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Opening of Open Doors

As a boy,

wish I could know less like then.

But now I feel the pressure.

A curse that runs for more than a hundred years!

An ancient man to an old man, to a man, to me!

They couldn't stop it, they gave in!

Passed down years and years, and now it's mine.

A curse of stone and anger.

But I can't be who she wants me to be!

I'm sorry my fair lady angel,

but walk your path with God,

don't cry because I have heard your voice.

It's mine now!

I understand!

The secret been hidden so long,

that you hoped that I would never find,

has come to me today!

Today.....on one of the last days of the last weeks of this year,

this gloomy day!

I have my destiny!

Calm my fair lady,one day you will understand my decision.One day I will be

Back as the light of your love,back as your angel!

...But first I must be a demon!

I'm sorry my fair angel,cry no more!

But I am different!

Just wait.
One day you will understand me!

Just wait for that day,for me!

Fore I will break this curse,I'm the next in line to try!

But I will succeed!

Even if it ends my line!

Fore I have found love in a place,the others before could not!

A love forbidden!

A love of mine!

A love of saving!

I'm sorry,but I am a cursed man.

And I must free all souls chained!

A cursed man,walking in darkness,just to see the end to meet you the next
morning in the leaves of serenity!

Fore I am a cursed man,freeing his ancestors!

A Cursed man!

Cursed but happy!

This path is the way!

Just trust me!

This love is the way!

I'm cursed,might as well make the best of it!

Cursed . . . but soon to be free!

Axél C.

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