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Titre : Procdure MAJ_CATA Responsa !e : Jean"Pierre #$%$&'R$

Version default
Date : 15/06/2011 Page : 1/2 C! : ()*15*01 R+ision : 651,

Procdure MAJ_CATA

Compilation of the catalogue of elements (associated scripting of the agla: ccat92-py and ccat ele.csh). This procedure does not have interest for the user. If necessary, one will be able to refer to Manuel d !tilisation of the AGLA "#$.%&.%$'.

-arning : T.e trans!ation process used on /e site is a 0Mac.ine Trans!ation0* 1t 2a3 e i2precise and inaccurate in /.o!e or in part and is pro+ided as a con+enience* #icensed under t.e ter2s o4 t.e 56( %D# 7.ttp://///*gnu*org/cop3!e4t/4d!*.t2!8

Titre : Procdure MAJ_CATA Responsa !e : Jean"Pierre #$%$&'R$

Version default
Date : 15/06/2011 Page : 2/2 C! : ()*15*01 R+ision : 651,

MAJ_CATA ( /ELEMENT /TY E_ELEM !"N#TE ) = = _F ( ), ( ), /%&'c (#) = _F / $


Key word ELEMENT
Cet operand induces the compilation of the catalogue of the elements. Note: T.e 2anage2ent o4 t.e !ogica! units 3 na2es in J$'$(9 in+o!+ed t.e suppression o4 t.e /ords " sing!e"ended spanner under :e3 /ord 4actor* T.e s3nta; o4 ca!! is o4 t.e 4or2: MAJ_CATA ( ELEMENT = _F (),)


Key word TYPE E!E"

Cet operand causes the printing of all the couples (type(element, option) available in the version called, this information can then be used for the analysis of the cover of code.


Key word #N$TE

) UNITE = num

logical *um+ro of unit associated with a file on which the printings will be directed. ,ne will refer to command DEFI_FICHIER "!-.$&.%.'. /y defect, the printings are carried out in file RESULTAT associated with the logical unit 0.

-arning : T.e trans!ation process used on /e site is a 0Mac.ine Trans!ation0* 1t 2a3 e i2precise and inaccurate in /.o!e or in part and is pro+ided as a con+enience* #icensed under t.e ter2s o4 t.e 56( %D# 7.ttp://///*gnu*org/cop3!e4t/4d!*.t2!8

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