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2 A New Kind of War

1 out of every 4 men who went out to the World War did not come back again, and of those who came back, many are maimed and blind and some are mad.

I. Stalemate on the Western Front

*!Germans SCHLIEFFEN *!Germans were

PLAN failed because Russia mobilized more quickly than expected stopped by British and French troops.

*!Both sides
began to dig trenches to protect from enemy fire.

(deadblock) prevented both sides from advancing.

II. Technology of Modern Warfare

*!Western Front suffered horrible deaths from the
development of advanced weapons.

1. Machine Guns! 2. Long Range Artillery Guns! 3. Poison Gas!

4. Tanks! 5. Aircrafts! 6. U-boats!

III. Battle On Other European Fronts

*!On Europes Eastern Front, battle lines

shifted back and forth. *!Although not fighting in trenches, casualties were HIGHER than Western Front. *!As the least industrialized, Russia was poorly equipped to fight a modern war.

IV. War Around the World

Ottoman Empire joined C.P. in Oct. 1914

At the Battle of Gallipoli, Turkish troops trapped 200,000 Allies on the beaches.

!! Turks fought Russia in Caucasus Mountains. !! Turks were hit hard in Middle East by Arabs who revolted against Ottoman rule.

!! British sent in T.E. Lawrence to help Arab fight off Turks.

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