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Science Process Skill Questions ( Section B )

Types of Questions
1 changed (tc)
measured/observed (to)
kept the same (ts)
information gathered
(tc) & (to)

Answering Skills
Parameter + the object/substance/situation
- The type of
- The temperature of
- The size of
- The volume of
- The number of
- The distance of
- The amount of
- The height of

2 Aim / purpose

1. To investigate the relationship between the (tc) and the (to)
2. To study the relationship between the (to) and the (tc)

3 relationship

1. When the (tc) increases/decreases, the (to) increases/decreases
2. If the (tc) increases/decreases, the (to) increases/decreases.
3. As the (tc) incresas/decreases, the (to) increases/decreases.
4. The* (tc), the * (to)
* more/less
* higher/shorter
* bigger/smaller
* faster/lower
* increases/decreases

4 predict

- give only one whole number

more than(X)
less than(X)
between 40cm to 50cm (X)

5 pattern / trend / change

2 Decreases
3 Does not change
4 Increases and decreases

6 observation

- When there are TWO information always compare using

comparison more than
- If THREE or more information are given use comparison the most

7 reason

- State the observation before giving the reason/inference

Sample Questions
Table 1 shows the result of affair test on how temperatute will affect the time taken for a
cloth to dry.
Temperature of room ( C )
Time taken for cloth to dry ( hours)





a) What is the aim (purpose) of this investigation?

b) State the changes of trend in the time taken for cloth to dry.
c) Predict the time taken for cloth to dry if the temperature of room is 75 C
c) Based on the investigation, state the following:
i ) what is changed?


ii ) what is measured?


iii ) what is kept the same? _______________________________________________

d) State the relationship between temperature of room and the time taken for cloth to dry
e) What can you conclude from this investigation?

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