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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


1* (an)ary &+11
'ear (rothers and )aithful* +e are celebrating the +ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity in 0hich all believers in .hrist are as,ed to unite in prayer in order to 0itness to the deep bond that exists bet0een them and to invo,e the gift of full communion. 1t is providential that in the process of building unity prayer is made central. This reminds us once again that unity cannot be a mere product of human endeavour2 it is first and foremost a gift of 3od 0hich entails gro0th in communion 0ith the )ather* the Son and the 4oly Spirit. The Second 5atican .ouncil says: 6Such prayers in common are certainly a very effective means of petitioning for the grace of unity* and they are a genuine expression of the ties 0hich still bond .atholics to their separated brethren. 7)or 0here t0o or three are gathered together in my name* there am 1 in the midst of them8 #9t 1!:20$: #'ecree on ;cumenism* Unitatis Redintegratio, n. !$. The path that leads to the visible unity of all .hristians lies in prayer* because* fundamentally* it is not 0e 0ho 6build: unity but 3od 0ho 6builds: it* it comes from him* from the Trinitarian 9ystery* from the unity of the )ather 0ith the Son in the dialogue of love* 0hich is the 4oly Spirit2 and our ecumenical commitment must be open to divine action* it must become a daily invocation for 3od<s help. The .hurch is his and not ours. The theme chosen for this =ear8s +ee, of -rayer refers to the experience of the first .hristian .ommunity in >erusalem* as it is described in the ?cts of the ?postles2 0e have listened to the text: 6They devoted themselves to the ?postles8 teaching and fello0ship* to the brea,ing of bread and the prayers: #?cts 2:@2$. +e must consider that in the past* at the very moment of -entecost* the 4oly Spirit descended upon people of different languages and cultures. This means that from the very first the .hurch has embraced people from different bac,grounds and yet* it is that the Spirit creates one body precisely from these differences. -entecost* as the beginning of the .hurch* mar,s the expansion of 3od8s .ovenant to all creatures* all peoples and all epochs* so that the 0hole of creation may 0al, to0ards its true goal: to be a place of unity and love. 1n the passage cited from the ?cts of the ?postles* four characteristics define the first .hristian community of >erusalem as a place of unity and love. St Au,e* moreover* does not only 0ant to describe something from the past. 4e presents this community to us as a model* as a norm for the .hurch today* since these four characteristics must al0ays constitute the .hurch8s life. The first characteristic is its unity* its devotion to listening to the ?postles8 teaching* then to fello0ship* to the brea,ing of the bread and the prayers. ?s 1 have said* still today these four elements are the pillars that support the life of every .hristian community and constitute the one solid foundation on 0hich to progress in the search for the visible unity of the .hurch. +e first have devotion to the teaching of the ?postles* that is* listening to their testimony to the mission* to the life* and to the death and Besurrection of the Aord. This is 0hat -aul calls simply the 63ospel:. The first .hristians received the 3ospel from the lips of the
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

?postles* they 0ere united by listening to it and by its proclamation because* as St -aul says* 6the 3ospel... is the po0er of 3od for salvation to every one 0ho has faith: #Bom 1:1&$. Still today the community of believers recogniCes the reference to the ?postles8 teaching as the norm of its o0n faith. 4ence every effort to build unity among all .hristians passes through the deepening of our faithfulness to the depositum fidei passed on to us by the ?postles. ? steadfast faith is the foundation of our communion* it is the foundation of .hristian unity. The second element is fraternal communion. ?t the time of the first .hristian community* as it is in our day too* this is the most tangible expression especially for the external 0orld* of unity among the Aord<s disciples. +e read in the ?cts of the ?postles that the early .hristians had all things in common and those 0ith possessions and goods sold them to share the proceeds 0ith the needy #cf. ?cts 2:@@%@D$. This sharing of goods has found ever ne0 forms of expression in the history of the .hurch. 'istinctive among these are the brotherly relations and friendships established bet0een .hristians of different denominations. The history of the ecumenical movement is mar,ed by difficulties and uncertainties but it is also a history of brotherhood* of cooperation and of human and spiritual sharing* 0hich has significantly changed relations bet0een believers in the Aord >esus: 0e are all 0or,ing hard to continue on this path. Thus the second element is thus communion. This is primarily communion 0ith 3od through faith2 but communion 0ith 3od creates communion among ourselves and is necessarily expressed in that concrete communion of 0hich the ?cts of the ?postles spea,* in other 0ords sharing. Eo one in the .hristian community must be hungry or poor: this is a fundamental obligation. .ommunion 0ith 3od* expressed as brotherly communion* is lived out in practice in social commitment* in .hristian charity and in Fustice. The third element: essential in the life of the first community of >erusalem 0as the moment of the brea,ing of the bread in 0hich the Aord ma,es himself present* 0ith the uniGue sacrifice of the .ross* in his unreserved gift of self for the life of his friends: 6this is my body 0hich 0ill be given up for you... this is the cup of my blood.... 1t 0ill be shed for you:. 6The .hurch dra0s her life from the ;ucharist. This truth does not simply express a daily experience of faith* but recapitulates the heart of the mystery of the Church : #>ohn -aul 11* Ecclesia de Eucharistia, n. 1$. .ommunion in .hrist8s sacrifice is the cro0ning point of our union 0ith 3od and thus also represents the fullness of the unity of .hrist8s disciples* full communion. 1n this +ee, of -rayer for /nity our regret about the impossibility of sharing the same ;ucharistic banGuet H a sign that 0e are still far from achieving that unity for 0hich .hrist prayed H is particularly acute. This sorro0ful experience* 0hich also gives our prayers a penitential dimension* must become the reason for an even more generous dedication on the part of all so that* once the obstacles that stand in the 0ay of full communion have been removed* the day 0ill come 0hen 0e can gather round the table of the Aord to brea, the ;ucharistic bread together and to drin, from the same cup. Aastly* prayer H or as St Au,e says prayers H is the fourth characteristic of the early .hurch of >erusalem described in the (oo, of the ?cts of the ?postles. -rayer has al0ays
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

been a constant attitude of disciples of .hrist* something that accompanies their daily life in obedience to 3od8s 0ill* as the ?postle -aul8s 0ords in his )irst Aetter to the Thessalonians also attest: 6BeFoice al0ays* pray constantly* give than,s in all circumstances2 for this is the 0ill of 3od in .hrist >esus for you #1 Thes D:1&%1!2 cf. ;ph &:1!$. .hristian prayer* participation in >esus8 prayer* is a filial experience par excellence as the 0ords of the 6Iur )ather: testify H the 60e: of 3od8s children* brothers and sisters H a family prayer that addresses our common )ather. Therefore* adopting an attitude of prayer also means opening ourselves to brotherhood. Inly in the 60e: can 0e say 6Iur )ather:2 so let us open ourselves to brotherhood 0hich comes from being children of the one heavenly )ather and from being disposed to forgiveness and reconciliation. 'ear brothers and sisters* as disciples of the Aord 0e have a common responsibility to the 0orld. +e must underta,e a common service2 li,e the first .hristian community of >erusalem* starting 0ith 0hat 0e already share* 0e must bear a po0erful 0itness supported by reason and spiritually founded on the one 3od 0ho revealed himself and spea,s to us in .hrist* in order to be heralds of a message that guides and illumines people today* 0ho all too often lac, clear and effective reference points. 1t is therefore important to increase day by day in reciprocal love* striving to surmount those barriers bet0een .hristians that still exist2 to feel that real inner unity exists among all those 0ho follo0 the Aord2 to collaborate as closely as possible* 0or,ing together on the issues that are still unresolved2 and above all* to be a0are that on this Fourney 0e need the Aord8s assistance* he 0ill have to give us even more help for* on our o0n* unless 0e 6abide in him:* 0e can do nothing #cf. >n 1D:D$. 'ear friends* 0e are once again gathered in prayer H particularly during this +ee, H together 0ith all those 0ho profess faith in >esus .hrist* Son of 3od: let us persevere in prayer* let us be a people of prayer* entreating 3od to grant us the gift of unity so that his plan of salvation and reconciliation may be brought about for the 0hole 0orld. 9any than,s.

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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


&+ .an)ary &+1+

Dear Brothers and Sisters* +e are in the middle of the +ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity* an ecumenical initiative 0hich has no0 been ma,ing progress for more than a century. ;very year it focuses attention on the theme of the visible unity of .hristians* 0hich involves the consciences and stimulates the commitment of all 0ho believe in .hrist. ?nd it does so first of all 0ith the invitation to pray* in imitation of >esus 0ho as,s the )ather on his disciples< behalf: JThat they may all be one... so that the 0orld may believeJ #>n 1": 21$. The persistent call to prayer for full communion bet0een the follo0ers of the Aord expresses the most genuine and profound approach of the 0hole ecumenical search because* in the first place* unity is a gift of 3od. 1ndeed* as the Second 5atican .ouncil states: Jthis holy obFective the reconciliation of all .hristians in the unity of the one and only .hurch of .hrist transcends human po0ersJ #Unitatis Redintegratio* n. 2@$. 4ence* confident and harmonious prayer to the Aord is necessary* in addition to our effort to develop brotherly relations and to promote dialogue to clarify and to solve the divergences that separate the .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities. This year<s theme is ta,en from Au,e<s 3ospel* from the last 0ords of the Bisen Ine to his disciples: J=ou are 0itnesses of these thingsJ #A, 2@: @!$. The -ontifical .ouncil for -romoting .hristian /nity* in agreement 0ith the Faith and Constitution Commission of the World Council of Churches as,ed a Scottish ecumenical group to propose the theme. ? century ago the +orld 9issionary .onference: To Consider Missionary ro!lems in Relation to the "on#Christian World * 0as held in ;dinburgh* Scotland* from 1K to 2@ >une 1 10. ?mong the problems discussed then 0as that of the practical difficulty of proposing in a credible 0ay to the non%.hristian 0orld the 3ospel proclamation by .hristians 0ho 0ere divided among themselves. 1f .hristians present themselves divided* or indeed often at odds* to a 0orld that does not ,no0 .hrist* that has distanced itself from him or that has sho0n itself to be indifferent to the 3ospel* 0ill the proclamation of .hrist as the one Saviour of the 0orld and our peace be credibleL )rom that time the relationship bet0een unity and mission has represented an essential dimension of all ecumenical action* as 0ell as its starting point. ?nd it is because of this specific contribution that the ;dinburgh .onference remains a reference point for modern ecumenism. ?t the Second 5atican .ouncil* the .atholic .hurch too, up and vigorously reaffirmed this aim* asserting that the division among >esus< disciples not only Jopenly contradicts the 0ill of .hrist* but scandaliCes the 0orld* and damages that most holy cause* the preaching of the 3ospel to every creatureJ #Unitatis Redintegratio* n. 1$. The theme proposed in this +ee, for meditation and prayer fits into this theological and spiritual context: the need for a common testimony to .hrist. The brief text proposed as a theme* J=ou are 0itnesses of these thingsJ* must be interpreted in the context of the 0hole of chapter 2@ of the 3ospel according to Au,e. Aet us briefly recall the content of this chapter. )irst the 0omen go to the tomb* they see the signs of >esus< Besurrection and tell the ?postles and the other disciples 0hat they have seen #v. !$2 then the Bisen Ine himself appears to the disciples on the road to ;mmaus* he appears to Simon -eter and subseGuently to the J;leven gathered together and those 0ho 0ere 0ith themJ #v. KK$. 4e opens their minds to understand the Scriptures about his redeeming death and his Besurrection* saying that Jrepentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

name to all nationsJ #v. @"$. To the disciples 0ho 0ere JgatheredJ together and 0ho 0ere 0itnesses of his mission* the Bisen Aord promised the gift of the 4oly Spirit #cf. v. @ $* so that together they might bear 0itness to him to all the peoples. )or us* from this imperative* Jof all these thingsJ* of 0hich you are 0itnesses #cf. A, 2@: @!$ the theme of this +ee, for .hristian /nity t0o Guestions arise. The first is: 0hat are Jall these thingsJL The second: ho0 can 0e be 0itnesses of Jall these thingsJL 1f 0e loo, at the context of the chapter Jall these thingsJ* means first and foremost the .ross and the Besurrection: the disciples have seen the Aord<s crucifixion* they see the Bisen Ine and thus begin to understand all the Scriptures that spea, of the mystery of the -assion and the gift of the Besurrection. J?ll these thingsJ* therefore* refers to the mystery of .hrist* to the Son of 3od made man* 0ho died for us and rose* 0ho lives for ever and thus guarantees our eternal life. 4o0ever* by ,no0ing .hrist this is the essential point 0e ,no0 the )ace of 3od. .hrist is above all the revelation of 3od. 1n all epochs human beings have perceived the existence of 3od* one 3od* but a 3od 0ho is distant and does not sho0 himself. 1n .hrist this 3od sho0s himself* the distant 3od becomes close. J?ll these thingsJ* therefore* especially 0ith the mystery of .hrist* 3od made himself close to us. This implies another dimension: .hrist is never alone2 he came among us* he died alone but 0as raised to dra0 us all to him. .hrist* as Scripture says* created a body for himself* he gathered all humanity in his reality of immortal life. Thus* in .hrist 0ho reunites humanity* 0e ,no0 humanity<s future: eternal life. ?ll this* therefore* is very simple* in the last instance: 0e ,no0 3od by ,no0ing .hrist* his (ody* the 9ystery of the .hurch and the promise of eternal life. +e no0 come to the second Guestion. 4o0 can 0e be 0itnesses of Jall these thingsJL +e can only be 0itnesses by ,no0ing .hrist* and in ,no0ing .hrist* also ,no0ing 3od. 4o0ever* ,no0ing .hrist implies* of course* an intellectual dimension learning 0hat 0e ,no0 of .hrist but it is al0ays much more than an intellectual process: it is an existential process* a process of the opening of my ego* of my transformation by the presence and po0er of .hrist. Thus it is also a process of openness to all the others 0ho must be the (ody of .hrist. 1n this 0ay* it is obvious that ,no0ing .hrist* as an intellectual and* especially* an existential process* is a process that ma,es us 0itnesses. 1n other 0ords* 0e can only be 0itnesses if 0e ,no0 .hrist personally and not solely through others from our o0n lives and from our o0n personal encounter 0ith .hrist. 1n truly meeting him in our life of faith 0e become 0itnesses and thus can contribute to the ne0ness of the 0orld* to eternal life. The .atechism of the .atholic .hurch also gives us a clue to the content of Jall these thingsJ. The .hurch has gathered together and summed up the essential of all that the Aord gave us in the Bevelation in the J"iceno#Constantinopolitan or "icene CreedJ* 0hich Jdra0s its great authority from the fact that it stems from the first t0o ecumenical .ouncils #in K2D and K!1$J #n. 1 D$. The .atechism explains that this .reed Jremains common to all the great .hurches of both ;ast and +est to this dayJ # i!id.$. .onseGuently in this .reed the truths of faith are found that .hristians can profess and 0itness to together* so that the 0orld may believe* expressing* 0ith their desire and commitment to overcome the existing divergences* the 0ill to 0al, together to0ards full communion* the unity of the (ody of .hrist. The celebration of the +ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity brings us to consider other important aspects for ecumenism and first of all the great progress achieved in the relations bet0een .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities since the ;dinburgh .onference more than a century ago. The modern ecumenical movement has developed so significantly that over the past century it has become an important element in the life of
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

the .hurch* recalling the problem of unity among all .hristians and sustaining the gro0th of communion bet0een them. Eot only does it encourage fraternal relations bet0een the .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities in response to the commandment of love* but it also encourages theological research. 1n addition* it involves the practical life of the .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities 0ith topics that touch on pastoral and sacramental life* such as* for example* the mutual recognition of (aptism* Guestions concerning mixed marriages* the partial cases of comunicatio in sacris in specific* 0ell%defined situations. )ollo0ing the traFectory of this ecumenical spirit* contacts have continued to broaden so as to include -entecostal* ;vangelical and .harismatic movements for greater reciprocal ,no0ledge* despite the many serious problems in this sector. Since the Second 5atican .ouncil and thereafter the .atholic .hurch has entered into fraternal relations 0ith all the .hurches of the ;ast and 0ith the ;cclesial .ommunities of the +est* in particular by organiCing bilateral theological dialogues 0ith most of them. These have led to finding convergences or even consensus on various points* thereby deepening the bonds of communion. 1n the year that has Fust ended the groups in dialogue have recorded some positive steps. ?t the 11th -lenary Session that 0as held in -aphos* .yprus* in Ictober 200 * the >oint 1nternational .ommission for Theological 'ialogue 0ith the Irthodox .hurches embar,ed on the examination of a crucial topic in the 'ialogue bet0een .atholics and Irthodox: The Role of the Bishop of Rome in the Communion of the Church in the First Millennium * that is* during the time in 0hich the .hristians of ;ast and +est lived in full communion. This study 0ill later be extended to the second millennium. 1 have several times as,ed .atholics to pray for this delicate and essential dialogue for the 0hole ecumenical movement. The same >oint .ommission also met from 2& to K0 >anuary last year 0ith the ?ncient Irthodox .hurches of the ;ast #.optic* ;thiopian* Syrian* ?rmenian$. These important initiatives testify that a profound dialogue full of hope is continuing 0ith all the .hurches of the ;ast 0hich are not in full communion 0ith Bome* in their o0n specificity. 1n the course of the past year* the results achieved by the various dialogues that have ta,en place in the past @0 years 0ith the +estern ;cclesial .ommunities 0ere examined. Special thought 0as given to those 0ith the ?nglican .ommunion* 0ith the Autheran +orld )ederation* 0ith the +orld ?lliance of Beformed .hurches and 0ith the +orld 9ethodist .ouncil. 1n this regard the -ontifical .ouncil for -romoting .hristian /nity made a survey to list the points of convergence 0hich have been reached in the relative bilateral dialogues and at the same time to point out the problems that remain open on 0hich it 0ill be necessary to start a ne0 phase of discussions. ?mong the recent events 1 0ould li,e to mention the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the $oint Declaration on the Doctrine of $ustification * celebrated by .atholics and Autherans together on K1 Ictober 200 to encourage the pursuit of the dialogue* as 0ell as the visit to Bome of 'r Bo0an +illiams* ?rchbishop of .anterbury* 0ho also had meetings about the specific situation of the ?nglican .ommunion at the present time. The common commitment to continue relations and dialogue are a positive sign that sho0 the strong desire for unity despite all the problems that stand in its 0ay. Thus 0e see that a dimension of our responsibility exists in doing everything possible to attain real unity* but there is the other dimension* that of divine action* because 3od alone can give unity to the .hurch. ? Jself%madeJ unity 0ould be human but 0e 0ant the .hurch of 3od* made by 3od* 0ho 0ill create unity 0hen he 0ishes and 0hen 0e are ready. +e must also bear in mind ho0 much real progress has been achieved in collaboration and brotherhood in all these years* in the past D0 years. ?t the same 0e must realiCe that
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

ecumenical 0or, is not a linear process. 1ndeed* old problems that arose in the context of another epoch lose their relevance 0hile in today<s context ne0 problems and ne0 difficulties arise. +e must therefore al0ays be open to a process of purification* in 0hich the Aord 0ill ma,e us capable of being united. 'ear brothers and sisters* 1 as, everyone to pray for the complex ecumenical reality* for the promotion of dialogue* as 0ell as in order that the .hristians of our time may give a ne0 common 0itness of faithfulness to .hrist in the eyes of this 0orld of ours* 9ay the Aord hear our invocation and that of all .hristians 0hich 0e are raising to him 0ith special intensity during this +ee,.

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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

&1 .an)ary &++*

'ear (rothers and Sisters* The J+ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nityJ began last Sunday. 1t 0ill end next Sunday* the )east of the .onversion of the ?postle St -aul. The +ee, of -rayer is a particularly precious spiritual initiative that is becoming ever more 0idespread among .hristians* in harmony 0ith and* 0e might say* in response to the heartfelt entreaty that >esus addressed to the )ather in the /pper Boom before his -assion: %That they may all !e one&&& so that the 'orld may !elie(e that you ha(e sent me% #>n 1": 21$. 1n this priestly prayer* the Aord as,s at least four times that his disciples may be JoneJ* in accordance 0ith the image of the unity bet0een the )ather and the Son. This is a unity that can only gro0 by follo0ing the example of the Son<s gift of himself to the )ather* that is* by coming out of oneself and uniting oneself 0ith .hrist. 9oreover in this prayer >esus t0ice adds as the purpose of this unity: so that the 0orld may believe. Thus* full unity concerns the .hurch<s life and mission in the 0orld. She must live a unity that can only derive from her unity 0ith .hrist* 0ith his transcendence* as a sign that .hrist is the truth. This is our responsibility: that the gift of unity by virtue of 0hich our faith is made credible may be visible in the 0orld. )or this reason it is important that every .hristian community become a0are of the urgent need to 0or, in every possible 0ay to achieve this great obFective. 4o0ever* ,no0ing that unity is first and foremost a JgiftJ of the Aord* it is necessary at the same time to implore it 0ith tireless and trusting prayer. Inly by coming out of ourselves and going to0ards .hrist* only in our relationship 0ith him* can 0e become truly united 0ith one another. This is the invitation that this J+ee,J addresses to believers in .hrist of every .hurch and ;cclesial .ommunity2 let us respond to it* dear brothers and sisters* 0ith prompt generosity. This year the J+ee, of -rayer for /nityJ presents to us for our meditation and prayers these 0ords from the (oo, of the -rophet ;Ce,iel: %That they may !ecome one in your hand% #K": 1"$. The theme 0as chosen by an ecumenical group from Morea and 0as then re%examined for international circulation by the $oint Committee for rayer, comprised of representatives of the -ontifical .ouncil for -romoting .hristian /nity and of the +orld .ouncil of .hurches in 3eneva. The process of preparation itself 0as a fruitful and stimulating exercise of true ecumenism. 1n the passage from the (oo, of the -rophet ;Ce,iel* from 0hich the theme has been ta,en* the Aord orders the -rophet to ta,e t0o stic,s* one representing >udah and his tribes and the other >oseph and all the house of 1srael associated 0ith him* and as,s him Jto Foin them togetherJ into one stic,* that they may become JoneJ in his hand. The parable of unity is transparent. To JNhisO peopleJ 0ho as, for an explanation* ;Ce,iel* enlightened from on 4igh* 0as to say that the Aord himself ta,es the t0o stic,s and Foins them together in such a 0ay that the t0o ,ingdoms 0ith their respective tribes* divided from one another* may become Jone in his handJ. The hand of the -rophet 0ho brings the t0o stic,s together is considered as the very hand of 3od 0ho gathers together and unites his people and* in the end* the 0hole of humanity. +e may apply the -rophet<s 0ords to .hristians in the sense of an exhortation to pray and 0or,* doing their utmost to bring about the unity of all .hrist<s disciples* to 0or, so that our hand may become an instrument of the unifying hand of 3od. This exhortation becomes particularly moving and heartrending in >esus< 0ords after the Aast Supper. The Aord desires the 0hole of his people to Fourney on and in
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


this sees the .hurch of the future* of the centuries to come 0ith patience and perseverance to0ards the goal of full unity. This is a commitment that entails humble adherence and docile obedience to the commandment of the Aord* 0ho blesses it and ma,es it fruitful. The -rophet ;Ce,iel assures us that it 0ill be he himself* our one Aord* the one 3od* 0ho gathers us into Jhis handJ. 1n the second part of the biblical reading the significance and conditions of unity of the various tribes into a single ,ingdom are more deeply examined. 1n their dispersion among the 3entiles* the 1sraelites had become acGuainted 0ith erroneous forms of 0orship* they had developed mista,en concepts of life and had assumed customs alien to the divine la0. The Aord no0 declares that they shall no longer defile themselves 0ith the idols of pagan peoples* 0ith their abominations and 0ith all their transgressions #;C K": 2K$. 4e recalls their need to free themselves from sin* to purify their hearts. J1 0ill deliver them from all their sins and 0ill cleanse themJ* he says. ?nd so Jthey shall be my people* and 1 0ill be their 3odJ #i!id&$. 1n this condition of inner rene0al they Jshall follo0 my ordinances and be careful to observe my statutesJ. ?nd the prophetic text concludes 0ith the definitive and fully salvific promise: J1 0ill ma,e a covenant of peace 0ith them... and 0ill set my sanctuary in the midst of themJ #;C K": 2&$. ;Ce,iel<s vision becomes particularly eloGuent for the entire ecumenical movement because it sheds light on the indispensable need for authentic inner rene0al in all the members of the people of 3od 0hich only the Aord can bring about. +e too must be open to this rene0al because 0e too* dispersed among the 0orld<s peoples* have learned customs that are very far from the +ord of 3od. Since Jevery rene0al of the .hurch essentially consists in an increase of fidelity to her o0n callingJ* as 0e read in the 'ecree on ;cumenism of the Second 5atican .ouncil* Jundoubtedly this explains the dynamism of the movement to0ard unityJ #Unitatis redintegratio* n. &$* namely* the greatest fidelity to the vocation of 3od. The 'ecree then stresses the interior dimension of conversion of the heart. JThere can be no ecumenism 0orthy of the nameJ* it adds* J0ithout interior conversion. )or it is from ne0ness of attitudes of mind* from self%denial and unstinting love* that desires of unity ta,e their rise and develop in a mature 0ayJ # i!id.* n. "$. Thus for all of us the J+ee, of -rayer for /nityJ becomes an incentive for sincere conversion* for listening ever more docilely to 3od<s 0ord and for increasingly deeper faith. The J+ee,J is also a favourable opportunity to than, the Aord for 0hat* 0ith his help* has been done up to no0 to bring divided .hristian and ;cclesial .ommunities closer to one another. This spirit has enlivened the .atholic .hurch 0hich* in the year that has Fust ended* continued 0ith firm conviction and 0ell%founded hope to engage in respectful brotherly relations 0ith all the .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities of the ;ast and +est. +ithin a variety of situations* at times more positive and at times 0ith greater difficulty* 0e endeavoured never to fall short of our commitment to ma,e every possible effort for the recomposition of full unity. Belations bet0een the .hurches and theological dialogues have continued to sho0 encouraging signs of spiritual convergence. 1 myself have had the Foy* both here at the 5atican and during my ?postolic 5isits* of meeting .hristians from all parts. 1 have received the ;cumenical -atriarch 4is 4oliness (artholome0 1 three times 0ith deep Foy and* during 0hat 0as an extraordinary event at the recent ?ssembly of the Synod of (ishops* 0e heard him spea, 0ith fraternal ecclesial 0armth and convinced trust in the future. 1 had the pleasure of receiving the t0o Catholicoi of the ?rmenian ?postolic .hurch: 4is 4oliness Mare,in 11 of ;tchmiadCin and 4is 4oliness ?ram 1 of ?ntelias. ?nd* lastly* 1 shared in the sorro0 of the -atriarchate of 9osco0 at the departure of our (eloved (rother in .hrist* 4is 4oliness -atriarch ?lexei 11* and 1 continue to remain in communion
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


through prayer 0ith these brothers of ours 0ho are preparing to elect the ne0 -atriarch of their venerable and great Irthodox .hurch. Ai,e0ise 1 have been granted to meet representatives of the various .hristian communions of the +est* 0ith 0hom exchanges are continuing* on the important 0itness that .hristians must bear today in a harmonious manner* in a 0orld that is ever more divided and placed before so many cultural* social* economical and ethical challenges. Aet us Foyfully give than,s to the Aord together for these and many other meetings* dialogues and gestures of brotherhood that the Aord has granted us to accomplish. 'ear brothers and sisters* let us ta,e the opportunity that the J+ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nityJ offers us to as, the Aord for the commitment and the ecumenical dialogue to continue and* if possible* to be intensified. 1n the context of the -auline =ear commemorating the 2*000th anniversary of the birth of St -aul* 0e cannot fail to also refer to 0hat the ?postle -aul has beGueathed to us in 0riting concerning the .hurch<s unity. ;very +ednesday 1 continue to devote my reflection to his Aetters and to his invaluable teaching. 4ere 1 simply resume 0hat he 0rote 0hen addressing the community of ;phesus: JThere is one body and one spirit* Fust as you 0ere called to the one hope that belongs to your call* one Aord* one faith* one baptismJ #;ph @: @%D$. Aet us ma,e our o0n the yearning of St -aul 0ho spent his 0hole life for the one Aord and for the unity of his 9ystical (ody* the .hurch* and 0ith his martyrdom bearing a supreme 0itness of faithfulness and love for .hrist. (y follo0ing his example and counting on his intercession* may every community gro0 in the commitment to unity* than,s to the various spiritual and pastoral initiatives and common prayer assemblies that usually become more numerous and intense in this J+ee,J. These give us a foretaste* in a certain 0ay* of the day of full unity. Aet us pray that the dialogue of truth among the .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities and the dialogue of charity* 0hich conditions the theological dialogue itself and helps us live together in order to bear a common 0itness* 0ill continue. They are indispensable in order to settle differences. The desire that d0ells in our hearts is to hasten the day of full communion* 0hen all the disciples of our one Aord 0ill at last be able to celebrate the ;ucharist together* the divine sacrifice for the life and salvation of the 0orld. Aet us invo,e the motherly intercession of 9ary so that she may help all .hristians to cultivate a more attentive listening to the 0ord of 3od and more intense prayers for unity.

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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


&, (an)ary &++%

'ear (rothers and Sisters* +e are celebrating the +ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity* 0hich 0ill be ending this )riday* 2D >anuary* the )east of the .onversion of St -aul. 1n these days* .hristians of various .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities are Foining in a unanimous chorus of entreaty to as, the Aord >esus to re%establish full unity among all his disciples. 1t is a plea made 0ith one accord by one soul and one heart in response to the desire of the Bedeemer himself* 0ho prayed to the )ather at the Aast Supper 0ith these 0ords: J1 do not pray for these only* but also for those 0ho believe in me through their 0ord* that they may all be one2 even as you* )ather* are in me* and 1 in you* that they also may be in us* so that the 0orld may believe that you have sent meJ #>n 1": 20%21$. 1n as,ing for the grace of unity .hristians Foin in .hrist<s o0n prayer and engage to 0or, actively so that all humanity may accept and recogniCe him as the one -astor and one Aord* and thus experience the Foy of his love. This year* the +ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity acGuires special value and significance because it is celebrating its 100th anniversary. 1ndeed* 0hen it 0as introduced* it proved a truly fruitful intuition. )r -aul +attson 0as an ?merican ?nglican 0ho later entered the communion of the .atholic .hurch and founded the Society of the )tonement #.ommunity of (rothers and Sisters of the ?tonement$2 in 1 0!* 0ith another ;piscopalian* )r Spencer >ones* he launched the prophetic idea of an octave of prayer for .hristian unity. The idea found favour 0ith the ?rchbishop of Ee0 =or, and 0ith the ?postolic Euncio. Aater* in 1 1&* the appeal to pray for unity 0as extended to the entire .atholic .hurch* than,s to the intervention of my venerable -redecessor* -ope (enedict P5* 0ith the (rief Romanorum ontificum. The initiative* 0hich had given rise to much interest in the meantime* gradually continued to put do0n roots and* 0ith time* increasingly perfected its structure. 1ts celebration developed than,s to ?bbQ .outurier<s contribution #1 K&$. Then* 0hen the prophetic 0ind of the Second 5atican .ouncil began to blo0* the urgent need for unity 0as felt even more deeply. The patient Fourney of the search for full communion bet0een all .hristians continued after the .ouncil2 it 0as a patient ecumenical Fourney 0hich from one year to the next found the +ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity to be precisely one of its most appropriate and fruitful events. ? hundred years after the first appeal to pray together for unity* this +ee, of -rayer has no0 become a solid tradition 0hich preserves the spirit and dates chosen at the outset by )r +attson. 1ndeed* he chose them for their symbolic character. 1n the calendar at that time* the )east of the .hair of St -eter* 0ho is the firm foundation and sure guarantee of the unity of the entire -eople of 3od* 0as celebrated on 1! >anuary* 0hile on 2D >anuary* then as today* the liturgy celebrates the )east of the .onversion of St -aul. ?s 0e than, the Aord for these 100 years of prayer and common commitment among so many disciples of .hrist* let us remember 0ith gratitude )r +attson* the initiator of this providential spiritual initiative* and 0ith him* those 0ho promoted and enriched it 0ith their contributions and made it the common patrimony of all .hristians. 1 mentioned Fust no0 that the Second 5atican .ouncil paid great attention to the topic of .hristian unity* especially in the 'ecree on ;cumenism # Unitatis Redintegratio$* in 0hich* among other things* the role and importance of prayer for unity is forcefully emphasiCed. -rayer* the .ouncil observed* is at the very heart of the entire ecumenical process. JThis change of heart and holiness of life* along 0ith public and private prayer for the unity of
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


.hristians* should be regarded as the soul of the 0hole ecumenical movementJ # Unitatis Redintegratio* n. !$. Than,s precisely to this spiritual ecumenism % holiness of life* conversion of heart* private and public prayer % the common search for unity has in recent decades recorded considerable development. This has been diversified in multiple initiatives: from mutual ,no0ledge to brotherly contact bet0een the members of different .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities* from ever more friendly conversations to collaboration in various fields* from theological dialogue to the search for concrete forms of communion and collaboration. +hat has enlivened and continues to enliven this Fourney to0ards the full communion of all .hristians is first and foremost prayer. J-ray 0ithout ceasingJ #1 Thes D: 1"$ is the theme of the +ee, this year2 at the same time* it is an invitation that never ceases to ring out in our communities to ma,e prayer the light* strength and orientation of our footsteps* in an attitude of humble and docile listening to our common Aord. Secondly* the .ouncil places the emphasis on prayer in common* prayer raised Fointly to the one 4eavenly )ather by .atholics and by other .hristians. The 'ecree on ;cumenism says in this regard: JSuch prayers in common are certainly a very effective means of petitioning for the grace of unityJ #Unitatis Redintegratio* n. !$. ?nd this is because* in praying together* .hristian communities place themselves before the Aord and* becoming a0are of the contradictions to 0hich division has given rise* manifest their desire to obey the Aord<s 0ill 0ith trusting recourse to his almighty assistance. The 'ecree then adds that such prayers Jare a genuine expression of the ties 0hich still bind .atholics to their separated #seiuncti$ brethrenJ #i!id.$. -rayer in common is not* therefore* a voluntaristic or purely sociological act* but rather an expression of faith that unites all .hrist<s disciples. 1n the course of the years* fertile collaboration has been established in this field* and since 1 &!* the then Secretariat for .hristian /nity* 0hich subseGuently became the -ontifical .ouncil for -romoting .hristian /nity* and the +orld .ouncil of .hurches prepare Fointly these boo,lets for the +ee, of -rayer for /nity2 they then distribute them throughout the 0orld* covering areas that they never 0ould have managed to reach on their o0n. The conciliar 'ecree on ;cumenism refers to prayer for unity 0hen* at the very end* its states that the .ouncil realiCes that Jthis holy obFective % the reconciliation of all .hristians in the unity of the one and only .hurch of .hrist % transcends human po0ers and gifts. 1t therefore places its hope entirely in the prayer of .hrist for the .hurchJ #n. 2@$. 1t is the consciousness of our human limitations that impels us to trusting abandonment in the hands of the Aord. .learly* the profound meaning of this +ee, of -rayer is precisely that of relying entirely on the prayer of .hrist* 0ho continues to pray in his .hurch that Jthey may all be one... so that the 0orld may believe...J #>n 1": 21$. Today* 0e feel the 0eight of these 0ords strongly. The 0orld is suffering from the absence of 3od* from inaccessibility to 3od2 it longs to ,no0 3od<s )ace. (ut ho0 could and can people today recogniCe this )ace of 3od in the )ace of >esus .hrist if 0e .hristians are separated* if one contradicts the other* if one is against the otherL Inly in unity can 0e truly sho0 to this 0orld % 0hich needs it % 3od<s )ace* .hrist<s )ace. 1t is also obvious that it is not 0ith our o0n policies* 0ith dialogue and all that 0e do % 0hich is nevertheless so necessary % that 0e shall be able to obtain this unity. +hat 0e can obtain is our 0illingness and ability to 0elcome this unity 0hen the Aord gives it to us. This is the meaning of prayer: to open our hearts* to create 0ithin us this 0illingness that paves the 0ay to .hrist. 1n the liturgy of the ancient .hurch* after the homily the (ishop or the one 0ho presided at the celebration* the principal celebrant* 0ould say: JCon(ersi ad DominumJ. Then he and everyone 0ould rise and turn to the ;ast. They all 0anted to loo, to0ards .hrist. Inly if 0e are converted* only in this
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


conversion to .hrist* in this common gaCe at .hrist* 0ill 0e be able to find the gift of unity. +e can say that it 0as the prayer for unity 0hich enlivened and accompanied the various stages of the ecumenical movement* especially after the Second 5atican .ouncil. 1n this period* the .atholic .hurch came into contact 0ith the various .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities of ;ast and +est 0ith different forms of dialogue* and 0ith each one tac,led the theological and historical problems that had emerged do0n the centuries and had ta,en root as elements of separation. The Aord has ensured that these friendly relations have improved our reciprocal ,no0ledge and intensified communion* 0hile at the same time sharpening the perception of the problems that are still open%ended and foment division. Today* during this +ee,* let us than, 3od 0ho has sustained and illuminated us on the Fourney 0e have made thus far* a fruitful Fourney 0hich the conciliar 'ecree on ;cumenism described as Jfostered by the grace of the 4oly SpiritJ and 0hich Jincreases from day to dayJ #Unitatis Redintegratio* n. 1$. 'ear brothers and sisters* let us accept the invitation to Jpray 0ithout ceasingJ* 0hich the ?postle -aul addressed to the first .hristians of Thessalonica* a community 0hich he himself had founded. ?nd precisely because he heard that disagreements had arisen* he counselled them to be patient 0ith everyone* abstain from returning evil for evil and on the contrary to al0ays see, good among themselves and 0ith everyone* Foyful in every circumstance* Foyful because the Aord is near. The advice that St -aul gave to the Thessalonians can still inspire the behaviour of .hristians in the context of ecumenical relations today. ?bove all he said: J(e at peace among yourselvesJ* and then* Jpray constantly* give than,s in all circumstancesJ #1 Thes D: 1K* 1!$. Aet us also accept the ?postle<s pressing exhortation* both to than, the Aord for the progress achieved and to implore full unity. 9ay the 5irgin 9ary* 9other of the .hurch* obtain for all disciples of her divine Son that they may be able to live in peace and reciprocal charity as soon as possible* so as to bear a convincing 0itness of reconciliation before the 0hole 0orld* in order to ma,e accessible the )ace of 3od in the )ace of .hrist* 0ho is 3od%0ith%us* the 3od of peace and unity.

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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


10 (an)ary &++0
+ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity #1$ 'ear (rothers and Sisters* The +ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity begins tomorro0. 1 myself 0ill conclude it in the (asilica of St -aul Iutside%the%+alls this 2D >anuary 0ith the celebration of 5espers* to 0hich representatives of the other .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities of Bome are also invited. The days from 1! to 2D >anuary* and in other parts of the 0orld the 0ee, around -entecost* are a strong time of commitment and prayer on the part of all .hristians* 0ho can avail themselves of the boo,lets produced Fointly by the -ontifical .ouncil for -romoting .hristian /nity and the )aith and Irder .ommission of the +orld .ouncil of .hurches. 1 have been able to sense ho0 sincere the desire for unity is at the meetings 1 have had 0ith various representatives of .hurches and ;cclesial .ommunities in these years* and in a most moving 0ay* during my recent 5isit to the ;cumenical -atriarch (artholome0 1 in 1stanbul* Tur,ey. In these and on other experiences that opened my heart to hope* 1 0ill reflect at greater length next +ednesday. The 0ay to unity remains long and laborious2 yet* it is necessary not to be discouraged and to Fourney on* in the first place relying on the unfailing support of the Ine 0ho* before ascending into 4eaven* promised his follo0ers: J1 am 0ith you al0ays* to the close of the ageJ #Mt 2!: 20$. /nity is a gift of 3od and the fruit of his Spirit<s action. .onseGuently* it is important to pray. The closer 0e dra0 to .hrist* converting to his love* the closer 0e also dra0 to one another. 1n some countries* including 1taly* the +ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity is preceded by the 'ay of .hristian%>e0ish reflection* 0hich is celebrated precisely today* 1" >anuary. )or almost 20 years no0 the 1talian (ishops< .onference has dedicated this >udaism 'ay to furthering ,no0ledge and esteem for it and for developing the relationship of reciprocal friendship bet0een the .hristian and >e0ish communities* a relationship that has developed positively since the Second 5atican .ouncil and the historic visit of the Servant of 3od >ohn -aul 11 to the 9aFor Synagogue of Bome. To gro0 and be fruitful* the >e0ish%.hristian friendship must also be based on prayer. Therefore* today 1 invite you all to address an ardent prayer to the Aord that >e0s and .hristians may respect and esteem one another and collaborate for Fustice and peace in the 0orld. This year the biblical theme proposed for common reflection and prayer during this J+ee,J is: J4e even ma,es the deaf hear and the mute spea,J # M* ": K1%K"$. These 0ords are ta,en from 9ar,<s 3ospel and refer to the healing of a deaf%mute by >esus. 1n this short passage* the ;vangelist recounts that the Aord* after putting his fingers into his ears and touching his tongue 0ith saliva* 0or,ed the miracle by saying: J;phphathaJ* 0hich means Jbe openedJ. 4aving regained his hearing and the gift of speech* the man roused the admiration of others by telling 0hat had happened to him.
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


;very .hristian* spiritually deaf and mute because of original sin* receives 0ith (aptism the gift of the Aord 0ho places his fingers on his face and thus* through the grace of (aptism* becomes able to hear the +ord of 3od and to proclaim it to his brethren. 1ndeed* from that very moment it is his tas, to mature in ,no0ledge and love for .hrist so as to be able to proclaim and 0itness effectively to the 3ospel. This topic* shedding light on t0o aspects of the mission of every .hristian community % the proclamation of the 3ospel and the 0itness of charity %* also underlines ho0 important it is to translate .hrist<s message into concrete initiatives of solidarity. This encourages the Fourney to unity because it can be said that any relief to the suffering of their neighbour 0hich .hristians offer together* ho0ever little* also helps to ma,e more visible their communion and fidelity to the Aord<s command. -rayer for .hristian unity cannot* ho0ever* be limited to one 0ee, a year. The unanimous plea to the Aord that in times and 0ays ,no0n only to him he may bring about the full unity of all his disciples must extend to every day of the year. )urthermore* the harmony of intentions in the service to alleviate human suffering* the search for the truth of .hrist<s message* conversion and penance are obligatory steps through 0hich every .hristian 0orthy of the name must Foin his brother or sister to implore the gift of unity and communion. 1 exhort you* therefore* to spend these days in an atmosphere of prayerful listening to the Spirit of 3od* so that important steps may be made on the path to full and perfect communion among all .hrist<s disciples. 9ay the 5irgin 9ary obtain this for us2 may she* 0hom 0e invo,e as 9other of the .hurch and help of all .hristians* sustain our 0ay to0ards .hrist.

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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


&- (an)ary &++0

+ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity #2$ 'ear (rothers and Sisters* Tomorro0* the +ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nity comes to a close. This year its theme has been the 0ords in 9ar,<s 3ospel: J4e even ma,es the deaf hear and the mute spea,J #cf. 9, ": K1%K"$. +e too 0ill be able to repeat these 0ords that express the people<s admiration at the healing of a deaf%mute 0or,ed by >esus 0hen 0e see the 0ondrous flo0ering of the commitment to restoring .hristian unity. Bevie0ing the ground 0e have covered in the past @0 years* it is surprising to see ho0 the Aord has a0a,ened us from the torpor of self%sufficiency and indifference: ho0 he ma,es us ever more able to Jlisten to each otherJ and not Fust Jto hear each otherJ2 ho0 he has loosened our tongues so that the prayers 0e raise to him may have a greater force of conviction for the 0orld. =es* it is true* the Aord has granted us many graces and the light of his Spirit has illumined many 0itnesses. They have sho0n that everything may be obtained by prayer 0hen 0e can obey 0ith trust and humility the divine commandment of love and adhere to .hrist<s longing for the unity of all his disciples. JThe concern for restoring unityJ* the Second 5atican .ouncil affirms* Jinvolves the 0hole .hurch* faithful and clergy ali,e. 1t extends to everyone* according to the talent of each* 0hether it be exercised in daily .hristian living or in theological and historical studiesJ #Unitatis Redintegratio, n. D$. Iur first common tas, is to pray. 1n praying* and praying together* .hristians become more a0are of their ,inship* even if they are still divided2 moreover* in praying 0e learn to listen to the Aord better because only by listening to the Aord and follo0ing his voice can 0e find the 0ay to unity. ;cumenism is* of course* a slo0 process* sometimes even discouraging 0hen people yield to the temptation to JhearJ rather than to JlistenJ* to spea, half%heartedly instead of spea,ing out courageously. 1t is not easy to give up a Jconvenient deafnessJ* as though the unchanging 3ospel 0ere unable to flourish ane0 and reassert itself as a providential leaven of conversion and spiritual rene0al for each one of us. ;cumenism* as 1 said* is a slo0 process* it is a slo0 and uphill Fourney li,e every penitential process. 4o0ever* it is a Fourney 0hich* after the initial difficulties and even in their midst* also offers broad spaces of Foy* refreshing stops* and from time to time allo0s one to breathe deeply the purest air of full communion. The experience of the recent decades after the Second 5atican .ouncil demonstrates that the search for .hristian unity ta,es place at various levels and in innumerable circumstances: in parishes* in hospitals* in contacts bet0een people* through the collaboration of local communities in every part of the 0orld and especially in those regions 0here to ma,e a gesture of good 0ill for one<s brother or sister demands a great effort and also a purification of memory. The meetings and events that constantly mar, my ministry* the ministry of the (ishop of
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


Bome* -astor of the universal .hurch* also fit into this context of hope* punctuated by practical steps to0ards the full communion of .hristians. 1 0ould li,e here to revie0 the most significant events that too, place in 200& and 0ere a cause for Foy and gratitude to the Aord. The year began 0ith the official visit of the +orld ?lliance of Beformed .hurches. The 1nternational .ommission of the .atholic .hurches and the Beformed .hurches entrusted to their respective authorities for consideration* a document that mar,s the end of a dialogue process that began in 1 "0* hence* it has continued for more than K& years. The document is entitled: JThe .hurch as a .ommunity of .ommon +itness to the Mingdom of 3odJ. In 2D >anuary 200& % conseGuently* one year ago % the delegates for ;uropean ecumenism too, part in the solemn conclusion of the J+ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nityJ in the (asilica of St -aul Iutside%the%+alls. They had been convo,ed Fointly by the .ouncil of ;uropean ;piscopal .onferences and by the .onference of ;uropean .hurches for the first stage in the upcoming third ;uropean ;cumenical ?ssembly that 0ill be held in Sibiu* on Irthodox territory* in September 200". 1 0as able at the +ednesday ?udiences to receive the delegation of the +orld (aptist ?lliance and the ;vangelical Autheran .hurch in ?merica that remains faithful to its regular visits to Bome. 1 0as also able to meet 0ith the 4ierarchs of the Irthodox .hurch of 3eorgia* 0hich 1 follo0 0ith affection* nurturing the bond of friendship that bound 4is 4oliness 1lia 11 to my venerable -redecessor* the Servant of 3od -ope >ohn -aul 11. 1n continuing this resume of last year<s ecumenical encounters* 1 come to the JSummit of Beligious AeadersJ held in 9osco0 in >uly 200&2 0ith a special message* ?lexei 11* -atriarch of 9osco0 and ?ll the Bussias* reGuested communion 0ith the 4oly See. The visit of 9etropolitan Mirill from the -atriarchate of 9osco0 0as also useful. 1t brought to the fore the intention to achieve a more explicit normaliCation of our bilateral relations. ;Gually satisfying 0as the visit of priests and students from the Dia*onia )postolica .ollege of the 4oly Synod of the Irthodox .hurch of 3reece. 1 am also pleased to recall that at its 3eneral ?ssembly in -orto ?legre the +orld .ouncil of .hurches gave .atholic participation ample room. In that occasion* 1 sent a special 9essage. 1 also 0ished to send a 9essage to the 3eneral ?ssembly of the +orld 9ethodist .ouncil in Seoul. Ai,e0ise* 1 recall 0ith pleasure the cordial visit of the Secretaries of the Christian World Communions, organiCations for reciprocal information and contact bet0een the various denominations. ?nd as 0e revie0 the events of the year 200&* 0e come to the official visit last Eovember of the ?rchbishop of .anterbury and -rimate of the ?nglican .ommunion. 1n the Redemptoris Mater .hapel in the ?postolic -alace 1 shared 0ith him and his entourage a meaningful moment of prayer. Then* regarding the unforgettable ?postolic 5isit to Tur,ey and the meeting 0ith 4is 4oliness (artholome0 1* 1 0ould li,e to recall the many gestures that 0ere even more eloGuent than 0ords. 1 ta,e this opportunity to greet 4is 4oliness (artholome0 1 once again and 1 than, him for the letter he 0rote to me upon my return to Bome2 1 assure him of my prayers and my commitment to ta,e steps to ensure that that embrace of peace 0e
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


exchanged during the 'ivine Aiturgy in St 3eorge<s .hurch at the -hanar may bring results. The year ended 0ith the official visit to Bome of 4.(. .hristodoulos* ?rchbishop of ?thens and ?ll 3reece* and 0e exchanged exigent gifts: the icons of the anaghia, the %?ll 4olyJ* and of Sts -eter and -aul embracing. ?re these not moments of lofty spiritual value* moments of Foy in 0hich to dra0 a breath on the slo0 ascent to unity* of 0hich 1 spo,eL These moments cast light on the commitment % often silent* but strong % that brings us together in the Guest for unity. They encourage us to ma,e every effort to continue on this slo0 but important climb. Aet us entrust ourselves to the constant intercession of the 9other of 3od and of our -atron Saints* so that they may sustain us and help us not to 0ithdra0 from our good resolutions2 so that they may encourage us to redouble all our efforts* praying and 0or,ing 0ith trust in the certainty that the 4oly Spirit 0ill do the rest. 4e 0ill grant us full unity 0hen and as he pleases. ?nd strengthened by trust in this* let us go for0ard on the path of faith* hope and charity. The Aord 0ill guide us.

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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


1% (an)ary &++/
"+f t'o of you agree on earth a!out anything they as*, it 'ill !e done for them !y my Father in hea(enJ #9t 1!: 1 $. This solemn assurance of >esus to his disciples also sustains our prayer. The J+ee, of -rayer for .hristian /nityJ* by no0 a tradition* begins today. 1t is an important event for reflecting on the tragedy of the division of the .hristian community and to as, 0ith >esus himself Jthat they may all be one... so that the 0orld may believeJ #>n 1": 21$. +e also do so here today* in harmony 0ith a great multitude throughout the 0orld. 1ndeed* prayer Jfor the union of allJ involves .atholics* Irthodox and -rotestants* brought together in different forms* times and 0ays by the same faith in >esus .hrist* the one Aord and Saviour. -rayer for unity is part of the central nucleus 0hich the Second 5atican .ouncil calls Jthe soul of the 0hole ecumenical movementJ # Unitatis Redintegratio, n. !$* a nucleus that includes public and private prayers* conversion of heart and holiness of life. This vision ta,es us bac, to the heart of the ecumenical problem* 0hich is obedience to the 3ospel in order to do 3od<s 0ill 0ith his necessary and effective help. The .ouncil explicitly pointed this out to the faithful* declaring: JThe closer their union 0ith the )ather* the +ord* and the Spirit* the more deeply and easily 0ill they be able to gro0 in mutual brotherly loveJ #i!id&, n. "$. The elements that* despite the persistent division* still unite .hristians* ma,e it possible to raise a common prayer to 3od. This communion in .hrist sustains the entire ecumenical movement and indicates the very purpose of the search for unity of all .hristians in 3od<s .hurch. 1t is 0hat distinguishes the ecumenical movement from any other initiative of dialogue and relations 0ith other religions and ideologies. 1n this too* the teaching of the Second 5atican .ouncil<s 'ecree on ;cumenism is precise: JTa,ing part in this movement* 0hich is called ecumenical* are those 0ho invo,e the Triune 3od and confess >esus as Aord and SaviourJ #i!id&, n. 1$. The common prayers that are prayed throughout the 0orld* particularly in this period or around -entecost* also express the desire for a common commitment to re%establish communion among all .hristians. These prayers in common Jare certainly a very effective means of petitioning for the grace of unityJ #i!id&, n. !$. +ith this affirmation* the Second 5atican .ouncil basically interprets 0hat >esus said to his disciples 0hen he assured them that if t0o of them 0ere to agree on earth about anything for 0hich they 0ere to as, the )ather 0ho is in 4eaven* he 0ould grant it* JbecauseJ 0here t0o or three are gathered in his name he is in their midst. ?fter the Besurrection he assured them further that he 0ould be 0ith them Jal0ays* to the close of the ageJ #9t 2!: 20$. 1t is >esus< presence in the community of disciples and in our prayer itself 0hich guarantees its effectiveness* to the point that he promised: %'hate(er you !ind on earth shall !e !ound in hea(en, and 'hate(er you loose on earth shall !e loosed in hea(enJ #9t 1!: 1!$. 4o0ever* let us not limit ourselves to imploring. +e can also than, the Aord for the ne0 situation that* 0ith effort* has been created in ecumenical relations among .hristians in brotherhood rediscovered through the establishment of strong ties of solidarity* the gro0th
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


of communion and the forms of convergence achieved % certainly* in an uneGual manner % bet0een the various dialogues. There are many reasons to give than,s. ?nd if there is still so much to hope for and to do* let us not forget that 3od has given us a great deal on our 0ay to0ards unity. Aet us therefore be grateful to him for these gifts. The future lies before us. The 4oly )ather >ohn -aul 11 of happy memory % 0ho did and suffered so much for the ecumenical cause % has opportunely taught us that Jan appreciation of ho0 much 3od has already given is the condition 0hich disposes us to receive those gifts still indispensable for bringing to completion the ecumenical 0or, of unityJ #Ut Unum Sint, n. @1$. Therefore* brothers and sisters* let us continue to pray* because 0e ,no0 that the holy cause of the restoration of .hristian unity exceeds our poor human efforts and that unity* finally* is a gift of 3od. 1n this regard and 0ith these sentiments* 1 0ill be follo0ing in >ohn -aul 11<s footsteps next +ednesday* 2D >anuary* the )east of the .onversion of the ?postle to the 3entiles* in the (asilica of St -aul Iutside%the%+alls to pray 0ith our Irthodox and -rotestant brethren: to pray to than, the Aord for 0hat he has granted us2 to pray that the Aord 0ill guide us in the footprints of unity. 1n addition* my first ;ncyclical 0ill finally be published that same day* 2D >anuary2 its title is already ,no0n: %Deus Caritas Est%, %,od is lo(e J. The theme is not directly ecumenical* but the context and bac,ground are ecumenical because 3od and our love are the condition for .hristian unity. They are the condition for peace in the 0orld. 1n this ;ncyclical 1 desire to sho0 the concept of love in its various dimensions. Today* in the terminology 0ith 0hich 0e are familiar* JloveJ often appears very far from 0hat a .hristian thin,s 0hen he spea,s of charity. )or my part* 1 0ould li,e to sho0 that this is a single impulse 0ith various dimensions. The JerosJ* this gift of love bet0een a man and a 0oman* comes from the same source* the .reator<s goodness* as the possibility of a love that gives itself for the sa,e of the other. The JerosJ becomes JagapeJ to the extent that the t0o truly love each other and no longer see, themselves* their o0n Foy and their o0n pleasure* but see, above all the good of the other. Thus* this love 0hich is JerosJ is transformed into charity in a process of purification and deepening. )rom its o0n family it is opened to the greater family of society* the family of the .hurch* the family of the 0orld. 1 also endeavour to sho0 that the very personal act that comes to us from 3od is a uniGue act of love. 1t must also be expressed as an ecclesial and organiCational act. 1f it is true that the .hurch is an expression of 3od<s love* of that love 3od feels for his human creature* it must also be true that the fundamental act of faith* 0hich creates and unites the .hurch and gives us the hope of eternal life and of 3od<s presence in the 0orld* gives rise to an ecclesial act. 1n practice* the .hurch must also love as a .hurch* as a community* institutionally. ?nd this so%called J.aritasJ is not a mere organiCation li,e other philanthropic organiCations* but a necessary expression of the deepest act of personal love 0ith 0hich 3od has created us* a0a,ening in our hearts the impulse to love* a reflection of the 3od% Aove 0ho ma,es us in his image.
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Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


1t too, time to prepare and translate the text. 1t no0 seems to me a gift of -rovidence* the fact that the text should be published on the very day on 0hich 0e 0ill pray for .hristian unity. 1 hope that it 0ill be able to illuminate and help our .hristian life.

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