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The Academian

Academia San Jos Villa Caparra Guaynabo Puerto Rico School Newspaper and Journal Vol. XLIX August-December 2013


School News: Rosario, un momento

espiritual para las Blue Ladies pg. 3

Sports: Nuevas jugadoras en el equipo

de Basketball pg. 6

Entertainment: Una fiesta de Navidad

a lo Blue Lady style pg. 7

EDitors column

PaGe 2





riting an editor's note is not a simple task. When our beloved principal first encouraged me to write an editors note I was ecstatic; writing this made me realize that one of my goals had really come true, I really am the editor of a newspaper. After the first emotion had passed, I felt nervous. I actually had to write something for the newspaper that did not involve school in any way, and it had to be excellent. I, then began looking for information about what it (the editor's note) was. After a whole lot of research, I found that the definition of an editor's note is a piece of writing that talks about what inspired the editor to create or direct the newspaper in question. My answer to this question is simple, my love for school and writing. Writing has always been sort of like my hobby, and school, well, for me Academia San Jose is the best thing that could happen to a teenage girl. he second thing an editor's note should involve is the explanation of what the issue is about, or what makes it different from the other issues. This edition of The Academian has a completely new and redesigned futuristic layout, destined to attract more readers and bring color to the magazine. In simpler words, the layout of the magazine has changed, and, I think this is exactly what I had in mind. I wanted to see some change in this year's newspaper; I wanted to make a difference that would help the school in some way, even if it was just changing how the newspaper looked. Because, I believe that change is what brings prosperity. If you stick to this one and only thing or idea for your whole life you will not be able to prosper; instead you will decay, slowly, but surely. My point in saying all of this is that the newspaper needed a makeover to be able to really progress and continue for many years to come. he third and last step in an editor's note is the dedication. I dedicate this newspapaer to the two people that gave me this opportunity: Sister John Christian (Academia San Jose's principal) and Sra. Norma Camacho (moderator of the club). Thank you for giving me this extremely amazing opportunity and for trusting that I would do only my best to make this newspaper a great way for the school's community to know what has really happened here. Thank you and I hope this edition is as good as I had hoped to make it.




Fun fact!
The sentence The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. uses every letter in the alphabet.

Table of contents

Editors Column P. 2 School News P. 3 Sports P. 6 Entertainment P. 7

School News
By: Ana P. Mier

PaGes 3-6

By: Gabriela Lpez

urante los das 12 y 13 de septiembre de 2013 todo personal adminis-

trativo de la Academia San Jos particip de unos talleres. Dicho taller se llamaba Los 7 hbitos de la gente altamente efectiva, el cual esta basado en el libro escrito por el autor Steven Covey. Covey ofrece 7 hbitos que sirven de herramienta para que una organizacin o compaa sea altamente efectiva. Todo el personal
StARtING fROM tHE LEft: Septimitas, Octavitas, Freshies, Sophies, Juniors, and Seniors

qued muy satisfecho por lo que pondrn en prctica todos los conocimientos adquiridos.

n the first day of school the students arrived with great enthusiasm and excitement to start the new school year. As part of their welcoming back the

Student Council held an activity with this years theme: ASJs Garden. Each class got to know their flowers. Septimitas were Lilacs; Octavitas, Daisies; Freshies, Sunflowers; Sophies, Tulips; Juniors, Hydrangea and Seniors, Roses. During the activity girls from every grade participated in fun games, one of them being choosing their classs song. It was a great start for the new school year.

By: Nicole Melndez

n Friday the 13th and Saturday 14th, Academia San Jos held the first Vol-

leyball Tournament of the school year, 20132014! Our Junior and Senior Varsity teams faced off against the American Military Academy and became sub-champions after winning against La Merced. There were two days filled with music, food, and most importantly excitement, companionship and school unity. We are very proud of both of our teams and wish them the best in games to come.

By: Claudia Padilla

promoting it. The annual club fair gives the students the opportunity to participate in activities with a group of people who have the same interests as they do. There is a wide variety of clubs for students to choose from. For example, Science Club for those who are interested in environmental problems and are looking for ways to help. United Nations, for those who seek leadership and want to know more about the world. Glee Club, for the students who enjoy singing and playing an instrument, filling the school with beautiful melodies. The club fair is the time for students to take advantage of the extracurricular ASJHS has to offer and enjoy them to the fullest.

MEMEBERs Of tHE GLEE CLUB supporting their club

DIOcesan OpenInG Mass

By: Gabriela Lpez l da 13 de septiembre la misa anual

his August 16th the annual club fair was held at the techito. It was filled with tables, accompanied by a decorative banner identifying the club and

de la dicesis fue celebrada por el Ar-

zobispo Roberto Gonzlez. La misa cont con la asistencia de estudiantes de diferentes colegios. El consejo estudiantil fue representando a nuestra Academia y, segn ellas, fue un xito total.

School News
nEW TEACHERS: 2013-2014

PaGes 3-6, continueD

PaRenTs cLUB MeeTInG

By: Gabriela Lpez l da 19 de septiembre la Asociacin de

By: Gabriela Lopez urante este ao escolar, varias maestras se unieron al equipo de trabajo de

la Academia San Jos. Ellas son: Keysha Rodrguez, maestra de espaol en

duodcimo grado; Laura Snchez, maestra de geometra en dcimo grado y Roco Gelp, maestra de pre-lgebra en los grados sptimo y octavo. De parte de la gran familia de las Blue Ladies les damos una cordial bienvenida.

Padres y Maestros se reuni para ele-

gir la nueva directiva para el ao 2013-2014. Despus de un arduo proceso de votacin resultaron electos la Sra. Soraya Ayra como presidenta; la Sra. Ivette Rivero como vicepresidenta; Sra. Aidza Ramos como secretaria; Sra. Lizette Guzmn como tesorera; Sra. Patricia Tapia como sub-tesorera; y los Vocales, Sr. Edgar Ros, Sr. Hctor Gierbolini, Sra. Norma Gonzlez, Sra. Gizelle Rivera, Sra. Rose Asmar, Sra. Deborah Rodrguez, Sra. Olga Damaris Tristani, Sra. Hilda Santini, y Sra. Grace Pillot. Departe de nuestra escuela, deseamos felicitarlos y comunicarles que confiamos en ustedes y en su trabajo para mejorar a la Academia .

DE IZQUIERdA A dERECHA: Laura Snchez, Rocio Gelp y Keysha Rodrguez


By: Gabriela Lpez l 27 de septiembre, Middle States, vino a

By: Gabriela Lpez-Toledo

evalu el proceso de nuestra Academia,

l pasado 24 de octubre se llev acabo el tradicional rosario viviente de la Academia San Jos High School. Este rosario, organizado por la Sra. Montes, mae-

con el fin de mejorar aquellos aspectos necesarios de la escuela. Despus de una reunin muy productiva Middle States concluy que nuestra escuela estaba en condiciones ptimas tanto en planta fsica como en el mbito acadmico

stra de tica de dcimo grado, tom lugar en el grass plot y cont con la participacin de diez nias de cada grado (7mo-12mo) y el Glee Club. Fue una actividad muy espiritual y llena de significado, cuy fin fue unir a la escuela por medio de nuestra fe y la oracin.

By: Gabriela Lpez-Toledo

l pasado 30 de septiembre de 2013, se llev acabo una de las ceremonias ms

imporatantes de la clase Senior: el Ring Ceremony. La ceremonia fue celebrada por Padre Ricardo, y en ella las estudiantes de cuarto ao recibiern su tan esperada sortija que las distingue como Blue Ladies. Durante la ceremonia, Padre Ricardo aprovech para explicar que la sortija no solo simboliza compromiso academico y esfuerzo, sino
NIAS DE VARIOS GRADOS participando del rosario viviente.

que tambien simboliza el amor que cada una le tiene a su Alma Mater.

School News
By: Claudia Padilla tional ASJ ritual. By: Nicole Prez

PaGes 3-6, continueD

Bellas Artes de Santurce. Dicha novela fue leida y analizada por las estudiantes de undcimo grado en su clase de espaol. La obra relata los eventos de las personas que viven en el barrio pobre de Puerto Rico y las situaciones que enfrentan entre otros. Fue una experiencia muy agradable y enriquecedora para todas, por lo que esperan ansiosas las que estan por venir.

that would benefit the well-being of the school. School pride was felt all throughout this short but truly important, tradi-


n Tuesday, October 8, Academia San Jos High School hosted its

Open HOUse fOR new sTUDenTs

By: Gabriela Lpez

annual College Fair. We were joined by many universities like Dayton, St. Johns, Villanova, and Marquette. It was a great learning experience for the younger students since they were able to speak with the admission counselors to get an idea of what college is like. For the juniors and the seniors it was a perfect opportunity to get the details on what colleges are looking for and how to be competitive in such a large pool of applicants. Everyone left satisfied with valuable knowledge that will be crucial for their last years in the beautiful and hectic journey that is high school.

ShakeOut. The instructions were simple: once the alarm went off students had to drop, cover and hold. These directions have been published worldwide as security measures that should be taken whenever an earthquake occurs. All the girls were very anxious about it, but when the time came everyone followed the instructions naturally. It was a very educative experience, and we will continue to practice these important, lifesaving steps for a real case of emergency.

urante los das 22, 23 y 28 de octubre nuestra Academia tuvo

su anual open house. Durante estos das muchas nias de diferentes escuelas tuvieron la oportunidad de visi-

n October 17, the school participated in the 2013 Great Puerto Rico

tar nuestra querida escuela y, as, ver como es la vida diaria de una blue lady.

By: Gabriela Lpez

l da 8 de diciembre de 2013, el Prayer Club de la Academia


By: Cynthia Dunia rent school year 2013-2014 was conducted. During the ceremony an air of solemnity permeated as each girl, dressed in white, walked down the aisle of the San Rafael Auditorium and later pledged her resolution and desire to endeavor in all the things

San Jos organiz su actividad ms importante del ao: el Comunion Breakfeast. La actividad tom lugar en el techito, justo despus de la misa de las 9:00 de la maana de la Parroquia San Jos. Los miembros del club sirvieron una deliciosa merienda para todos los all presentes, adems, hubo charlas y rifas para el agrado de todos . Fue una actividad familiar muy exitosa.

n October 4th the student council induction of the cur-

By: Nicole Melendez

l Departamento de Espaol, dirigido por la Sra. Del Valle, organiz una

excursin que se llev acabo el jueves 17 y viernes 18 de octubre de 2013. Las estudiantes disfrutaron de la adaptacin teatral de la novela, La Charca, en el Centro de


By: Nayomi Marrero n November 27th Tommy Ramos, an Olympian gymnastic, came to our

School News

PaGes 3-6, continueD


school to talk about values. First the school told us all to go to the audito-

rium. When we were finally all accommodated in our seats Tommy Ramos presented himself. First he asked in a rhetorical form, who are you? Everyone stayed quiet not knowing what to answer. Ramos then started explaining that what make you are your values. n the entire talk he presented his experience because everyones values are different. He personally says that his life revolves around four values. The first one

THeaTeR: THe aDVenTURes Of TOM sawYeR

By:Gabriela Lpez

n October 29th of 2013, the girls from the grades seventh, eight and

nineth, went to the movie theater to see the play The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The play was written in 1876 by Mark Twin and is about a young boy who is growing up in the Mississippi river town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. I was really excited about watching the play because I had heard about the book so many times but had never really read or seen it was the answer one of the girls gave, upon asking her about the play. After the play all the girls where very pleased and happy about the event, and they all wait anxiously for next years field trip.

is dedication. The second one is perseverance. To this he added, If you never give up, you can never fail. Tommy Ramos then continued with his third value that was respect. His last value is determination. In the last value he started narrating a story about a boxer named Enrique Kikin Callazo, someone whom he admired very much and thought was a perfect example for the value of determination. Three monthS before a competition the boxer had lost his mother and a little brother on a fire. He then had to take care of his four siblings. At the end he went to the competition and won a pass to the Olympic Games. If you focus on the negative you start to doubt. In the end he also said, Everything is possible if you put your own limits.

SeMana De La LenGUa e HIsTORIa

By: Andrea Barreras

By:Claudia Padilla

n December 5, the ASJ the Senior Class of 2014 held the annual

Christmas Bazaar. All of the seniors

urante los das del 18 al 23 de noviembre se celebr la Semana de la Lengua y de Puerto Rico. Este ao, a diferencia de los pasados, los Departamentos de

arrived early to receive the stores personnel and help them set up their tables. At nine in the morning the doors opened for anyone and everyone who wanted to fill their bags with goodies and cooperate with the senior class. There were people of all ages eager to see what stores the bazaar had to offer. They were not disappointed. There was music, food, sweets, beautiful clothes and jewelry, friendly company, and Christmas spirit galore. There were more than 40 tables worth of variety. In short, it was definitely a day worth remembering.

Historia y Espaol se unieron para celebrar nuestra lengua y la puertorriqueidad. El lema fue Lengua y cultura: hacedores de nuestra identidad puertorriquea. A lo largo de la semana se llevaron a cabo competencias de deletreo, sinnimos y anglicismos por grado. La semana termin con una gran actividad en el Auditorio San Rafael. El PTA se uni a nuestra elebracin y nos ofreci un delicioso almuerzo que resaltaba nuestra cultura. Luego tomarn lugar las premiaciones para las ganadoras de las competencias y las estudiantes que participarn en la competencia de afiches. Al terminar, se present el programa artstico llamado Caf Teatro Dama Azul. En este se declamaron poemas y monlogos, se bail y hubo pequeas obras que celebraban nuestra cultura e idioma. Finalmente nos sorprendieron con una batucada que motiv a todas las presentes a resaltar nuestra cultura al son de la percusin que nos encanta. La actividad qued espectacular. Gracias a nuestros departamentos de historia y espaol y a todos los que colaborarn para que la actividad fuese tan exitosa.

School News
12 YeaR MeDaL
By: Gabriela Lpez

PaGes 3-6, continueD


urante la gira las estudiantes conocieron el trasfondo histrico

By: Nayomi Marrero

de un lugar tan importante y tuvieron la experiencia de sentarse en el lugar de algunos senadores, as como de recibir la bienvenida de los senadores Jos Nadal Power y Roxann Lpez. All conocieron a varias Blue Ladiesque en la actualidad le sirven a nuestro pais desde puestos gubernamentales. Fue una experiencia nica y el trato fue exclusivo, ya que fueron atendidas por Blue Ladies que no disimularn su emocin al ver nuestro distinguido uniforme.

a tradicional misa de Aguinaldo patrocinada por la Academia San Jos,

ocurri el da 16 de diciembre en la parroquia San Jos. El Glee club de la escuela, el cual es adiestrado por las seoras Sara Burnette y Carina Reyes, La Sra Reyes fue quien dirigi la msica de la misa, acompaado por un grupo de guitarristas, tocaron muchas de nuestras canciones tpicas. Fue una maana muy personal y espiritual para todos los presentes.

he Twelve Year Medal is a celebration that the Parents Club gives

to commemorate the students who have been here since first grade and are now seniors. On December 6 Academia San Jos praised the girls who have been loyal to the school for twelve consecutive years by giving them their medals.

GOVeRnMenT anD Law cOnfeRence: LCDA. cORAL ODIOT

By:Gabriela Lpez

he ceremony was held on the church with the witness of the

girls parents and the rest of the high school students. Thirty girls were called to receive their medal. The Little Sister, of the seniors, handed chocolate to the girls who had not been here since first grade as a gesture of gratitude for being part of the school. In the end Sister thanked everyone for their never-ending devotedness to the school throughout the years.

urante este semestre la clase de Government and Law de la Sra.

MUsIc appRecIaTIOn cOnfeRence: RaMn IRIzaRRY

By:Gabriela Lpez

Mariana Bula recibi una visita muy interesante, La Lcda. Coral Odiot. La licenciada Odiot dio una charla a las nias sobre el trabajo del Senado y la Legislatura y sobre como se compone. Adems, les habl sobre el proceso que se lleva acabo para aprobar un Proyecto de Ley. Las nias apredieron mucho de esta charla, por lo que pudieron apreciar y entender mucho mejor todos estos conceptos durante su gira al Capitolio.

ste semestre la clase de apreciacion a la msica tuvo como

vistante al Sr. Ramn Irizarry quien es maestro profesional de violn. El Sr. Irizarry hizo una demonstracion de como funcionaba el violn y las varias tcnicas para tocarlo. Al final, dio una demonstracion de una cancin tpica puertoriquea. Las nias quedaron fascinadas con el instrumento y aprendieron mucho.

By:Gabriela Lpez

PaGe 6

a Academia San Jos le place felicitar a las nuevas intergrantes del equipo de baloncesto, y ellas son: Gabriela Melndez Batlle,

Fabiola Salim, Alexa Pharell,y Mariela Roln. Adems, nos gustara darle la bienvenida al nuevo entrenador del equipo, el Sr. Joshua.

By: Nicole Prez

PaGes 7

By:Fabiola Aquino

n August 29, 2013, the school had its annual Rock n Bowl. All the students were eager to show off their bowling skills and to have fun. After the bowling activity the students returned to the school where they had a delicious meal consisting of pizza. Afterwards, they gathered in the techito where each class performed their cheers and exhibited their class banner. It was a very special activity for everyone; a day where all the classes had fun together.


n Saturday, December 14, ASJ celebrated the White Christ-

mas: Enchanted Holiday Party. The entertainment included: DJ King Arthur and Jukebox, who were very well received and enjoyed by all the guests. Everyone danced all night to techno, hip hop, salsa and merengue music, making our holiday event a total success! Thanks to the Student Council, and Parents Club and everyone who helped make this possible.


By: Gabriela Lpez-Toledo

l 21 de septiembre las nias de noveno grado tuvieron un fabuloso pasada familiar. En este, pudieron compartir junto a sus familiares e integrarse mucho

By: Nayomi Marrero n December 10 the school of Aca-

ms como clase. Al igual, tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer ms a las familias de cada una. Fue una actividad inolvidable y de verdad espero que se repita dijo una de las nias cuando se le pregunt sobre el evento. La ocasin fue extremadamente especial, por lo que es probable que se repita prontamente.

demia San Jos organized an ac-

tivity for the students so they could celebrate Christmas. During the morning the Student Council organized a small party for the elderly, in the auditorium. There was a small snack at first, then the girls played some board games with the guests. At last the Glee Club came and sang a few of our traditional christmas songs. After lunch, we were gathered in the Auditorium to watch a movie. The film was How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The movie was about the true meaning of Christmas and that presents werent what was really important. At the end, the student council did a pep rally in order to animate us for the White Christmas party.

PADRES Y ESTUDIANTES compartiendo juntos

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