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Stop New York State's Swan Killing Plan

The DEC recently released its proposed ten-year management plan for the Mute Swan in New York State. This outline for management seeks near complete and total elimination of the species by the year 2025. Comments on the draft mute swan plan may be submitted in writing through February 21, 2014. Killing New Yorks mute swans and other wildlife is wrong it is cruel, and not how New Yorkers want our taxpayer dollars spent. The rationales used to support killing these animals are deeply flawed. New Yorkers value our wildlife, and cherish the free-living animals we share our environment with. We believe these creatures should be protected, not slaughtered. One of the top reasons the agency gives for this policy proposal is the Mute Swans exhibiting aggressive behavior towards people. Swan attacks resulting in serious injury to humans are so rare and near physically impossible that the government insults the public's intelligence by presenting this as a major justification for extermination. If you approach a swan nest they might get aggressive and hiss and flap their wings to protect their young, but this is a greatly exaggerated threat. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's case against the Mute Swan falls flat in the face of reason and responsibility. Its plan to utterly eliminate this majestic creature from the face of the land reflects an agency that has lost touch with its core mission as well as with the greater voices to which it must ultimately answer. Their plan's pathetic attempt at simplifying or reducing management to utter elimination of what's to be managed is a dereliction of duty and a crime against nature and public trust and a very grave cause for concern. The draft Management Plan for Mute Swans in New York State is available on the DEC website: Comments on the draft mute swan plan may be submitted in writing through February 21, 2014 to: NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife, Swan Management Plan, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4754 or by e-mail to (type "Swan Plan" in the subject line) or sign our petition on (pinned to the top of our Facebook page). for more information visit or email with questions or to get involved

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