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Autobiographical Project

1. Story 1 The first story that came to mind of when I was between 3-6 years old was when I was 4 and broke my arm. This was one of the first times I showed/proved my stubbornness. My class was out playing on the jungle gym at recess and when it was time to come in I decided to stay out on the jungle gym to go down the firemans pole one last time. Instead of going down the firemans pole the normal way I decided to try and just use my arms without wrapping my legs around the pole. Needless to say I was not strong enough allow myself to steadily slide down the pole and ended up falling straight onto my arm from the top. I remember lying there on the ground in extreme pain as I watch my lined up class walk back into the building. I had to collect myself, make a makeshift sling, walk in and explain the situation to my teacher and then later to the principal. This was not one of my finer moments but I was able to learn a lesson out of it. If you follow the rules and listen to those in charge things will be alright, if not, bad things could happen. Story 2 This story tells two in one, but both deal with the start of my love with sports. When I was around the age of 3 years old I started to play soccer for my towns local recreation department. Soccer was the first sport that I played it has lasted with me my entire life, because I continued to still play competitively. I also learned team work and got my competitive spirit from the early childhood mirror. The second part of this story is seeing the passing of the Olympic Torch when I was 4 as it passed through Raleigh on its way to The Olympic Games in Atlanta of 1996. Even though it is not the clearest memory I have it is something that I will never forget and cherish forever. Having the chance to see such an event is possibly once in a lifetime and made me appreciate the Olympic Games and the sportsmanship that goes along with it. Story 3 My last story of when I was between 3-6 years old was when my father ran for public office again as District Attorney of Robeson County. He has been the District Attorney ever since but this first memory I think has shaped my life more than anything else. This first memory of him and his job I believe has stuck with me ever since because I have always been interested in law and politics which is shown through my major here at Wake Forest, Political Science. Apart from him actually getting elected I remember his most notable case being when he convicted the individuals who killed Michael Jordans father right outside of my town. My fathers occupation has been something that I have just always remembered as something that was for the greater good and made the area in which I lived better. He and his job are the reasons why I am who I am and where I am today.

2. Patterns that I noticed throughout the reflection on my stories were that each of them shaped my life in a positive way. Breaking my arm taught me the lesson of respecting rules and individuals in charge, soccer and sports as a whole played a vital role in my life and continue to do so, while my father and his job are the reason I am where I am today.

3. Growing up the individual I admired the most was my father. He has always been the individual I look to for advice or anything else in life. He is one of the nicest individuals I have ever met, but is not afraid to and does not hesitate to let you know if you are wrong when doing something. He is also the most honest person that I have ever met as well. He is extremely hardworking and smart. Graduating from Wake Forest in 1982 he opened his own bar after graduation and then went on to law school at Campbell University. He moved back to Lumberton, where he grew up and began working and continued to work until he became the District Attorney of Robeson County. I have never heard a story where he didnt give up on something that he aspired to do and I have tried to mimic my life after his in almost every way.

4. I do not read magazines that much anymore, but growing up I read Sports Illustrated magazine the most. Similarly I watch multiple shows on ESPN as well as other sporting events, I think that I am attracted to these shows because of my love for sports and my competitive nature. I also watch Law and Order SVU, NCIS, Homeland, and multiple other shows. I believe that I am attracted to these shows because of the crime aspect that is associated and involved in the show. Both of these examples relate back to my childhood experiences, starting to play sports at such a young age as well as my father having a public office that deals with crime. 5. I am not sure if I have an exact favorite book or movie, but I will tell of one movie that I have thoroughly enjoyed: The Shawshank Redemption is about an individual who is falsely accused of murdering his wife and her lover. The individual who is convicted, Andy, was a banker in real life and once in jail becomes good friends with a group of individuals but no one more than Red. Once in jail Andy petitions and successfully opens a full size running library while also teaching and helping other inmates obtain high school degrees.

Because he was a banker, Warden Norton took a special liking in him and uses him to launder money for himself. Besides keeping the books for the Warden, Andy also does taxes for the officers in his prison as well as others. He became a big hit with the Warden, but the entire time he had an alternative plan. He early on realized the walls were made of sandstone and slowly each night over the many years he was there was able to tunnel his way out. He had told Red the night before about his dream scenario and that if he ever found himself being released that he should retrieve a box at a certain location and meet him in Mexico. The movie ends with Red walking down the coast and finding Andy working on an old boat. PS Andy sends in the ledger and other evidence which causes the police to come after him, but he committed suicide instead of being arrested.

6. My favorite saying or motto would have to be, you miss every shot that you dont take. I like this saying so much because of how true it actually is and how much it relates to everything. Whether it be an actual hockey, soccer or basketball shot it holds true. It also holds true when searching for jobs. You miss the opportunity to get the job if you simply dont apply, and who knows you might land the job or might not but at least you took the shot and tried.

7. The theme and pattern that I continue to see is that the stories I told earlier relate to all the answers to these questions. One of my favorite movies deals with law and crime, my favorite saying is from a sports athlete, and everything else in my life seems to relate to these two aspects of life. This is helpful in connecting the dots because it is evident that my early experiences have shaped my life in a certain way. I will use this information during the rest of the course to possibly look for jobs that are similar to this and investigate the two fields even more.

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