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Mentoring Name & Demonstrate 25 Right Handed Throws Name & Demonstrate 10 Left Handed Throws Ten Combination

Throws Defence Against all Grabs and Chokes Five Locks into Throws into Locks Five Flowing Ambos (minimum of 6 moves) Bokken Basic Cuts Cutting Kata Bokken & Bo Kata Techniques Left Handed Number 1 Lock, Back Hammer Left Handed Number 1 Lock, Palm Throw Left Handed Number 1 Lock, Leg Wheel Left Handed Number 1 Lock, Body Drop Spinning Elbow Techniques Minimum of 5 Techniques Circuit Training Minimum of 15 Techniques Circuit Training from Grabs Minimum of 10 Techniques Ground Fighting Back to Back

The fusion of all colours. It indicates that they have gained all the traits necessary to surpass the obstacles encountered on the first day of training. Black is the colour of night. It shows the first day is over and new day is coming. This is not the end but merely the beginning.
Seir Yoku Schools of Ju-Jitsu P a g e | 29

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