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Table 1.

Symptoms score of CRS Symptoms Nasal obstruction PND Facial pain/ fullness Smell reduction Mild n (%) 0 (0) 2 (8) 8 (32) 14 (56) Moderate n (%) 9 (36) 14 (56) 14 (56) 8 (32) Severe n (%) 16 (64) 9 (36) 3 (12) 3 (12)

Table 2. Correlation between symptom score and risk factors of CRS with endoscopy score and MSCT of PNS score Symptoms score Nasal obstruction PND Facial pain/ fullness Smell reduction Otitis media OSAS correlation r p r p r p r p r p r p Endoscopy score 0,524 0,007 0,508 0,010 0,469 0,018 0,663 0,000 0,670 0,000 0,469 0,018 0,332 0,105 0,601 0,002 MSCT of PNS score 0,597 0,002 0,715 0,000 0,708 0,000 -

Note: Analized by pearson correlation test; Significanc y: p<0,05; r=coefisien correlation; p=significancy Table 3. r value and significancy in Linear regression test Correlation between symptoms score and risk factor with Endoscopy score MSCT of PNS score Model Summary R 0,872 0,846 R Square 0,760 0.717 Anova Signifikasi 0,000 0,000

Table 4. Constanta and coefisien value from each variabel in Linier regression test Coefficient C Endoscopy MSCT scan of PNS 0,001 -0,724 Hidung tersumbat a 0,849 1,053 PNDb 0,292 Nyeri wajahc 0,328 Gangguan membaud 0,729 Otitis mediae 1,870 OSAS f -1,138 0,803

1,303 1,079 Note: c= constant

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