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Asad Nawaz



Lab #01

Introduction to Matlab and Multisim

MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++,Java, and Fortran.

Simulink is a block diagram environment for multi domain simulation and Model-Based Design. It supports simulation, automatic code generation, and continuous test and verification of embedded systems. We can use the Simulink product family for: Model-Based Design Control Systems Digital Signal Processing Communications Systems Image and Video Processing Embedded Systems Mechatronics

An m-file, or script file, is a simple text file where you can place MATLAB commands. When the file is run, MATLAB reads the commands and executes them exactly as it would if you had typed each command sequentially at the MATLAB prompt. All m-file names must end with the extension '.m' (e.g. test.m).

Simulink Library Browser:

Simulink contains a large number of blocks from which models can be build. These blocks are arranged in Block Libraries which are accessed in the main Simulink window shown below

Asad Nawaz



Each icon in the main Simulink window can be double clicked to bring up the corresponding block library. Blocks in each library can then be dragged into a model window to build a model.

Commonly Used Blocks

Commonly Used Blocks are used to list a lot of blocks which are usually used. Double-click on the Commonly Used Blocks icon in the main Simulink windows to bring up the Commonly Used window.

Continuous Continuous Blocks are elements of continuous-time dynamic systems

Discontinuities Discontinuities Blocks are elements of discontinuous-time dynamic systems.

Discrete Discrete Blocks are elements of discrete time dynamic systems.

Asad Nawaz



Logic and Bit Operations Logic and Bit Operations Blocks are used to perform logic and bit operations.

Math Operations Math Operations Blocks are used to Perform math operations.

Sinks Sink Blocks are used to display or output signals.

Source Blocks are used to generate signals.

Others Libraries:
There are some other libraries in simulink such as Lookup Tables,Model Verification, Model wide utilities,Ports and Subsystems, Signal Attributes, Signal Routing and User Defined Functions etc.

Asad Nawaz




Multisim is the schematic capture and simulation application of National Instruments Circuit Design Suite, a suite of EDA (Electronics Design Automation) tools that assists you in carrying out the major steps in the circuit design flow. Multisim is designed for schematic entry, simulation, and feeding to downstage steps, such as PCB layout.

Asad Nawaz



The toolbars listed below are available in Multisim as shown in above figure: Standard Toolbar Main Toolbar Simulation Toolbar View Toolbar Components Toolbar Virtual Toolbar Graphic Annotation Toolbar Instruments Toolbar.

Schematic capture:
Schematic capture is the first stage in developing your circuit. In this stage you choose the components you want to use, place them on the circuit window in the desired position and orientation, wire them together, and otherwise prepare your design.

Simulation in MULTISIM:
Simulation is a mathematical way of emulating the behavior of a circuit. With simulation, you can determine much of a circuits performance without physically constructing the circuit or using actual test instruments. Although Multisim makes simulation intuitively easy-to-use, the technology underlying the speed and accuracy of the simulation, as well as its ease-of-use, is complex.

Major Devices:
Multisim contains some major instrumental devices such as multimeter, current probe, oscilloscope, frequency generator, wattmeter, word generator and etc.

Asad Nawaz




Function Generator

4-Channels Oscilloscope Wattmeter Oscilloscope

Network Analyzer Bode plotter IV Analysis Frequency counter

Agilent Function generator

Word generator Distortion Analyzer

Logic converter Logic Analyzer Tektronix Oscilloscope Agilent Multimeter Current Probe

Spectrum Analyzer Agilent Oscilloscope

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