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The Learning Goals For This Chapter Are:

 Understand the concepts of linearity and equivalence. Know how to analyze electric circuits using the
principle of superposition.

 Be able to calculate a Thévenin equivalent circuit for a linear circuit

 Be able to calculate a Norton equivalent circuit for a linear circuit

 Understand when and how to use a source transformation

 Be able to use the maximum power transfer theorem

EQUIVALENCE: Equivalent circuit forms
Voltage/Current property

 Voltage across a parallel resistor will be same as source voltage

 Current Through a series resistor will be same as source current
 Series connection of current sources or a parallel connection of voltage sources is forbidden unless the sources are
pointing in the same direction and have exactly the same values.

 Superposition is a property of linear systems which can be described as:

Linear Linear
𝑋 1(𝑡) System 𝑌 1(𝑡) 𝑋 2 (𝑡) System 𝑌 2 (𝑡 )

Superposition Principle in Circuit Analysis

 The current or voltage in any Linear network having multiple independent sources may be calculated as the
algebraic sum of the individual contributions of each source acting alone.

 The voltage 𝑣,will be obtained by considering the individual contributions of 12V and 3V separately and then
adding these two contribution together
Problem-Solving Strategy

 Step 1. In a network containing multiple independent sources, Turn off all independent sources except one source.
 To turn off a
Voltage source(0V) replace it with a short circuit,
Current sources(0A) replace it with an open circuit.
 Step 2 . Find the required value due to that active source using any circuit analysis technique, e.g., nodal or mesh
 Step 3. Find the total contribution by adding algebraically all the contributions due to the independent sources.

 dependent source is never made zero. So it is not useful to apply superposition on dependent sources.
Example 5.3

 Find in the network

Solution using Superposition (Step 1&2)

Current source made zero(OC) Voltage source made zero(SC)

 Use KVL or VDR to find  Use CDR to find

Step 3:

 Step 3: Combine the total effect

𝒔 𝟒 𝒗 𝒕𝒐 𝑽𝟎
𝑽 𝟎𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒆

𝒊𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝟐
𝒗 𝒕𝒐 𝑽
Verify Result using Nodal

 Applying KCL at super node

 V1 Vo
 Constraint equation of super node is

 Put this value in eq 1 we get

Verify Result Using Mesh

 Apply KVL in Super mesh

 Constraint equation for super mesh

 Putting this value in eq 1

𝑰𝟏 𝑰𝟐
Find Io using Superposition (LA E5.5)

 Using Superposition
Solution Using Superposition

 Turnoff all sources except one at a time

 OC two current sources
 Notice that for
only one loop
equation is enough.

 Applying KVL to find

OC Current source, SC Voltage source and Redrawing circuit will result

Using CDR we get

Same current Io is
𝑰 ′𝟎′ ′ =𝟎 𝐀
flowing through 2k and
4k resistors. Both are in
series and shorted
No current will flow
through this branch
Step:3 Add contribution of each source
Thévenin’s Theorem:

 Any linear circuit having several voltages and resistances can be replaced by just one single voltage in series with a
single resistance connected across the load“(Terminals A B)

 Where = (open circuit voltage at terminals AB when Load is removed

 = equivalent resistance from A-B with all independent sources Turned off
Norton’s Theorem

 Any linear circuit containing several sources and resistances can be replaced by a single Constant Current source in
parallel with a Single Resistor“
Source Transformation(Thévenin-Norton Transformation)

 Any Voltage Source with a

 series resistor can be transformed
 into a Current Source with a
 parallel resistor
 and Vise versa .e.g.

 Example
Why we need Thévenin's theorem

 If a particular element in a circuit is variable and all other circuit elements are fixed, whenever
the variable element is changed the entire circuit has to be analyzed again.
To avoid this Thévenin's theorem provides a way to make an equivalent for the remaining network
except that variable element.
 To Compute the response of a power Grid for Variable Loads.
 To Determine Faults in a Power generation or Distribution systems.
 To Compute Norton’s Equivalent Circuit.(By Source Transformation)
 To Compute the maximum Power that can be transferred to the load.(Maximum Power Transfer
Steps to Find Thévenin’s Equivalent Circuit

 Step 1: Remove the load and find the voltage across the open-circuit terminals
 Step 2: Determine at the open terminals. There may be three cases to find
CASE 1: Circuit with only independent sources:
CASE 2: Circuit contains only dependent sources:
CASE 3: Circuit with independent and dependent sources:
 Step 3: Connect the Load to the Thévenin equivalent circuit, and calculate the desired solution can be obtained.

 The problem-solving strategy for Norton’s theorem is same as that for Thévenin’s theorem. Just use the short-circuit
current instead of the open-circuit voltage.
How to Find

CASE 1:Circuit with only independent sources:

Replace voltage sources with short circuits and the current sources with open circuits.
 Then And
CASE 2: Circuit contains only dependent sources: (No energy source)
Apply an independent voltage or current source at the open terminals.
 Then and
CASE 3: Circuit contains both independent and dependent sources:
Short the open-circuit terminals and determine the short-circuit current.
 Then and .
Example 5.6 (modified)

 Find the voltage and current flowing through the load resistor when it is equals to
 a) 6kΩ b) 20kΩ c) 50kΩ
Solution using Thévenin's theorem

 Step1: Remove load and determine Voltage across open circuit terminals.
 For use Ohm’s Law

 For apply KVL to outer Loop


 Step 2: Turn Off all the sources by making them zero.

(0A Current flows through an Open Circuit)
(0V Voltage is across Short Circuit)

𝑹 𝑻𝑯 =𝟏 𝒌+𝟐 𝒌=𝟑 𝒌 Ω
 Step 3: Apply Different Loads to the Thévenin's equivalent Circuit and calculate the
current and voltage across the load
 a) 6kΩ

𝑽 𝟔𝒌 = (𝟗 𝑽 )=𝟔 𝐕
( 𝟑+𝟔 ) 𝒌
 b) 20kΩ
𝑽 𝟐𝟎𝒌= ( 𝟗𝑽 ) =𝟕 .𝟖 𝐕
( 𝟑+𝟐𝟎 ) 𝒌

 c) 50kΩ 𝑽 𝟓𝟎𝒌= ( 𝟗 𝑽 )=𝟖 . 𝟓 𝐕
( 𝟑+𝟓 𝟎 ) 𝒌
Solution Using Norton's theorem

 Step 1: Remove the load and find the Current through the short-circuit terminals
 . a

 Using Ohm’s Law (Voltage across nodes a and b is 3V)
 Applying KCL at node a:
 is same as calculated before i-e
Norton’s Equivalent Circuit

 Apply Different Loads and calculate current each time simply using CDR

b) RL=20k c) RL=50k
a) RL=6k
Repeated Use of Thévenin's Theorem Exampl:5.7
Example 5.8

 Use Thévenin's theorem to analyze the network of figure.



For Apply KVL to Upper Loop:

The Thévenin's
Equivalent Circuit

𝑅𝑇𝐻 = ¿ 𝑉 0= ( 10.67 𝑉 )= 6.86 𝑉
Case 2: only dependent sources are present

 We have studied networks containing only dependent sources. This is a very important topic because
all electronic devices, such as transistors, are modeled in this fashion.
 Motors in power systems are also modeled in this way. We use these amplification devices for many
different purposes, such as speed control for automobiles.
CASE 2: Only Dependent Sources are present : Example:5.9
As no energy source is present will be zero.
Apply 1V Voltage source to open terminals to determine

For Apply KVL to Upper Loop:

The Thévenin's
Equivalent Circuit
Apply KCL at node :


Tip: If a dependent source in the network is a Voltage Source use 1V Voltage source and for dependent current source use 1A current source
CASE 3: Both Dependent and Independent Sources are present :

 Use Thévenin’s theorem to find in the network of Figure

CASE3: for Dependent and independent sources

𝑽 𝑻𝑯 =𝐕 𝐎𝐂 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝑹𝑻𝑯 =
𝑰 𝒔𝒄

Constraint Equation of Supernode is

−2 𝑘 𝐼 ′
𝑥 𝑉1 𝑉 𝑂𝐶
Apply KCL on Super-node:

∴ Putting this value in eq we get


∴ (due to SC branch)

Connecting the Thévenin equivalent circuit to the network at terminals A-B produces

Apply VDR to Calculate

Example 5.12

 Find in the circuit using Thévenin's Theorem.

𝑽 𝑶𝑪=𝟐𝒌𝑰 𝟏 +𝟑=𝟏𝟏𝑉


𝑰 𝑺𝑪 = +𝐈𝟑=𝟓.𝟓𝐦𝐀
c 𝟐𝐊

b c

To Simplify Circuit First Find

Thévenin's Equivalent for
rightmost and leftmost
parallel branches

3𝑉 ′𝑥

Apply KVL to find


𝑰 𝑺𝑪 Applying KVL to upper



The Thévenin's For Apply Load resistor

Equivalent Circuit

¿ (𝟐𝑽 )=𝟏𝑽
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

 The maximum amount of power will be dissipated in the load resistance if it is equal in value to the Thévenin or Norton
source resistance of the network supplying the power“.
 In this circuit power delivered to the load is

To Find :
Differentiate w.r.t and equate the derivative to zero:
Example 5.16

 Find the value of for maximum power transfer in the network. And the maximum power that can be transferred to
this load.
Step 1: For Remove and find

Apply KVL to find

Putting then

Step 1: For turnoff all the sources

Instead of removing only, breaking the circuit to the left of resistor is beneficial while
calculating (then must be equal to )

KCL Equation of Supernode is:

Due to SC current through 3k and 1k is 0mA

Validating Maximum Power transfer

 Check have we receive the maximum power??

 The maximum power transfer theorem finds their applications in communication systems which receive low
strength signal.
 In community address system the circuit is attuned for the highest power transfer with making the speaker (load
resistance) equivalent to the amplifier (source resistance).
Thank You

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