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Reformator: Beskorisne cinjenice Macka ima po 32 misica u svakom uvu. Bubasvaba ce ziveti devet dana bez glave, tj.

j. dok ne umre od gladi. Novcic ima 118 ureza na ivici. ilin konjic zivi najduze 2! sata. "rgazam kod svinja traje 3# minuta. $jkula je jedina riba koja moze da namigne sa oba oka. %rokodil ne moze da isplazi jezik. Na vizit karti $l %aponea je pisalo da je prodavac namestaja. &vi' (# &$) drzava je ispisano pri vr'u *inkolnovog spomenika, na poledjini novcanice od ( +. &vi satovi u ,ilmu -.etparacke price- su stali na !:2#. Badem spada u porodicu Breskvi. $merikanci prosecno pojedu 18 ari pica dnevno. $vio kompanija -$merican $irlines- je 1/80. godine, servirajuci samo jednu maslinu manje u porciji salate za prvu klasu, ustedela !# ### +. Nojevo oko je vece nego njegov mozak. *upanjem glave o zid, svakog sata gubite 1(# kalorija. 1 Ne2 3orku je sansa da na Bozic padne sneg 1 : !. 4rad sa najvise 5ols 5ojseva po stanovniku je 6ong %ong. )esnjaci zive prosecno / godina duze od levaka. 7oca 7ola je prvobitno bila zelena. eca je sansa da vas ubije cep od sampanjca nego otrovni pauk. &lonovi su jedine zivotinje koje ne mogu da skacu. %ompanije koje prave -Monopol- dnevno nastampaju vise novca nego americka drzavna blagajna. &vaki put kada liznete postansku markicu, unesete 181# kalorije.

*judi i del,ini su jedine zivotinje koje vode ljubav zbog zadovoljstva. $ko neprekidno prdite 9 godina i / meseci, stvoricete dovoljno gasa da razvije energiju atomske bombe. :latna ribica pamti nesto najduze 3 sekunde. 1 starom ;giptu, svestenici su morali da odstrane & ; dlake sa tela, ukljucujuci i trepavice i obrve. 1 vecini reklama, ukljucujuci i one u novinama, vreme na satovima je 1#:1#. Nemoguce je kinuti otvoreni' ociju. .uno ime *os $ndjelesa je -;l .ueblo de Nuestra &enora la 5eina de los $ngeles de .orciuncula-, i moze da se skupi na 3.93< svoje duzine: -*.$.-. Mejn je jedina americka drzava cije se ime sastoji iz samo jednog sloga. Muskarci bolje vide na blizinu od zena. :ato zene bolje cuju. Ni jedna rec u engleskom jeziku se ne rimuje sa recima mesec =mont'>, narandzasto =orange>, srebro=silver> i purpurno=purple>. Na novcanici od 2 kanadska dolara se nalazi americka zastava. 1 proseku, ljudi se vise plase pauka nego smrti. %ikiriki je jedan od sastojaka dinamita. .olarni medvedi su levaci. Neki lavovi se pare preko (# puta dnevno. $ljaska je zemlja sa najvecim procentom ljudi koji peske idu na posao. -&te2ardesses- =stujardese> je najduza engleska rec koja se, na tastaturi, kuca samo levom rukom. 6avajski al,abet ima 12 slova. :vezdane ribe nemaju mozak. Mrav moze da podigne (# i da povuce 3# puta vecu tezinu od sopstvene, a kada se otruje, uvek padne na desnu stranu. 7ovek zaspi za prosecno 0 minuta.

.rilikom kucanja na tastaturi, odnos rada leve i desne ruke je (9< : !!<. 5iba?macka ima najvise culni' kvrzica za ukus: 20 ###. Buva moze da preskoci duzinu 3(# puta vecu od sopstvene. @o je isto kao kad bi covek mogao da preskoci ,udbalski teren. Mackina mokraca sija u mraku. 4igantska sipa ima najvece oci na svetu. *judsko srce stvara dovoljno veliki pritisak da izbaci krv do visine od 1# m. $ko neprekidno vicete 8 godina, 0 meseci i 9 dana, stvoricete dovoljno zvucne energije da skuvate ka,u. &eA kod bogomoljki pocinje tako sto zenka otkida glavu muzijaku. Mikrotalasna pecnica je izmisljena kada je istrazivac prosao pored radarske cevi koja mu je istopila cokoladicu u dzepu. Bme -"z- u -7arobnjaku iz "za- je izmisljeno kada je autor, Crenk Baum, pogledao svoj ormaric sa dokumentima, na kome je pisalo $?N i "?:, dakle -"z-. 4rcka 'imna ima 1(8 verzija. )o sada, niko u 4rckoj nije uspeo da zapamti sve verzije. Bma tacno 339 rupica na loptici za gol,. Dedina stvarna osoba koja se nasla na kutijici -.ez- bombona je Betsi 5os. Najjaci misic u ljudskom telu je jezik. &ansa da prosecan $merikanac zivi na manje od (# milja od mesta gde se rodio je 1 : 2. .ostoji 2/3 nacina da se usitni dolar. Na svetu ima vise pilica nego ljudi. @igrovima su i krzno i koza podeljeni na stra,te. inston 7ercil se rodio u zenskom E7u, za vreme igranke. Niko ne moze da izvrsi samoubistvo prosto zadrzavajuci da'. Beba sivog kita pije toliko mleka, da se sFnjim moze puniti 2### ,lasa dnevno. Na deklaraciji o nezavisnosti se nalazi (9 potpisa.

%amila moze da izgubi i 3#< telesne tezine dok ide kroz pustinju. 7ovek bi umreo od srcanog udara posle gubitka od samo 12< telesne tezine. :aba sa otrovnim strelicama ima dovoljno otrova da ubije 2 2## ljudi. .rva ! americka predcenika su imala (0 godina kada su bili izabrani. Dedan od deset dalmatinaca se rodi gluv. &panija je ulozila samo 9 ### + u %olumbovo putovanje. @o nije bila pogresna investicija, jer se &paniji, samo preko zlata iz $merike, vratilo 1 0(# ### + u sledeci' sto godina. Najbrza cetvoronozna zivotinja je gepard. "n moze da trci do 12# km8' na sat na kratkim distancama, a od # do 0#km8' na sat ubrzava za 2 sekunde. MarG &tuart je postala kraljica &kotske kada je imala samo 9 dana. .ande provedu 12 sati dnevno jeduci bambus. Medicinski tretman u 10?om i u 18?om veku se sastojao uglavnom iz povracanja i pustanja krvi. Mnogi pacijenti su zbog takvog tretmana i umirali usled nedostatka krvi. Nojevi trce brze od konja a muzijak moze da rice kao lav. &vaka kraljica koja se zvala Dane je ili bila ubijena, u'apsena i svrgnuta sa vlasti ili je poludela. Beba zira,e je visoka oko 2 metra kad se rodi .rvim puskama je trebalo toliko vremena da se ponovo napune da su lukovi i strele =u rukama pro,esionalca> bili 12 puta e,ikasnije oruzije Bizon moze da skoci preko metar i po. %ralj Crancuske Cransis B je platio !### zlatni' kruna *eonardu da inciju za njegovo remek delo -Mona *isa-. %ralj nije odma' dobio vlasnistvo nad slikom vec je ona visila na zidu *eonarda da incija sve do njegove smrti. &vinje su neverovatno glasne zivotinje. "ne skvice jacinom od 1## do 11( decibela, dok mlazni avion, pri uzletanju proizvodi neki' 112 decibela. Medved izgubi 2(< svoje tezine za vreme zimskog sna. Na vr'uncu moci, !## godine pre nove ere, &parta je imala 2( ### gradjana i (## ### robova. %ada je zedna, kamila moze da popije 11( litara vode za manje od 3 minuta. Na pocetku prvog svetskog rata, americka avijacija je imala samo (# ljudi.

%ada je pod velikim stresom, kao sto je drzanje u zatocenistvu, neki oktopusi mogu da pojedu sopstvene pipke, koji ce im kasnije opet izrasti. ;di $rkaro, jedan od najveci' dzokeja u istoriji konjski' trka, je izgubio 2(# trka pre nego sto je prvi put pobedio. 1kupno je dobio !00/ trka. Morski krastavci imaju jedinstven odbrambeni sistem. %ada i' neko napadne oni izbacuju lepljive niti iz usta koje onesposobljavaju neprijatelja. .osle toga morski krastavac moze brzo da pobegne. .re nego sto su %inezi osvojili @ibet 1/(2 godine, 8(< muskaraca u zemlji su bili budisticki svestenici. :enka kondora izleze samo jedno jaje u dve godine Reformator: BarbieFs measurements i, s'e 2ere li,e size: 3/?23?33. @'e dollar sGmbol =+> is a 1 combined 2it' an & =1.&.> "ur eGes are al2aGs t'e same size ,rom birt', but our nose and ears never stop gro2ing. @'e &tatue o, *ibertGFs tablet is t2o ,eet t'ick. @'ere are t2o credit cards ,or everG person in t'e 1nited &tates. @'e slogan on Ne2 6amps'ire license plates is F*ive Cree or )ieF. @'ese license plates are manu,actured bG prisoners in t'e state prison in 7oncord. @'e stra2 2as probablG invented bG ;gGptian bre2ers to taste in?process beer 2it'out removing t'e ,ermenting ingredients 2'ic' ,loated on t'e top o, t'e container. )avid .ro2se, 2as t'e guG in t'e )art' ader suit in &tar Ears. 6e spoke all o, aderFs lines, and didnFt kno2 t'at 'e 2as going to be dubbed over bG Dames ;arl Dones until 'e sa2 t'e screening o, t'e movie. @'e 1nited &tates government keeps its supplG o, silver at t'e 1.&. MilitarG $cademG at Eest .oint, N3 @'ere are onlG t'irteen blimps in t'e 2orld. Nine o, t'e t'irteen blimps are in t'e 1nited &tates. @'e eAisting biggest blimp is t'e Cuji Cilm blimp. Nauga'Gde, plastic -leat'er- 2as created in Naugatuck, 7onnecticut. @'e &2iss ,lag is sHuare. @'e 2ord FpoundF is abbreviated Flb.F a,ter t'e constellation FlibraF because it means FpoundF in *atin, and also FscalesF. @'e abbreviation ,or t'e Britis' .ound &terling comes ,rom t'e same source: it is an F*F ,or *ibra8*b. 2it' a stroke t'roug' it to indicate abbreviation. &ames goes ,or t'e Btalian lira 2'ic' uses t'e same abbreviation =FliraF coming ,rom FlibraF>. &o Britis' currencG =be,ore it 2ent metric> 2as al2aGs Huoted as -pounds8s'illings8pence-, abbreviated -*8s8d=libra8solidus8denarius>. @'e t'ree largest land?o2ners in ;ngland are t'e Iueen, t'e 7'urc' o, ;ngland and @rinitG 7ollege, 7ambridge. @'e monastic 'ours are matins, lauds, prime, tierce, seAt, nones, vespers and compline. B, Gou come ,rom Manc'ester, Gou are a Mancunian. Axeman: Bme endi je izmisljeno specijalno za knjigu .etar .an Nebo je plavo zato sto je rezonanca plave boje najniza,pa kad suncevi zraci prolaze kroz atmos,eru ona se najlakse razlije...

$brakadabra u stvari znaci "tac,&in, i &veti )u'. &vaka osoba na svetu deli rodjendan sa jos / miliona ljudi. Ne moze se kijati sa otvorenim ocima. Nazzy90: 1. Most $merican car 'orns 'onk in t'e keG o, C. 2. @'e name EendG 2as made up ,or t'e book -.eter .an.3. BarbieFs ,ull name is Barbara Millicent 5oberts. !. ;verG time Gou lick a stamp, Gou consume 181# o, a calorie. (. @'e average person ,alls asleep in seven minutes. 9. &tudies s'o2 t'at i, a cat ,alls o,, t'e sevent' ,loor o, a building it 'as about t'irtG percent less c'ance o, surviving t'an a cat t'at ,alls o,, t'e t2entiet' ,loor. Bt supposedlG takes about eig't ,loors ,or t'e cat to realize 2'at is occurring, relaA and correct itsel,. 0. 3our stomac' 'as to produce a ne2 laGer o, mucus everG t2o 2eeks ot'er2ise it 2ill digest itsel,. 8. @'e citrus soda 0?1. 2as created in 1/2/J F0F 2as selected a,ter t'e original 0?ounce containers and F1.F ,or t'e direction o, t'e bubbles. /. 1#1 )almatians, .eter .an, *adG and t'e @ramp, and Mulan are t'e onlG )isneG cartoons 2'ere bot' parents are present and donFt die t'roug'out t'e movie. . 1#. $ pigFs orgasm lasts ,or 3# minutes. 11. F&te2ardessesF is t'e longest 2ord t'at is tGped 2it' onlG t'e le,t 'and. 12. @o escape t'e grip o, a crocodileFs ja2s, pus' Gour t'umbs into its eGeballs ? it 2ill let Gou go instantlG. 13. 5eindeer like to eat bananas. 1!. No 2ord in t'e ;nglis' language r'Gmes 2it' mont', orange, silver and purple. 1(. @'e 2ord -samba- means -to rub navels toget'er.19. Mel Blanc =t'e voice o, Bugs BunnG> 2as allergic to carrots. 10. @'e electric c'air 2as invented bG a dentist. 18. @'e verG ,irst bomb dropped bG t'e $llies on Berlin during Eorld Ear BB %illed t'e onlG elep'ant in t'e Berlin :oo.


More people are killed annuallG bG donkeGs t'an airplane cras'es.

2#. $ Fji,,GF is a unit o, time ,or 181##t' o, a second. 21. $ 2'aleFs penis is called a dork. 22. Because o, t'e rotation o, t'e eart', an object can be t'ro2n ,art'er i, it is t'ro2n 2est.

23. @'e average person spends 9 mont's o, t'eir li,e sitting at red lig'ts. 2!. Bn 1/12 a la2 passed in Nebraska 2'ere drivers in t'e countrG at nig't 2ere reHuired to stop everG 1(# Gards, send up a skGrocket, 2ait eig't minutes ,or t'e road to clear be,ore proceeding cautiouslG, all t'e 2'ile blo2ing t'eir 'orn and s'ooting o,, ,lares. 2(. More MonopolG moneG is printed in a Gear, t'an real moneG t'roug'out t'e 2orld.

29. 7aesar salad 'as not'ing to do 2it' anG o, t'e 7aesars. Bt 2as ,irst concocted in a bar in @ijuana, MeAico, in t'e 1/2#Fs. 20. "ne Huarter o, t'e bones in Gour bodG are in Gour ,eet.

28. 7rocodiles and alligators are surprisinglG ,ast on land. $lt'oug' t'eG are rapid, t'eG are not agile. &o, i, being c'ased bG one, run in a zigzag line to lose 'im or 'er. 2/. 3#. &eattleKs Cremont Bridge rises up and do2n more t'an anG dra2bridge in t'e 2orld. 5ig't?'anded people live, on averageJ nine Gears longer t'an le,t 'anded people.

31. @en percent o, t'e 5ussian governmentFs income comes ,rom t'e sale o, vodka. 32. Bn t'e 1nited &tates, a pound o, potato c'ips costs t2o 'undred times more t'an a pound o, potatoes. 33. $ gira,,e can go 2it'out 2ater longer t'an a camel. 3!. $ person cannot taste ,ood unless it is miAed 2it' saliva. Cor eAample, i, a strong?tasting substance like salt is placed on a drG tongue, t'e taste buds 2ill not be able to taste it. $s soon as a drop o, saliva is added and t'e salt is dissolved, 'o2ever, a de,inite taste sensation results. @'is is true ,or all ,oods. 3(. NearlG 8#< o, all animals on eart' 'ave siA legs.

39. Bn t'e marriage ceremonG o, t'e ancient Bnca Bndians o, .eru, t'e couple 2as considered o,,iciallG 2ed 2'en t'eG took o,, t'eir sandals and 'anded t'em to eac' ot'er. 30. NinetG percent o, all species t'at 'ave become eAtinct 'ave been birds.

38. @'ere is approAimatelG one c'icken ,or everG 'uman being in t'e 2orld.


Most collect calls are made on ,at'erFs daG.

!#. @'e ,irst automobile race ever seen in t'e 1nited &tates 2as 'eld in 7'icago in 18/(. @'e track ran ,rom 7'icago to ;vanston, Bllinois. @'e 2inner 2as D. Crank )urGea, 2'ose average speed 2as 0182 miles per 'our. !1. ;ac' o, us generates about 3.( pounds o, rubbis' a daG, most o, it paper.

!2. Eomen manage t'e moneG and paG t'e bills in 0(< o, all $mericans 'ouse'olds. !3. $ rainbo2 can be seen onlG in t'e morning or late a,ternoon. Bt can occur onlG 2'en t'e sun is !# degrees or less above t'e 'orizon. !!. Bt 'as N; ;5 rained in 7alama, a to2n in t'e $tacama )esert o, 7'ile.

!(. Bt costs more to buG a ne2 car todaG in t'e 1nited &tates t'an it cost 7'ristop'er 7olumbus to eHuip and undertake t'ree voGages to and ,rom t'e Ne2 Eorld. !9. @'e plastic t'ings on t'e end o, s'oelaces are called aglets. !0. $n eig'teent'?centurG 4erman named Matt'e2 Birc'inger, kno2n as -t'e little man o, Nuremberg,- plaGed ,our musical instruments including t'e bagpipes, 2as an eApert calligrap'er, and 2as t'e most ,amous stage magician o, 'is daG. 6e per,ormed tricks 2it' t'e cup and balls t'at 'ave never been eAplained. 3et Birc'inger 'ad no 'ands, legs, or t'ig's, and 2as less t'an 2/ inc'es tall. !8. )aGlig't &aving @ime is not observed in most o, t'e state o, $rizona and parts o, Bndiana.

!/. $nts closelG resemble 'uman manners: E'en t'eG 2ake, t'eG stretc' L appear to Ga2n in a 'uman manner be,ore taking up t'e tasks o, t'e daG. (#. Bees 'ave ( eGes. @'ere are 3 small eGes on t'e top o, a beeFs 'ead and 2 larger ones in ,ront.

(1. 7ount t'e number o, cricket c'irps in a 1(?second period, add 30 to t'e total, and Gour result 2ill be verG close to t'e actual outdoor Ca'ren'eit temperature. (2. "ne?,ourt' o, t'e 2orldFs population lives on less t'an +2## a Gear. NinetG million people survive on less t'an +0( a Gear. (3. Butter,lies taste 2it' t'eir 'ind ,eet.

(!. "nlG ,emale mosHuitoKsF bite and most are attracted to t'e color blue t2ice as muc' as to anG ot'er color. ((. B, one places a tinG amount o, liHuor on a scorpion, it 2ill instantlG go mad and sting itsel, to deat'. (9. Bt is illegal to 'unt camels in t'e state o, $rizona.

(0. Bn eig'teent'?centurG ;nglis' gambling dens, t'ere 2as an emploGee 2'ose onlG job 2as to s2allo2 t'e dice i, t'ere 2as a police raid. (8. @'ere are no clocks in *as egas gambling casinos. (/. @'e 'uman tongue tastes bitter t'ings 2it' t'e taste buds to2ard t'e back. &altG and pungent ,lavors are tasted in t'e middle o, t'e tongue, s2eet ,lavors at t'e tipM 9#. @'e ,irst product to 'ave a bar code 2as ErigleGKs gum. 91. E'en Gou sneeze, air and particles travel t'roug' t'e nostrils at speeds over1## mp'. )uring t'is time, all bodilG ,unctions stop, including Gour 'eart, contributing to t'e impossibilitG o, keeping oneFs eGes open during a sneeze. 92. $nnual gro2t' o, EEE tra,,ic is 31!,###< 93. <9# o, all people using t'e Bnternet, use it ,or pornograp'G.

9!. Bn 1008, ,as'ionable 2omen o, .aris never 2ent out in blusterG 2eat'er 2it'out a lig'tning rod attac'ed to t'eir 'ats. 9(. &eA burns 39# calories per 'our.

99. $ raisin dropped in a glass o, ,res' c'ampagne 2ill bounce up and do2n continuallG ,rom t'e bottom o, t'e glass to t'e top. 90. it. 7elerG 'as negative caloriesM Bt takes more calories to eat a piece o, celerG t'an t'e celerG 'as in

98. @'e average lead pencil 2ill dra2 a line 3( miles long or 2rite approAimatelG (#,### ;nglis' 2ords. More t'an 2 billion pencils are manu,actured eac' Gear in t'e 1nited &tates. B, t'ese 2ere laid end to end t'eG 2ould circle t'e 2orld nine times. 9/. @'e pop Gou 'ear 2'en Gou crack Gour knuckles is actuallG a bubble o, gas burning. 0#. $ literal translation o, a standard tra,,ic sign in 7'ina: -4ive large space to t'e ,estive dog t'at makes sport in t'e road2aG.01. 3ou burn more calories sleeping t'an Gou do 2atc'ing @ . 02. *arrG *e2is ran t'e 1##?Gard das' in 10.8 seconds in 1/9/, t'erebG setting a ne2 2orldFs record ,or runners in t'e 1##?Gears?or?older class. 6e 2as 1#1. 03. Bn a li,etime t'e average 'uman produces enoug' Huarts o, spit to ,ill 2 s2imming pools.

0!. BtFs against t'e la2 to doze o,, under a 'air drGer in Clorida8against t'e la2 to slap an old ,riend on t'e back in 4eorgia8against t'e la2 to .laG 'opscotc' on a &undaG in Missouri. 0(. BarbieFs measurements, i, s'e 2ere li,e?size, 2ould be 3/?2/?33.

09. @'e 'uman 'eart creates enoug' pressure to sHuirt blood 3#,t. 00. "ne t'ird o, all cancers are sun related.

08. @6; M"&@ 1N1&1$* 7$NN"NB$**: "n t2o occasions, Miss F5ita @'underbirdF remained inside t'e cannon despite a lot o, gunpo2der encouragement to do ot'er2ise. &'e per,ormed in a gold lamN bikini and on one o, t'e t2o occasions =1/00> Miss @'underbird remained lodged in t'e cannon, 2'ile 'er bra 2as s'ot across t'e @'ames 5iver. 0/. Bt 'as been estimated t'at 'umans use onlG 1#< o, t'eir brain.

8#. alentine @apleG ,rom .ike 7ountG, Missouri gre2 c'in 2'iskers attaining a lengt' o, t2elve ,eet siA inc'es ,rom 189# until 'is deat' 1/1#, protesting $bra'am *incolnFs election to t'e presidencG. 81. Most ;gGptians died bG t'e time t'eG 2ere 3# about 3## Gears ago,

82. Cor some time Crederic 7'opin, t'e composer and pianist, 2ore a beard on onlG one side o, 'is ,ace, eAplaining: -Bt does not matter, mG audience sees onlG mG rig't side.83. 8!. 8(. 1 in everG ! $mericans 'as appeared some2aG or anot'er on television. 1 in 8 $mericans 'as 2orked at a Mc)onalds restaurant. 0#< o, all boats sold are used ,or ,is'ing.

89. &tudies 'ave s'o2n t'at c'ildren laug' an average o, 3## times8daG and adults 10 times8daG, making t'e average c'ild more optimistic, curious, and creative t'an t'e adult. 80. $ pregnant gold,is' is called a t2it. 88. @'e s'ortest 2ar in 'istorG 2as bet2een :anzibar and ;ngland in 18/9. :anzibar surrendered a,ter 38 minutes. 8/. 3ou 2ere born 2it' 3## bones, but bG t'e time Gou are an adult Gou 2ill onlG 'ave 2#9. /#. B, Gou go blind in one eGe Gou onlG lose about one ,i,t' o, Gour vision but all Gour sense o, dept'.

/1. Eomen blink nearlG t2ice as muc' as men. /2. @'e strongest muscle =5elative to size> in t'e bodG is t'e tongue. /3. $ Boeing 0!0Fs 2ingspan is longer t'an t'e Erig't brot'erFs ,irst ,lig't. /!. $merican $irlines saved +!#,### in 1/80 bG eliminating one olive ,rom eac' salad served in ,irst? class. /(. $verage li,e span o, a major league baseball: 0 pitc'es.

/9. $ palindrome is a sentence or group o, sentences t'at reads t'e same back2ards as it does ,or2ard: ;A: F5ed rum, sir, is murder.F FMa is as sel,less as B am.F FNurse, B spG gGpsies. 5unMF F$ man, a plan, a canal ? .anama.F F6e lived as a devil, e'OF /0. @'e ,irst 7) pressed in t'e 1& 2as Bruce &pringsteenFs FBorn in t'e 1&$F /8. Bn 1/89 7ongress L .resident 5onald 5eagan signed .ublic *a2 //?3(/, 2'ic' c'anged )aGlig't &aving @ime ,rom t'e last &undaG in $pril to t'e ,irst &undaG in $pril. Bt 2as estimated to save t'e nation about 3##,### barrels o, oil eac' Gear bG adding most o, t'e mont' $pril to ).&.@. //. @'e t'umbnail gro2s t'e slo2est, t'e middle nail t'e ,astest, nearlG ! times ,aster t'an toenails. 1##. @'e 6uman eGes never gro2, but nose and ears never stop gro2ing. 1#1. @'e (0 on 6einz ketc'up bottles represents t'e number o, varieties o, pickles t'e companG once 'ad. 1#2. @om &a2Ger 2as t'e ,irst novel 2ritten on a tGpe2riter. 1#3. B, @eAas 2ere a countrG, its 4N. 2ould be t'e ,i,t' largest o, anG countrG in t'e 2orld.

1#!. @'ere are 1 million ants ,or everG 'uman in t'e 2orld. 1#(. "dds o, being killed bG lig'teningO 1 in 2million8killed in a car cras'O 1 in (,###8killed bG ,alling out o, bedO 1 in 2million8killed in a plane cras'O 1 in 2( million. 1#9. &ince 1/08, 30 people 'ave died bG ending Mac'ineFs ,alling on t'em. 13 people are killed annuallG. $ll t'is 2'ile trGing to s'ake merc'andise out o, t'em. 113 people 'ave been injured. 1#0. 6al, t'e ,oods eaten t'roug'out t'e 2orld todaG 2ere developed bG ,armers in t'e $ndes Mountains =including potatoes, maize, s2eet potatoes, sHuas', all varieties o, beans, peanuts, manioc, papaGas, stra2berries, mulberries and manG ot'ers>. 1#8. @'e F4olden $rc'esF o, ,ast ,ood c'ain Mc)onalds is more recognized 2orld2ide t'an t'e religious cross o, 7'ristianitG. 1#/. Cormer basketball superstar Mic'ael Dordan is t'e most recognized ,ace in t'e 2orld, more t'an t'e pope 'imsel,. 11#. @'e average talker spraGs about 3## microscopic saliva droplets per minute, about 2.( droplets .er 2ord. 111. 112. @'e ;art' eAperiences (#,### ;art' Huakes per Gear and is 'it bG *ig'tning 1## times a second. ;verG Gear 11,### $mericans injure t'emselves 2'ile trGing out bizarre seAual positions.

113. B, 2e 'ad t'e same mortalitG rate no2 as in 1/##, more t'an 'al, t'e people in t'e 2orld todaG 2ould not be alive. 11!. "n average, $mericans eat 18 acres o, pizza everGdaG.

11(. 5esearc'ers at t'e @eAas )epartment o, 6ig'2aGs in Cort Eort' determined t'e co2 population o, t'e 1.&. burps some (# million tons o, valuable 'Gdrocarbons into t'e atmosp'ere eac' Gear. @'e accumulated burps o, ten average co2s could keep a small 'ouse adeHuatelG 'eated and its stove operating ,or a Gear. 119. side. )uring a severe 2indstorm or rainstorm t'e ;mpire &tate Building s2aGs several ,eet to eit'er

110. Bn t'e last 3,(## Gears, t'ere 'ave been approAimatelG 23# Gears o, peace t'roug'out t'e civilized 2orld. 118. @'e Black )eat' reduced t'e population o, ;urope bG one t'ird in t'e period ,rom 13!0 to 13(1. 11/. 12#. 121. 122. 123. 12!. 12(. 129. 120. @'e average person spends about t2o Gears on t'e p'one in a li,etime. *engt' o, beard an average man 2ould gro2 i, 'e never s'aved 20.( ,eet "ver 9#< o, all t'ose 2'o marrG get divorced. !##?Huarter pounders can be made ,rom 1 co2. $ ,ull?loaded supertanker traveling at normal speed takes at least 2# minutes to stop. 7oca?7ola 2as originallG green. Men can read smaller print t'an 2omenJ 2omen can 'ear better. 6ong %ong 'olds t'e most 5olls 5oGceKs per capita. $verage number o, daGs a Eest 4erman goes 2it'out 2as'ing 'is under2ear: 0

128. EEBB ,ig'ter pilots in t'e &out' .aci,ic armed t'eir airplanes 2'ile stationed 2it' .(# caliber mac'ine gun ammo belts measuring 20 ,eet be,ore being loaded into t'e ,uselage. B, t'e pilots ,ired all t'eir ammo at a target, 'e 2ent t'roug' -t'e 2'ole / Gards-, 'ence t'e term. 12/. 13#. 131. $verage number o, people airborne over t'e 1& anG given 'our: 91,###. Bntelligent people 'ave more zinc and copper in t'eir 'air. Bceland consumes more 7oca?7ola per capita t'an anG ot'er nation.

132. Bn t'e earlG 1/!#s, t'e C77 assigned televisionFs 7'annel 1 to mobile services =like t2o?2aG radios in taAis> but did not re?number t'e ot'er c'annel assignments. 133. 13!. @'e &an Crancisco 7able cars are t'e onlG mobile National Monuments. Cire'ouses 'ave circular stair2aGs originating ,rom t'e old daGs 2'en t'e engines 2ere pulled

bG 'orses. @'e 'orses 2ere stabled on t'e ground ,loor and ,igured out 'o2 to 2alk up straig't staircases. 13(. @'e Main *ibrarG at Bndiana 1niversitG sinks over an inc' everG Gear because 2'en it 2as built, engineers ,ailed to take into account t'e 2eig't o, all t'e books t'at 2ould occupG t'e building. 139. 111,111,111 A 111,111,111 P 12,3!(,908,/80,9(!,321

130. &tatues in parks: B, t'e 'orse 'as bot' ,ront legs in t'e air, t'e person died in battleJ i, t'e 'orse 'as one ,ront leg in t'e air, t'e person died as a result o, 2ounds received in battleJ i, t'e 'orse 'as all ,our legs on t'e ground, t'e person died o, natural causes. 138. @'e eApression Fto get ,iredF comes ,rom long ago 7lans t'at 2anted to get rid o, un2anted people, so t'eG 2ould burn t'eir 'ouses instead o, killing t'em, creating t'e term F4ot ,iredF. 13/. -B am.- is t'e s'ortest complete sentence in t'e ;nglis' language.

1!#. 6ers'eGFs %isses are called t'at because t'e mac'ine t'at makes t'em looks like itFs kissing t'e conveGor belt. 1!1. @'e p'rase -rule o, t'umb- is derived ,rom an old ;nglis' la2, 2'ic' stated t'at Gou couldnFt beat Gour 2i,e 2it' anGt'ing 2ider t'an Gour t'umb. 1!2. @'e longest recorded ,lig't o, a c'icken is t'irteen seconds. 1!3. @'e ;isen'o2er interstate sGstem reHuires t'at one mile in everG ,ive must be straig't in case o, 2ar or emergencG, t'eG could be used as airstrips. 1!!. @'e name Deep came ,rom t'e abbreviation used in t'e armG. 4... ,or F4eneral .urposeF ve'icle. 1!(. @'e .entagon, in $rlington, irginia, 'as t2ice as manG bat'rooms as is necessarG, because 2'en it 2as built in t'e 1/!#s, t'e state o, irginia still 'ad segregation la2s reHuiring separate toilet ,acilities ,or blacks and 2'ites. 1!9. @'e cruise liner, Iueen ;lizabet' BB, moves onlG siA inc'es ,or eac' gallon o, diesel t'at it burns. 1!0. B, Gou 'ave t'ree Huarters, ,our dimes, and ,our pennies, Gou 'ave +1.1/, t'e largest amount o, moneG in coins 2it'out being able to make c'ange ,or a dollar. 1!8. Bn $spen 7olorado, Gou can 'ave a maAimum income o, +1#!,### and still receive government subsidized 'ousing. 1!/. 1(#. 1(1. 6onking o, car 'orns ,or a couple t'at just got married is an old superstition to insure great seA. )r. %ellogg introduced %elloggFs 7orn Clakes in 'opes t'at it 2ould reduce masturbation. @'e sperm o, a mouse is actuallG longer t'an t'e sperm o, an elep'ant.

1(2. 1(3. 1(!. 1((. 1(9. 1(0. 1(8. 1(/.

Bn medieval Crance, un,ait',ul 2ives 2ere made to c'ase a c'icken t'roug' to2n naked. @'e Black Eido2 spider eats 'er mate during or a,ter seA. NapoleonFs penis 2as sold to an $merican 1rologist ,or +!#,###. ;ating t'e 'eart o, a male .artridge 2as t'e cure ,or impotence in ancient BabGlon. $ bull can inseminate 3## co2s ,rom one single ejaculation. E'en a 6a2aiian 2oman 2ears a ,lo2er over 'er le,t ear, it means t'at s'e is not available. @'e -save- icon on Microso,t Eord s'o2s a ,loppG disk 2it' t'e s'utter on back2ards. @'e onlG nation 2'ose name begins 2it' an -$-, but doesnFt end in an -$- is $,g'anistan.

19#. @'e ,ollo2ing sentence: F$ roug'?coated, doug'?,aced, t'oug't,ul ploug'man strode t'roug' t'e streets o, &carboroug'J a,ter ,alling into a sloug', 'e coug'ed and 'iccoug'ed.F 7ontains t'e nine di,,erent pronunciations o, -oug'- in t'e ;nglis' *anguage. 191. @'e verb -cleave- is t'e onlG ;nglis' 2ord 2it' t2o sGnonGms 2'ic' are antonGms o, eac' ot'er: ad'ere and separate. 192. @'e onlG 1(?letter 2ord t'at can be spelled 2it'out repeating a letter is uncopGrig'table.

193. @'e s'ape o, plant collenc'GmaKs cells and t'e s'ape o, t'e bubbles in beer ,oam are t'e same ? t'eG are ort'otetrac'ideca'edrons. 19!. ;mus and kangaroos cannot 2alk back2ards, and are on t'e $ustralian coat o, arms ,or t'at reason. 19(. 199. 190. 7ats 'ave over one 'undred vocal sounds, 2'ile dogs onlG 'ave about ten. BlueberrG DellG Bellies 2ere created especiallG ,or 5onald 5eagan. .;: candG even comes in a 7o,,ee ,lavor.

198. @'e ,irst song plaGed on $rmed Corces 5adio during operation )esert &'ield 2as -5ock t'e 7asba- bG t'e 7las'. 19/. Non?dairG creamer is ,lammable.

10#. @'e airplane BuddG 6ollG died in 2as t'e -$merican .ie.- =@'us t'e name o, t'e )on Mc*ean song.> 101. ;ac' king in a deck o, plaGing cards represents a great king ,rom 'istorG. &pades ? %ing )avid, 7lubs ? $leAander t'e 4reat, 6earts ? 7'arlemagne, and )iamonds ? Dulius 7aesar. 102. 4ol, courses cover !< o, Nort' $merica.

103. 10!.

@'e average person 2ill accidentallG eat just under a pound o, insects everG Gear. 1ntil 1//!, 2orld maps and globes sold in $lbania onlG 'ad $lbania on t'em.

10(. @'e value o, .i 2ill be o,,iciallG -rounded do2n- to 3.1! ,rom 3.1!1(/29(3(/ on )ecember 31, 1///. 109. 100. @'e 4reat Eall o, 7'ina is t'e onlG man?made structure visible ,rom space. $ piece o, paper can be ,olded no more t'en / times.

108. @'e amount o, computer MemorG reHuired to run,ect ,or Ein/( is 8 times t'e amount needed aboard t'e space s'uttle. 10/. 18#. 181. 182. 183. 18!. 18(. 189. 180. 188. 18/. 1/#. 1/1. 1/2. 1/3. 1/!. 1/(. @'e average Nort' $merican 2ill eat 3(,### cookies during t'eir li,e span. Bet2een 2(< and 33< o, t'e population sneeze 2'en eAposed to lig't. @'e most common name in 2orld is Mo'ammed. Mount "lGmpus Mons on Mars is t'ree times t'e size o, Mount ;verest. Most toilets ,lus' in ; ,lat. 2,### pounds o, space dust and ot'er space debris ,all on t'e ;art' everG daG. ;ac' mont', t'ere is at least one report o, 1C"s ,rom eac' province o, 7anada. !#,### $mericans are injured bG toilets eac' Gear. 3ou can be ,ined up to +1,### ,or 2'istling on &undaG in &alt *ake 7itG, 1ta'. Bt takes about 1!2.18 licks to reac' t'e center o, a @ootsie pop. @'e serial number o, t'e ,irst M$7 ever produced 2as 2##1. Bt is illegal to eat oranges 2'ile bat'ing in 7ali,ornia. B, done per,ectlG, a rubiA cube combination can be solved in 10 turns. @'e average $merican butt is 1!./ inc'es long. More bullets 2ere ,ired in F&tars'ip @roopersF t'an anG ot'er movie ever made. 9#< o, electrocutions occur 2'ile talking on t'e telep'one during a t'understorm. @'e name o, t'e girl on t'e statue o, libertG is Mot'er o, ;Ailes.

1/9. 1/0. 1/8. 1//. 2##. 2#1. 2#2. 2#3. 2#!. 2#(. ,lag.

3.9 cans o, &pam are consumed eac' second. @'ereFs a sGstematic lull in conversation everG 0 minutes. @'e buzz ,rom an electric razor in $merica plaGs in t'e keG o, B ,latJ %eG o, 4 in ;ngland. @'ere are 1,(0( steps ,rom t'e ground ,loor to t'e top o, t'e ;mpire &tate building. @'e 2orldFs record ,or keeping a *i,esaver in t'e mout' 2it' t'e 'ole intact is 0 'rs 1# min. @'ere are 2/3 2aGs to make c'ange ,or a dollar. @'e 2orld record ,or spitting a 2atermelon seed is 9( ,eet ! inc'es. Bn t'e .'ilippine jungle, t'e Go?Go 2as ,irst used as a 2eapon. )ueling is legal in .araguaG as long as bot' parties are registered blood donors. @eAas is also t'e onlG state t'at is allo2ed to ,lG its state ,lag at t'e same 'eig't as t'e 1.&.

2#9. @'e t'ree most recognized Eestern names in 7'ina are Desus 7'rist, 5ic'ard NiAon, and ;lvis .resleG. 2#0. @'ere is a to2n in Ne2,oundland, 7anada called )ildo.

2#8. @'e Boston 1niversitG Bridge =on 7ommon2ealt' $venue, Boston, Massac'usetts> is t'e onlG place in t'e 2orld 2'ere a boat can sail under a train driving under a car driving under an airplane. 2#/. 21#. 211. 212. 213. 21!. 21(. $ll (# states are listed across t'e top o, t'e *incoln Memorial on t'e back o, t'e +( bill. Bn space, astronauts are unable to crG, because t'ere is no gravitG and t'e tears 2onFt ,lo2. 7'e2ing gum 2'ile peeling onions 2ill keep Gou ,rom crGing. @'ere are more plastic ,lamingos in t'e 1.& t'at t'ere are real ones. @'e crack o, a 2'ip is actuallG a tinG sonic boom, since t'e tip breaks t'e sound barrier. Dupiter is bigger t'an all t'e ot'er planets in our solar sGstem combined. 6ot 2ater is 'eavier t'an cold.

219. @'e common idea t'at onlG 1#< o, t'e brain is used it not true as it is impossible to determine t'e actual percentage because o, t'e compleAitG o, t'e brain. 210. 218. *a2n darts are illegal in 7anada. @'ere are more psGc'oanalGsts per capita in Buenos $ires t'an anG ot'er place in t'e 2orld.

21/. 22#. 221.

Bet2een 2 and 3 jockeGs are killed eac' Gear in 'orse racing. (,8!# people 2it' pillo2 related injuries c'ecked into 1.&. emergencG rooms in 1//2. @'e average 2oman consumes 9 lbs o, lipstick in 'er li,etime.

222. &ome individuals eApress concern s'aring t'eir soap, rig'tlG so, considering 0(< o, all people 2as' ,rom top to bottom. 223. 22!. 22(. 229. 220. 7onception occurs most in t'e mont' o, )ecember. 7B&F -9# Minutes- is t'e onlG @ s'o2 2it'out a t'eme song8music. 6al, o, all $mericans live 2it'in (# miles o, t'eir birt'place. F"bsessionF is t'e most popular boat name. "n average, $mericansF ,avorite smell is banana.

228. B, one spells out numbers, t'eG 2ould 'ave to count to "ne @'ousand be,ore coming across t'e letter -$-. 22/. 23#. 6oneG is t'e onlG ,ood 2'ic' does not spoil. 3./< o, all 2omen do not 2ear under2ear.

231. @'is common everGdaG occurrence composed o, (/< nitrogen, 21< 'Gdrogen, and /< dioAide is called a F,artF. 232. -;valuation and .arameterization o, &tabilitG and &a,etG .er,ormance 7'aracteristics o, @2o and @'ree E'eeled e'icular @oGs ,or 5iding.- @itle o, a +23#,### researc' project proposed bG t'e )epartment o, 6ealt', ;ducation and Eel,are, to studG t'e various 2aGs c'ildren ,all o,, bicGcles. 233. 23!. 23(. Babies are born 2it'out kneecaps. @'eG donFt appear until t'e c'ild reac'es 2?9 Gears o, age. Meteorologists claim t'eGFre rig't 8(< o, t'e time =t'ink about t'at oneM> Bn 1/8#, a *as egas 'ospital suspended 2orkers ,or betting on 2'en patients 2ould die.

239. *os $ngelesF ,ull name F;l .ueblo de Nuestra &enora la 5eina de *os $ngeles de .orciunculaF is reduced to 3.93< o, its size in t'e abbreviation F*.$.F. 230. B, Gou 2ent out into space, Gou 2ould eAplode be,ore Gou su,,ocated because t'ereFs no air pressure. 238. 23/. @'e onlG real person to ever to appear on a pez dispenser 2as BetsG 5oss. Mike Neismit'Fs =t'e guitarist o, @'e MonkeGs> mom invented E'ite "ut.


"nlG 9 people in t'e 2'ole 2orld 'ave died ,rom mos'ing.

2!1. Bn a test per,ormed bG 7anadian scientists, using various di,,erent stGles o, music, it 2as determined t'at c'ickens laG t'e most eggs 2'en pop music 2as plaGed. 2!2. 2!3. @'e storage capacitG o, 'uman brain eAceeds ! @erabGtes. Bn ermont, t'e ratio o, co2s to people is 1#:1

2!!. $nG ,ree?moving liHuid in outer space 2ill ,orm itsel, into a sp'ere, because o, its sur,ace tension. 2!(. 2!9. 2!0. 2!8. 2!/. @'e average $merican looks at eig't 'ouses be,ore buGing one. Bn t'e average li,etime, a person 2ill 2alk t'e eHuivalent o, ( times around t'e eHuator. %oala is $boriginal ,or -no drink-. &'akespeare spelled 'is "EN name several di,,erent 2aGs. @'e ,irst contraceptive 2as crocodile dung used bG t'e ancient ;gGptians.

2(#. $ signature is called a Do'n 6ancock because 'e signed t'e )eclaration o, Bndependence. "nlG 2 people signed t'e declaration o, independence on DulG !. @'e *ast person signed 2 Gears later. 2(1. $rnold &c'onberg su,,ered ,rom triskaidecap'obia, t'e ,ear o, t'e number 13. 6e died at 13 minutes ,rom midnig't on CridaG t'e 13t'. 2(2. 2(3. 2(!. Mozart 2rote t'e nurserG r'Gme Ft2inkle, t2inkle, little starF at t'e age o, (. Eeat'erman Eillard &cott 2as t'e ,irst original 5onald Mc)onald. irginia Eool, 2rote all 'er books standing.

2((. ;instein couldnFt speak ,luentlG until a,ter 'is nint' birt'daG. 6is parents t'oug't 'e 2as mentallG retarded. 2(9. 2(0. 2(8. 2(/. 29#. 291. $l 7aponeFs business card said 'e 2as a used ,urniture dealer. )ebora' Einger did t'e voice o, ;.@. %elseG 4rammar sings and plaGs t'e piano ,or t'e t'eme song o, Craiser. @'omas ;dison, acclaimed inventor o, t'e lig't bulb, 2as a,raid o, t'e dark. Bn ;ngland, t'e &peaker o, t'e 6ouse is not allo2ed to speak. 3ou can sail all t'e 2aG around t'e 2orld at latitude 9# degrees sout'.

292. 293. 29!. 29(. 299. 290. 298. 29/. 20#. 201. 202.

@'e eart' 2eig's around 9,(88,###,###,###,###,###,###,###,### tons. .eanuts are one o, t'e ingredients o, dGnamite. .orcupines can ,loat in 2ater. @'e average personFs le,t 'and does (9< o, t'e tGping. $ s'ark is t'e onlG ,is' t'at can blink 2it' bot' eGes. @'e longest one?sGllable 2ord in t'e ;nglis' language is -screec'ed.$ll o, t'e clocks in t'e movie -.ulp Ciction- are stuck on !:2#, a national pot?smokers 'our. -)reamt- is t'e onlG ;nglis' 2ord t'at ends in t'e letters -mt.$lmonds are a member o, t'e peac' ,amilG. Einston 7'urc'ill 2as born in a ladiesF room during a dance. Maine is t'e onlG state 2'ose name is just one sGllable.

203. @'ere are onlG ,our 2ords in t'e ;nglis' language 2'ic' end in -dous-: tremendous, 'orrendous, stupendous, and 'azardous. 20!. 20(. 209. @igers not onlG 'ave striped ,ur, t'eG 'ave striped skinM Bn most advertisements, including ne2spapers, t'e time displaGed on a 2atc' is 1#:1#. "n t'e ground, a group o, geese is a gaggle, in t'e skG it is a skein.

200. @o ;nsure .romptness, one is eApected to paG beGond t'e value o, service Q 'ence t'e later abbreviation: @.B... 208. E'en t'e 1niversitG o, Nebraska 7orn'uskers plaG ,ootball at 'ome, t'e stadium becomes t'e stateFs t'ird largest citG. 20/. @'e c'aracters Bert and ;rnie on &esame &treet 2ere named a,ter Bert t'e cop and ;rnie t'e taAi driver in Crank 7apraFs -Bts $ Eonder,ul *i,e.28#. 281. $ dragon,lG 'as a li,espan o, 2! 'ours. $ dime 'as 118 ridges around t'e edge.

282. "n an $merican one?dollar bill, t'ere is an o2l in t'e upper le,t?'and corner o, t'e -1-encased in t'e -s'ield- and a spider 'idden in t'e ,ront upper rig't?'and corner. 283. @'e name ,or "z in t'e -Eizard o, "z- 2as t'oug't up 2'en t'e creator, Crank Baum, looked

at 'is ,iling cabinet and sa2 $?N, and "?:J 'ence t'e name -":.28!. @'e micro2ave 2as invented a,ter a researc'er 2alked bG a radar tube and a c'ocolate bar melted in 'is pocket. 28(. 289. 280. Mr. 5ogers is an ordained minister. Do'n *ennonFs ,irst girl,riend 2as named @'elma .ickles. @'ere are 339 dimples on a regulation gol, ball.

288. @'e scene 2'ere Bndiana Dones s'oots t'e s2ordsman in 5aiderKs o, t'e *ost $rk 2as 6arrison CordFs idea so t'at 'e could take a bat'room break. 28/. 2/#. 2/1. 2/2. 2/3. 2/!. $ crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. $ snail can sleep ,or t'ree Gears. $ll polar bears are le,t?'anded. 7'ina 'as more ;nglis' speakers t'an t'e 1nited &tates. ;lep'ants are t'e onlG animals t'at canFt jump. CebruarG 189( is t'e onlG mont' in recorded 'istorG not to 'ave a ,ull moon.

2/(. B, t'e population o, 7'ina 2alked past Gou in single ,ile, t'e line 2ould never end because o, t'e rate o, reproduction. 2/9. B, Gou Gelled ,or 8 Gears, 0 mont's and 9 daGs, Gou 2ill 'ave produced enoug' sound energG to 'eat one cup o, co,,ee. 2/0. 2/8. 2//. 3##. 3#1. Bn t'e last !### Gears, no ne2 animals 'ave been domesticated. *eonardo )a inci invented t'e scissors. @'e 2ord -set- 'as more de,initions t'an anG ot'er 2ord in t'e ;nglis' language. Nutmeg is eAtremelG poisonous i, injected intravenouslG. "n average, people ,ear spiders more t'an t'eG do deat'.

3#2. "ne o, t'e reasons marijuana is illegal todaG is because cotton gro2ers in t'e 1/3#s lobbied against 'emp ,armers t'eG sa2 it as competition. 3#3. 3#!. &'akespeare invented t'e 2ord FassassinationF and FbumpF. &ome lions mate over (# times a daG.

3#(. 3#9. 3#0. 3#8. 3#/. 31#. 311. 312. 313. 31!.

&tar,is' 'avenFt got brains. @'e ant al2aGs ,alls over on its rig't side 2'en intoAicated. @'e name o, all continents in t'e 2orld end 2it' t'e same letter t'at t'eG start 2it'. @'ere are t2o credit cards ,or everG person in t'e 1nited &tates. @'e longest 2ord comprised o, one ro2 on t'e keGboard is: @3.;E5B@;5 3ou canFt kill Goursel, bG 'olding Gour breat'. @'e average person spends 12 2eeks a Gear Flooking ,or t'ingsF. @'e sGmbol on t'e -pound- keG =R> is called an octot'orpe.. @'e dot over t'e letter FiF is called a tittle. Bngro2n toenails are 'ereditarG.

31(. -1nderground- is t'e onlG 2ord in t'e ;nglis' language t'at begins and ends 2it' t'e letters -und-. 319. @'e longest 2ord in t'e ;nglis' language, according to t'e "A,ord ;nglis' )ictionarG, is: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.. 310. @'e longest place?name still in use is: @aumata2'akatangi'angakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaunga'oronukupokaiakitnata'u, a Ne2 :ealand 'ill. 318. $n ostric'Fs eGe is bigger t'an its brain.

31/. $l,red 6itc'cock didnFt 'ave a bellG button. Bt 2as eliminated 2'en 'e 2as se2n up a,ter surgerG. 32#. 321. 322. 323. @ellG &avalas and *ouis $rmstrong died on t'eir birt'daGs. )onald )uckFs middle name is CauntleroG. @'e muzzle o, a lion is like a ,ingerprint ? no t2o lions 'ave t'e same pattern o, 2'iskers. &teelG )an got t'eir name ,rom a seAual device depicted in t'e book F@'e Naked *unc'F.

32!. @'e 5amses brand condom is named a,ter t'e great p'aro' 5amses BB 2'o ,at'ered over 19# c'ildren. 32(. @'ere is a seven letter 2ord in t'e ;nglis' language t'at contains ten 2ords 2it'out rearranging anG o, its letters, -t'erein-: t'e, t'ere, 'e, in, rein, 'er, 'ere, ere, t'erein, 'erein.


$ gold,is' 'as a memorG span o, t'ree seconds.

320. 7ranberries are sorted ,or ripeness bG bouncing t'emJ a ,ullG ripened cranberrG can be dribbled like a basketball. 328. 32/. 33#. @'e male gGpsG mot' can -smell- t'e virgin ,emale gGpsG mot' ,rom 1.8 miles a2aG. @'e letters %4B stand ,or %omitet 4osudarstvennoG Bezopasnosti. @'e 2ord -deAter- 2'ose meaning re,ers to t'e rig't 'and is tGped 2it' onlG t'e le,t 'and.

331. @o -testi,G- 2as based on men in t'e 5oman court s2earing to a statement made bG s2earing on t'eir testicles. 332. Cacetious and abstemious contain all t'e vo2els in t'e correct order, as does arsenious, meaning -containing arsenic.333. @'e 2ord -7'eckmate- in c'ess comes ,rom t'e .ersian p'rase -&'a' Mat,- 2'ic' means -t'e king is dead.33!. @'e ,irst episode o, -Doanie *oves 7'ac'i- 2as t'e 'ig'est rated $merican program in t'e 'istorG o, %orean television, a countrG 2'ere -7'ac'i- translates to -penis-. 33(. 339. 330. 338. 5ubber bands last longer 2'en re,rigerated. @'e national ant'em o, 4reece 'as 1(8 verses. No one in 4reece 'as memorized all 1(8 verses. @2o?t'irds o, t'e 2orldFs eggplant is gro2n in Ne2 DerseG. @'e giant sHuid 'as t'e largest eGes in t'e 2orld.

33/. 4ira,,es 'ave no vocal cords. 3!#. @'e pupils o, a goatFs eGes are sHuare. 3!1. an 4og' onlG sold one painting 2'en 'e 2as alive.

3!2. $ standard slinkG measures 80 ,eet 2'en stretc'ed out. 3!3. @'e 'ig'est per capita Dell?" comsumption in t'e 1& is )es Moines. 3!!. B, a rooster canFt ,ullG eAtend its neck, it canFt cro2. 3!(. @'ere 2ere al2aGs (9 curls in &'irleG @empleFs 'air. 3!9. @'e eGes o, a donkeG are positioned so t'at it can see all ,our ,eet at all times. 3!0. Eorcesters'ire sauce in essentiallG an $nc'ovG %etc'up.

3!8. 5'ode Bsland is t'e onlG state 2'ic' t'e 'ammer t'ro2 is a legal 'ig' sc'ool sport. 3!/. @'e average li,espan o, an eGelas' is ,ive mont's. 3(#. $ spider 'as transparent blood. 3(1. ;verG acre o, $merican crops 'arvested contains 1## pounds o, insects. 3(2. .rince 7'arles is an avid collecter o, toilet seats. 3(3. @'e most common street name in t'e 1.&. is &econd &treet. 3(!. @e'ran is t'e most eApensive citG on eart'. 3((. @'e s2eat drops dra2n in cartoon comic strips are called pleuts. 3(9. Babies are most likelG to be born on @uesdaGs. 3(0. @'e 6GperMart outside o, 4arland @eAas 'as (8 c'eck?outs. 3(8. @'e Minneapolis p'one book 'as 21 pages o, $ndersons. 3(/. Bn t'e 1/8#Fs $merican migraines increased bG 9#<. 39#. .oland is t'e -stolen car capital o, t'e 2orld-. 391. De,,erson invented t'e dumb2aiter, t'e monetarG sGstem, and t'e ,olding attic ladder. 392. @'e & in 6arrG &. @ruman did not stand ,or anGt'ing. 393. Bn Miconesia, coins are 12 ,eet across. 39!. $ 'orse can look ,or2ard 2it' one eGe and back 2it' t'e ot'er. 39(. &'akespeare is Huoted 33,1(# times in t'e "A,ord ;nglis' dictionarG. 399. @'e 2ord .ennsGlvania is misspelled on t'e *ibertG Bell. 390. NB$ superstar Mic'ael Dordan 2as originallG cut ,rom 'is 'ig' sc'ool basketball team. 398. 3ou spend 0 Gears o, Gour li,e in t'e bat'room. 39/. $ ,amilG o, 29 could go to t'e movies in MeAico citG ,or t'e price o, one in @okGo. 30#. 1#,### )utc' co2s pass t'roug' t'e $msterdam airport eac' Gear. 38#. $pproAimatelG everG seven minutes o, everG daG, someone in an aerobics class pulls t'eir 'amstring.

381. &implistic pass2ords contribute to over 8#< o, all computer pass2ord break?ins. 382. @'e top 3 'ealt'?related searc'es on t'e Bnternet are =in t'is order>: )epression, $llergies, L 7ancer. 383. )entists 'ave recommended t'at a toot'brus' be kept at least 9 ,eet a2aG ,rom a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting ,rom t'e ,lus'. 38!. Most dust particles in Gour 'ouse are made ,rom dead skin. 38(. enus is t'e onlG planet t'at rotates clock2ise.

389. "ak trees do not produce acorns until t'eG are ,i,tG Gears o, age or older. 380. @'e ,irst o2ner o, t'e Marlboro companG died o, lung cancer. 388. $ll 1& .residents 'ave 2orn glassesJ some just didnFt like being seen 2earing t'em in public. 38/. MosHuito repellents donFt repel. @'eG 'ide Gou. @'e spraG blocks t'e mosHuitoFs sensors so t'eG donFt kno2 GouFre t'ere. 3/#. Ealt )isneG 2as a,raid o, mice. 3/1. @'e site 2it' t'e 'ig'est number o, 2omen visitors bet2een t'e age o, 3( and !! Gears old: $lka? & 3/2. @'e king o, 'earts is t'e onlG king 2it'out a mustac'e. 3/3. .earls melt in vinegar. 3/!. Bt takes 3,### co2s to supplG t'e NC* 2it' enoug' leat'er ,or a GearFs supplG o, ,ootballs. 3/(. @'irtG?,ive percent o, people 2'o use personal ads ,or dating are alreadG married. 3/9. @'e 3 most valuable brand names on eart' are Marlboro, 7oca?7ola, and Bud2eiser =in t'at order>. 3/0. 6umans are t'e onlG primates t'at donFt 'ave pigment in t'e palms o, t'eir 'ands. 3/8. Mont's t'at begin on a &undaG 2ill al2aGs 'ave a FCridaG t'e 13t'F. 3//. @'e ,ingerprints o, koala bears are virtuallG indistinguis'able ,rom t'ose o, 'umans, so muc' so t'at t'eG can be easilG con,used at a crime scene. !##. @'e mask 2orn bG Mic'ael MGers in t'e original -6allo2een- 2as actuallG a 7aptain %irk mask painted 2'ite. !#1. @'e onlG t2o daGs o, t'e Gear in 2'ic' t'ere are no pro,essional sports games??M*B, NB$,

N6*, or NC*??are t'e daG be,ore and t'e daG a,ter t'e Major *eague $ll?&tar 4ame. !#2. "nlG one person in t2o billion 2ill live to be 119 or older. !#3. E'en t'e Crenc' $cademG 2as preparing its ,irst dictionarG, it de,ined -crab- as, -$ small red ,is', 2'ic' 2alks back2ards.- @'is de,inition 2as sent 2it' a number o, ot'ers to t'e naturalist 7uvier ,or 'is approval. @'e scientist 2rote back, -3our de,inition, gentlemen, 2ould be per,ect, onlG ,or t'ree eAceptions. @'e crab is not a ,is', it is not red and it does not 2alk back2ards.!#!. )r. Dack %evorkian ,irst patient 'as $lz'eimerFs disease. !#(. Cictional8'orror 2riter &tep'en %ing sleeps 2it' a nearbG lig't on to calm 'is ,ear o, t'e dark. !#9. BtFs possible to lead a co2 upstairs but not do2nstairs. !#0. Bt 2as discovered on a space mission t'at a ,rog can t'ro2 up. @'e ,rog t'ro2s up its stomac' ,irst, so t'e stomac' is dangling out o, its mout'. @'en t'e ,rog uses its ,orearms to dig out all o, t'e stomac'Fs contents and t'en s2allo2s t'e stomac' back do2n. !#8. @'e verG ,irst song plaGed on M@ 2as F ideo %illed @'e 5adio &tarF bG t'e Buggles. !#/. Eilliam Marston engineered one o, t'e earliest ,orms o, t'e polGgrap' in t'e earlG 1/##Fs. *ater 'e 2ent on to create t'e comic strip Eonder Eoman, a storG about a displaced $mazon princess 2'o ,orces anGone caug't in 'er magic lasso to tell t'e trut'.

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