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Chaplain Cesarus strode into the dusty, dim lit and foul smelling bunker.

His shoulder pads scraped along the walls and made an ominous sound as it echoed throughout the bunker. As he entered the main room he knelt before Dante and nodded to the Imperial guard General he was conversing with. Brother Cesarus, I was just informing the General of the annihilation of four guard battalions, and recommended that the Blood Angels perform a lance strike at the enemy Leader and try to end this war quickly. Before more brothers fall victim to the cursed rage, spoke Dante. His voice trailed and pitched as he spoke of the fallen brothers. I agree Chapter Master and I believe we should do it quickly. I can mobilise some Assault Marines and awaken a Dreadnought as well as muster the Terminators I can on the Battle Barge. There are also scouts in this region performing recon which could be roused, he said and the map zoomed into the region he spoke of. Very good I will muster my bodyguard and we shall depart soon Dante spoke and the General slunk back into his corner shocked that the matter had been dealt with so bluntly.

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