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Discursive/Persuasive writing in a part (e) answer

C hristian view O ther (Christian) view N on-religious view P ersonal view

Use a separate paragraph for each view! Use discursive writing like in English
You could use persuasive writing for your own view

All need reasons and examples

WAGOLL: Part E Abortion is murder

1) Begin your answer with a statement about the quote. e) Abortion is murder most/some/RC/Liberal Protestants/ agree/disagree with this quote because... ( Most Christians would agree that abortion is murder because life is sacred and only God can give and take away life. ) 2) C Provide an argument to support one side, include examples and evidence. 3) O Provide an argument to support an opposing view, include examples and evidence. 4) N Include an alternative supporting/opposing viewpoint (eg Muslim, atheist) with examples and evidence. 5) P Use persuasive writing to convince the reader that your opinion is right. Use evidence and examples. 4) Draw a conclusion

Useful sentence starters

Many Christians would agree with xxxxxxx (the quote) because Other/some Christians would disagree with xxxxxxx (the quote) because Roman Catholics/Protestants would disagree with this quote because An atheist would agree/disagree with this quote because This is because in the Bible it says (eg do not commit murder, be fruitful and multiply do not commit adultery) I agree/disagree with xxxxxxx (the issue) because One reason to support my opinion is . Therefore, This is because Jesus taught forgiveness and compassion, therefore they would say In conclusion

How to use discursive writing for a part e)

Begin with a statement about the issue. Summarise the main arguments. Provide arguments to support one side (C), give examples and evidence. Provide arguments to support the opposing side (O), give examples and evidence.

How to write persuasively in a part e)

In your P section:

Start with a statement that refers to the quote. State your opinion clearly (agree/disagree) Include evidence and arguments to support your point Use rhetorical questions. Use connectives such as: so, therefore, because. EG: I disagree that abortion is murder because I do not believe life begins until birth. I do not believe someone can be called a murderer when the UK law allows abortion and even pays for it! Therefore, how can you call a legal, medical procedure murder? Can you pick out the techniques that have been used?

How to write persuasively in a part e)

In your P section: Start with a statement that refers to the quote. State your opinion clearly (agree/disagree) Include evidence and arguments to support your point Use rhetorical questions. Use connectives such as: so, therefore, because. EG: I disagree that abortion is murder because I do not believe life begins until birth. I do not believe someone can be called a murderer when the UK law allows abortion and even pays for it! Therefore, how can you call a legal, medical procedure murder?

Can you pick out the techniques that have been used?

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