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An invasive species is a harm to a ecosystem. An invasive species can be found because of ships.

An invasive species can be a threat to a biodiversity, because it ruins the food chain of other animals. There are many invasive species, and they are spread all over the world, here are some examples of these animals.

The Galapagos islands, they were discovered by a man called Fray Tom de Berlanga, a bishop from Panama. These islands are most know for the biodiversity, and because a man called Charles Darwin rote his book on the theory of evolution

I am going to investigate a animal that has been invasive in the Galapagos islands and how it has impacted on it. The animal I chose was the Feral Cat. A feral cat is a domesticated cat that has lost its way and gone to the wild. This cat is very similar that an ordinary cat, the only difference is that it was born in the wild.

There cats were introduces by ships visiting the islands by the colonists as pets, they are also a found in five inhabited islands Baltra, Santa Cruz, San Cristbal, Floreana, and Isabela

These cats are not good for these islands because they have to eat, but they are not served cat food, they have to hunt or find their food, so they hunt little lizards or eggs from other animals. This is harmful for the ecosystem because then there will be less of that species and the food chain has to change

People investigate where these cats live and they saw that they are very active during the day and the night, so they set up tomahawk and Victor tapes and poison. People also shoot them with rifles. The objective is the total eradication. People also capture them and put them into cages and hope for someone to rescue them

Feral cats live everywhere outdoors like parks, backyards farms, restaurants etc. This is because they have an easier way of finding food The Latin name for a cat is Felis catus Some of these cats can be very aggressive when bothered

Quick question: Which is the domesticated cat and which one is the feral cat?? .html gosWWW/Discovery.html ?page=parque_nacional_introducidas_gato s

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