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CCB 101 3 / September 2013 / Organic Chemistry Group Assignment

Submission instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Each group must have between 4-5 students only The assignment must be hand-written using double sided pages and must not exceed 10 pages in total (excluding cover/list of content pages) Marks will be deducted for poor presentation of overall assignment (bad handwriting/unclear figures or chemical structures/crumpled papers) Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. 50% marks will automatically be deducted if materials were found to be verbatim (cut and paste) from any reference sources. th Assignments are to be submitted in hardcopy in my mailbox before 17:01 on 16 December 2 marks will be deducted for every subsequent day of late submission

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION As discussed in class, the chemical TAXOL found in Yew trees were found to be effective for treatment of cancer patients. However, one 100-year old tree was only able to produce a mere 300mg of the chemical. Thanks to the advancement of chemical technology, scientists were able to synthesis TAXOL and mass produce for the use of many. a. Give an example of a beneficial natural product that has been synthesis for commercialization. Mention also the origin of the product (example: X enzyme from toads) and its benefits (example: to improve complexion) [Chin Seng Huan] [8 marks] b. Explain the steps taken to produce this product. Include if possible; the products molecular structure, type of reactions, reagents, catalysts, solvents, temperature and other parameters/conditions involved in the synthesis process. [MCM&Aus] [20 marks] c. Using a schematic diagram, discuss the mechanism of one of the reaction that is involved in the synthesis of this product. [Kah Wai] [15 marks] d. Name one other example of a natural product that has been synthesis and commercialized, found naturally in Malaysia. [Nicholas] [5 marks]


e. Include list of references according to IEEE format of referencing [2 marks]

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