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Ashish comes polishing Dhruvs shoes. Ishaan comes and asks jaya wear is my shirt.

jaya says Kittu knows about it, I will call her and ask. Anand says no need to call Kittu. Ishaan says but Anand says dont you have another shirt to wear, dont call Kittu. hraddha asks Anand to have break!ast but he leaves angrily. Kunal comes to Kittu and says you are here in the hall, what are you making today. he says "atar #arathas. he talks about #apa and her in laws. he gets upset thinking about them. Kunal is happy seeing her smile. $e says make something !or me, I m tired o! eating the !ood made by the servants. he says sure. Kunal says I will make halwa !or you. he asks where did you learn it. Kunal says I wont make it, come with me. hraddha stops Anand and asks him to drop her to school. Anand says I m getting late !or o!!ice. hraddha walks out with Dhruv but Anand stops her and asks her to sit in the car. hraddha is happy that Anand spoke to her and smiles.

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