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Hello & Good morning everybody :)

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One-sheet poster

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What i will be make for my final piece is a game ready assets

At the end i will be making a gameplay demo video inorder successfully made it i will be focusing on the :
Modeling Enivironment Sound ( Background music & Sound effects ) Story U.I ( Interface )
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Summary of game
Robots called 'Borders' are fighting each other in well known cities across the globe. People control the robots and make them fight each other. The aim of the game is to become the best better than all the rest. Story may be adapted and changed through out the production.
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This is the Producer Cathryn Gamble

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Environment Models

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Environment Models

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Environment Models

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Concept art

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Concept art

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The design of the mech is inspired by this figuring

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Mech Model

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Colour and name of robot chosen by 17th Feb Robots modeled by 25th Feb Texturizing completed by 7th March Rigging completed by 17th March Animating completed by 28th March Editing completed by 7th April

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On Others things
Do you want to learn about 3D modeling or ? i'm happy to teach anyone who show interest in the project or 3D modeling in general.

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The End Thank you for your attention during the presentation

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