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Salient features of Jan Lokpal Bill

1. An institution called LOKPAL at the centre and LOKAYUKTA in each state will be set up 2. Like Supreme ourt and !lection ommission" the# will be completel# independent o$ the %o&ernments. 'o minister or bureaucrat will be able to in$luence their in&esti%ations. (. Cases against corrupt people will not linger on for years anymore: )n&esti%ations in an# case will ha&e to be completed in one #ear. Trial should be completed in ne*t one #ear so that the corrupt politician" o$$icer or +ud%e is sent to +ail within two #ears. ,. The loss that a corrupt person caused to the %o&ernment will be reco&ered at the time o$ con&iction. -. How will it help a common citizen: )$ an# work o$ an# citi.en is not done in prescribed time in an# %o&ernment o$$ice" Lokpal will impose $inancial penalt# on %uilt# o$$icers" which will be %i&en as compensation to the complainant. /. So" #ou could approach Lokpal i$ #our ration card or passport or &oter card is not bein% made or i$ police is not re%isterin% #our case or an# other work is not bein% done in prescribed time. Lokpal will ha&e to %et it done in a month0s time. You could also report an# case o$ corruption to Lokpal like ration bein% siphoned o$$" poor 1ualit# roads been constructed or pancha#at $unds bein% siphoned o$$. Lokpal will ha&e to complete its in&esti%ations in a #ear" trial will be o&er in ne*t one #ear and the %uilt# will %o to +ail within two #ears. 2. But wont the government appoint corrupt and weak people as Lokpal mem ers! That won0t be possible because its members will be selected b# +ud%es" citi.ens and constitutional authorities and not b# politicians" throu%h a completel# transparent and participator# process. 3. "hat if some officer in Lokpal ecomes corrupt! The entire $unctionin% o$ Lokpal4 Loka#ukta will be completel# transparent. An# complaint a%ainst an# o$$icer o$ Lokpal shall be in&esti%ated and the o$$icer dismissed within two months. 5. "hat will happen to e#isting anti$corruption agencies! 6 " departmental &i%ilance and anti7corruption branch o$ 8) will be mer%ed into Lokpal. Lokpal will ha&e complete powers and machiner# to independentl# in&esti%ate and prosecute an# o$$icer" +ud%e or politician. 19. )t will be the dut# o$ the Lokpal to pro&ide protection to those who are bein% &ictimi.ed $or raisin% their &oice a%ainst corruption.

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