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Workshop 1


Workshop 1:
Business mentor Jeannette Pritchard


1. Opportunity As big as your thinking

a. List 3 ways you could be thinking bigger and better in terms of your existing

b. What is the biggest business risk you have ever taken?


c. What is unique about your product or service that others can only follow/imitate?

2. DNA & Growth

a. What is your brand in 3 words?

b. Where do you see your company/brand in 3 years time?

Workshop 1


c. What are 3 ways you plan to grow/develop your brand?


3. Refine Hone your brand voice

a. In 12 words or less, describe why a customer/client/group would choose your

b. In 30 words or less, describe what your customers would typically say about your

c. In 30 words or less, describe ideally what you would like them to say.

4. Amplifying Getting your voice heard

a. What communication channels do you feel you need to execute to make your
brand stand out?

b. How are you using/do you plan to use social media with your brand?

Workshop 1


5. Challenge Your Brand

a. What do you need to know more about to help develop your brand profile?

b. What area concerns you the most for your business going forward and why?

c. How do you intend to build/grow/develop your business/brand culture?


6. Feedback
a. Has Brand Amplifiers first session been (please circle one)
Poor / Okay / Good / Better than expected / Excellent
b. Please explain why in no more than 30 words:

Workshop 1

c. What is the most valuable piece of advice or information you have learnt today?

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