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Engleza: From the beginning of P & G opened roads and reinvent the way of doing business .

was how abodare of each challenge and oportunitti since 1837 , and how we continue the series of successes in the future. We are a global company. We produce nearly 300 brands that reach almost 5 million CONSUP and competing in 160 national markets . almost 102,000 people work everyday in pewste 80 countries around the world to provide quality products and superior value to consumers worldwide. as the increased involvement and commitment of our global operations , we reviewed and adapted in the way we do business . Before 1998, the organization p & g was based on regional structures. regions were coordinated regional branches responsible for sales, volume and profit . for the company's needs and opportunities have changed , we had to adapt ourselves. organizational structure of the company is based on the Structure 2005 reorganization underway that focuses on the company's global priorities at the moment . Now think in terms of global business structures directly responsible for sales, volume and profit . Romana : inca de la inceput p&g a deschis drumuri si a reinventat modul de a face afaceri . a fost modul de abodare al fiecarei provocari si oportunitti inca din 1837 , si felul in care vom continua seria succeselor in viitor. suntem o companie globala. suntem producatori a aproape 300 de marci care ajung la aproape 5 milioane de consupatori si concuram pe 160 de piete nationale . aproape 102.000 de oameni lucreaza zi de zi in pewste 80 de tari din intreaga lume pentru a oferi produse de calitate si valoare superioare consumatorilor din toata lumea. pe masura ce au crescut implicarea , angajamentele si operatiunile noastre globale , am analizat si adaptat permanent modul in care facem afaceri. inainte de 1998 , organizarea p&g s-a bazat pe structuri regionale . regiunile erau coordonate de filialele regionale care raspundau de vanzari , volumul acestora si profit. pentru ca nevoile companiei si oportunitatile acesteia s-au schimbat , am fost nevoiti sa ne adaptam si noi. structura organizationala a companiei se bazeaza pe Structura organizatiei 2005 , o reorganizare in derulare care pune accent pe prioritatile globale ale companiei in acest moment. Acum gandim in termenii unei structuri globale de afaceri direct responsabila pentru vanzari ,volumul acestora si profit.

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