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Welcome to

Lesson 1 - Silva UltraMind Online Course

Living Your Alpha Life

Introduction What's Your True Potential?

Welcome to the first chapter of our nine-part multimedia e-book on understanding and
using the power of your mind to create a better, happier, more fulfilling life Let's begin with a question. !magine how you would feel if you had it all the business fulfillment, the loving relationships, vibrant health, creative e"pression, abundant friendships, a skyrocketing career

Wouldn#t that be wonderful$

%ook at your life - do you have what you really, really want? Or are you settling - have you given up on creating the ideal life you once dreamed of$ &obody has to live a life that is ordinary - yet most people do 'y doing so they miss out on their true potential (he Silva UltraMind System is about discovering your purpose in life and using your creative energies to fulfill this purpose ) life built around a greater purpose is a life that is truly fulfilling and e"citing

oad !a" to #u$$ess

*ifferent people have different definitions of success +or you, su$$ess could be, starting a profitable business

starting a loving family writing a book owning a beautiful --bedroom home in the country running a marathon spending . years abroad with the /eace Corps earning your first one million dollars recovering from a life-threatening illness &o matter what your definition is, it#s important to dream big and set a goal of what you#re seeking to accomplish Once you know what you want, the ne"t step is to manifest it into your life (his is what this training program is all about

Let's begin the lessons now. What You'll Learn

(his e-book will take you through nine guided lessons involving the written word and audio recordings 0ou will learn to reach deep levels of mind using advanced audio e"ercises developed by 1ose Silva While at these levels of mind we will teach you various techni2ues you can use to empower yourself and move you toward your purpose and goals

Here's what you will learn over the next few days:
3ow to rea$h dee" levels o% &editation with supreme ease 3ow to use affirmations to $reate i&&ediate attitude shi%ts. 3ow to a$$elerate healing and achieve vibrant health 3ow to develo" your intuition. (he art of $reative visuali'ation to &ani%est drea&s. 3ow to $reate a li%e "lan. (he art of goal setting and thinking big (his program was developed with the purpose of reminding you of the latent powers that lie within you4 and inspiring you to begin to use them ! use the word remind because if you found this program you#re probably aware of these abilities 'ut like most people, you have waited - procrastinated in learning to use them 0ou will receive nine lessons over the ne"t few weeks ) new lesson will be sent to you every few days 5ach lesson will contain an e"planation of a new techni2ue

(he techni2ues will get more advanced with each new lesson

'y breaking this program into several fragments and spreading them out over a few weeks we allow you to retain and understand the material presented better (his program will show you how to tap into your latent mental abilities using not 6ust written te"t but also s"e$iali'ed audio re$ordings developed by 1ose Silva (hese recordings are designed to guide you into a state of deep, focused meditation *uring this meditation you will be wide awake but your body will be asleep 0our sub$ons$ious &ind will be brought to the $ons$ious level and you will be in %ull $ontrol over your mental abilities and thoughts 0ou can use this time to "rogra& your mind to accomplish anything you desire (his is the Silva UltraMind System

The !ulti-Pur"ose !ind

'efore we begin, let#s take a glimpse at what the mind is really capable of accomplishing A well (nown %igure on$e said) The greatest discovery of the 19th century was not in the realm of the physical sciences, but the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith. Any individual can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them to overcome any problem that may arise. All weaknesses can be overcome, bodily healing, financial independence, spiritual awakening, prosperity beyond your wildest dreams. This is the superstructure of happiness. (hese words were said not by a guru on a mountaintop, nor a self-improvement writer, but by William 1ames, the 3arvard psychologist known as the +ather of )merican /sychology (o the untrained mind, William 1ames#s statement may seem far-fetched, but modern discoveries are finding his words to be true %et#s look at some e"amples of what happens when this *eternal reservoir o% "ower* is harnessed properly

Case #1 - Using the Mind in S orts

*r Charles 7arfield, former &)S) researcher and current president of (he /erformanceScience !nstitute in 'erkeley, California, talks about a startling e"periment conducted by Soviet sports scientists (he study e"amined the effect of mental training, including visuali8ation, on four groups of world-class athletes 6ust prior to the 9:;< Olympics in %ake /lacid, &ew 0ork (he four groups of elite athletes were divided as follows, 7roup 9, did 9<<= physical training

7roup ., did >?= physical training, .?= mental training 7roup -, did ?<= physical training, ?<= mental training 7roup @, did .?= physical training, >?= mental training What the researchers found was that group @ - the grou" with the &ost &ental training - had shown signi%i$antly greater i&"rove&ent than group %ikewise, group - showed more improvement than group ., and group . showed more improvement than group 9 (he results were astonishing Who would e"pect that athletes training mentally would be able to advance further than their counterparts who were training physically$ 7arfield said, A*uring mental rehearsal, athletes create mental images of the e"act movements they want to emulate in their sport +se o% this s(ill substantially in$reases the e%%e$tiveness o% goal-setting, which up until then had been little more than a dull listing procedure A

If mental exercises and visualization could have such a profound impact on athletes, what kind of impact could it have on you?
Can you use the same principle to improve your attitudes, confidence and skills$ Could it impact your learning ability4 your golf swing4 your ability to shed weight and stick to a diet$ (he answer is yes We will e"plore these topics in a later chapter and show you visuali'ation te$hniques you $an use to improve the 2uality of your life

Case #! - Miraculous Healing

(he following story will challenge your idea of 6ust how much your mind influences your body !n 9:?<, a new drug called Brebio8en had received sensational national publicity as a AcureA for cancer and was being tested by the )merican Medical )ssociation C)M)D and the US +ood and *rug )dministration C+*)D One of the researchers involved in this testing was a doctor named 'runo Blopfer One of *r Blopfer#s patients, Mr Wright, was suffering from cancer of the lymph nodes )ll standard treatments had been e"hausted, and Wright appeared to have little time left 3is neck, armpits, chest, abdomen, and groin were filled with tumors the si8e of oranges, and his spleen and liver were so enlarged that two 2uarts of milky fluid had to be drained out of his body each day When Wright discovered that *r Blopfer was involved in research on Brebio8en, he begged to be given Brebio8en treatments )t first his doctor refused because the drug was untested

and only being tried on people with a life e"pectancy of at least three months Wright begged so hard, however, that Blopfer decided to give him one in6ection on +riday, though he secretly suspected Wright would not last the weekend *r Blopfer was in for a big sur"rise. On the following Monday, Blopfer found Wright out of bed and walking around Blopfer reported that his tumors had Amelted like snowballs on a hot stoveA and were half their original si8e (his was a far more rapid decrease in si8e than even the strongest E-ray treatments could have accomplished (en days after Wright#s first Brebio8en treatment, he left the hospital, and as far as his doctors could tell, with no signs of cancer When he entered the hospital, he had needed an o"ygen mask to breathe, but when he left he was well enough to fly his own plane at 9.,<<< feet with no discomfort Wright remained well for about two months, but then articles began to appear asserting that Brebio8en actually had no effect on cancer of the lymph nodes Wright, who was rigidly logical and scientific in his thinking, became very depressed, suffered a relapse, and was readmitted to the hospital (his time his physician decided to try an e"periment *r Blopfer told Wright that Brebio8en was every bit as effective as it had seemed, but that some of the initial supplies of the drug had deteriorated during shipping 3e e"plained, however, that he had a new highly-concentrated version of the drug and could treat Wright with this Of course, the physician did not have a new version of the drug and intended to in6ect Wright with nothing more than plain sterile water

gain the results were dramatic. !umor masses melted, chest fluid vanished, and "right was #uickly back on his feet and feeling great. $et he had been in%ected with nothing more than sterile water.
Wright remained symptom-free for another two months, but then the )merican Medical )ssociation announced that a nationwide study of Brebio8en had found the drug worthless in the treatment of cancer (his time Wright#s faith was completely shattered 3is cancer blossomed anew and he died two days later Wright#s story is tragic, but it contains a powerful message, When we are fortunate enough to bypass our disbelief and tap the healing forces within us, we can cause tumors to melt away overnight (he patient#s mind alone, independent of the value of the medication, produced his recovery (his event proves that your mind is so powerful that it can literally bring wonderful or tragic events to bear within days Most people do not learn how to tap into and control this powerful force

Many people do have their minds working for them, but in negative ways *octors call this psychosomatic illness - an illness caused by a person#s negative belief system !n this course we will teach you how to create positive belief systems and how you can use visuali8ation to accelerate your body#s rate of healing and recovery

Case #" - Creating #ositive Coincidences

!t is an undisputed fact that the mind can influence the physical body but can the mind influence the world beyond your body$

!n other words, can the mind create coincidences and influence reality$
/eople all around the world have e"perienced this in their own lives and will say that the answer is yes - your world can be shaped by your thoughts and beliefs (he following story describes one such incident - how one man discovered the power of his mind in creating coincidences 3e went on to use this ability to become so successful that his work is almost a household name in )merica +or the purpose of this story, let#s call this man Scott 3is full name will not be revealed until the end to make this story more intriguing (his story was told in a book Scott wrote in 9::; !n the early 9:;<s, Scott had heard of a process called affirmations from a friend (he process he learned was simple

Fisuali8e what you want and write it down fifteen times in a row, once a day, until you obtain it
Scott was told that the process did not re2uire any faith or positive thinking for it to work 5ven more interesting was the suggestion that the techni2ue would influence the environment directly and not 6ust make you more focused on your goals !n other words, it would spawn ama8ing $oin$iden$es to &ove you toward your goals (he coincidences could be things that were seemingly unconnected to you and beyond your control Scott was very left-brained and logical in his thinking 3e had his doubts about the process but figured that there was no harm in trying AWithin a few weeks, coincidences started to happen to me A wrote Scott A)ma8ing coincidences, strings of them ! won#t mention the specific goal ! was working on, as it was a private matter, but within a few months the goal was accomplished e"actly as ! had written it A 'ut Scott was not yet convinced that affirmations helped Coincidences do happen on their own and Scott considered the test inconclusive

So Scott picked another goal - to make some gains in the stockmarket 3e wrote his affirmation down every day and waited for some inspiration !t came to him in a dream 3e woke up one night with the words A'uy ChryslerA repeating in his head 3e bought shares in the inspired company during one of its most bleak periods yet it began to rise soon after and he made some good returns on it 3e repeated the e"periment again and managed to pick another successful company, with stock symbol A)skA )rmed with this confidence in the power of affirmations Scott decided to apply it to a more challenging goal - getting into the highly competitive University of California at 'erkeley M') program

(he problem was that he had already taken the entrance e"am, the 7 M ) (, and only hit the >>th percentile score 3e knew he needed to be above the :<th percentile to at least have a chance of being accepted Scott picked the outlandish target of :@ as his goal and again applied the affirmation techni2ue *espite not being able to go much higher than the >>th percentile in the practice e"ams Scott was surprised to learn that he did indeed hit the :@th percentile for the 7 M ) ( - 6ust as he had written in his affirmations 3e graduated with his 'erkeley M') in 9:;G ) few years later he tried pursuing a more serious goal, that of being a syndicated cartoonist 3e knew the odds of his cartoon submission being accepted by a ma6or newspaper were roughly 9 in 9<,<<< 3e beat those odds and his cartoon was accepted 3e was soon earning a decent living with his cartoon strip but he wanted to achieve something bigger 3e decided he wanted the most successful comic strip on the planet Scott felt that the best measure of Amost successfulA would be number of books sold

!n 1une 9::G his book The Dilbert Principle hit the number-one spot on the hardcover nonfiction list of the New York Times !t stayed in the top three all summer !n &ovember his second book, Dogbert's TopSecret Management Handbook, also made the bestseller list, giving Scott the number-one and number-two positions simultaneously for one week +or that brief period of time, Scott indeed had the Amost successfulA comic strip on the planet )s you may have guessed, the person !#m talking about is Scott )dams, the creator of the highly successful Dilbert comic strip Scott writes about these e"periences with affirmations in his book The Dilbert Future 3e does not profess to know why it works but leaves the conclusion to the reader 0ou can buy Scott )dams# hilarious Dilbert books at any bookstore Reporters often ask me if am surprised at the success of the !ilbert comic strip. was, e#pected it.

definitely would be so, if not for my bi"arre e#perience with affirmations. As it

HScott )dams, (he *ilbert +uture

Scott )dams# e"perience with affirmations makes one wonder - is lu$( within our $ontrol? We will e"plore the process of affirmations in chapter @ of this e-book and we will look at some basic techni2ues you can use to manifest your goals

Your ,e-t Lesson - The #ilva .entering /-er$ise

!n our ne"t lesson we will take a look at how you can apply your mind to achieve your goals, to accelerate healing and to make dramatic attitude shifts (he techni2ue we will teach you will be part of what many say is the most advanced set of mind training techni2ues developed 1ose Silva developed these techni2ues over a period of @< years with some several millions dollars worth of funding and tens of thousands of participants

!he next email in our series will be sent to you tomorrow.

(he sub6ect will be the $he Silva Centering %xercise

/lease look out for it (his ne"t email will show you how to establish the correct level of mind to start accomplishing some of the things we discussed in this chapter We will help you attain this correct level of mind using a powerful guided meditation e"ercise developed by 1ose Silva 0ou will listen to this e"ercise through your computer speakers

&et ready for an exciting experience. "atch out for our next email tomorrow where we'll send you the popular 'ilva (entering )xercise udio. The 0a&ous #ilva .entering /-er$ise 1ownload 2t ,ow

(he Centering 5"ercise is the 'asis for the 5ntire Silva (raining System !t#s a 7uided Meditation system 1ose Silva spent decades perfecting 0ou#ll get to listen to the audio via your computer and the voice of our &arrator, 5d 'ernd 1r, will guide you into the )lpha %evel !t#s a 6ourney you#ll loveI

Can't &ait' (et started today visit this lin) to *ownload and #lay the Silva Centering %xercise $oday +

Lesson $

The Silva Centering Exercise

1ownload and Listen as a #ilva 2nstru$tor 3uides You on a 4ourney into the Al"ha Level
!his Lesson includes the popular 'ilva *ltra+ind &uided +editation Wel$o&e to Lesson 5
) guided meditation techni2ue to help you achieve deep levels of rela"ation !n our last lesson, sent to you yesterday, we took a look at some truly fascinating stories about the power of the human mind (oday, it#s time for you to take the first steps toward discovering and using your mind in more remarkable ways (he techni2ue we will teach you in this lesson is called the Silva Centering 5"ercise


The .entering /-er$ise

!he 'ilva (entering


!t took 1ose Silva .. years of research and J?<<,<<< in 9:G<#s monetary value CJ. million in today#s valueD to develop his famous mind conditioning systems !t all begins with the Silva Centering 5"ercise (his e"ercise will guide you to your center brain fre2uency, the al"ha level - the level %or dee" rela-ation. While at your center you will e"perience the many beneficial effects of deep meditation

In this Lesson, You will download and listen to the Audio.

'y centering yourself you will be able to reduce stress positively influence your health

mentally program yourself to change your attitudes kick bad habits practice creative visuali8ation for goal setting enhance creativity and intuition 0ou can e"perience this powerful rela"ation techni2ue right this instant through your computer

Let's 3et #tarted

(o prepare, %irst read the introdu$tion 6Part 78 and instru$tions 6Part 58. Total reading ti&e is 9 &inutes. (hen sit in a rela"ed position and play the audio on your computer (he e"ercise will take .? minutes 0esterday, you started the Silva Online (raining /rogram - A%iving 0our )lpha %ifeA ! hope you#re ready for %esson . 'ecause this is the Core and the Most !mportant part of the entire Silva UltraMind System !n today#s lesson - we#re going to take you on a -< min 1ourney into the )lpha %evel 0ou#re going to need to find a comfortable Meditation spot !t can be a bed, a comfy sofa or even a 0oga mat We#ll provide the audio to you in several different formats !f this is your first time meditating and entering the )lpha %evel - this may be a moment you#ll always remember Keady$ Okay let#s begin

!n our last lesson, sent to you yesterday, we took a look at some truly fascinating stories about the power of the human mind (oday it#s time for you to take the first steps towards discovering and using your mind in more remarkable ways (he techni2ue we will be teaching you in this lesson is called the Silva Centering 5"ercise

----------------------------(he Silva Centering 5"ercise ----------------------------!t took 1ose Silva .. years of research and J?<<,<<< in 9:G<s monetary valueCJ. million in today#s valueD to develop his famous mind conditioning systems !t all begins with the e"ercise 0ou#re about to do (his e"ercise will guide you to your center brain fre2uency, the )lpha %evel - the level for deep rela"ation While at the )lpha %evel, you will e"perience the many beneficial effects of Meditation Once 0ou %earn to Keach the )lpha %evel, you can use Silva (echni2ues to, Keduce Stress Speed Up 0our 'ody#s &atural 3ealing Mentally /rogram 0ourself to Change your )ttitudes Bick 'ad 3abits /ractice Creative Fisuali8ation 7et in (ouch with 0our !ntuition

0ou can start reading the .-page A3ow (oA 7uide immediately by going to the link below Make sure you reserve -< mins today or (omorrow to practice the e"ercise

Guide to Practicing the Silva Centering Exercise

Part 7) +nderstanding !editation
Meditation is fast gaining recognition worldwide !n )merica, 7: &illion "eo"le now $lai& to &editate daily and this number is rapidly growing Why? 'ecause it works and more and more doctors are recommending it (he following news headlines taken from .<<- help e"plain the sudden interest in meditation 0ro& the Washington Ti&es - Aug 7;, 5::< A new stud shows !that" people who underwent meditation training produced more antibodies to a #lu $accine than people who did not meditate% Those who took part in the

meditation stud also showed signs o# increased acti$it in areas o# the brain related to positi$e emotion& as compared to people who did not meditate% .=# ,ews - Aug 59, 5::< People who meditate these da s come #rom all walks o# li#e and aren't necessaril weird New Agers or pretentious actors% Students& law ers& 'est Point cadets& athletes& prisoners& and go$ernment o##icials all meditate% (t's supposed to help depression& control pain& increase longe$it & slow down cancers& in$igorate the immune s stem& and signi#icantl reduce blood pressure% Time maga)ine recentl reported that *meditation can sometimes be used to replace +iagra%* Ti&e !aga'ine - Aug ;, 5::< Not onl do studies show that meditation is boosting their immune s stem& but brain scans suggest that it ma be rewiring their brains to reduce stress% (t's recommended b more and more ph sicians as a wa to pre$ent& slow or at least control the pain o# chronic diseases like heart conditions& A(DS& cancer and in#ertilit % )s you read, meditation provides many benefits even when done by a beginner

The Two Ty"es o% !editation) Passive and A$tive

When we meditate several important things happen physically and mentally +irst, we are Afocusing internallyA and letting go of the outside world Csimilar to going to sleep, but without losing consciousnessD (his allows our brains to shift into more stable, stronger brain fre2uencies Ccalled alpha and theta by scientistsD normally reached during sleep When we can reduce our brain fre2uencies to these levels while staying awake we are able to bring the unconscious mind to the conscious level (his allows us to control and harness the power of the unconscious mind (here are two types of meditation

#assive Meditation
)ll meditation systems, such as 0oga, Len, (ranscendental Meditation C(MD, Silva UltraMind and others have similar benefits 'y ApassivelyA letting go and going within, we AdeactivateA our survival mechanisms and allow our body#s natural health and re6uvenation abilities to be activated 5ach method has its own way of reaching the inner state of mind, and each has its own goals

,ctive Meditation
1ose Silva#s techni2ues allow you to use the rela"ed, healthy state of mind that occurs during meditation to solve your day-to-day problems Silva found that by AactivelyA utili8ing brain languages Ckinesthetic, visual, and auditory thought processesD, we can use this higher energy state to improve memory and learning skills, change unwanted habits, enhance health, and healing 3e also developed techni2ues to achieve what many people call Atapping the superconsciousA to solve problems, reach goals, come up with new ideas and solutions to problems Some students use the Silva UltraMind System to enhance their spiritual growth Using such techni2ues within a meditative state is called AactiveA meditation

=ut what e-a$tly ha""ens when you &editate?

0our brain functions on a small amount of electricity, much like a computer (his electrical current vibrates and pulses at various speeds When you are wide awake, with your eyes focused, your brain vibrates .< times per second - what scientists call .< cycles per second or the 'eta fre2uency 0ou are probably at this beta level of mind right now as you read this When you go to sleep, your brain fre2uency slows down, all the way to about half a cycle per second in the deepest levels of natural sleep (his is known as the *elta level !n between 'eta, the waking state, and *elta, the deep sleep state, there are two other levels of mental activity When you are in a light level of sleep or in meditation you are in the )lpha range, which is > to 9@ cycles per second (his is the center range and this is what we mean by saying Agoing to your centerA 7oing to the alpha level or centering is essentially the same thing as meditating When someone meditates, scientifically, they are simply reducing their brain wave fre2uency to )lpha (he )lpha level is the level we use to activate our minds (heta is a level of deeper rela"ation or sleep, when your brain waves are at @ to > cycles per second (he table below summari8es the @ states of brain fre2uency


&rain 'ave (re)uency

Associated 'ith


9@ - .9 cycles per second CcpsD and higher

Waking State, the five senses /erception of (ime and Space


> - 9@ cps

%ight sleep, meditation, intuition &o (ime M Space limitation *eeper Sleep, Meditation *eep Sleep 0ou are unconscious at *elta


@ - > cps


< - @ cps

(here are many benefits of Agoing to the )lpha levelA or meditating 1ose Silva found that people who can remain in the )lpha level while analy8ing information have access to more information than those who remain in 'eta to do their thinking +eelings of intuition, creative ideas, inspirational thoughts and ideas come to people while at this )lpha level 7oing to )lpha is also good for programming your mind )t the )lpha level you can learn to overcome all kinds of problems, such as insomnia, tension and migraine headaches, bad habits, and much more 0ou can also program your mind to help you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true (here are formulas for all this and more in the Silva home study program and seminars *uring the .? minutes you remain at )lpha while using the Silva Centering 5"ercise, you can practice rela"ing physically and mentally, and you can imagine yourself succeeding in your pro6ects and achieving your goals )s you can see, there are a lot of benefits to Agoing to )lphaA &ow let#s get to learning how to "ra$ti$e the Silva Centering 5"ercise

Part 5) >ow to Pra$ti$e

Guide to Practicing the Silva Centering Exercise!

Part 5) >ow to Pra$ti$e
(he Silva Centering 5"ercise is presented over audio 5d 'ernd 1r will guide you to a healthy, rela"ed level of mind 0ou will also hear a gently thudding sound in the background (he sound is a gentle beat of 9@ cycles per second (his sound simulates the alpha level fre2uency and will help guide your brain to this correct fre2uency

)ll you need to do is find a comfortable position, preferably sitting up, and close your eyes When you#re ready you can start the audio When you practice the Silva Centering 5"ercise, there are three things you need to do while you keep your eyes closed (he 5"ercise is more than 6ust a rela"ation tool - it is also a powerful way to tap into your mind to solve problems, change habits and practice creative visuali8ation (his is what we mean by 1yna&i$ !editation.

The Three Things You !ust 1o

)uthor 5d 'ernd 1r with 1ose Silva

+irst, you should practice your concentration Concentration is a basic skill Concentrate on what the instructor tells you to do via the audio Second, practice your imagination We want you to learn how to e-aggerate your i&agination, because you will be in a better position to control your creative visuali8ation )t the same time, it will keep you active while going through the e"ercise 'y being mentally active, you avoid the tendency to drift off into sleep (hird, you must practice coordinating your physiological rela"ation with your mental rela"ation !t is easy to go into a mental rela"ation 'ut you must learn to let your body rela" too !t takes a little longer for you to rela" your body than it does for you to rela" your mind 0ou do not have to maintain a fi"ed, rigid position !f you have to ad6ust your body to be comfortable, do so !f you need to scratch an itch, do it Make yourself comfortable and you will be able to rela" better !f you feel uncomfortable for any reason, if you feel that you want to open your eyes, then open your eyes immediately (ell yourself - mentally or verbally - to rela", that everything is okay (hen when you are rela"ed, go back to the beginning of the recording and start over

Things to


9 When the instructor says to Apro6ectA - or AconcentrateA - your sense of awareness on your scalp area, that#s where you start practicing concentration 5stablish what your AawarenessA is %et#s pretend, for e"ample, that it is a ray of light 'lue-white light !t is easier for us to focus a ray of light into that area than anything else . &e"t you are instructed to detect the vibrations in that area, a Afeeling of warmth caused by circulationA &aturally, it is the blood circulation we are talking about Concentrate on trying to feel the pulsations of those vibrations in that area 0ou may not feel them on your first try, but by the second or third effort, you will - (hen you are instructed to Arelease and completely rela" all tensions and ligament pressures from this part of your bodyA *on#t 6ust recite it, concentrate on it, and e"aggerate your imagination 3ow would you imagine your scalp being fully rela"ed$ (hink Concentrate Maybe you would feel better imagining your scalp as if there is a warm, wet cloth draped over it Use your imagination @ (he instructor will also say positive affirmations such as Aevery day in every way ! am getting better and betterA )nother affirmation you will hear is A! am now learning to attune my intelligence, and developing my sensing faculties, and learning to pro6ect them to different locationsA (his is an affirmation we use in our seminars to train people to develop 5S/ When you combine your physiological rela"ation with your mental rela"ation you will be much more rela"ed at the end of that e"ercise (he more you practice, the easier it will be to rela" completely /lease remember, the secret to success is discipline /ractice makes perfect (his is no different from training your physical body and getting into shape !f you e"ercise your body only once per month you get very different results than if you e"ercise daily (he same principle applies when you train and e"ercise your mind (he more you go into alpha, learn to visuali8e, rela", and tune into your intuition, the healthier and better your life becomes ,ote) 0ou may want to listen to the e"ercise first so there will be no surprises

#o&e A""li$ations
With practice you will also be better able to tap into your intuitive feelings or hunches !t 6ust takes practice, and the knowledge that it is possible and that you can do it !n Silva UltraMind Seminars the ma6ority of participants are able to tap effectively into their intuition by day two of the seminar and perform health case readings on people unknown to them !t is important that you continue to practice the Silva Centering 5"ercise regularly We encourage graduates of the UltraMind 5S/ System to practice it once a week for three months after they graduate Many of us continue to practice it at least once a week even after that

Once you have learned to rela" in a sitting position, if you want to find a more comfortable position - to stretch out in a nice reclining chair for instance - then do so +irst learn to enter deep, healthy levels of mind with conscious awareness - without going to sleep )fter you#ve learned this, then you can enter deep levels even when lying down comfortably, and you can still remain awake for as long as you desire &ow, let#s take a 2uick stretch break and then en6oy the Silva Centering e"ercise

(lick the (, -elow to -egin .laying the


As these are instant downloads, *ou can listen to them while waiting for the +!s from the ,ome %tudy +ourse to arrive by -ail.

=onus Audio 7? - The Origins o% the #ilva #yste&

n this interview with .ose %ilva and his daughter Laura, you/ll discover how the %ilva %ystem was developed and learn the fascinating story of .ose/s early research.

=onus Audio 5? - The Al"ha #ession

The Alpha %ession, developed by .ose %ilva and read here by 0d &ernd .r., will guide you into the Alpha %tate and allow you 11 minutes of time to practice your %ilva Techni)ues. Throughout the session, the Alpha %ound will play to help you

reach and stay at the Alpha Level. !his is the 'I/&L) +0'! 1)2*)'!), 'IL3


=onus Audio <? - The 1aisy Pond /-er$ise

&urt 2oldman is the -ost Re)uested and Awarded %ilva Lecturer in ,istory. And the !aisy 3ond 0#ercise is his most re)uested Techni)ue. Listen to this &eautiful +! and Allow *our &ody and -ind to 0#perience Levels of Rela#ation *ou/ll never forget. 'hat makes this 0#ercise so ama"ing is how fast and complete the rela#ation system works. *ou/ll literally feel like a new person when you complete this audio.

=onus Audio ;? - The 3olden 2&ages Te$hnique

The concept of !he &olden Image is based on the power of imagery to affect behavior. The techni)ue involves diminishing the image of things that you wish to rid yourself off and enhancing the image of things that you want to enhance and attract. This is a truly powerful techni)ue that will grant you better control over your life and help you attract the things you need. !eveloped by top %ilva Lecturer &urt 2oldman.

Obtain it Today %or a @:-day 0ull !oney =a$( 3uarantee, "lus these /-$iting =onus 3i%ts.

ALL L/##O,# L2#T

How to Reach deep levels of Meditation within mere 30 seconds with the Silva Centering Exercise *Audio rovided* (Lesson 2) !he ower of the Alpha "evel of Mind # and how $ou can %unction at that level& '"esson () How to !hin* li*e Edison + Air& '"esson 3) ull Creative ,deas out of !hin

How to Re#wire -our mind to .ic* /ad Ha0its such as smo*ing1 drin*ing1 and over#eating&&&&for good '"esson 2)&

Can $our Mind 0e 3sed to Attract the man or woman of -our dreams into -our life4 '"esson 2) Harness the power of Creative 5isuali6ation and Affirmations to shape the life -ou alwa-s dreamed of& '"esson 2) How to 3se $our Mind to Accelerate Healing # it7s Easier than $ou !hin*8 '"esson 9) How to 3se -our ,ntuition to :uide -ou to ma*e ,mportant ;ecisions& '"esson <) How to %ind :reater %ulfillment =ith $our Career and Achieve More& '"esson >) :et $our "ife ?rgani6ed through the '"esson >) ower of :oal Setting&

!he Secret to 3sing $our Mind to Ac@uire =ealth # what others courses ;? A?! tell $ou& '"esson B) How to Align $our :oals with $our Higher urpose in "ife& '"esson B) *!his is ?ur most important lesson*

Lesson 4

Enhancing Creativity
Learn >ow to +se the Al"ha Level to Thin(, .reate, 2nnovate and Pull 2deas Out o% Thin AirA

Wel$o&e to Lesson <

We hope that you#ve had an ama8ing e"perience listening to (he Silva Centering 5"ercise, where you learned to enter deep levels of rela"ation and meditation (his lesson will show you how to open your mind to a flood of creative ideas and inspiration 'y simply meditating daily you gain immense life-long health benefits (his is commonly called "assive &editation 'ut there is another type of meditation that we teach at the Silva UltraMind Seminar We call this a$tive &editation Kather than going to your alpha level and simply remaining there in a state of rela"ed meditation, we teach you to use this level o% &ind to a$$o&"lish anything you desire

-ow the real fun .egins/ 0ou can use this level of mind to,
gain inspirational ideas and thoughts, program your brain to kick bad habits, accelerate your natural healing process, develop your intuition 0ou can even use this level of mind to $reate $oin$iden$es to move you toward your goals

(oday, we#re going to focus on teaching you how to use this level of mind to gain creative ideas or inspiration
/erhaps you#re looking to write a term paper, create a marketing plan for you business or compose a song - you#ll learn how to tap into your inner source of creativity to guide you

3aining 2ns"iration 0ro& Within

1ose Silva used to demonstrate an e"periment on creativity with kids in his hometown of %aredo, (e"as 3e would ask kids to think of solutions to a particular problem while they were at the beta, or waking, level of mind 3e would then guide them to the alpha, or meditative level of mind and ask them to think of further solutions (he children were always able to come up with more ideas while at alpha

*oes your mind function more creatively when you#re at the alpha level of mind$
(here is sur"rising eviden$e for this, both from first-hand e"periences and laboratory evidence &apoleon 3ill, the best-selling author of Think and ,row -ich and The .aws o# Success believed that the human mind was capable of tapping into universal fields of intelligence to access ideas and inspiration

-a oleon Hill writes:

The great artists, writers, musicians and poets became great because they ac)uire the habit of relying upon the still0 s1all voice that speaks from within, through the faculty of creative imagination. t is a fact well known to people who have keen imaginations that their best ideas come through so5called 6hunches6. 3ill talks about how one inventor from Maryland, the late *r 5lmer K 7ates, used this techni2ue to come up with over .<< patents 7ates would sit in his soundproof laboratory e2uipped with a pad of writing paper

3e would shut off the lights and ponder on the known factors of the invention on which he was working 3e would remain in this position until ideas began to 2flash2 into his mind in connection with the unknown factors of the invention

On one occasion, ideas came so fast to 7ates that he was forced to write for almost three hours When the thoughts stopped flowing and he e"amined his work he found that they contained a minute description of principles that had no parallel among the known data of the scientific world Moreover the answer to his problem was intelligently presented in those notes (he greatest inventor of our time, Tho&as Alva /dison, used a si&ilar te$hnique 5dison was known for taking fre2uent naps in the middle of the day !t#s likely that during these naps he was entering the alpha level 3e would often come out of these naps with the solution to problems that had been bugging him 5dison was awarded 9-G; distinct patents and invented, among other things, the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, the film pro6ector, and the first motion picture 5dison was known to have said, *!deas come from space (his may seem impossible and hard to believe but it#s true !deas come from out of space A

Where 1o 2deas .o&e 0ro&?

Where do creative ideas come from$ (he brain$ (he mind$ +or best-selling author Kichard 'ach, a Silva graduate, the idea came from a bird 'ach said this in an interview 2uoted in the &ovember 9:>. issue of 3arper#s 'a8aar A! was walking along one night, worrying about the rent, when ! heard this voice say, */onathan .i$ingston Seagull* 'ut no one was there ! had absolutely no idea what it meant When ! got home, ! suddenly had a vision of a seagull flying along, and ! began to

write (he story certainly didn#t spring from any conscious invention on my part ! 6ust put down what ! saw A

Silva !nstructor Wingate /aine told us the rest of the story during an instructor training session in %aredo not long after the book became a bestseller Wingate said that 'ach had written the first two-thirds of the book from a Adream-likeA e"perience where a big seagull appeared to him and said, ATake dictation& ( ha$e a stor #or ou%A 'ut the bird faded away before the completion of the story Wingate said that 'ach told him he did not (now how to get the bird to $o&e ba$( so that he $ould %inish the boo(, until he too( the #ilva $ourse (hen he knew how to get to that Adream0likeA level and how to invite 1onathan %ivingston Seagull to this creative level to tell him the rest of the story 'ach said in a Harper's 1a)aar article that even before taking the Silva training, he#d come to assume that Athere are certain #hidden# capacities and powers which can be taught ! think there is a terrifically pleasant principle behind e"istence - do what you love to do and you#ll be guided !t#s a lot like flying a plane, You have to trust what you $an't see A 1onathan %ivingston Seagull was an immediate hit (he book was a bestseller, and the movie based on the book was a huge hit !n fact, /onathan .i$ingston Seagull and the books that 'ach wrote afterwards helped to bring about a spiritual awakening on the planet, by helping people to understand and accept their own spirituality

2ntuition in the =usiness World

*oes this concept have applications in the world of business$ /rofessor 1ohn Mihalasky, /rofessor 5meritus of !ndustrial 5ngineering at the &ew 1ersey !nstitute of (echnology, seems to think so !n e"periments he performed with company C5Os he observed that the ./Os who "er%or&ed best in tests o% intuition also

tended to be the ones with the best su$$ess rates at running their business Cmeasured in terms of ? year profitability growthD /rof Mihalasky#s e"periment results are summari8ed in the table below Per$ent Pro%itability 2n$rease o% the ./O's $o&"any over the last B years 7reater than 9<<= ?<= to ::= 'elow ?<= ./O 2ntuition Test #$ore Above .han$e ;9 ?= 9; ?= <= .han$e .?= ?<= .?= =elow .han$e .> -= 9; .= ?@ ?=

&ote that the C5Os with the greatest profitability increases C9<<= or moreD also had the greatest number of correct AguessesA in intuition tests ;9 ?= of them performed above chance results On the opposite end, of the C5Os with the poorest results, none scored above chance in the intuition test Of C5Os with mediocre numbers the results were consistent with statistical chance results

"hat does this mean?

/erhaps &apoleon 3ill was correct when he suggested in his book The .aws o# Success that the most successful people of his time, had learned to tap into their si"th sense A) geniusA, 3ill said Ais a man who has discovered how to increase the intensity of thought to a point where he can freely communicate with sources of knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of thoughtA (his concept of tapping into a universal source of ideas also has applications in the world of science and technology ) research director at &*M C&ew +oundations in MedicineD took a Silva course while working on a pro6ect to develop artificial arteries 3e had come up with @ different formulas while at beta, but none of them worked Silva instructor Ben Obermeyer e"plained what happened ne"t (he &*M researcher used a techni2ue he learned in class and programmed himself to have a dream that would contain information that he could use to solve the problem he had in mind - the best formula for artificial arteries A3e awakened sometime during the night,A Obermeyer said, Aand wrote out a formula,A then he went back to sleep AWhen he awakened in the morning, he saw the formula, went into the laboratory, put a sample together, and found that the human body would accept his plastic A

AOne interesting note about this creative solution,A Obermeyer continued A(he chemist said that if he had considered this formula on his beta information, he wouldn#t have believed it to be a formula the body would accept 3e would not have come up with this solution through reason and logic A 3ere#s how you can use this techni2ue

The =asi$ Te$hnique

7o to your alpha level using the meditation techni2ues you learned in part . of this e-book When you have rea$hed your al"ha level, thin( o% the "roble& you wish to solve. When you 2uiet your personality during meditation you open the channel for higher wisdom and guidance to come to you through your intuitive mind )naly8e the problem from all aspects and bring to mind all points of information or data you have on the problem +rame the specific 2uestions in your mind &ow let your mind wander 1ot down any interesting ideas or thoughts that come to you (he answer may come to you through words, mental pictures or feelings
!his is the end of lesson three. 2n our ne-t lesson you will learn the art o% $reative visuali'ation to hel" you &ove toward your goals. !his next lesson will be sent to you in two days.

)t this point we would like to invite you to 6oin the &ew Silva UltraMind 5mail *iscussion 7roup on 0ahoo com 0ou can learn from fellow practitioners and share your ideas too 1ust visit this lin( to Coin.

$han) 3ou and we ho e you en4oyed this lesson and continue to share these e1ails with your friends and fa1ily/

Lesson 7

Creative Visuali ation

>ow You .an +se the Power o% Disuali'ation and A%%ir&ations to .reate *Lu$(y .oin$iden$es*
Welcome to %esson @ 2s *Lu$(* Within Your .ontrol?
We now come to the premier techni2ues for harnessing your mind#s power to shape your life and move you towards your dreams and aspirations

We will teach you two techni2ues in this lesson

Affirmations +reative 8isuali"ation. !n our last lesson you learned how to use the alpha level of mind to gain creative ideas and inspiration 0ou are now ready for the ne"t step You will learn how to ta" into your &ind to sha"e your reality. /erhaps you#re looking to be more positive, to stick to your diet, to improve your golf swing or to end a bad habit We#ll show you how you can use affirmations and creative visuali8ation to reprogram your mind and reshape your attitudes and behavior

!t all starts with your imagination !magination is the ability to create an idea, a vision or an image of something new

!n creative visuali8ation, we use the power of imagination to create a mental image of what we want to accomplish or obtain

0our goal could be on any level

physical emotional mental spiritual 0ou might imagine yourself driving that 'MW you always wanted, owning a home in the country, married to your ideal mate, succeeding at your 6ob or having J9<<,<<< << in your bank account

&o matter what your goal, the techni2ue is basically the same 0ou imagine the desired outcome in your mind )t the same time, you repeat a positive affirmation about the goal (he affirmation is in the present tense magination is the beginning of creation. *ou imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.

H 7eorge 'ernard Shaw C9;?G - 9:?<D

The #$ienti%i$ /viden$e

(here is strong scientific evidence that visuali8ation can be used to dramatically improve your results in sports, public speaking, performing arts and anything else which involves practice !n one study, )ustralian psychologist )llen Kichardson conducted an e"periment with basketball players making hoop shots 3e divided the players in three groups 7roup ) - was asked to practice their shots on a basketball court for .< minutes a day 7roup ' - was asked not to practice at all 7roup C - was asked to mentally rehearse shooting a basketball through a hoop for .< minutes each day )t the end of the study 7roup ) improved their hoop shot ability by .?= 7roup ', as e"pected, showed no improvement at all What was truly sur"rising, was that 7roup C improved by .@=, almost as much as 7roup ), even though they had not physically set foot in a basketball court (here is also overwhelming scientific evidence that visuali8ation can be used to heal the body *octors such as O Carl Simonton have been helping patients recover from serious illnesses such as cancer by combining visuali8ation with modern medicine (he patients often made dramatic improvements simply by visuali8ing their bodies behaving in ideal, healthy ways

We#ll look at more of this fascinating evidence in our ne"t lesson which will be on mind-body healing
What we#re going to suggest in this lesson is so&ething even &ore in$redible. 0our mind#s influence is not 6ust limited to improving your emotions, skills and physical body 0our mind can influence theworld outside your a""arent "hysi$al $ontrol.

!n other words, your mind can spawn ama8ing $oin$iden$es to move you towards your goals (he coincidences could be things that were seemingly unconnected to you and beyond your control The te$hniques we will tea$h you do not Cust &a(e you &ore %o$used on your goals. They dire$tly in%luen$e your reality. %aboratory evidence pouring out of universities such as /rinceton and Stanford has shown that volunteers are able to influence matter by their thoughts So far the evidence has been limited to effects on random number generators, dice and electronic e2uipment We will look at some of this evidence in %esson Seven What is still lacking is scientific evidence that visuali8ation can create AcoincidencesA in the physical world, outside your immediate control (his of course, is hard to test in a lab 'ut thousands of scientists and millions of other people in the world do believe in this because they have e"perienced it in their own lives !n short, 6ust because an effect cannot be tested in a lab, does not mean it does not e"ist Some of the greatest thinkers in the world - 5instein, 5dison, 1ung, Carnegie and 7oethe Cthe man with the highest recorded !N, .9<D - all believed in the power of the mind to create coincidences believe that the mind has the power to affect groups of atoms and even tamper with the odds of atomic behavior, and that even the course of the world is not predetermined by physical law, but may be altered bythe uncaused volition of human beings.

H Sir )rthur Stanley 5ddington, 5nglish mathematician and )stro/hysicist

%et#s take a look at some of these personal e"periences Millions of people worldwide have reported such coincidences On our web site we maintain a library of letters from people who have used Silva UltraMind techni2ues to accelerate healing, gain inspiration, start a business, find a dream 6ob, achieve goals, walk again after a car accident, earn a si"-figure income, and find peace of mind

%etters are sorted in categories,

3ealth /ersonal *evelopment Career Spiritual *evelopment

0ou can access this library anytime by clicking here 'elow, we have included segments from letters that we have received from students of the Silva UltraMind System (hese letters will give you some ideas of what can be accomplished when the mind is properly harnessed

Letters %ro& #tudents

(he following are e"tracts from letters we have received from students in the past 9. months (hese letters and more, are catalogued on our website, http455www.silvaultramindsystem.com5testimonials5

6 nvestment %uccess6
AO(heP techni2ue already solved one problem with my investments (wo days after doing it, the broker called to inform me OthatP my value was up @<= and he wanted to get together with me over dinner to discuss better and safer ways of protecting and increasing my assets (his is e"actly what ! programmed for A

H 1im from !llinois

6-ental Rehearsal for %ports 9 3ublic %peaking6

A! have received many great complements on my oral presentations which can be attributed to my ability to visuali8e the presentation before it happens ! have also used this techni2ue in golf and kung-fu 5ver since then, it has helped me to become better at my game and master my techni2ues A

H C S from Warwick Khode !sland

A! did Othe techni2ueP in which ! saw myself making better choices about what ! eat, and ended with the result of being my ideal si8e Kecently, ! noticed that without struggle, ! have made dramatic changes in the way ! eat - much less fat and sugar and smaller helpings, yet ! seem to be more satisfied and en6oying the taste of the food ! eat more than ever A

H 7 3 of &ew 0ork

6 mproving *our +areer6

A!#m a sales-manager by profession, and ! have to say the visuali8ation is such a tremendous part of being successful in my field Firtually every time ! use it, ! come close or hit the target on what ! wanted to achieve A

H 1eff from +ort Wayne, !ndiana

6Looking &etter 9 Attracting 3eople6

A! began to see improvement physically My 6oint pain disappeared and my energy level was up ! also began to attract people - especially men, in a way that ! had not before e"perienced ! also had people say to me ! looked 9< years younger and wanted to know what ! did ! lost weight A

H Mary from California

Let's ta(e a loo( at how you $an start a""lying these te$hniques.

=asi$ Te$hnique 7 - A%%ir&ations

)ffirmations are "ositive state&ents you re"eat to yoursel% while in a &editative or al"ha level o% &ind. )ffirmations are always done in the present tense, as if the action has already taken place (he concept was made famous by a +rench physician called 5mile Coue Coue was responsible for thousands of remarkable documented healings at the beginning of the .<th century 3is remedy was to combine western medicine with the power of affirmations /atients were made to repeat positive healing affirmations to themselves while in a rela"ed frame of mind Coue#s most famous affirmation was Aeveryday, in every way, ! am getting better and better A When done at the alpha level, affirmations tend to be countless times more powerful than when done at the beta, or waking state

Why $
'ecause when you rea$h the al"ha level o% &ind, your sub$ons$ious is brought to a $ons$ious level - this means it#s easier for you to convey commands directly to your subconscious

#everal a%%ir&ations that we use in the #ilva +ltra!ind se&inar in$lude)

! will always maintain a perfectly healthy body and mind /ositive thoughts, positive emotions, bring me all the benefits and advantages ! desire ! am learning to use more of my mind and to use it in a better way
You $an also $reate your own a%%ir&ations) %ooking for 6ob satisfaction$ (ry saying

! have a perfect career that ! truly love and en6oy ! have great opportunities for advancement and ! am earning a wonderful salary of QQQQQQQQQQ a year
%ooking to slim down$ (ry saying

! only en6oy eating the right types of healthy, nutritious foods that are good for my body ! love the feeling of increased energy ! get after e"ercising

5very day, ! am burning calories and getting closer to my ideal weight

%ooking to attract abundence$ (ry

!#m so happy and grateful now that money comes to me, in ever increasing 2uantities, through multiple sources, on a continuous basis
Other a%%ir&ations you $an use in$lude)

My relationship with QQQQQQQ is growing ! en6oy my work and am richly rewarded ! have enough time, energy, wisdom and funds to accomplish all my goals
=e%ore you start $reating your a%%ir&ation, note these i&"ortant rules)

1/ ,ffir1ations 1ust .e in the

resent tense/

0our subconscious mind does not think in terms of past, present or future !f you say, ! want to be an e"cellent golfer then your subconscious understands this as a statement of wanting What you then get is the wanting or desire to be an e"cellent golfer but not the actual abilityitself What you should say is A! am an e"cellent golferA 0our subconscious understands this as a statement of your present reality !t therefore works to make this reality true Kemember - replace 2 want...with 2 a&...

!/ 3ou 1ust .elieve that the goal is within your reach/

!f you repeat an affirmation, but at the same time you#re secretly thinking you cannot accomplish it, you hi6ack the process When you first start practicing this you should start with small believable goals )s you achieve these goals your confidence in yourself and in the power affirmations grows (his allows you to tackle greater and greater issues The best way to i&"lant an a%%ir&ation is to release your &ind %ro& all desire and intention. Merely state the suggestion to yourself without passion as a thing that is already so Something that is true is obvious and undeniable -- it does not need to be shouted or defended !t simply is Use repetition to reinforce the effects of the affirmation

"/ ,ffir1ations 1ust always .e done as a

ositive state1ent/

!f you#re trying to drop weight don#t say, *( am not o$erweight* !nstead say, *( am slim and health * When you see a phrase such as *( am no longer ill*, the dominant image in your mind is that of illness When you turn that around to a phrase such as *( am health and well*& the dominant image in your mind is then one of health and wellness Kemember - always turn the a%%ir&ation into a "ositive state&ent /ositive affirmations are e"tremely useful in causing fundamental change, not only in behavior and beliefs, but in the e"ternal conditions of life

When a suggestion is correctly in6ected into the subconscious mind, the effect is nothing short of miraculous !t does not show itself overnight, however, but is gradual and cumulative

=asi$ Te$hnique 5 - .reative Disuali'ation

While affirmations are good - Silva pioneered a techni2ue that is far more powerful that using simple affirmations (his techni2ue is called creative visuali8ation (his involves visuali8ing the end result of your goal or desire while you are in the alpha level of mind (he concept of creative visuali8ation has been known for ages !t gained renewed popularity in the 9:><s when a Silva graduate by the name of Shakti 7awain wrote a best-selling book about it 1ust like affirmations your visuali8ation should be done in the Apresent tenseA %ets say you#re looking to own a brand new car 0ou want to visuali8e yourself in the car and feel the moment as if it is happening this instant and not at some time in the future !n other words, %eel the sense of 6oy in owning the car, rather than the sense o% wanting or the sense o% desire for the car (o visuali8e effectively 1ose Silva suggests creating a mental screen in front of your eyes (his should be like the screen you see in a cinema !t should be forward, in front of your eyes, and raised at an angle of around .< degrees (he screen should be at least G feet in front of you Make the screen as large as you can, almost like a movie screen in a cinema

$ry it now/
Close your eyes and visuali8e the mental screen, raised slightly .< degrees above the hori8on, and at least G feet in front of you When you perform creative visuali8ation you will pro6ect images onto this screen 2% you are loo(ing to i&"rove your s"orts s(ills, visuali8e yourself playing the game perfectly See yourself making perfect moves, shooting every basket, making the perfect swing +eel the 6oy you feel when you play the game well 2% you are loo(ing to shed so&e "ounds, see yourself healthy and fit +eel the 6oy of having a beautiful body See people complimenting you 2% you're in sales, you can see yourself making the perfect pitches See your monthly commission statements showing ever increasing figures

/nhan$ing Your .reative Disuali'ation

!f you have difficulty visuali8ing use a techni2ue called strea1ing !n strea1ing you mentally describe what it is that you#re seeing Make the description as detailed as possible +or e"ample if you#re trying to visuali8e yourself driving a brand new car, mentally tell yourself, A!#m seein the dashboard, it has beautifully carved silver dials, the leather has tiny checkered patterns on it A )s you describe the image in detail you will find that the image also takes on more detail (his, in turn, gives you more things to mentally describe One feeds into the other and your imagined image becomes more and more vivid *on#t get stuck on the term Avisuali8ationA *ifferent people have different dominant senses The &ost $o&&on do&inant sense is the sense o% sight. (his is why for most people the process of visuali8ation works well Some people, however, may have a dominant sense of touch or hearing or smell (hese people may have difficulty Avisuali8ingA but may be able to accurately imagine sounds, smells or feelings +or these people it#s important to incorporate these senses into their Amental e"perienceA Someone who was born blind for e"ample, can still engage in creative visuali8ation, but rather then see images, they would create the mental e"perience by using their mental sense of smell, hearing, taste and touch

How to Increase the I1 act of Creative 5isuali6ation: 6. +ake the image as realistic as possible.
!ncorporate movement, make the screen three-dimensional See colors and shapes Use the streaming techni2ue if you have difficulty visuali8ing

7. 8eel emotions associated with the image

1oy, happiness, a sense of fulfillment 3ow would you be feeling if you had what you wanted$ !magine and e"plore this feeling ) thought without emotions has no energy and no force behind it empty +eel the emotions of having what you want !t is like running a car on

9. -ring in your other senses.

+eel the wind blowing on your face4 imagine the scents involved with the images +eel te"ture and temperature (he more senses you involve, the more real the image is to your subconscious mind 3ere#s one e"ample /icture an orange !magine the color of it !s it bright orange and ripe$ (hen picture yourself peeling the orange !magine the smell as you start to peel it +eel the 6uice flowing over your fingers (hen s2uee8e the orange and feel the flesh of the fruit 'ring it to your nose and imagine the odor of an orange !magine tasting it and bring back a

memory of how an orange tastes in your mouth )s you can see, the trick is to make the image as real as possible by using all of your senses and emotions Kemember, the &ore realisti$ the visuali'ation "ro$ess, the better and %aster the results.

>ow You .an Pra$ti$e

0ou can combine your affirmations with your creative visuali8ation to create a more powerful effect )s you#re imagining your goal, simply repeat your affirmation mentally, as many times as you feel necessary *on#t be discouraged if you do not get immediate results We are all at different levels of spiritual development and some of us have years of negative programming and negative belief systems to overcome 'ut overcome them you shall Creative visuali8ation can be such a powerful process when done at the )lpha level that 6ust five minutes a day of practice can undo years of negative programming +urthermore, once you get your first success your belief system gets strengthened and this will allow you to manifest your ne"t goal a little 2uicker Masters who practiceregularly find that they do not even have to go to a meditative level of mind and spend time repeatedly visuali8ing their goals ) mere conscious thought of their desire can set the gears in motion and create coincidences to direct them towards their goal 'efore we end this lesson we will share some other letters received from students who have taken the Silva UltraMind seminar or used the home study program Beep in mind that these students attended the seminar or used the home study course, both of which contain advanced techni2ues beyond the scope of this program One can still get e"cellent results from 6ust the basic techni2ues outlined in this program but you will have to practice much harder and start with smaller goals while you build up your belief system

!ore Personal /-"erien$es 63owerful ,ealing6

A! was soon able to walk again, and within G months, was able to return to practicing medicine ! have advanced even further and made a move and am happier than ! have been in years )lso, no headaches or any other pain My medical knowledge returned totally intact A

H ) Medical *octor in Mississippi who was in a coma after a car accident

6+reative 8isuali"ation in &usiness :egotiation6

A! was put in charge of buying a large amount advertising space for my company (he company selling the space offered us the spot for J?<<,<<< << (his was way above our budget My C5O who is an e"cellent negotiator had been trying to get them down to J9<<,<<< for months but had no success +inally he dumped the pro6ect on me ! had no e"perience with this sort of negotiation but ! used the Silva techni2ue while in my meditative level to communicate with the advertisement seller and to re2uest a better deal (he seller had been ignoring me for . weeks but that very ne"t day ! got a call saying they had agreed to come down to J9<<,<<< ! was surprised - we had been trying for months to no avail 'y then my confidence was at a peak so ! refused the offer and went to my meditative level again and asked for an even better deal ! mentally visuali8ed myself in the negotiation and getting the deal ! wanted )gain the results came hard and fast (he very ne"t day ! managed to get them down to JG<,<<< We signed the contractI My C5O was impressed that ! managed to do this Well ! got a huge bonus (his was . months after taking the UltraMind seminar %ets 6ust say the seminar paid for itself .< times over in a mere . months A

H 1ohn, 'usiness *evelopment Manager at a Silicon Falley Company

6;vercoming ,urdles6
A! am most e"cited about the results ! got from using the techni2ue on a screenplay ! had been contracted to write (he pro6ect had been stalled for a year because the producer was not able to get the necessary permissions to go ahead Within a few weeks, ! was able to get the necessary permissions to go ahead with the pro6ect ! will certainly continue to use these techni2ues as the pro6ect moves through the many phases involved A

H 1ackie from &ew 0ork

6%olving +onflicts6
A! work Ofor aP +inancial Management company that provides financial solutions for ma6or international banking institutions We had OaP client in 5urope OandP the pro6ect involving my team was well under way (he pro6ect was not going easy and we had some tensions, but when the client#s management team changed we had to deal with an absolutely arrogant and unreasonable person 0esterday our final round of negotiations failed and this person stormed out of the meeting room cursing ! went into my )lpha level in the evening and pictured this person forgiving and shaking hands with our rep COur rep had re2uested resignation yesterdayD ! pictured them both calm and collaborating and both companies benefiting from the pro6ect completion 7uess what$ (oday our rep is in a good mood and back to work (hat arrogant manager did apologi8ed and the pro6ect keeps running ! am ama8ed A

H )rthur * from &ew 0ork

6+asino 'innings6
AWalked in a casino, went to the roulette table, and used the techni2ue )fter @> minutes of playing, ! walked away with J9G<< << in gains ! needed 9-<< << for some car repairs !

went to the casino with 6ust 9<< dollars, went home with J9G<< Used the J9-<< for car repairs and gave the other J-<< to the Salvation )rmy A

H 1im from !llinois

6%ecuring a %i#5figure .ob6

A! have secured a 6ob paying close to si" figures, and have a shot at another which would pay significantly more )dd to that, the little family business that we began ; months ago has all the promise of skyrocketing A

H 1ohn from Colorado

6(ast ,ealing6
AWow ! can#t believe that ! had a skin graft two weeks ago My foot was still swollen ! went to level to get rid of the swelling (his morning ! woke up and my ankle was normal si8e !t will probably swell again, but !#m going back to level and get rid of it again (his stuff works ! love it A

H %orie

0ou can see the complete library of letters on this page,

http455www.silvaultramindsystem.com5testimonials5 *o not procrastinate the practice of creative visuali8ation and affirmations Make it a point to start today 1ust a few minutes each day will make a profound positive change in your life We hope you en6oyed this lesson 2n our ne-t lesson we will tea$h you how to a""ly your &ind to a$$elerate your rate o% healing in your own body and with loved ones. 0ou will receive this ne"t lesson in . days

Things You $an 1o to /-"and Your Learning) 6. %earn more advanced techni2ues with the %ilva <ltra-ind ,ome %tudy 3rogram containing @. 7. 9.
powerful audio recordings here, http,RRwww silvaultramindsystem comRproductsR 7et help from an instructor and find mentors in the <pcoming %ilva %eminars taking place around the US and Canada here, http,RRwww silvaultramindsystem comRseminarsR 1oin our ;nline !iscussion 2roup on 0ahoo com 0ou can meet other Silva practitioners, share techni2ues and learn so much more (o 6oin, 6ust visit this link 'ut remember - this group is F5K0 active When chosing your email settings, be sure to select Daily

Digest so you receive one email with a summary of each discussion !f you do not select Daily Digest you would get swamped with emails from this ;<<< member online community

Lesson 1
3ere#s What 0ou#ll %earn (oday

Kevealed, (he %atest Stunning Scientific 5vidence for Mind-'ody 3ealing (he Mysterious /lacebo 5ffect and 3ow it !nfluences 0ou 3ow a +amous *octor teaches his /atients to get rid of Cancer using Fisuali8ation (herapy 3ow 0ou can )pply this same (echni2ue to 3elp 0our 'ody 3eal

We#re all going to cover a very Controversial Sub6ect Can 0ou Use 0our Mind to !nfluence 3ealing in a %oved One$

We believe you can - and here#s the proof

The !ind"#ody Connection

>ow to +se Your !ind to A$$elerate >ealing and Add /-tra Years to Your Li%e.

'elcome to Lesson 1
>ow to egain and !aintain Per%e$t >ealth

!n our last chapter we e"plored techni2ues to use your mind to reprogram your attitudes, beliefs and habits 'ut can the mind go further$ .an the &ind a$tually in%luen$e the "hysi$al body in dra&ati$ ways$

Science is beginning to show that it can !n this chapter we will share information on some interesting e"periments that provide evidence of the powerful mind-body connection

We will also show you how you can,

start using your mind to influence your body in healthy ways help accelerate your body#s natural healing process slow down the aging process

The !ind

ules the =ody

Case Study on Healing

) si"ty-one year old man named +rank was diagnosed as having a fatal type of throat cancer 3is weight had dropped to :; pounds, he had trouble breathing and could barely swallow *octors placed his survival rate at ?= and even pondered whether he should be placed under radiation therapy, since the treatment might only add to his discomfort and not significantly increase his survival odds )fter much thought, the doctors decided to put him under radiation treatment anyway +ortunately for +rank, *r O Carl Simonton, then medical director of the Cancer Counseling and Kesearch Center in *allas, (e"as, was asked to participate in +rank#s treatment Simonton suggested that +rank himself had the ability to in%luen$e the $ourse o% his own disease and taught +rank a number of rela"ation and mental-imagery techni2ues

!he !reatment of 3isualization

0ran( had to visuali'e. . . the radiation he received consisted of thousands of tiny bullets of energy bombarding his cells4 his cancer cells as being weaker than the normal cells and thus unable to repair the damage they suffered4 his body#s white blood cells as coming in and swarming over the weakened cancer cells4 flushing the cancer cells out of his body through his liver and kidneys (he results were astonishing and far e"ceeded what usually happens when a patient is treated solely with radiation therapy +rank e"perienced almost none of the negative side effects - the skin and mucous membrane damage that normally followed such treatment !n a mere two months he had not only regained his weight and strength but all signs of his cancer had vanished

+rank is one of thousands of cancer patients that have benefited from imagery therapy through the Simonton 2ancer 2enter Cwww simontoncenter comD *r Simonton, a Silva graduate, was once asked to address the audience at a Silva Convention A)bout the Silva system,A said Simonton, A! would say it is the &ost "ower%ul single tool that ! have to offer patients A !n her part of the address, Stephanie Simonton, *r Simonton#s wife, talked about how they used the mental techni2ues at their clinic A/robably the single most important tool we have,A she said, Ais the &ental i&agery te$hnique A She then went on to tell the audience of the need for all of us to take personal responsibility for our health A!t is up to us to use the techni2ue that all of you who have had the Silva course have learned and to use it regularly,A she said !n this chapter we will teach you how to apply basic Silva UltraMind techni2ues to help you a$$elerate your rate o% healing 'ut first, let#s discuss a strange phenomenon - the widely observed but little understood, placebo effect

The !ysterious Pla$ebo /%%e$t

Scientists and doctors have long been pu88led by how certain patients have been able to heal themselves of life-threatening diseases *octors have found that a "atient $an trigger sel%-healing by the &ere belie% that they will be $ured (his is commonly called the placebo effect *octors are finding that many people manage to get cured when they are given fake medication, called placebos, which usually consist of nothing more than sugar pills or distilled water, and then told by their doctors that they were taking real medication (here is no e"planation for why the placebo effect works, e"cept that somehow, the patient#s belie# that they are getting cured triggers some sort of sel%-healing ability within the patient (he placebo effect is probably the best-documented way in which the mind is known to affect the body

(he placebo effect, using some of the most outrageous remedies, has worked e"ceptionally well with warts !n 9:-@, a physician conducted a double-blind study showing that placebos worked almost as well as sulpharsphenamine, the drug commonly used to treat warts at the time ?-= of patients given the actual medicine were cured 'ut of the patients given the fake medicine, which was nothing more than distilled water and told it was a genuine wart cure, @;= were cured

(he opposite also works

2% you .elieve so&ething is har&%ul to you, it tends to be. One study showed that 9: out of @< sub6ects developed asthmatic symptoms after inhaling a saline solution they believed to be allergenic (welve developed full-blown whee8ing and bronchial spasms, which disappeared completely three minutes after receiving another saline solution placebo (he researchers concluded that suggestion played a significant role in precipitating asthmatic attacks Weirder still - the placebo effect also works with surgery !n the summer of 9::@, a surgeon named 1 'ruce Moseley had 9< patients scheduled for an operation intended to relieve the arthritis pain in their knees )ll 9< were wheeled into the 3ouston Feterans )ffairs Medical Center, draped, e"amined and anestheti8ed )ll 9< were then dispatched to the recovery room and sent home from the hospital by the ne"t morning e2uipped with crutches and a painkiller )ll 9< men believed they had 6ust gone through a reliable medical surgery to cure them of their knee arthritis pain 'ut this was not the case !n fact, while two of the men would undergo the standard arthroscopic surgery for their condition - the scraping and rinsing of the knee 6oint - and three would have the rinsing alone, five would have no recogni8ed surgical procedure at all (heir surgery would be a placebo Moseley would cut the placebo patients# knees three times with a scalpel - to make it feel and look real, there had to be incisions and scars for the patient to believe he had undergone surgery - but that was it

(he placebo worked

Si" months after surgery, the 9< patients still didn#t know whether they had been faked out or not 'ut all o# them reported much less pain

(he placebo effect can be so powerful that all modern drugs have to be tested against a placebo before they are released to the public )nd many former treatments and drugs have been taken off the market when their healing properties were found to be solely due to the placebo effect

Other /viden$e %or !ind =ody 2ntera$tion

3ypnotism is another way to demonstrate the mind-body effect ) hypnotist can cause someone to trigger their body#s own healing mechanism at will 1ose Silva used to demonstrate how he could put someone into an hypnotic state of mind and then suggest to them that the pencil he was holding was red hot and that if the pencil touched their skin they would feel no pain but their skin would produce a blister One in five people would actually develop the blister from the touch of the pencil (he blister could then be made to disappear automatically, again with mere suggestion ) good hypnotist can even get a sub6ect to tan their skin on command )nother weird phenomenon of mind-body interaction is that of people with multiple or split personalities /sychologists have observed that when multiples switch personalities their body also shows dramatic changes 3 esight can impro$e or worsen, allergies can reappear or disappear and even brain wave patterns can change Multiples can also change their voice patterns in ways that even the best actors cannot emulate This leads to an interesting question. . .

:ust how much of your physical body is influenced by your belief system?
(he gap between mind and body seems almost non-e"istent 1ose Silva believed that as much as :<= of all physical ailments are induced and curable by the mind

The 3rowing A$$e"tan$e

(he scientific evidence for mind-body healing is well established and public acceptance is now mainstream ) 9::< 7allup /oll on )merican attitudes to paranormal phenomenon found that 5BE o% A&eri$ans had had su$$ess with &ental healing. (he May .<<9 7allup /oll discovered that A)mericans with the highest levels of education are more likely to believe in the power of the mind to heal the bodyA (he same 7allup /oll on )mericans# beliefs on the /aranormal, updated the statistics in 1une .<<?, showing that &ore than BBE believe in the $onne$tion between the &ind and the body in healing. (hese healing powers of the mind on both the physical and emotional have been demonstrated empirically, reflecting the power of placebos +urthermore, according to a famous survey published in 9::- in the &ew 5ngland 1ournal of Medicine, -@= of adult )mericans reported using at least one unconventional therapy in the past year (his includes meditation, yoga and visuali8ation techni2ues )nd finally, the 9::- &ew 5ngland 1ournal of Medicine survey found that alternative medicine $ a category which includes mind-body healing, energy healing and spiritual healing $ is most likely to be practiced not by the socially marginal or the cognitively defective but by affluent Cincomes above J-?,<<<D, college-educated people

=ut .an Your !ind >eal #o&eone /lse's =ody? 7et's as) a 1ore daring 8uestion/ Can you use your mind to heal a loved one - at a distance$
Some of the most surprising evidence for distant healing comes from psychologist William 'raud and his colleagues at The Mind Science Foundation of San )ntonio, (e"as 'raud#s studies, conducted over 9> years, involved having people mentally attempt to influence the nervous system of remote participants The results o% the study were si&"ly &ind blowing. The e$eivers

'raud would wire up the first group of people, known as recei$ers, to machines that measured up to seven different physiological responses such as blood pressure, skin conductivity and muscle tremor The #enders ) second group of people, known as senders, would be placed in a different room and asked to attempt to arouse or calm the receiver solely by thinking about them 'oth senders and receivers were ordinary people who had volunteered for the study

'raud#s -> e"periments involved GG? sessions, @@: people and 9- e"perimenters What 'raud found was that at the e"act moment the sender was asked to think of their receiver, the receiver would show a change in his or her physiological condition (he -> e"periments combined resulted in odds against chance of more than 9<< trillion to one in favor of distant mental interactions between the participants 2n short, the ability o% one "erson's &ind to a%%e$t another "erson's body is s$ienti%i$ %a$t.

=ut 4ust >ow Power%ul is it?

Okay, so we know that one person#s mind can somehow influence someone else#s physical body - but is the effect really powerful enough to make a difference in someone#s state of health$ )gain, the answer is sur"rising.

!he effects of distant healing have been proven to be significantly greater than many drugs deemed to be highly successful in medicine.
+or e"ample, numerous studies have shown that propranolol and aspirin are effective in reducing heart attacks 'ut their effects pale in comparison to distant healing 5ffect si8es of drugs are measured on a scale from < to 9 )n effect si8e of < <- in a medical life-or-death situation would mean that - out of 9<< people survived )n effect si8e of < would mean that an additional -< out of 9<< survived !n medical tests the effect si8e of aspirin on reducing heart attack is < <- (he effect si8e of propranolol was not much higher, at < <@ (hese si8es were sufficient enough proof for the government to authori8e the drug manufacturers to state that their products prevent heart attack 'ut the effect si8e of distant healing in 'raud#s e"periments was a surprising < .?

!his means that if 6;; people were going through a therapy with a success rate of 9<=, this success rate would go up to >;= with the addition of distant healing. lmost twice as many patients would be saved.
!n his studies, 'raud also discovered some strange properties of distant healing 3is volunteers were asked to participate in another e"periment where they would attempt to mentally calm down two groups One was a group of highly nervous people and the other a calmer group +irst, 'raud found that the distant healing effect was the strongest when the person on the receiving end actually had a serious need for healing (he effect si8e on the highly nervous group was far greater than on the calm group

More surprisingly, he found that the effect si8e on the agitated group by those trying to calm them down was only slightly less than the effect that people had on themselves when using rela"ation techni2ues !n statistical terms this means that other "eo"le $ould have the sa&e &ind-body e%%e$t on you as you $ould have on yoursel% and vice-versa

The 0ive

ules %or !ind-=ody >ealing

William 'raud outlined five ma6or mental techni2ues that he believed have important effects on the self-healing processes

(hey include, 6. (he need for rela#ation and )uietude. 7. %earning to focus your attention on one thing Ce g breathingD, which allows you to develop mental

?. <.

self-control and avoid distractions C(he above two points are achieved through meditationD %earning visuali8ation or imagery techni2ues since pictures are the preferred language of the mind !ncorporating intent into the process, a wish for some goal to be reached and an e#pectation that it will (he evocations of strong positive emotions during the healing process

(he healing system developed by 1ose Silva almost two decades before 'raud#s research had already incorporated these five elements 'raud#s research had finally provided scientific credibility to Silva#s techni2ue &e"t, you will learn Silva#s basic healing techni2ue

The Te$hnique %or #el%->ealing

(he following is the basic techni2ue (he more advanced techni2ues are beyond the scope of this e-book

$he 9asic $echni8ue 6. &o to your alpha level of mind.

7et the )lpha audio here (his free audio will guide your mind to the rela"ed alpha level which is suitable for mental healing

7. 3isualize $our (urrent 'tate of @ealth on $our +ental 'creen.

We e"plained the mental screen in (hapter ? Fisuali8e the current condition of the body, including the ailment or pain that is bothering you 0ou do not need to memori8e or know what each component of your body actually looks like Simple pictures are enough to speak to your mind ) lung can be imagined as a balloon ) kidney can resemble a kidney bean Create a representative picture of the ailment +eel the emotions associated with this problem

9. 'ee $ourself @ealing and &etting -etter and @ealthier.

&ow visuali8e the ailment disappearing Create, with your imagination, a system to remove the ailment 5"amples, Aidney stones can be crushed into harmless powder that is then excreted. !umors can be visualized as large black blobs, while your immune system and white blood cells are visualized as tiny soldiers attacking the tumor. 0n each attack the tumor shrinks. sore muscle can be bathed in an imaginary healing light that alleviates the pain and restores the muscle to a healthy state. (he e"act image you use is irrelevant - create something that speaks to you !t does not have to be scientifically correct !t only has to be symbolic 0our subconscious mind will get the message

?. Let the final picture be one of perfect health.

+eel the 6oy and energy of having perfect health !magine it to be true and already occurring !t helps to say an affirmation such as,

A! have a perfectly healthy body and mindA


AMy QQQQQQ is now functioning perfectly and is in a state of e"cellent health A <. Let &o.
%et go and trust your body#s self-healing ability 0ou can now come out of the alpha level (rust that the healing action is taking place /lease note that mental healing should not be used as a replacement for a visit to your doctor )lways consult a doctor first for serious health conditions Mental healing is a type of complementary medicine - as the name suggests it is to be used alongside but not as a replacement for modern medicine &o matter what type of healing you use - conventional medicine, surgery, or more holistic therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, or massage - the Silva system can speed and smooth the normal healing process ama8ingly

B"hat If I'm already @ealthy?B

!f you have no health problems and are perfectly healthy at the moment, you can still meditate and visuali8e yourself sta ing in perfect health (his way you may never have to worry about having to heal yourself

What You Learn in the #e&inar

!n Silva Seminars we actually go one step beyond self-healing Class members are paired up with each other and one takes the role of the healer and the other takes the role of a guide (he guide provides the healer with nothing &ore than the na&e, age, gender and lo$ation of the person to be healed (his person is known as the sub6ect (he healer then goes to their alpha level of mind and is able to detect information on the mental and physical condition of the sub6ect The results are o%ten Caw dro""ing %or the students. (he ma6ority of students usually manage to get specific details about the health condition of their sub6ect correct (hese details are often so accurate that they could not have simply been AguessedA We do this to demonstrate to people the powerful psychic abilities of their mind (his phenomenon is commonly called 5S/ or remote viewing !n the ne"t lesson we will look at some of 1ose Silva#s discoveries before we move on to showing you how you can develop your 5S/

Personal >ealing /-"erien$es

'efore we end this lesson, we will share some letters we have received from students who have taken the Silva UltraMind seminar or used the home study program )gain, keep in mind that these students attended the seminar or used the home study course, both of which contain advan$ed te$hniques beyond the scope of this e-book program One can still get e"cellent results from 6ust the basic techni2ues outlined in this program but you will have to practice much harder and start with smaller healing goals while you build up your belief system and confidence

*>ealing the #(in*

A! had a bad case of acne for ? years ! had read that the skin is one of the easiest things to heal with the mind So ! started visuali8ing my skin getting clearer and clearer ! used the Mental Screen techni2ue from Silva while going to my meditative level (hree weeks later the acne stopped breaking out !t#s been > years and ! have had no recurrence of them A

H %etter on file

*>ealing Thyroid ,odules*

A3ad an ultrasound on my thyroid and it showed ! had three nodules )s soon as ! got this news ! started using a techni2ue to remove them through visuali8ation ! went in this past Monday for a biopsy of the three nodules (he woman who was doing the ultrasound and ! 6ust knew in my gut that they were gone She told me she had to talk with OtheP *oc (he *oc said there are absolutely no nodules there to biopsy What a mind blowing e"perience ! was actually surprised the techni2ue worked because ! have problems with visuali8ing A

H 'ill B , &ew 1ersey

*>ealing 0oot Proble&*

ASilva had helped me tremendously with a bad case of plantar warts on my feet (hey were so painful ! walked with a limp for eight months *octors told me ! had to go through a painful surgery to have them removed (he surgery would also leave scars on my feet ! scheduled the surgery but ! also tried visuali8ation, hoping the warts would disappear before surgery and ! could avoid the scars and the medical e"penses ! used a combination of Silva and Keiki ! had the warts for almost > months before ! used Silva ! spent 9? minutes a day for about ; weeks visuali8ing them disappearing and when ! showed up for surgery the doctor was surprised )ll signs of the warts had completely disappeared !t#s been - years and ! have had no recurrence A

H (om, &ew 0ork



A! can#t believe that ! had a skin graft two weeks ago My foot was still swollen ! went to level to get rid of the swelling (his morning ! woke up and my ankle was normal si8e !t will probably swell again, but !#m going back to level and get rid of it again (his stuff works ! love it A

H %C

*>ealing the Whole 0a&ily*

AMy family and ! have felt OrapidP relief with minor aches and pains immediately (his works faster than ibuprofen and acetaminophenIA

H CK, Santa Kosa, California

*7::E !igraine .lear*

A! suffered with migraine headaches for as long as ! can remember, and that was part of the reason ! wanted to take the course, because ! heard people have so much success with that ! took the course in )ugust, and have been 9<< percent successful in keeping myself migraine clear since then without medicationI ! am so happy, you 6ust don#t know A

H 5velyn /, Khode !sland

*.ured =a$( Proble&*

A! had a back problem for -< years 0ou cleared it up in -< seconds (he best seminar ! have ever attended +antastic &o words to describe the class +antastic will have to do A

H +S, %os )ngeles

*,ever 0elt !ore

ela-ed in !y Li%e*

A! have never felt more rela"ed and at peace in my whole live, the centering and meditation e"ercises are remarkable 0ou feel alive and fully charged after 6ust 9< minutes ! came in as a skeptic having read about the remote viewing e"ercise When ! succeeded with my first case by the end of the two-day seminar ! was blown away ) OfineP 6ourney into the inner workings of the mind While ! don#t fully comprehend how it works, ! know for myself that it does work A

H Michael K, Manager of Corporate Strategy, e1a

3% - 0ou might want to forward this lesson to people you know who may be facing illness or bad health (he techni2ues described in this lesson are a good form of complementary therapy - to be used with modern medicine to get the best results Kead the lesson here

The Story of $ose Silva

>ow a #eries o% .oin$iden$es Lead to #ilva's !ind Training #yste&

'elcome to Lesson =
!n our last four %essons we have showed you how to, reach a deep meditative level of mind with ease C%esson .D

gain inspiration at alpha C%esson -D use creative visuali8ation to manifest your goals C%esson @D accelerate your body#s rate of healing C%esson ?D !n this %esson, we#ll take a look at how 1ose Silva first became interested in the wor(ings o% the hu&an &ind and how this lead to his world-renowned mind-training programs (he Silva story is fascinating and insightful !t will give you a clearer idea of how his methods work and how you can use them in your life (he story also mentions some ama8ing coincidences that Silva e"perienced - coincidences that seemed to guide him toward what would ultimately become a body of work that would hel" &illions o% "eo"le dis$over their own latent abilities

The =eginning
1ose Silva was born on )ugust 99, 9:9@, in %aredo, (e"as When he was four, his father died 3is mother later remarried, and he, his older sister, and younger brother moved in with their grandmother (wo years later he became the family bread-winner, selling newspapers, shining shoes, and doing odd 6obs !n the evenings he watched his sister and brother do their homework, and they helped him learn to read and write

3e has never gone to school, e"cept to teach

1ose#s rise from poverty began one day when he was waiting his turn in a barbershop 3e reached for something to read What he picked up was a lesson from a correspondence course on how to repair radios 1ose asked to borrow it, but the barber would only rent it, and only on the condition that 1ose complete the correspondence course e"aminations in the barber#s name 5ach week 1ose paid a dollar, read the lesson, and completed the e"amination Soon a diploma hung in the barbershop, while across town 1ose, at the age of fifteen, began to repair radios

)s the years passed, his repair business became one of the largest in the area, providing funds for the education of his brother and sister, the wherewithal for him to marry, plus eventually some half-million dollars to finance the twenty years of research that led to his mind-training systems

(he man who sparked Silva#s research was a psychiatrist whose 6ob was to ask 2uestions of men being inducted into the Signal Corps during World War !! A*o you wet your bed$A the )rmy psychiatrist asked 1ose was dumbfounded A*o you like women$A 1ose, the father of three, and destined one day to be the father of ten, was shocked Surely, he thought, the man knew more about the human mind than the barber knew about radios Why such odd 2uestions$ !t was this perple"ing moment that started 1ose on an odyssey of scientific research that led to his becoming one o% the &ost $reative s$holars o% his age (hrough their writings, +reud, 1ung, and )dler became his early teachers (he AoddA 2uestions took on deeper meanings, and soon 1ose was ready to ask a 2uestion of his own, !s it possible, using hypnosis, to i&"rove a "erson's learning ability - in fact, to raise his ! N $ !n those days ! N was believed to be something we were born with, but 1ose was not so sure (he 2uestion had to wait while he studied advanced electronics to become an instructor in the Signal Corps When he was discharged, with savings gone and J.<< in his pocket, he began slowly to rebuild his radio repair business )t the same time he took on a part-time teaching 6ob at %aredo 1unior College where he supervised three other teachers and was charged with creating the school#s electronics laboratories +ive years later, with television on the scene, his repair business began to flourish and 1ose called a halt to his teaching career 3is business once again became the largest in town 3is workdays ended about :pm each night 3e would have dinner, help put the children to bed, and when the house was 2uiet, study for about three hours 3is studies led him further into hypnosis What he learned about hypnosis, plus what he knew about electronics, and some +#s on his children#s report cards brought him back to the 2uestion he had raised earlier - $an learning ability, the 2.F., be i&"roved through so&e (ind o% &ental training?

.an Learning Ability =e

aised Through !ind Training?

1ose already knew that the mind generates electricity - he had read about e"periments early in the century that revealed the )lpha brain wave rhythm )nd he knew from his work in electronics that the ideal circuit is the one with the least resistance, or impedance, because it makes the greatest use of its electrical energy

$hen he as)ed hi1self:

Can we lower our brain impedance$ !f so, would the brain work more effectively by doing so$

1ose began using hypnosis to 2uiet the minds of his children and he discovered what to many appeared to be a parado" 3e found that the brain was more energetic when it was less active )t lower fre2uencies the brain received and stored more information (he crucial problem was to (ee" the &ind alert at these %requen$ies, which are associated more with daydreaming and sleep than with practical activity 3ypnosis permitted the receptivity 1ose was looking for, but not the (ind o% inde"endent thought that leads to reasoning things out so they can be understood 3aving a head full of remembered facts is not enough4 insight and understanding is necessary, too

:ose ;inds the ,nswers with Mental $raining

1ose soon abandoned hypnosis and began e"perimenting with mental training e"ercises to 2uiet the brain yet keep it more independently alert than in hypnosis (his, he reasoned, would lead to improved memory combined with understanding and hence to higher ! N scores (he e"ercises from which Silva#s techni2ues evolved called for rela"ed concentration and vivid mental visuali8ation and ways of reaching lower levels Once reached, these levels proved more effective than the fully awake level, the 'eta level, in learning

$he #roof

3is children#s grades improved sharply over a three-year period while he continued to improve his techni2ues 1ose had scored a new discovery - a very significant one, which other research, principally biofeedback, has since confirmed 3e was the first person to prove that we $an learn to %un$tion with awareness at the Al"ha and Theta %requen$ies o% the brain )nother discovery, an e2ually astonishing one, was soon to come

#ilva's .hild

eads >is !ind

One evening 1ose#s daughter had gone to her AcenterA Cto use today#s Silva UltraMind terminologyD, and 1ose was 2uestioning her about her studies )s she answered each

2uestion, he framed the ne"t in his mind (his was the usual procedure, and so far the session was no different from hundreds that had gone before Suddenly, the routine was momentously changed 1ose would frame the 2uestion in his mind first, before verbally asking the 2uestion )ll of a sudden, his daughter answered the very question he was "lanning on as(ing be#ore he had a chance to verbally e"press the 2uestion She repeated this again and again 1ose would only frame the 2uestion in his mind and she would answer it She was reading his mind (his was in 9:?-, when 5S/ was becoming a respectable sub6ect for scientific in2uiry, largely through the published work of *r 1 ' Khine of *uke University 1ose wrote to *r Khine to report that he had trained his daughter to practice 5S/ and received a disappointing answer *r Khine hinted that the girl might have been psychic to begin with Without tests of the girl before the training, there was no way to tell Meanwhile, 1ose#s neighbors noticed that his children#s schoolwork had remarkably improved )t the beginning of his e"periments these highly religious people had been wary of his probing into the unknown 3owever, the su$$ess o% a &an wor(ing with his own $hildren could not be ignored Would 1ose train their children too$

B@e had developed the first method in history that can train anyone to use )'..B
)fter the letter from *r Khine, this was 6ust what 1ose needed !f what he had accomplished with one child could be accomplished with others, he would have chalked up the kind of repeatable e"periments that are the basis to the scientific method Over the ne"t 9< years he trained -: %aredo children, with even better results because he improved his techni2ues a little with each child 3e had developed the first method in history that can train anyone to use 5S/, and he had -: repeatable e"periments to prove it &ow to perfect the method

#ilva's .ourse Ta(es #ha"e

Within another three years, 4ose develo"ed the $ourse o% &ind training, which is now standard and as effective with adults as with children 'ack then it took @< to @; hours !t has since been reduced to 9; to .< hours through further refinement of the techni2ues So far it has been validated by some 9,<<<,<<< e4periments - the graduates of his course (his is a measure of repeatability that no open-minded scientist can ignore (hese long years of research were financed by 1ose#s growing electronics business &o university, foundation or government grants were available for such an unusual and unfamiliar field of research With all this success, 1ose did not become a celebrity, nor a guru or spiritual leader with followers or disciples 3e was a plain man of simple ways, who spoke with the soft, almost lost accent of a Me"ican-)merican 3e was a powerfully built, stocky man with a kindly face that creases easily into a smile

)nyone who asked 1ose what success has meant to him was answered with a flood of success stories

Here are a few exa1 les: @ealth

) woman wrote to the 1oston Herald American begging for some way to help her husband, who was tormented by migraine headaches (he newspaper printed her letter, then another letter the ne"t day from someone else also pleading for a way to control such headaches ) physician read these letters and wrote that she has had &igraine heada$hes all her li%e She had taken 1ose Silva#s course and had not had one since A)nd would you believe it, the ne"t introductory lecture was mobbed )bsolutely mobbed,A said 1ose )nother physician and prominent psychiatrist, advises all his patients to study #ilva te$hniques be$ause it gives the& insights that in some cases would re2uire two years of therapy to produce

(reativity and -usiness

)n entire marketing company was organi8ed as a co-op by graduates who used what they learned in the Silva Mind Method to invent new "rodu$ts and devise ways o% &ar(eting the& !n its third year, the company had eighteen products on the market )n advertising man used to need about two months to $reate a $a&"aign %or new $lients - about average in his field (hen after Silva training, the basic ideas come in twenty minutes and the rest of the work was done in two weeks

'ports .erformance
+ourteen Chicago White So" players took Silva#s class )ll their individual averages i&"roved, most of them dramatically

"eight (ontrol and -ad @abits

) husband of an overweight woman suggested she try the class because all her diets had failed She agreed, provided he went too #he lost twenty "ounds in si- wee(sG he sto""ed s&o(ing

-etter &rades
) professor at a college of pharmacy tea$hes #ilva te$hniques to his students A(heir grades are going up in all their courses, with less studying, and they#re more rela"ed 5verybody already knows how to use his or her imagination ! 6ust get my students to practice it more A

In the .ress
(he press also wrote about Silva#s new program (he following e"tract from an )pril 9G, 9:>. -ew 3or) $i1es article A2an Man 2ontrol His MindA says it all A) recent study by (rinity University, San )ntonio, (e" would appear to indicate that graduates o% !ind .ontrol do attain a high degree o% Al"ha "rodu$tion C W /ost College, 7reenvale, % ! , is planning to offer the course at its business school this fall and Canisius College will offer it in its *epartment of Keligious Studies A) visit to a Mind Control class in &ew 0ork discloses more stockbrokers than bearded way out and the dress style is closer to 'rooks 'rothers than to the 5ast Fillage A &aCor ,ew Yor( $o&"any has sent all its to" e-e$utives through the $ourse and its president, a hard-headed businessman, is seriously thinking of instituting an in-house training program for all employees 3e refused to speak for the record, saying, AWe think there is something there, but ! don#t want to alarm our stockbrokers at the moment A Other businessmen are not so reluctant %ee 5pstein, a vice- president and art group supervisor at *oyle *ane 'ernbach volunteered, A2t o"ened the gates %or &e. 2t has reenergi'ed &e, &ade &e &ore $reative and yet &ore rela-ed. 2 "ra$ti$e it every day and get better and better at &y Cob and &y li%e A )lthough 1ose smiled easily, when he heard people tell him A1ose, you#ve changed my lifeIA the smile fades a little and he would say, A&o, ! didn#t do it 0ou did, with your own mind A 1ose passed away peacefully in +ebruary of 9::: (he Silva UltraMind System was his final creation and was completed shortly before he departed

A #eries o%

e&ar(able .oin$iden$es

3ere we have included a "ersonal story %ro& 4ose #ilva about a fascinating e"perience he went through while developing his Silva mind training methods We have re-printed the story from 1ose#s first-person perspective A! want to mention an e"perience that ! went through, which ! feel was responsible for the continuation of our research !n fact, ! will say that if this e"perience had not taken place, our mind training system would not e"ist today (his happened while 2 was still studying "sy$hology ! had studied and practiced hypnosis and was investigating parapsychology, but had not yet trained the first sub6ect to function as a clairvoyant *uring this time 2 went through a "eriod o% disillusion&ent ! worked long hours and ! was the one to close our electronics business establishment at :pm each night Usually after closing the business at :pm ! would go home, have dinner and help /aula, my wife, put the children to bed 'y that time it would be about 99pm at night and ! would take out the psychology books and study for two, three and sometimes four hours

One night 2 suddenly reali'ed that what 2 was reading did not &a(e sense any &ore ! said, AWhat am ! doing to myself, studying psychology$ ! am not a psychologist, nor do ! plan to become one ! had a heavy day#s work yesterday and ! am going to have another heavy day of work tomorrow, and ! am wasting good hours of sleep, studying psychologyIA ! closed the book and threw it on the floor !t slid under a couch and ! said to myself, A(hat is the last time ! will have anything to do with psychologyIA 2 went to slee" i&&ediately but two hours later a bright light inside &y head wo(e &e u" !t was a light like the mid-day sun when you look up into space on a cloudless sunny day 3anging in space were two sets of numbers, one set over the other (he first set was <-;-<, the second set under the first one was <-9-< Kight after that an impression of Christ and the AOne Solitary %ifeA poem given to me at the army reception center came to me AWhy Christ$A ! wondered, AWhy me$ What does this have to do with the numbers$A ! opened my eyes and it was dark ! glanced at the clock on the bed stand and it was @,-< in the morning +ascinated, ! tried some e"periments with myself and the light 2 $losed &y eyes trying to (ee" the bright light %ro& disa""earing sin$e it was %ading gradually ! tried breathing slowly, but that did not help ! tried changing positions, but that did not help either ! tried to slow down my heart, but whatever ! did was not enough (he bright light continued to fade, until it went out completely 2 stayed awa(e %ro& there on, trying to analy'e what had ha""ened ! thought of /aula, and how she used to 6okingly tell me, A(hey say that people who read too much go cra8y A ! was not going to tell her about the light in my head because ! knew her answer would be, A! told you soIA 'ut one thing ! kept thinking of was that for whatever reason this happened, it must be all right because of the impression of Christ Cmy inherited religious belief systemD that came to me with the e"perience (he first e"planation ! thought of was that maybe ! was supposed to call someone who has that phone number ! went through the telephone book from cover to cover but did not find any listing for the numbers ! had seen My ne"t idea was that maybe ! should go to someone#s home who has these numbers as their address and if ! find it, they might have a message for me 'ut when ! studied a city map, ! found that the home addresses in %aredo did not use those numbers !t was about four in the afternoon when ! came up with another idea, !#d look at automobile and truck license plate numbers ! did this for the rest of the day, ready to ask for my message from the driver of any vehicle that had those numbers, but ! did not find a car or truck license to match my mysterious numbers !t was fifteen minutes before nine when ! started to close my business /aula came in from our house ne"t door and said to me, A!f you go across the river into &uevo %aredo, Me"ico,

for a service call, please get me a bottle of alcohol A We use Me"ican alcohol for medicinal purposes because it is pure and costs less than alcohol in %aredo We have to let them put a cube of camphor in it when they sell it to us, so we do not have to pay a li2uor ta" on it When the ta" people at the border smell the camphor in the alcohol they don#t charge us any li2uor ta" ! told /aula, A3oney, ! don#t have service calls from across the border, but ! will go and get you a bottle anyway A )t that very moment, an old friend of mine came in to invite me to go for some coffee ! said, A3elp me to close my place and we#ll leave immediatelyA ! then asked him how much time he had and he answered, A)ll the time in the world Why$A ! told him ! wanted to go across into Me"ico to get /aula a bottle of alcohol 3e said, A+ine !#ll go with you A While on the way 2 %igured 2 $ould tell &y %riend about &y e-"erien$e since he had been studying psychology with me for one year ! felt sure he was not going to think ! was cra8y ! had not told anyone all day and ! needed to tell someone, so ! told him While crossing the bridge into Me"ico my friend suggested, A&ow that we are coming into Me"ico and a national lottery o"erates in !e-i$o, &aybe there is su$h a nu&ber A ! had not thought of that AWhat have we got to lose$A ! said (he lottery agency was 6ust one block and a half further up the same street where we were going to get the alcohol We stopped right in front of the lottery agency !t was closed !t closed at nine o#clock and we had 6ust missed it A+inding it closed means for me to forget it !t is not supposed to be here,$ ! told my friend We then went to the li2uor store and while ! was getting /aula#s alcohol and getting the clerk to put the camphor in the bottle my friend went to a back room where he found some lottery tickets that were hanging on a string AWhat numbers are you looking for$A my friend called from the ad6oining room ! said, A--@- and -->-- A 3e called back A! found --@-- A ! said A0ou are kidding me, are you not$A My friend then answered, A.o&e and see A Sure enough, there were five segments of an active series numbered --@-- ) whole or complete, series contained .< segments or units Someone had already purchased the other 9? segments My friend asked, AWhat do you intend to do now$ 'uy these, of courseIA So ! bought them ! had not thought of buying lottery tickets, but now ! was buying ? segments and would find out in . days if the number --@-- would win anything

The Winning Lottery Ti$(et

)t the time ! did not know that you could call the lottery agency by phone and find out if the ticket had won anything ! thought ! had to go in person, which is what ! did ! found out that the ticket -->-- had been sold in Me"ico City !t could not have been found anywhere else because the -->-- was assigned to be sold in Me"ico City only !f ! had purchased the -->--, ! would clear, after paying the Me"ican income ta", about one thousand dollars On the other hand, the --@-- was assigned to be sold by the li2uor store in &uevo %aredo and nobody else in the whole Kepublic of Me"ico could have had it (he --@-- had a pri8e too and after paying the Me"ican income ta" and e"changing the Me"ican /esos into United

States dollars, ! cleared a little above ten thousand dollars with 6ust my ? segments out of the .< on the ticket 2 $a&e ho&e da'ed, with H7:,::: dollars in &y "o$(ets, and in 9:@: that was a lot of cashI O5ditors &ote, J9<,<<< in 9:@: is roughly e2ual to J?<,<<< in today#s monetary value P !n trying to figure out who had put that number in my head and why, 2 went ba$( over &y e-"erien$e ste" by ste" and %ound &any $oin$iden$es +or e"ample, /aula wanted a bottle of alcohol from Me"ico and came over and asked me on that particular day She had said, AWhenever you go to make a service call across the border, get me a bottle of alcohol A ! could have said, $! will get you a bottle the ne"t time ! make a service call A Or ! could have said, ASend someone else, ! don#t have time for those petty things A !nstead ! said, A! will go tonight and get you a bottle, honey A /aula did not know about my e"perience, much less did ! know that she was sending me to the one place in the entire Kepublic of Me"ico where the ticket was sold )nd what ti&ingI !f my friend had come only ten minutes later, ! would have already been gone, by myself !f the clerk had not had to put camphor into the bottle, we would have been out of the store before my friend had a chance to look around and find the ad6acent room with the lottery tickets !f my friend had not gone with me, ! would not have gotten the idea of buying a lottery ticket, nor would ! have walked into the other room and seen the tickets )fter backtracking and after going over every detail of the e"perience ! found myself faced with many coincidences ! felt that those coincidences were trying to tell me something or that so&ebody was trying to tell &e so&ething through those $oin$iden$es (here were so many coincidences that ! was sure there were a pattern and a purpose ! then felt that ! must seek and find out what it was that ! was supposed to do, or not to do ! started going back prior to having the e"perience, hour by hour, step by step, seeking a clue (he only thing ! saw that could have had a connection and could have brought on the series of coincidences was the decision ! made not to continue studying psychology (wo hours after ! had decided to discontinue to study psychology the e"perience took place and in the e"perience came the awareness of the AOne Solitary %ifeA or Christ ! then made the connection and remembered that the first impression ! had about psychology came accompanied by the impression of the AOne Solitary %ifeA of Christ (hat happened when ! finished talking with the psychiatrist at the reception center as ! was inducted into the army (he ne"t person in line gave me the picture of Christ that ! still carry in my wallet to this day On the back of the picture of Christ is written the AOne Solitary %ifeA by an unknown author ! had not read the AOne Solitary %ifeA of Christ before being inducted into the army and ! do not know why when ! finished reading it there were tears in my eyes (o this day, when ! think about it, ! get a lump in my throat With that reali8ation ! got on my knees and looked under the couch for the book on psychology, pulled it out, dusted it off and continued with the study-of-psychology routine 2 $hoose to believe that the e-"erien$e with the "sy$hiatrist at the re$e"tion

$enter, along with this awareness o% .hrist, was the beginning o% &y resear$h into the hu&an &ind My many coincidences with the lottery ticket e"perience were a means of getting back on track and reinforcing the original reception center-psychiatrist-Christ awareness e"perience +rom then on ! started e"perimenting, trying to put together a method that would help to enhance what ! used to call Athe guessing faculty A What ! called Athe guessing facultyA turned out to be psi, or the intuitive factor )nd so 1ose Silva began the work that was to lead to the Silva UltraMind System Silva would later develop a techni2ue he called the Mental-Fideo techni2ue, which anyone could use to gain similar types of coincidences and Aa-haA moments that 1ose Silva e"perienced during the events mentioned above

%arnessing Your &ntuition

>ow to 1evelo" and +se Your >idden /#P Ability

'elcome to Lesson >

/#P - You have it I You $an learn to use it.

(he term 5S/ stands for extra-sensory erce tion and refers to communication or perception by means outside the normal five senses 5S/ was once dismissed as superstition, but its e"istence has been repeatedly verified by numerous scientist and researchers in leading universities around the world 5S/, also $alled intuition, is a common faculty we all possess Some people simply use it better than others ) scientist by the name of *r 1 ' Khine conducted the first scientific e"periments on 5S/ in the 9:-<#s and @<#s at *uke University *r Khine had people attempt to guess which of five symbols would be on a playing card facing away from them (he odds of guessing correctly are one in five or .<=

'ut *r Khine found that many people had accuracy rates far beyond this !n some e"periments the odds in favor of 5S/ were .. billion to one (his proved that something was occurring which was allowing people to guess which cards were being picked,and this guessing was correct to a remarkable degree (he laws of probability were being violated >is e-"eri&ents also showed that distan$e, s"a$e and ti&e "layed no signi%i$ant e%%e$t on the su$$ess o% the "heno&enon. ) highly trained sub6ect in +rance could guess the outcome of a card drawn in the US 6ust as well when she was across the )tlantic Ocean, as when she was sitting directly opposite the person drawing the cards +urthermore, the subCe$t $ould guess the out$o&e o% a $ard drawn a year into the %uture - again with the same degree of accuracy *r Khine#s e"periments sent shock-waves across academia as other scientists raced to confirm them 3is book 34tra0Sensor Perception a#ter 56 ears became re2uired reading for the introductory psychology class at 3arvard 3is e"periments were repeated around the world -<: times involving ?<,<<<S people and . million sessions - proving without a doubt that /#P is real

The 3rowing A$$e"tan$e o% /#P !n the early part of the .<th century 5instein said,
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. 'e have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. (oday, with the 6ump in empirical scientific evidence and first-hand human e"periences, belie% in hu&an intuition and /#P is ra"idly rising (he 9::< 7allup public opinion poll found that :-= of )mericans polled believed in one or more of 9; paranormal phenomena, including 5S/, mental healing, telepathy and clairvoyance )nd this number is increasing ) follow up poll eleven years later, in May .<<9 found that belief had actually increased in twelve out of thirteen phenomena measured in both the 9::< and .<<9 polls $ and increased significantly C?= or moreD in seven of them (he 9::< 7allup /oll also asked )mericans if they had had first-hand e"perience with paranormal phenomena (he results were surprising

7<= of

mericans claim to have experienced telepathy. 7<= claim success with mental healing.

More and more people are not only believing in 5S/ and mental healing, but are also e"periencing and using it 'elief in mental and spiritual healing has increased significantly Cup ;=D between 9::< and .<<9 (oday, about three in four )mericanhave at least one paranormal belief Some of the most professed beliefs are in 5S/, telepathy, clairvoyance, and mind-body healing (he most recent 7allup /oll released 1une .<<?, showed that e"tra sensory perception was the most popular belief at @9= ASure,A say the skeptics, Athe ma6ority of )mericans may believe in 5S/ but this is usually the less educated ma6ority 5ducated people can#t be taking this seriously, right$A Wrong

'tudies have shown that, as education increases, belief in )'. also increases.
(he May .<<9 7allup /oll discovered that A)mericans with the highest levels of education are more likely to believe in the power of the mind to heal the bodyA (he same is true for 5S/ and telepathy

One ma6or study done in 9:>> found a positive correlation between intelligence and paranormal belief - the more intelligent you were, the more you believed in a world beyond the five senses )nother 9:;@ study, a sample of high school students, found higher grade point averages correlated positively with belief in 5S/ phenomenon +inally, a 9:;: C'S television poll done in con6unction with 78 hours uncovered that >?= of persons with a college degree believed in paranormal phenomena, while only -G= of people with less than a high school degree believed in these phenomena !n short, as education increased, so didbelief 2% you believe in /#P - $ongratulations. The &aCority o% edu$ated A&eri$ans now share your belie%.

The #tunning #$ienti%i$ /viden$e

Scientific research on 5S/ is still in its infancy 'ut the evidence being produced is highly compelling (hese are summaries of some recent discoveries

1/ %veryone has %S# to so1e degree/

!n the 9:G<s, *r Montague Ullman, founder of the *ream %aboratory at the Maimonides Medical Center in 'rooklyn, &ew 0ork and professor emeritus of clinical psychiatry at the )lbert 5instein College of Medicine in &ew 0ork conducted a series of e"periments that provided strong empirical evidence that e$er one possesses psychic ability !n *r Ullman#s study volunteers who claimed to possess no psychic ability were asked to sleep in a room in the lab while a person in another room concentrated on a randomly selected painting and tried to get the volunteer to dream of the image it contained Sometimes the results were inconclusive 'ut other times the volunteers had dreams that were clearly and strikingly influenced by the paintings

!/ $he greater your .elief - the stronger your %S# a.ility/

*r 7 K Schmeidler of the 3arvard /sychological Clinic went on to show that telepathy was not only real, but was strongly affected by a person#s belief in his or her own telepathic abilities 3e also performed e"periments that proved that telepathic power e"ists in everyone

"/ $he 1ind can influence 1atter at any distance

!n the 9:;<s and 9::<s *r Kobert 7 1ahn and *r 'renda 1 *unne of the /rinceton 5ngineering )nomalies Kesearch %aboratory showed that some humans possess telekinetic

power and various forms of telepathy and that these are both distance and time independent *r 1ahn is /rofessor of )erospace science and dean emeritus of the School of 5ngineering and )pplied Science at /rinceton C9::@D *r *unne is the manager of the /rinceton 5ngineering )nomalies Kesearch %aboratory C/ 5 ) KD (heir book Margins of Keality - (he Kole of Consciousness in the /hysical World will make even the strongest skeptic think twice

</ $he evidence for %S# is very strong/

More recently /rofessor Kobert Morris and *r Caroline Watt of the Boestler !nstitute at 5dinburgh University conducted e"periments where over 9<< sub6ects in a locked room were asked to pick out which of four pictures were AbeamedA to them by a sub6ect in another room Success rates were ?<=, twice the .?= that pure statistical results should have produced (he odds of this occurring are appro"imately 9 in 9@ million (hese results are -?,<<< times more significant than the level of evidence governments demand from pharmaceutical companies before a new drug is let out on the market

$he conclusion: )'. is real.

0veryone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a %pirit is manifest in the Laws of the <niverse.

H )lbert 5instein

A Word o% .aution
When it comes to belief in 5S/, people tend to fall into four different groups

&hich one are you' ,isbeliever

(he first group is thedisbelie$er (hey simply refuse to believe in any phenomenon that cannot be e"plained by &ewtonian physics ,o a&ount o% s$ienti%i$ eviden$e will $onvin$e the& otherwise

(he second is the skeptic (his is someone who does not believe in 5S/ because it goes against his knowledge of science 3owever, the skeptic is open-minded and when given strong scientific evidence they would be willing to admit that 5S/ does e"ist ) skeptic would $ast aside testi&onial eviden$e but will give strong $onsideration to the results o% s$ienti%i$ resear$h

(autious -eliever
(hird - the cautious belie$er% (his person trusts that 5S/ e"ists but will not believe every claim they read about (hey de&and s$ienti%i$ "roo% or testi&onial eviden$e ) cautious believer would find this series of lessons interesting because it is backed up with scientific evidence and references to respected outside sources

!rue -eliever
(he fourth group, thetrue belie$er strongly believes in 5S/ and is likely to also believe anything they read or hear !f you are one - we encourage you to e"ercise caution &ot everyone who claims to have 5S/ has it to an e"tent strong enough to charge you money for /hone psychics are almost all phonies )nd very few street psychics are actually worth paying for When it comes to a little understood phenomena, such as 5S/, it is better to be a cautious believer or a skeptic rather than a true believer

1o We Jnow >ow it Wor(s?

) number of theories have been but put forth on how 5S/ works but these are still nothing more than theories (oday, it is generally accepted that 5S/ does e"ist and everyone has it but science has yet to identify how or why it works 3owever, we do not need to know how it works to use it - we only need to know that it does work (hink of the sun +or thousands of years we have used the energy of the sun for light and heat 0et, nobody knew what the sun really was !t was only in the last 9<< years that humankind was able to understand that the sun is large star made up of hydrogen and helium atoms going through a thermo-nuclear reaction !t#s the same with 5S/ - we do not yet know how it works or why 'ut we do know that it is real )nd as any Silva UltraMind grad will tell you - once you learn to use it - you $an $reate &any "ositive and bene%i$ial e%%e$ts in your li%e. There are no unnatural or supernatural phenomena, only very large gaps in our knowledge of what is natural? 'e should strive to fill those gaps of ignorance.

H 5dgar Mitchell, )pollo 9@ )stronaut, +ounder, !nstitute of &oetic Science

The 2&"li$ations
(he growing body of evidence for 5S/ and other unusual phenomenon is being noticed by businesses and governments

Here's a list of so1e recent develo 1ents:

SO&0 Corp has been conducting research into alternative medicine, spoon bending, telepathy and other forms of 5S/ *r 1ohn Mihalasky, author of the book 34ecuti$e 3SP& has shown that success rates for e"ecutives were proportional to their 5S/ ability lending credence to the idea that intuition is a large factor in business success !n &ovember 9::? the C!) confirmed that for the previous .< years it has been using psychics for spy operations !n &ovember 9::; the US /atent Office issues the first patent for a psi- effect !n 1uly 9::- Mutual of Omaha, the nation$s largest provider of health insurance for individuals announces that it would start paying benefits for meditation e"ercises designed to reverse heart disease !n 9::> the +ederal 7overnment$s &ational !nstitute for 3ealth formally endorses acupuncture !n )pril .<<@ researchers in *enver University found that patients who underwent a placebo surgery for /arkinson#s *isease reported a better 2uality of life twelve months later One woman even reported a resumption of full physical activity, having been inactive for many years before surgery (he power of the placebo effect has been seen before in /arkinson$s disease $ but not to this e"tent Clearly the mind-body connection is very strong in this condition and it$s to be hoped that ways can be found to e"ploit this to benefit the patient

/#P in The #ilva #e&inar

One of the highlights in the Silva UltraMind seminar are the last two hours of training, where the students get to demonstrate 5S/ on each other 0ou will be paired up with other students and given names and locations of random people unknown to you 0ou then go to your meditative level of mind and you receive information on them and their state of health through 5S/ (he vast ma6ority of participants end up with stunned looks on their faces as they find themselves correctly AguessingA information on people and ob6ects unknown to them

3ere is the transcript from one of the session (wo students were paired up Student ) helps guide Student ' into a meditative level of mind Student ) then tells student ' to attempt to AviewA the health condition of a sub6ect known to ), but unknown to ' ' is only provided with the name, age and location of the sub6ect (his is what ' reported,

A! see a lady, nothing unusual about her 'ut her blood looks blue (here#s bluish blood flowing around her body A AStrange !#m looking at her head ! see a man standing in her head 3e looks sad (here are three elephants surrounding him (hey are colorful (hey are rotating around his head A
(he lady in 2uestion suffered from a smoking-related disease that prevented her blood from absorbing o"ygen She was also going through a sad time because her husband had been stationed in !ndia for the past three months on a business trip (he blue blood was the subconscious mind#s way of representing de-o"ygenated blood C%ook at any biology te"t book drawing of the blood system and you will find that de-o"ygenated blood is represented with the color blueD (he sad man surrounded by elephants symboli8ed the husband in !ndia Many such e"periences occur during the seminar (hese e"periences invariably lead the participant into a whole new perspective of life and what they are truly capable of Some participants use this ability with healing Others use it to help them develop empathy and understand a loved one#s feelings Most use it in more subtle ways such as making business decisions, deciding what companies to invest in, buying a home, applying for college or guiding them into making the right decisions in their life 1ose Silva#s training is so powerful that the ma6ority of seminar participants e"perience 5S/ by the second day of the seminar Sign up for a seminar today or get on our reminder list to receive an email if a seminar comes to your area 7o here for more details, http455www.silvaultraindsystem.com5seminars5 &ote, !f seminars are too far away for you to travel to you can always try the 3ome Study /rogram 7o here for details, http455www.silvaultramindsystem.com5products5

/nhan$ing Your /#P

5S/ is a natural ability that is heightened when you are in a state of meditation

One simple techni2ue to use your 5S/ is to go to your alpha level and ask yourself a 2uestion

%et images appear on the mental screen Ce"plained in %esson -D *o not analy8e what you see Simply describe what you see mentally to yourself +ocus on describing rather than analy8ing )s soon as you start analy8ing what you see you allow your left brain to hi6ack the process We want to stress that it takes a lot of practice to develop your 5S/ !n our seminars participants e"perience 5S/ after . days - but this is after 9; hours of intensive training and guidance from a trained lecturer !f you are unable to get results with the techni2ue described above, don#t worry 0ou can still develop your ability by attending a seminar

)nother techni2ue is called Adream-loggingA

%ouisa Khine, the wife of *r 1 ' Khine conducted an 5S/ e"periment of her own while her husband was testing 5S/ ability empirically in a lab %ouisa asked people to write to her about their first-hand e"periences with 5S/ She received almost 9@,<<< letters She found that G<= of the people who wrote to her claimed that their 5S/ e"perience came to them while dreaming 0ou might be e"periencing 5S/ dreams too 'ut you usually forget your dreams A*ream-loggingA is simple Simply keep a pad and pencil by your beside and write down your dreams in the morning when you wake up or in the middle of the night if you suddenly awaken during a dream With practice anyone can develop and enhance their 5S/ (he ability, like sports or musical talent is something that anyone can train themselves to be good at (hanks and this is the 5nd of %esson >

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