp up to 105. Every speed up. BP, HR, Temp. May progress to coma. Side effects: Headache dizziness, weakness orthostatic hypotension Adverse effects/toxicity: Hyperkalemia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, tachycardia then bradycardia) aplastic anemia thrombocytopenia

Teaching and labs Give with food in the morning to prevent insomnia Watch for suicide risk Increases effect of Coumadin Avoid grapefruit juice

contraindication Avoid use: Within 14 days of using MAO inhibitor Seizure disorder

Take with food avoid salt substitute high in K+ Avoid excessive ingestion of foods high in potassium. no potassium supplement needed Monitor VS and urine output Avoid direct sunlight

Avoid use with: Serum K+ level > 5.5 anuria, acute and chronic renal insufficiency diabetic nephropathy hypersensitivity impaired hepatic function Decreases effect of Dig; increases chance of lithium toxicity



Drug Sucralfate (Carafate) Antiulcer Gastro-protective agent

Theophylline (Theo-dur) Bronchodilator (resp. smooth muscle relaxant) xanthines Normal level 10-20. toxic level (> 20) may develop quickly

Use and dosage Protects the ulcer from gastric acid by forming an adherent coating; it absorbs pepsin decreasing its activity. Duodenal ulcer Short term with gastric ulcer esophageal ulcer related to radiation or chemotherapy bronchospasms asthma bronchitis emphysema

Side effect Side effects: constipation nausea

Teaching and labs No antacid use within hour of this medication Avoid gastric irritants such as caffeine, alcohol, smoking and spicy foods.

contraindication Avoid use with: Chronic kidney failure Decreases absorption of Cipro, Dig, Dilantin, Tetracycline (so take these med 2 hours apart from Sucralfate)

Side effects: Tachycardia Seizures N/V, anorexia, Adverse effects/toxicity: restlessness, agitation, HA, and insomnia note: restlessness could be due to toxicity or hypoxia so close assessment is required

PO: take with water and after meals. Wait 4-6 hours after IV to start PO. Take same time each day Limit caffeine Smoking decreases effect of med Increases lithium excretion

Avoid use with: CAD, angina Renal or liver disease Pregnancy, lactation children CHF and acute viral can cause seizure (with high doses/levels) so avoid with seizure disorder unless bronchospasm is unresponsive to other treatments



Drug Tobramycin sulfate Aminoglycoside Antibiotic IV/IM Inhalation (TOBI) Ophthalmic (Tobrex)

Tolbutamide (Orinase) Antidiabetic Sulfonylureas Peak: 3-5 hours Duration: 6-12 hours

Use and dosage broad spectrum antibiotic Kills bacteria cell by affecting protein synthesis. Kill Gram negative infection. Inhalation preventative with cystic fibrosis (28 days on, 28 days off) Eye external eye infections Mild to moderately severe, stable Type 2 Diabetes May be used as adjunct therapy for Type 1 Diabetes but not sole medication Give 1-2 x day after meals 1-2 weeks of medication may be required for full therapeutic effect

Side effect Side effects: HA, paresthesia, skin rash, fevers. Adverse effects/toxicity: Nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity are two common toxicities associated with aminoglycosides. Eye itching, swelling REFER to sections on aminoglycosides (Gentamycin) Side effects: GI distress Pruritus, rash (may stop on own) Photosensitivity Adverse effects/toxicity: Alcohol may cause disulfiram like reaction (flushing, palpation and nausea, flushing of skin). Hypoglycemia due to too much med, drug interactions, N/V, inadequate food intake.

Teaching and labs Doses are based on weight Do not other meds In the same IV LAB Peak and Trough serum creatinine, BUN to monitor renal function

contraindication Do not use with: Known sensitivity to other aminoglycosides Preexisting renal disease.

Avoid use with: Monitor blood Allergy to sulfa or sugars including fasting and HgbA1C urea Teach Signs and symptoms Beta adrenergic of hypoglycemia blocking agents and notify (betablockers) can prescriber if they suppress insulin occur. release and delay response to Wear medic alert hypoglycemia bracelet or tag Avoid alcohol Consult dr. when pregnant



Drug Triazolam (Halcion) sedative hypnotic Anxiolytic Benzodiazepine Has rapid onset (15-30 mins.) Peak 1-2 hours Duration 6-8 hours

Use and dosage short term management of insomnia (4 weeks) characterized by difficulty falling asleep, frequent wakeful periods

Side effect Drowsiness, lethargy, confusion sleepwalking Adverse effects/toxicity: Physical dependence Seizures (with rapid withdrawal) With overdose: coma, respiratory depression, paradoxical anxiety

Teaching and labs Do not use in addictive prone pt. Monitor symptoms of overdose (slurred speech, confusion, somnolence, impaired coordination and coma). following long term use, tolerance may develop so do not stop taking abruptly Monitor I& O increase fluids, bulk and exercise void before taking to reduce urinary retention Avoid driving or other hazardous activities as drowsiness may occur. Avoid OTC such as cough medicine with alcohol. Very dose sensitive

contraindication Avoid use with: Known sensitivity Alcohol intoxication Suicidal ideas Pregnancy, lactation

Trihexyphenidyl HCl (Artane) Anticholinergic Antispasmodic

Treat Parkinsons disease. Diminishes hypersalivation; rigidity and irregular movements in Parkinsons. Use to control drug-induced extrapyramidal side effects

Side effects: Drowsiness Decrease urine output, retention or hesitancy Dry mouth Constipation Adverse effects/toxicity: Paralytic ileus

Avoid use with: narrow angle glaucoma, myasthenia gravis GI obstruction



Drug Vincristine sulfate (Oncovin) Antineoplastic Vinca alkaloids (from plant) mitotic inhibitor IS a vesicant; administer into the side arm portal of a freely flowing IV. Hyaluronidase is given if this vesicant should infiltrate. May apply heat to site to disperse drug and minimize sloughing.

Use and dosage Acute lymphoblastic and other leukemias lymphosarcoma, Hodgkins disease breast and lung cancers

Side effect Major toxicities occur in the hematopoietic, integumentary, neurologic and reproductive, system. Peripheral neuropathy Paralytic ileus (more common in young children) Alopecia Adverse effects/toxicity: Neurotoxicity - loss of sensation of the soles of feet and fingertips Depression of the Achilles reflex is the earliest sign of neuropathy Children are especially likely to develop neuro changes

Teaching and labs Neutropenic precautions prn Assess hand grasp and deep tendon reflexes Maintain a regimen against constipation and paralytic ileus; report a change in bowel habits. Vesicant safety precautions: Good vein, prefer central line access or fresh butterfly stick chemo-trained nurse remain during infusion have antidote handy

contraindication Avoid use with: Obstructive jaundice Pre-existing neuromuscular disease Active infection Pregnancy, lactation Bronchospasm may occur in pt previously treated with mitomycin



Drug Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl) Water-soluble vitamin Absorbed by GI tract s/s of deficiency: Lack of energy Decreased brain functioning skin lesions, conjunctivitis Vitamin B12 Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) Water soluble vitamin s/s of Deficiency which is called Scurvy Malaise, lethargy pinpoint hemorrhages bleeding gums, rough skin and blotchy spots especially legs

Use and dosage Prevention and treatment of pyridoxine deficiency (see causes) Co-enzyme in amino acid metabolism and red blood cell production Treats acute toxicity of INH, hydralazine. (see entry under Cyanocobalamin) Protects connective tissue, strengthens blood vessel walls, forms scar tissue, provides matrix for bone growth Supports immune system helps in absorption of iron and to metabolize amino acid acidifies urine

Side effect

Teaching and labs Causes of deficiency: Side effects: Alcoholism Pain at injection site Malabsorption Adverse effects/toxicity: disorders Neuropathy Oral contraceptives Ataxia Dietary sources: seizures green leafy veg. organ meats, fish, poultry legumes, chickpeas bananas whole grains, potatoes

contraindication Use with caution: Renal disease Cardiac disease Common drug interactions: INH, hydralazine, oral contraceptives Reverses or antagonizes effects of levodopa.

Side effects: Rare at normal doses

Mix oral solutions with food

Avoid use with: Prone to kidney stones Megadoses of Vit. C can interfere with absorption of Vitamin B12.

Adverse effects/toxicity: Causes of deficiency: crystalluria Normal aging Alcohol Other meds Increases absorption of Iron Dietary Sources: citrus fruits, cantaloupe, strawberries, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower tomatoes



Drug Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) Fat-soluble vitamin

s/s deficiency which is called rickets bones fail to calcify bowed legs osteomalacia muscle spasm

Use and dosage Calcium and phosphate metabolism Remember calcium and phosphorus are inverse (high one, lower other) Necessary to develop and maintain strong bones osteomalacia and osteoporosis hypoparathyroidism Treat and prevent rickets

Side effect Side effects: Uncommon at normal doses Metallic taste Adverse effects/toxicity: n/v, fatigue, headache, hallucinations dysrhythmias Hypercalcemia Stones

Teaching and labs Causes of deficiency: Inadequate sunlight Dietary intake hypoparathyroid Dietary Sources: Egg yolks fortified cereals and milk Cod liver oil some fish Also obtained from sunlight

contraindication Avoid use with: Hypersensitivity to Vit. D Hypercalcemia Hyperphosphatemia



Drug Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) Fat-soluble vitamin s/s deficiency: Hemolytic anemia

Use and dosage Dietary supplement Hemolytic anemia in neonates Topical to chapped skin Prevents cell membrane damage protects against blood clot development

Side effect Side effects: Uncommon at normal doses

Teaching and labs Causes of deficiency: normal aging Prematurity Malabsorption Adverse effects/toxicity: diseases N/V Dietary Sources: fatigue, Wheat germ headache Vegetable oils blurred vision Green leafy Toxic: vegetables jaundice Nuts brain damage Dairy, eggs Side effects: Swelling and pain at injection site

contraindication Use with caution: Bleeding disorders Pregnancy Avoid mineral oil

Vitamin K1 (Aquamephyton) (Phytonadione) Fat soluble vitamin s/s deficiency: Deficiency causes hemorrhage. Given as antidote for Coumadin (warfarin) overdose. Onset IV = 6 hours See entry under Warfarin (Coumadin)

Promotes liver synthesis of clotting factors

SQ administration preferred over IM. Labs: Monitor PT/INR (see note Given to newborns Adverse effects/toxicity: under warfarin) to prevent bleeding Hypersensitivity or Causes of deficiency: anaphylaxis like Given as antidote fat malabsorption reaction for coumadin medication Bronchospasm, toxicity. Dietary Sources: Cardiac arrest Also reverses hypo Asparagus, broccoli, prothrombinemia cabbage, Green from various leafy vegetables causes Green tea Tomatoes

Avoid use with: Known hypersensitivity to med




Use and dosage Coumadin Warfarin sodium interferes with (Coumadin) synthesis of clotting factor(s) ORAL anticoagulant that require Vit. K. To reserve hyperanticoagulation (1) Hold and/or skip doses of Coumadin (2) Antidote which is Vitamin K1 (Aquamephyton)

Teaching and labs Coumadin may be started while pt is still on continuous IV heparin therapy). Heparin is tapered off slowly over 2-3 days. Pt. remains on Given PO. Adverse effects/toxicity: oral Coumadin. Bleeding is the Often given in the Has narrow major adverse evening with lab therapeutic range. effect. draws in the Can take 1 week for morning it must Therapeutic effect be taken same time each day PT level will be Avoid or use maintained at 1.5 consistently foods 2.5 the times the high in Vit. K control value May be long-term (which is 12-15 sec.) medication INR range from 2.0depending on 3.0 (control 1.0) reason for Labs need medication monitored often Teach bleeding (sometimes 2-3 x precautions week) initially, Observe closely and then are decreased over time report s/s bleeding

Side effect Side effects: Ecchymotic skin GI & skin problem Hypotension thrombocytopenia

contraindication Avoid use with: hemorrhaging or bleeding tendencies malignant hypertension past history of allergic reaction to Coumadin Many, many meds have drug interactions with Coumadin



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