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1 Safety
Pgs 155-165
Name: ______________
Hour: ______________
1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14 15

16 17


Across Down
6. Cuts or tears in the skin that can be deep. 1. You should change your disposable gloves after
7. Enforces workplace standards. __________ raw food.
9. The best way to extinguish a grease fire is to use 2. When cleaning electrical equipment it should first
__________-__________ be ____________.
12. Requires food service operations to track how 3. Store ________ in racks or kits to avoid injury.
they handle and dispose of hazardous materials. 4. Quick to burn
14. All necessary switches on electrical equipment 5. Gloves are used in food service for protection and
are prevented from being used when malfunctioning. as a precaution against food _____________.
16. I addition to fire extinguishers food service 8. AbrasionA scrape or minor cut.
operations also have a ____________ and sprinkler 10. AwayAlways cut _________ from yourself when
system. using a knife.
17. Wipe all ___________ up immediately to avoid 11. A portion of the skin is partially or completely torn
injury. off.
18. Used on someone who is conscious but choking. 13. Sharp knifes are safer because they require less
______-______ ________ in order to cut something.
15. CPREmergency care that is preformed on
people who are unresponsive.

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