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VISUAL ARTS LESSON PLAN Grade Level: Kindergarten to 2nd Duration: one class period, 45 min Author: Sammantha

Caraveo Date: 10/3/12 Unit: Color Lesson: Rizzi Buildings Massachusetts Visual Arts Curriculum Framework Learning tandards Create art!or" in a variet# o$ t!o%dimensional &2'( and three% dimensional &3'( media 2 1 )or color, e*plore and e*periment !ith the use o$ color in dr# and !et media +denti$# primar# and secondar# colors and gradations o$ ,lac", !hite and gra# in the environment and art!or" -*plore ho! color can conve# mood and emotion 2 . )or space and composition, e*plore composition ,# creating art!or" !ith a center o$ interest, repetition, and/or ,alance 3 2 Create 2' and 3' e*pressive art!or" that e*plores a,straction Connection Strands / Roles o$ 0rtists in Communities Students !ill descri,e the roles o$ artists, patrons, cultural organizations, and arts institutions in societies o$ the past and present !eci"ic Lesson #$%ectives: 1he student !ill2 % 3ie! 4ames Rizzi5s ,uilding art!or" % Create their o!n ,uildings Assessment o" Learning: 6ngoing chec"s $or understanding7 +s the student dra!ing ,uildings8 'oes each have a $ace or pattern8 0re the ,uildings di$$erent8 Ru,ric, see attached &ssential 'uestions 'o 4ames Rizzi5s ,uildings seem to have personalit#8 'o ,uildings in real li$e have personalit#8 Guiding 'uestions 9hat t#pe o$ ,uildings !ill #ou dra!8 9ill the# have certain personalities8 Activit(: 1he student !ill vie! 4ames Rizzi art!or", $ocusing on his ,uildings, and then create their o!n dra!ings o$ ,uildings !ith Rizzi inspiration 12

Motivation: % :hotos o$ 4ames Rizzi art!or" % 'iscussion, see essential and guiding ;uestions Materials: % :aper, one each % :encils % Cra#ons % <ar"ers % 6il pastels % :hotos o$ 4ames Rizzi art!or" )rocedure: % <aterials !ill ,e placed out on ta,les % +ntroduce lesson, see motivation % Students !ill use class time to create their dra!ings % Clean up % 'ismiss *e"erences and s!eci"ic resources: 'riscoll, 'avid &1===( Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Frameworks+ <assachusetts, <'6-

A!!endices: *u$ric

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