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Surrogacy the practice by which a woman (called a surrogate mother) becomes pregnant and gives birth

to a baby in order to give it to someone who cannot have children.

surrogate mother
1. A woman who bears a child for another person, often for pay, either through artificial insemination or by carrying until birth another woman's surgically implanted fertilized egg. 2. One that acts as, serves as, or is a mother substitute.

The reason is Love

If I was the child of a surrogate mother, I would feel sad that my life began as a result of my mother accepting money rather than a loving act between committed partners. Life should begin as an act of love not greed or need for money. I support adopting, through adoption a loving couple can give love to a child who may have otherwise never experienced that in their childhood.

No, because there are already far too many unfortunate children that could highly benefit from being adopted by infertile couples.I think it's awful to find ways to trick Mother Nature into passing defective genes, child could end up
having the same infertility complications as the biological parents for what it's worth. I would never agree to have a zygote with foreign genes that have absolutely nothing to do with me be implanted inside my uterus, even if I needed the money. I think its sick and twisted and goes against the laws of nature. Human beings come up with the craziest things and have to use emotion to justify their actions. The parents are selfish, they will do whatever it takes to have their children physically look like them. They can't find it in their hearts to love an adopted child from a third world country/poor family. They have to bring another woman into this who probably needs the money but it's going to leave an impact on her. Money can't buy you sanity.

When a woman becomes a surrogate to enable others to have a baby, new relationships are formed. Many health issues arise for the surrogate mother. A major issue is how much control a physician can exercise over a surrogate mother. For example, is she obligated to change her current living style? How often does she need to have vaginal ultra-sounds or amniocentesis? An important question to consider is if and when she should be allowed to terminate a pregnancy. In general, this decision would be free of the complicating factors of STDs, as physician will ensure that the pre-embryo is free of viruses such as human immune-deficiency virus (HIV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), and hepatitis B&C viruses (HBC and HCV). These viruses could compromise the health of the surrogate mother and that of the newborn. In this section, we will focus more on the psychological effects of surrogacy. many surrogate mothers admit to feeling sorrow and distress when relinquishing the child, they also felt a sense of happiness and satisfaction for the new parents of the baby. 1) It's unethical to pay money for human beings. Paying someone to carry a baby for you is in that same category. 2) It creates an adoptee. When the surrogate gives birth, the new 'mother' has to adopt the child, whether her own eggs were used or not. There are a lot of gray areas in terms of legality and ethics with regard to surrogacy and none of them sit well with me. Besides, there are plenty of kids in foster care who need homes and loving families...why create new ones? 3) It's unfair to the children. Many children birthed by surrogates are never told their true parentage. If the eggs and/or sperm were donated, the children have no idea what their medical histories are or who they're actually biologically related to. It's a mess. MOTHER
The surrogate mother may become emotionally attached to the child and refuse to give the baby up. Where this leaves the intended parents varies by state and country. Some states will honor the agreement if the child is unrelated to the surrogate mother and related to the intended parents. But if you live in the UK, the surrogate can keep the child, even if the intended parents are the genetic parents -- the woman who gives birth to the child is always seen as the legal mother. CHILD The situation will have to be explained to the child at some point in her lives. This could prove confusing for the parents, the child and the surrogate mother. Whether the child has any contact with the surrogate mother needs to be negotiated between the intended parents and the surrogate, as some surrogates may wish to be involved with the child while others may wish to remain anonymous

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