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To Mr. Cris Orfescu, the founder of the NanoArt,

NanoArt image creators and producers, and

NanoArt lovers and appreciators 0

all over the world.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

In this pamphlet there are 10 versions of the poem “What is the NanoArt?” and
some images of NanoArt selected by the author from the Second International
Online NanoArt Competition (2007). The original English version of that poem was
written by me not long ago. When I sent that poem through E-mail to Cris Orfescu,
the organizer of that NanoArt Competition, he told me that my poem might be the
first poem for the NanoArt. With his great authority in the NanoArt, I fully trust on
what he said. So, I was pretty much encouraged to refine that poem and to
create a similar version of it in Chinese – the native language of mine. Normally, a
Chinese poem may have better chance in word-selection with sounds for
rehearsal very elegantly. After finishing the Chinese version, I made another effort
to translate the English version to other eight languages, including German,
French, Russian, Japanese, etc. To decorate the pamphlet, I had inserted some of
my NanoArt images and some other NanoArt images permitted by different
producers, so that readers may not only to read my poem but also to appreciate
many NanoArt images, which they might have not seen before.

I should express my deep thanks to all of those excellent artists. Without their 1
supporting, my works shall never reach the quality like it was published now. I had
made a decision to publish it at in line with my many other works
published there under a general URL I will set it as a
royalty free publication. That means both the editor and contributors will not
receive any money from its sales (the sales price of that pamphlet is to cover the
material used for printing it only). People, who are interested in any images inside
this little book, may touch with the original image producers. Their names can be
found at

Finally, I should indicate here that I had used an image - “Symphony of Color” to
design the cover of the new book. That image was copied from my web site Gao
Gao Gallery at the URL below. May that
image bring a good luck for the flourish of the NanoArt in its future.

The editor
January 2008, Dallas, TX

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

1. English version 3

2. NanoArt image insersion Fig. 1 4

3. Chinese version 5

4. NanoArt image insersion Fig. 2 6

5. German version 8

6. NanoArt image insersion Fig. 3 9

7. Russian version 10

8. NanoArt image insersion Fig.4 11

9. French version 12

10. NanoArt image insersion Fig.5 13

11. Spanish version 15

12. NanoArt image insersion Fig.6 16

13. Swedish version 17

14. NanoArt image insersion Fig.7 18

15. Japanese version 19

16. NanoArt image insersion Fig.8 20

17. Arabic version 22

18. NanoArt image insersion Fig.9,Fig 10 23

19. Korean version 25

20. NanoArt image insersion Fig.11, Fig.12 26

21. On the Appreciation of the NanoArt 28

22. NanoArt image insersion Fig.13 33

23. Raise the Championship Cup 34

24. NanoArt image insersion Fig.14 35

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

What is the NanoArt?

Johnson Gao
January 25, 2008

A friend of mine once asked me –

What is the NanoArt?

To which I could not explain.

Maybe I can make a metaphor for that, then.

The NanoArt is as good as a golden key.

It opens the gate to the other end of universe.

That belongs to the boundless micro-kingdom.

Where scenery is peculiar and unique;

Where everything looks still but is constantly in motion. 3

It is a down-to-earth realm of Utopia.

There are no noise, no pollution and no war.

Peace, tranquil, calm and beauty are in prevailing.

The gate of micro-kingdom is too tiny for human being.

Our bodies are obviously too large to squeeze in.

Only advanced scientific equipments make things possible,

That leads human souls to soar in that Kingdom freely.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.


Fig.1. Permitted to use by the producer Steve Pollard.

GLuminosityL (Genesis Nano Luminosity)

GLuminosityL stands for the background photo of one of my digital images, Genesis, and
two layers, one luminosity and one Linier light (I think)_and then the nano image in various
layer modes all in photoshop

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.



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klFmTFnokHJ &1^p





Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Fig. 2. This image was produced by Johnson K. Gao – the poet.

Molecules for the Beginning of a New Life

This is a digital image that I scanned from an historical color electron micrograph which I had
produced and collected nearly for a quarter of a century. The image represents only a very
small portion of one yolk platelet (about few microns in size) in an egg (about 1.25 mm in
diameter) of a frog (Rana sp.) at its first cell cleavage stage showing many lipovitalline
molecules (7.5 nano meter) packed in it. The final magnification of that image is between
1,000,000-2,000,000X (depending on the final printing or viewing size used that includes three
levels of continuous magnification: electron microscopy, video system plus photo
enlargement). At such a magnification, a sesame seed (about 2mm) can be enlarged as
big as a sport ground of 2,000m in diameter.
The original photo print was one of unpublished research data which belonged to the first
batch of color electron micrographs of the world (At lease it was true in yolk plate research
based on my extensive search at that time). Some of those color photographs had been
used in a scientific article related to the molecular study of membrane biogenesis. Those

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

images might be considered as a mile stone of NanoArt, because of its early publishing
date, higher magnification obtained and complicated technology applied, that included
the use of a novel water soluble embedding medium for transmission electron microscopy,
drying infiltration, sililation-thin-section, and computerized image processing. (Refer to a
paper published in 1983 that I was the first author. Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica,
16,325-337, 1983, also ibid, 18,13-23, 1985.)
At that time, a set of computer was as large as a piece of piano. The computerized
pseudocolor image was shown with color TV and finally the screen was shot with a camera
using Kodak color negative film and then printed to color photograph. As one can see
clearly that there are six and half rows of lipovitalline molecules in that photo. Each molecule
is out-lined with yellow color. There exist one to two blue cores in the red main substrate of
the molecule. Molecules at the top part of the photo are arranged more compactly, which
is called crystalline zone. Molecules in the lower part turn looser (partially digested) and are
easy to drop off. To the left lower part of that image, one molecule was dissolved and
dropped into the amorphous zone of yellow-green color. The result from more extensive
investigation shows that only disintegrated lipovitalline molecules can be used for the
biogenesis of new membrane and to support a new life.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Was ist das NanoArt?

Johnson Gao

25. Januar 2008

A Freund von mir einmal fragte mich -

Was ist das NanoArt?

Zu, welchem ich nicht erklären könnte.

Möglicherweise kann ich eine Metapher für den bilden, dann.

Das NanoArt ist so gut wie ein goldener Schlüssel.

Es öffnet das Gatter zum anderen Ende des Universums.

Das gehört dem grenzenlosen Mikro-königreich. 8

Wo Landschaft eigenartig und einzigartig ist;

Wo alles noch aber schaut, ist ständig in der Bewegung.

Es ist ein Unten-zumasse Reich von Utopie.

Es gibt keine Geräusche, keine Verunreinigung und keinen Krieg.

Frieden, tranquil, Ruhe und Schönheit sind beim Vorherschen.

Das Gatter des Mikro-königreiches ist für menschliches Wesen zu klein.

Unsere Körper sind offensichtlich zu groß, inch zusammenzudrücken.

Nur vorgerückte wissenschaftliche Ausrüstungen ermöglichen Sachen,

Dieses führt menschliche Seelen, um in diesem Königreich frei anzusteigen.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Fig. 3. Permitted to use by the producer Pilar Ruiz Azuara.

Nano garden 01

Multilayer Composite

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Будет NanoArt?
Друг Johnson Gao
25-ое января 2008

Mоих раз спрашивал мне -

Будет NanoArt?

К я не смог объяснить.

Возможно я могу сделать метафору для того, после этого.

NanoArt как хорошо как золотистый ключ.

Оно раскрывает строб к другому концу вселенного.

То принадлежит к неоглядному микро--королевству.

Где scenery специфическ и уникально;

Где все смотрит все еще но находится постоянн в движении.

Будет realm вниз-к-земли Utopia.

Не будут никакого шума, никакого загрязнения и войны.

Мир, tranquil, затишье и красотка находятся в превалировать.

Строб микро--королевства слишком малюсеньок для людского существования.

Наши тела очевидно слишком большие для того чтобы сжать cIn.

Только предварительные научные оборудования делают вещи по возможности,

Т водит людских душ для того чтобы витать в том королевстве свободно.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.


Fig. 4. Permitted to use by the producer Warren Furman.

Mano a Nano IV

Seed image modified in Photoshop, the goal being to impose some order upon the chaos
without discarding significant elements of the original. The colors are random, but tweaked
for a bit of sensuality.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Quel est le NanoArt ?

L'ami de Johnson Gao

le 25 janvier 2008

Un ami à moi m'a par le passé demandé -

Quel est le NanoArt ?

À ce que je ne pourrais pas expliquer.

Peut-être je peux faire une métaphore pour cela, puis.

Le NanoArt est aussi bon qu'une clef d'or.

Il ouvre la porte à l'autre extrémité de l'univers.

Cela appartient au micro-royaume illimité. 12

Là où le paysage est particulier et unique ;

Là où tout regarde toujours mais est constamment dans le mouvement.

C'est un royaume de la vers le bas-à-terre de l'Utopie.

Il n'y a aucun bruit, aucune pollution et aucune guerre.

La paix, tranquille, calmes et beauté sont en régnant.

La porte du micro-royaume est trop minuscule pour l'être humain.

Nos corps sont évidemment trop grands pour serrer le po.

Seulement les équipements scientifiques avançés rendent des choses possibles,

Ce mène des âmes humaines pour monter dans ce royaume librement.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Fig. 5. This image was produced by Johnson K. Gao – the poet.

If Liver Enzymes Relate to Diabetes?

Diabetes may need info from this liver cell. It is common knowledge that diabete patients
may need injection of insulin to reduce blood sugar concentration. But, very few people,
even doctors, realize that liver function may have profound inference to diabetes as well.
When an athlete runs a Marathon, he needs a lot of energy. His muscle contraction needs
ATP. ATP is generated from glucose which is a kind of blood sugar, while blood sugar is
supplies by liver cells by enzyme digestion of glycogen (glycogenolysis, such as glycogen
phosporylase), and those glycogen was previously synthesized and stored inside
hepatocytes under the action by another kinds of enzymes including PEPCK and glycogen
synthase when the concentration of blood sugar at portal tract was high after food up-
taking. My research found that there are two gradients of liver carbohydrate metabolism
enzymes. One enzyme gradient is higher in portal tract areas but is lower in central vein
areas, and another enzyme’s gradient is reversed. The activity of some of those enzymes
may be regulated by insulin. I guess that if a person’s liver has disease, or, abnormality in

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

hepatic carbohydrate enzymes synthesis, one may possibly develop diabetes and difficult to
cure by insulin injection alone. That is why I heard that some Chinese herb medicine doctors
use herbs that are good for liver to help cure diabetes patients. The image that I produced is
a high magnification of one and 2 half hepatocytes showing a specific carbohydrate
enzyme molecules (in rose red color) distribution which is limited in micro-areas only in cytosol
(light blue color). The cell nucleus (blue-black color) is located in the center of the cell. The
experiment includes the used of PEG embedding and section, immunohistochemical stain
with nano-gold labeled antibody against carbohydrate enzyme, colloidal gold silver
enhancement, re-embedding the immunostained section in plastic resin, further cut the 5
micro section (after peeled off) to 20 pieces (0.25 micron), detect the signal from thin section
with high power lens epipolarization microscope, computerized pseudocolor image
processing, etc. (Refer to: Histochemistry, 99,341-346, 1993; J. Histochem. Cytochem.,
42,1651-1653, 1994; JMSA, 1:4,151-161, 1995.)


Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

¿Cuál es el NanoArt?

Johnson Gao
el 25 de enero de 2008

Un amigo el mío una vez me preguntó -

Cuál es el NanoArt?

A cuál no podría explicar.

Puedo hacer quizá una metáfora para eso, entonces.

El NanoArt es tan bueno como una llave de oro.

Abre la puerta en el otro extremo del universo.

Eso pertenece al micro-reino ilimitado.

Donde está peculiar y único el paisaje;

Donde todo todavía mira pero está constantemente en el movimiento.

Es un reino de la abajo-a-tierra de Utopía.

No hay ruido, ninguna contaminación y ninguna guerra.

La paz, el tranquil, la calma y la belleza consisten en prevalecer.

La puerta del micro-reino es demasiado minúscula para el humano.

Nuestros cuerpos son obviamente demasiado grandes exprimir el pulg.

Solamente los equipos científicos avanzados hacen cosas posibles,

Ese conducen almas humanas para elevarse en ese reino libremente.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.


Fig. 6. Permitted to use by the producer Imameddin Amiraslan.

Crystal Plant

Micro-drops composed from solutions of different chemical compounds. Due to

evaporation, the drops are gradually getting thicker and are often followed by forming
micro-crystals or different meta-stable fractions. Photos were taken on a stereoscopic
microscope Nikon "SMZ-U" which is supplied by transmitted light stage, polarizing filters and
Nikon digital camera DXM 1200F. The artistic effects of taken images were improved through
changing color contrast by using Photoshop.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Är vad NanoArten?

Johnson Gao
Januari 25, 2008

En vän av min som frågas en gång mig -

Ä17r vad NanoArten?

Till vilket jag inte kunde förklara.

Kanske kan jag göra en metafor för det, därefter.

NanoArten är så bra, som ett guld- stämm.

Det öppnar utfärda utegångsförbud för till annan avslutar av universum.

Det hör hemma till det gränslösa mikro-kungariket.

Var landskap är säreget och unikt; 17

Var allt ser stillbild men, är constantly vinkar in.

Det är en jordnära sfär av Utopia.

Det finns inget stojar, ingen förorening, och inget kriga.

Fred, stillsamt, lugnat och skönhet är, i att segra.

Utfärda utegångsförbud för av mikro-kungariket är för mycket liten för människa.

Vårt förkroppsligar är självfallet för stort till åtstramningen in.

Endast gör avancerade vetenskapliga utrustningar sakermöjligheten,

souls för den blytakmänniska för att soar däri kungariket fritt.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.


Fig. 7. Permitted to use by the producer Fred Maninello.


PhotoShop CS and digital images

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.






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Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.


Fig. 8. Permitted to use by the producer David Derr.

Thought Form

This piece is composed of 9 layers using Photoshop.

Layer 1 - is one of my own macro images of ice which I adjusted using color balance. Layer 2
- is one of the seed images micro and nano which I rotated, colorized using above process

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

then used the difference screen filter. Layer 3 - is a macro shot of cross-cut wood that has
been worm eaten, again colorized, a number of Photoshop filters and the multipy screen
filter applied. Layer 4 - is one of the seed images, colorized with the KPT goo filter applied
and then the screen layer filter applied with a 65% transparency. Layer 5 - is a textural and
color piece I had previously created, here I applied the soft light layer filter. Layer 6 - is one of
the seed images, colorized and the KPT goo filter applied,
layer set to normal at 41% transparency. Layer 7 - is the nanoflower seed image, as it was
originally downloaded,
with layer filter set at screen. Layer 8 - is the same image with the KPT goo filter applied, with
the screen filter set to overlay. Layer 9 - is a macro shot of pressed yellow glass on a glass
table, colorized, with parts erased and layer filter set to screen. Overall the final result has the
subtle shape of a human profile, seeing thru the skull and seeing the brain, yet more that just
the physical form, more than that images of half formed animals, eyes and beings can be
seen forming
if you let your imagination fly.


Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

‫?]ترأونن[ نوكي اذام‬

‫]وغ[ نوسنوج ينلأس‬
‫‪ 25, 2008‬اﻟﺜّﺎﻧﻲ نوناك ‪ -‬رياني‬

‫‪ -‬ﻣﺮّة ]نيم فو دنيرف[ ]ا[‬

‫?]ترأونن[ نوكي اذام‬

‫ي ىلإ‬
‫‪.‬ﻳﻔﺴّﺮ مل عاطتسا انأ أ ّ‬

‫ن ل ةراعتسا تلعج عيطتسي انأ رﺑّﻤﺎ‬

‫‪.‬كلذ دعب ‪,‬أ ّ‬

‫ن امب ﺟﻴّﺪة لثم ]ترأونن[‬

‫‪.‬ذهﺒﻴّﺔ حاتفم أ ّ‬

‫‪.‬نوكلا ةياﻩن ىرخألا ىلإ ةباوبلا حتفي وﻩ‬

‫‪].‬ﺑﻮوﻧﺪﻟﺲّ[ ]مودغنيك‪-‬وركيم[ لا ىلإ بستني أ ّ‬

‫;ديرفو ﺧﺎﺻّﺔ نوكي دﻩشم ثيح‬

‫ﻞ ثيح‬
‫ن ريغ دعب رظني ءيش آ ّ‬
‫‪.‬ةكرح يف رارمتساب أ ّ‬

‫‪].‬ايبوتوأ[ ةكلمم لاجم ]ثر‪-‬وت‪-‬نوود[ وﻩ‬

‫‪.‬برح نم امو ثولت نم ام ‪,‬ءاضوض نم ام كانﻩ‬

‫‪.‬دوسي يف لامجو ءودﻩ ‪],‬ليوقنرت[ ‪,‬مالس‬

‫‪.‬إﻧﺴﺎﻧﻴّﺔ نئاكل اﻟﺼّﻐﺮ غلاب اضيأ ]مودغنيك‪-‬وركيم[ لا ةباوبلا‬

‫‪.].‬نيإ[ طغضي نأ ةريبك اضيأ حوضوب انماسجأ‬

‫‪,‬نكمي ءايشأ ﻋﻠﻤﻴّﺔ ﻣﺘﻘﺪّﻣﺔ تازيﻩجت لعجي طقف‬

‫ن يف قلحي نأ إﻧﺴﺎﻧﻴّﺔ حاورأ دوقي أ ّ‬
‫‪.‬ﺑﺤ ّﺮﻳّﺔ ةكلمم أ ّ‬

‫‪Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid‬‬
‫‪of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.‬‬

Fig. 9. This image was produced by Johnson K. Gao – the poet.

Amazing! Red Nanogold-microbeads Are Packed in Cultured Cells

People know that gold is in shining yellow color. But, nano-gold particles are not yellow.
When gold particles are cut to a diameter about 10-15 nm, the gold solution is rose-red, very
similar to a glass of red wine. Further to cut the gold particles smaller, such that 5 nm in
diameter, the solution turns to pink. The smaller the size is, the more close to orange color it
will be. Those solutions are called as colloidal gold. Only the super high speed centrifuge at
with rotational force at 100,000g (gravity) can collect nanogold particles. By assembling
thousands of nano gold into micro-argarose-beads (such that 1-3 micron in diameter), those
beads will have a very dark rose-red color. And that will change the nature of undetectable
individual nanogold under the light microscope to become easy to see clusters of nanogold.
That means they can be used as a mark. Since colloidal gold is a negatively charged
particle, it can absorb protein molecules on its surface without loss of activity of the protein.
And if the cell membrane has receptors to that protein, that cell will internalize that kind of
protein-coated nanogold-microbeads in to cell body in huge quantity. The image I provided
above is a culture of fibroblast cells after feeding with special protein-coated micro-
argarose-beads for few hours and washed away un-internalized beads. That produced a
very strange pattern never seen before. The whole cell bodies were compacted in full with
those microbeads but cells live happyly. It seems that nanogold-microbeads can be used as
a drug carrier or a sub-cellular marker.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Fig. 10. Permitted to use by the producer Cris Robinson.

Eigler’s Eyes 2

This is the second of a series of digital drawings parodying an iconic image in

nanotechnology (Quantum Corral, STM image of iron on copper) by IBM scientist Don Eigler.
The original image shows Eigler's use of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) to arrange 48
iron atoms into a ring in order to 'corral' some surface state electrons and force them into
quantum states and the resulting electron wave. The image is highly altered to provide
convenient access to select information, but also deceives. This artwork explores alternatives
to the original image and asks how we note and perceive truth - some of the surface
imagery is accurate to this scale, some is not.
Chris Robinson is a visual artist who is interested in the role and meaning of science and
technology in contemporary culture and how it assists in and influences decision-making. He
is a senior and co-principal investigator on National Science Foundation funded multi-
disciplinary research teams investigating the broader impacts, societal implications, and role
of images in nanoscience/technology. Robinson teaches 3D and digital imaging in the
Department of Art at the University of South Carolina. His work over the years has ranged
from the early use of computers in the arts to laser installations, aviation and space
development, and complex drawings of digital spaces. Robinson crosses the two cultures
and exhibits, writes, and presents at national and international venues and conferences in
the arts and sciences.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

NanoArt ?


2008 1 25


NanoArt ?


, " #! $%   &

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NanoArt -. /0 +,.

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EF "G HIJ K D! LBM N, O3!. 25

Utopia3 PQR ST9,.

UV, WX Y H Z[J ,.

\], CBC, \^
_`! "aC Hb,c N,.

89:; <=3 6 d &e f g,.

1a h iBM f :, in. jk &Bl.

mKn opR qr(  sBM


d t <=!* u'vM wxBk &Bl J


Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Fig. 11. Permitted to use by the producer Joel Koln.

Fractalized NanoWhale

I began by extracting one particular sub-object from one of the seed images. I then isolated
the object, added a few modifications, and imported it into Fractal Explorer, where I made it
semi-transparent and merged it with a fractal picture that I custom-designed for this project.
The final stages of work primarily involved color selections, with a few other small adjustments
thrown in.
I think there are some strong natural relationships between the nano-world and fractals. For
future NanoArt activities, I would suggest publicizing the events more widely among
communities of artists who work with fractals, and providing sample images that contain a
wider variety of the fractal-like features that frequently appear at nanoscopic scales.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Fig. 12. Permitted to use by the producer Teja Krasek.

Quasicrystal Wonderland

The artwork was created with a help of various computer tools. Most of the process consisted
of using a digital paint and digital brushes in various modes through a tablet and a pencil,
similarly as in a process of making a painting on canvas.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. An Pang Tsai for his beautiful seed image.
Many thanks for this innovative approach in connecting science and art! I find it a great
pleasure and honor to contribute and help making general public more aware of
nanotechnology in this manner.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

On the Appreciation of NanoArt

Johnson Gao
January 23, 2008
Obviously, NanoArt is still a very new word today (when this article is written). That word may have
not yet been collected into most of commonly used English dictionary. The definition of NanoArt has
be nicely and accurately claimed by Cris Orfescu as : “A new art discipline related to
micro/nanosculptures created by artists/scientists through chemical/physical processes and/or natural
micro/nanostructures that are visualized with powerful research tools like Scanning Electron
Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope.” Refer to a website below:
As one can see it clearly that NanoArt is a combination word with two parts: Nano and Art. From the
quantity point of view, “nano” (that part has four letters) seems a little more important than “art” (that
part has three letters). It is true that without “nano”, there will be no such an “art”. What is “Nano”
means? My understanding for that part is: nano=nano meter. Here, we can see From Wikipedia,
briefly to say, a nanometre or nanometer, symbol nm is a unit of length in the metric system, equal
to one billionth of a metre or one millionth of a millimetre, written in scientific notations as 1×10−9 m or
1/1,000,000,000 metres, or 39.37×10−9 inch, or 10 Ångström. It is also the most common unit used to
describe the manufacturing technology used in the semiconductor industry.

Nano may also means Nanotechnology, that refers broadly to a field of applied science and
technology whose unifying theme is the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale,
normally 1 to 100 nanometers, and the fabrication of devices with critical dimensions that lie
within that size range. It is a highly multidisciplinary field, drawing from fields such as applied
physics, materials science, interface and colloid science, device physics, supramolecular
chemistry (which refers to the area of chemistry that focuses on the noncovalent bonding
interactions of molecules), self-replicating machines and robotics, chemical engineering,
mechanical engineering, biological engineering, and electrical engineering. Much speculation
exists as to what may result from these lines of research. Nanotechnology can be seen as an
extension of existing sciences into the nanoscale, or as a recasting of existing sciences using a
newer, more modern term.

It is pleased to know that the NanoArt 2007 INTERNATIONAL ONLINE COMPETITION artworks
showcased for large audiences. 37 nanoartists from 13 countries and 4 continents sent 121 NanoArt
works to this second edition of the international competition. Public online voting is now open through
March 31, 2008

And a blog of review has been sent to my e-mail box. The reviewer has selected four art pieces of
his preference. Refer to a URL below:
Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

From artistic point of view I also like those four images that Roland Piquepaille had picked up. I
know very little about the background of that author. Maybe he is an art reviewer, or, high credential
amateur art appraiser. However, it seems to me that Roland Piquepaille might have no deep root in
nanotechnology, because that, among four pieces he selected from 121 pieces of NanoArt submitted

there are only two pieces contain obvious nanostructure and other two pieces are either have little
(diffused) or almost only with rudiment of recognizable nanostructure. So, from NanoArt point of view,
if “Nano” should have 50% weight in “NanoArt”, just as what I had said in the beginning of this article
(four letters in “Nano” viz. three letters in “Art”) an appraiser of “NanoArt” shall stand higher than a
conventional “Art” appraiser. Thus, the new discipline of art requires artists to learn nanotechnology,
at least the basic knowledge of nanostructural classification. It also requires nano technologists to
study art and to master artistic techniques that may be used to let audiences to know the significance
of their nano work better.

Unfortunately, when I visited the voting page on the other day, my impression got from those art 29
pieces with higher stars voted was that a large number of voters are still staying at pure art point of
view instead of “NanoArt” point of view. Of course, we could not ask too high at present time, since I
believe that most of so called 37 “NanoArtists” are still newcomers to this field. They are not as like as
the founder of “NanoArt” - Cris Orfescu, who is both a good artist and a good nanostructure
researcher. You can see how he had produced many top “NanoArt” pieces with extreme beauty but
without sacrifice the original scientific value of nanostructure. “Eye of Science” by Terisa selected by
Roland Piquepaille has got over 140 votes with average 4 stars show here once more with that link.

To me it is a very nice and peculiar common art piece, thoughtful and beautiful, but it has some
distance to be qualified as a top “NanoArt” piece when added the weight of “Nano” to it. On the other
hand, to my eyes, Chris Roberson’s images

(20 votes to date, average three stars) and

(23 votes to date, average three stars) and

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

(18 votes to date, average three stars)

their counts are much lower than 140 vote, 4 stars in compared with above mentioned page, can be
considered as real “NanoArt”. He is the rare person among others that an artist had joined nano
research actively.

Furthermore, let me jump out from the circle of contributors of this competition, Johnson Gao’s

(Only 8 votes to date, average 2 stars) and

(Only 14 s to date, average 3 stars) are belong to the un-modified (natural status, but structurally
enhanced) “NanoArt”.

The former one is superficially look like very low quality image, but, it is actually an “antique”
“NanoArt” image (produced 25 years ago before the term “Nanotech” was popularly known, and it
was far earlier than many advanced graphic softwares were invented.) with super high magnification
that careless viewers may even did not pay attention to that while voting it. People know that an
antique piece of China recovered from a sunken vessel may look ugly or over simplify, but it may
have great historical value.

So, there is a problem set before us to evaluate any special piece of NanoArt. What are the
reasonable criteria?

My un-refined suggestions are as follows:

1. What is the percentage containing of nano-image in the “NanoArt”? (similar to 24K gold or not.)

2. What is the difficulty to produce the image through the procedure to produce that nano-image?
3. What is the artistic function in the “NanoArt”?

4. Are those artistic procedures to be used to enhance the value of the original nano-image or
only to do the distortion?

5. What is the significance of the whole “NanoArt”? Or, is it only to use fragment of nano-image to
decorate a conventional art piece?

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

After viewing the majority pieces in this contest, I feel they can be categorized in five groups: (with
some URL pages as samples)

Group A: Plain natural nano-image which has artistic value by the beauty pertaining to itself, or, the
image was touched with negligible color adjustment, etc.

Group B: Nano-image with artistic modification to increase the quality or the pleasant visual
accessibility of the original image.
Group C: Nano-image with artistic modification to distort the original image in order to get some
artistic flavor or to increase its beauty.

Group D: Only tiny amount of fragmental nano-image was used to decorate a conventional art piece
and then call it a ‘NanoArt”.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Group E: “NanoArt” by name only (without or with almost no realistic or clearly visible nano structures
in it).

Above classification may not be very true to them. That is only my personal opinion.

I have referred all of them for you guys to search them for easier. That may help them to consider
how to evaluate a “NanoArt” piece based on equality of Nano (50%) and Art (50%). Notice shall be
also paid to the difficulty and complexity in obtaining the original nano-image and its scientific
meaning in putting stars to a NanoArt.

Finally, I should point out the fact that there really has a task in front before us, which asks artists32
learn Nano, and nanotechnologists to learn art. Or, make cooperation between those two parties.
Only then NanoArt will be more flourished and fairly evaluated. Raise the spontaneous NanoArtists or
NanoArtreviuwers to conscious ones.

May Mr. Cris Orfescu and his NanoArt be glorious in the near future!

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Fig. 13. Permitted to use by the producer Jack Mason*.


“Metacule” inspired by a molecular model of thin film material.

The "Nanographs" I produce are developed with layers of images and
structures from nanoscience and nanotechnology. By combining, juxtaposing
and manipulating different images, I strive to emulate nanotechnology itself:
just as nanotechnology is about finer control over the order or structure of
materials at the scale of atoms and molecules, my “pixels as atoms” approach
seeks to both create new visual materials out of the building blocks of pixels,
with a combination of human expertise and the quantum surprise of using
digital tools.
I would like to see artists working in different media: including video, sculpture
and 3D collaborate with us to extend the dimension of nanoart in new
*Website at

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

Raise the Championship Cup

Johnson Gao
This poem is copied from the lyrics of a song composed by myself for the coming
Olympic Games in Beijing. It is the altitude that I had hoped for those athletes who
won the Championship of games. I would also like that NanoArtists who won the
competition will keep the similar altitude towards their successes and fames.

Today I step high on the deck.

Raise the Championship Cup.

That’s a glory.

It is a sign of victory;

It is a crystal of struggle;

It is a fruit of persistence;
- A mixture of bitter and joy.

But, I know clearly.

I can’t stop here forever.

I have to be going on.

I have to be going on.

There are heroes behind one hero.

Ah! There are no boundaries for human being,

As for wisdom, ability and climbing.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.


Fig. 14. A digital image of stalactite in a Guilin’s cave, China by the editor.

A huge “crystal” of calcium carbonate from Nano Kingdom

Because of an unaccepted invitation to insert a NanoArt image in the book

that I had reserved for it as Fig.1, then, I could only re-arrange all figures in this
pamphlet. But, it remains a blank page there. It is too late for me to invite other
NanoArtist to give a permission to use his/her art. So, I decided to use the
above image to fill the opening. It is an image of stalactite, which is a false
Nano image. However, it is composed of many, many, many Nano images of
the same “crystal” of calcium carbonate. By doing that replacement, I can
publish this pamphlet on time.

Both English and Chinese versions of the poem were original ones. Other multi-language versions were translated with the aid
of a computerized translator and those versions may contain some mistranslations.

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