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21 Locavore Movement Synthesis Over the past few decades the locavore movement has been gaining momentum

and has become increasingly extensive. Locavores are people who have decided to eat locally grown or produced products, often within a one hundred mile radius. The movement, ultimately, is beneficial toward humanitarian and environmental bases; advocators often cite observations and statistics on issues such as economy, nutrition and, air quality. Many people advocate for the locavore movement because of its effects on the economy. Locavores declare that not only will consuming more locally produced food produce much needed jobs but also help bring more diversity into the land.(Source F) For one, more consumers equates to more farmers. It is simple supply and demand. Furthermore, every dollar spent locally generates twice as much for the local economy. (Source A) On the contrary, when businesses are not locally owned, money leaves the community. (Source A) In a more self-reliant community, money circulates within the local community and thus stimulates it by supporting the roots of the economy, the local farmers. However, perhaps one of the more prominent reasons for the locavore movement is nutrients. Simply stated, locally grown foods, taste better, consist of more nutrients, and have more variety (Source A). Fruits and vegetables begin to lose nutrients as soon as they are picked so it is only logical that locally produced foods, which travel less distance in less time, would hold more nutrients. Fresh fruits not only harbor more vitamins and minerals but also really powerful disease fighting substances.(Source B) In addition to this difference, local farmers and corporate farms have some fundamental differences. Local farmers do not focus as much on profit as do large corporate farms. Instead local farmers plant a more diverse collection of consumables and as a result local communities, if participating in the movement, will have a

22 larger diverse collection of fruits to choose from, resulting in a more healthy population.(Source A) A third key issue associated with the locavore movement is air quality. Non locally produced produce often travel hundreds if not thousands of miles, resulting in a more profligate fuel use that the earth, today, cannot sustain.(Source F) By cutting imports and consuming more locally produced vegetables, less gas will be utilized and less carbon emissions will be produced, resulting in a cleaner and healthier Earth. Help support the locavore movement and help limit environmental damage from unsustainable usages of fossil fuels. In conclusion, the locavore movement has a plethora of positive effects. Not only does it benefit the economy and the health of the communities but also the environment. By limiting fuel usage, pollution and money from leaving the local communities, the movement is providing an efficient and pragmatic alternative to buying from large supermarkets. The positive implications of the movement far outweigh the negative aspects of it.

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