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Ladies and gentlemen, as you may know, todays debate topic is sexual harrassement, and more precisely which

gender should we blame for this scurrilous behavior. My team and I are blaming women to be responsible. In fact, the first argument my team presented concerns the way woman dress and behave. Indeed, a woman who dresses in a short skirt, and shows off her cleavage will invite unsavory attention from men, whereas women who are dressed more conservatively are "less" likely to get that sort of attention. Our second argument claims that mothers don't sensitize their children about sexual harrassment and its serious consequences. Mothers do not teach their children how to deal with sexual harassment. A study my team did in AUI campus shows that out of 48 students we asked, 46 say that their mothers never talked to them about sexual harassment. The third argument is about women who fail at putting some regulatory limits between them and men at work. A survey that was conducted by the American Cooporeation Again Violence Towards Women shows that 58% of female workers dont affirm that they are married and 10% take off their alliance at work. Moreover, women adopt nowadays the title Ms. that does not specify whether they are married or not. Female employees should therefore assume a strict attitude and be cautious in their relationships with colleagues in order to stop the harrassment process as early as possible. The last argument is that women do not complain about sexual harrassment against them. It has been estimated that only 5 to 15% of harassed women formally report problems of harassment to their employers or employment agencies such as the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) in the USA. Women need to

communicate their experience with this issue and maybe share a part of it with each others. Consequently, associations and campaigns against sexual harrassment should be established so as to raise awarness towards this phenomenon. As William Blake said : A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent . My team and I told you nothing but trustful facts, and I hope it convinced all of you.

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