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BUS 2014

February Prayer Link

Sunday 2nd
Carol Campbell: NHS Chaplaincy, Inverclyde Area. Please give thanks for the privilege of having Baptist ministers working in NHS Chaplaincy. Pray for me as we appoint two new members of staff to the team. Pray for Gods wisdom and direction in the work that we do and pray that in everything we reect something of the beauty of Christ. Bathgate: Revs Harry Sprange and James Palmer. Bathgate rejoices in the recent baptism of two young ladies, and the request of a third. We request prayer for a harvest to come out of our decade of investment in youth work, and also the establishment of our new house-group in the neighbouring town of Armadale. Bearsden: Rev John Craib, Please give thanks for our connections with the local schools, through SU groups and chaplaincy, and also with many local children through our holiday club and the monthly Lighthouse Club and Messy Church. Please pray for the development of our Life Groups which have been launched over the past two months. Bellshill: Rev Keiran Banks. Our new Pastor has settled well into the fellowship. We thank God for his ministry. We praise God for the increased opportunities to share the gospel at our caf. We are planning a church caf in February on a Monday afternoon. Please pray for this new venture. Please continue to pray for our fellowship and the extension of the kingdom in Bellshill.

church spiritually to be able to build up numerically. We are grateful for the variety of preachers/ teachers that we have had over the past months and thank God for the ministry and challenge of the Word that has been given. Pray that we allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through our lives. Broomlands-Bourtreehill, Irvine: Rev David Wotherspoon. Pray that the increased contact with families would be maintained and that their lives might be transformed. Give thanks to God that we have maintained a witness and presence in Irvine and that we have sustained the work from the community cafe for over a decade. Brae: Rev Gwyn Stoyle. God is blessing us with real spiritual growth and with a couple of new faces joining us regularly, reaching the point where men sometimes outnumber the women! Age and illness afict us as elsewhere, but in our small numbers it is very noticeable. Pray that someone with musical ability will join us and enhance our worship. We appreciate the prayers of the wider fellowship of Baptists in Scotland. God bless you all, from Brae Baptist Church, Britains and Scotlands most Northerly Baptist fellowship.

Sunday 16th
Philip Craven, Chaplain, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock. Give thanks for my move to chaplaincy, and pray that God will use me to bring his love to the people I meet. Pray for Gods blessing on the chaplaincy team in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Bridge of Don: Revs Jarod Meenan & Andy Hayes. We rejoice in the Spirits leading in calling Andy Hayes to be Co-Pastor with Jarod from 1st March, with emphasis on Bible Teaching and Discipleship. Pray for Andy & Laura, Jarod & Helen, their families and the church family as we go on serving the Lord. Please also remember Hillview Community Church, where Andy has served for the past 10 years. Pray for the Spirit to work powerfully through the Aberdeen Passion, at the Easter Weekend. Many of us are committed to participating in this production. Please pray for strength, unity of purpose, and a wholehearted focus upon glorifying Jesus Christ. Pray too that we continue to see God at work in the many people we serve in the community.

Sunday 9th
John Craib, Chaplain, HMP Lowmoss. Please give thanks for the quality relationships that we are building up as a team with many prisoners, through various biblical study and meditation groups, as well as Prison Fellowship involvement. Please pray for my Catholic colleague, Kenny McGeachie, who recently lost his 44 year old brother, and recently had a double knee replacement operation. Boness. We are seeking Gods will for the future and want to get back to basics, building up the

BUS 2014
Bristo, Edinburgh. The church is in good heart and we praise God for Garry Ketchen, our Interim Pastor, and David Purves, our Mission Development Pastor, both working for us part-time. Pray that God will lead us as we continue to seek a permanent, full-time minister. Broughty Ferry: Rev Brian Talbot. Amongst many blessings are good attendances at our outreach ministries and some new people attending in recent weeks. Pray for development and implementation of church vision; appropriate stafng of church ministries; launch of a new discipleship programme and a Step Out Mission in the Summer. blessed as we serve together in the gospel.

Pray too for ...

Alan Donaldson: Preaching in Rutherglen Baptist and in Coastline Community Church. I am also involved in the Ordination of Amanda Quick at Leven BC and on the interview panel for the new Scottish Baptist College Principal. I will also attend the Public Issues and Mission Initiative groups. John Greenshields: Thank God for a recent pre-accredited ministers conference. Planning continues for the Next Stage of Ministry conference in March. Pray for God's blessing and guidance for all the candidates to the Board of Ministry at the end of January who now have follow-up meetings to help them chart the way ahead. Pray too for Inductions at Buckie and Ladywell (Livingston) highlighting the ongoing work of helping churches who are looking for ministers. Jacqueline Primrose and Judy White: Our team of Scottish Baptist women will be in Kolkata until 6th February. Please pray for our health and safety and that we will be open and attentive to all God has to teach us. Pray too that we will be able to communicate what we have seen and what God has said to us as we visit churches on our return. Pray that by uniting in prayer, holding hands together across the Globe, we would see God bring hope, freedom and restoration to women and their families both in India and in Scotland. Jim Purves: I will be at the Induction of Jim Mcfarlane to Ladywell, Livingston; preaching, visiting with ministers and leadership groups; at consultative meetings with Regional Pastors and with Chris Duffett to the Mission Initiative Group. Pray too for my nal preparations for a lecturing trip to the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary.

Sunday 23rd
Anne Dougall, Chaplain, Glasgow West Hospitals. I have been off work for 13 months as I recover from a very rare form of cancer. I have had good results from the hospital (the tumour is now smaller) so I returned to work in the middle of January 2014. My thanks to all who have been remembering me and please keep praying for a complete recovery from this illness. God Bless. Anne Dougall. Broxburn: Rev Frank Murray. We give thanks for the work and witness of the church, for continued opportunities for fellowship and the privilege of sharing the Gospel. We seek prayer for many of our folk struggling with serious health issues; for the work with children and teens; for those leading church organisations, that they are sensitive to the Spirits guidance; for the Pastor and deacons, that they might remain positive in a challenging situation and for Gods guidance as to the way forward Buckhaven. We praise God for the opportunity to witness to this needy Town, especially to the Children, A monthly Messy Church brings in many. Pray for younger leaders for the childrens work currently faithfully carried on by those in their sixties. Buckie: Rev Gavin Hunter. Give thanks for good attendance at Christmas services. Pray that the Word preached, stays in our minds, especially those who are not regular church-goers. Give thanks for excellent ministry during our vacancy and for the beginning of a new ministry here as we welcome Gavin and Claire Hunter. Pray that we will be

- and the Queens Baton Relay

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